Unbreakable (14 page)

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Authors: Amie Nichols

Tags: #romance, #love, #suspense, #mystery

BOOK: Unbreakable
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“Nothing you could ever do, or say, could
ever scare me off sweet girl,” he rolls on his side. “I was just
making sure you actually said it, that I wasn’t dreaming,” he muses
as he rubs his fingers up and down my arm. "You’ve always been the
love of my life. I have always known it." He rolls me over so he is
staring down at me. Brushing the hair out off my face, he rubs his
nose on mine and kisses the tip very lightly. "I don’t think love
is the right word though, I craved you. Not when you were younger,
but that night when I came back and you snuck out of the house. We
sat at Georgia’s stone. Do you remember?"

“I think about it all the time.”

“That night, I felt like I would never be
whole without you. Do you know the instant we touched hands that I
was hard?” He admits with a grin.

“Stop, you were not,” I push on his shoulder

“I’m serious! We have always had some serious
chemistry, even way before when you were only fourteen. I felt
guilty thinking the things that I thought about you. “

“Well, then should I feel guilty about what
fourteen year old me would dream about the seventeen year old you?”
I cover my face with my blanket embarrassed by my confession.

Luke pulls the blanket down with his finger
peeking over to find my eyes. "Oh Yeah? What did you dream about,
Lilly flower?" He’s amused by my confession.

"It doesn’t matter, because nothing in my
dreams will ever compare to what just happened for real."

“You take my breath away baby.”

I smile back at him remembering the gazebo
with the carving on it. I have never been back there since that
night, and wonder if it’s still there.

“What are you thinking about?” He nuzzles
into my neck.

“The gazebo, that night, the night I realized
I loved you,” I answer him.

“That was a bitter sweet night for me also.
That is the night I recognized I had to leave.” He’s somber as he
returns his eyes to mine.

“Not a good time for me either,” I remember
the feeling, the day he left, and how I felt my world was ending.
The two years after that. I had nothing to look forward to, but
abuse and loneliness.

"I’m so sorry, it killed me. You will have no
idea what it took for me to leave you." His frown is deep and it
makes me feel horrible for bringing it up.

"I know. I know why you did it. What’s
important now is that we are together, right?" I want to forget
about it and make him happy again. It breaks my heart to see his
face so sad.

“I love you baby, and I will never leave you
again,” he swears to me before pulling me to him so I am cradled
against his chest with his arms and legs engulfing me. I have never
felt safer in my whole life than I do right now. My eyelids grow
heavy and I feel myself drifting off to sleep.

“Sleep baby,” he whispers as he gets up and
moves me a little to get me under the covers. He slides in next to
me pulling me to him again. I am off in a wonderful dreamland of


Chapter 15



“Good Morning baby,” I hear as I open my
eyes. Luke is lying next to me staring down at me, light pouring
through the windows. “You’re so beautiful when you’re sleeping.”
“Hmmm, good morning. I like waking up to this sight,” I smile
sweetly at him and stretching. I can’t remember ever sleeping this
well. “Did you sleep well?” “Very well!” He gives me a sideways
smile and pulls me into him. I can feel his hardness on my thigh.
“That’s what happens to a man when he wakes up to a beautiful naked
woman,” he laughs at my surprised expression to his morning
erection. He takes my lips with his and kisses me deeply. "Oh my,"
I breathe as he runs his hand down my back to my behind and pulls
my hips to him. His excitement is pushing into my thigh. I run my
hands through his hair then run my fingertips down his back.

He moves his hand around to my sex and I
feel his fingers start to explore between my legs. I moan as he
finds my bud and starts to rub little circles around it gently. He
chuckles at my expression to the way this is making me feel.

“God, you are so cute,” he says as he
wrinkles his nose before he leans in taking my lips with his. He is
still pleasuring me with his fingers. It is like every nerve ending
is exploding in my body.

My body is aching for him to be in me. “Oh I
want you so much,” I cry out softly. He trails kisses along my neck
and bites my earlobe gently.

He whispers in my ear, “You’re so beautiful
baby.” His lips move over my collarbone and down to my breasts. He
places small kisses on each before he kisses my nipple and takes
one in his mouth. I move my hands back up to his hair and tangle my
fingers in his curly locks.

“Oh please, please, Luke!” I have to have
him soon or I’m going to explode.

He positions himself on top of me and uses
his knee to spread my legs apart. He thrusts into me so hard it
makes me scream out in pleasure.

“You are so beautiful and you are mine,” his
voice low and sexy as his thrust deepens. His eyes are dark as he
looks into mine. I thrust my hips up to meet his and simultaneously
we release together, our orgasms taking over our bodies. We lay
together wrapped up as one for what seems like an hour of kissing
and nuzzling each other.

“I will never get tired of this,” he purrs in
my ear as he bites my earlobe gently.

“Hmmmm,” is the only sound I can muster. “I
hate to get up, but I have some things I need to take care,” Luke
says as he rolls out of bed.

“No stay with me,” I whine reaching out on
the bed where he was just laying. He’s standing next to the bed
with his back to me. I stare at the perfect man standing before me.
His back muscles are sculpted, his butt is perfectly shaped and
very muscular. He is an amazing specimen of a man. He pulls on his
jeans and leans down grabbing the rest of his clothes and

Turning around, he sees me staring at him.
“You like?” He gives me a wicked grin. He looks so sexy in his
faded jeans and no shirt. Oh, I could eat him up.

“I like very much.” I raise my eyebrows up in
down. “Where you going?” I pout pushing out my bottom lip.

"Don’t pout. I’ll be back soon. I’m going to
shower in the cottage since all my clean clothes are in there." He
leans down biting my pouting lip gently.

“I have some errands to run,” he sits on the
bed and takes my cheek between his index finger and thumb and
squeezes. “You’re very cute when you pout you know. But I have to
get to work before my boss fires me. I think she can be a hard
ass,” he smiles and leans down to give me a quick kiss before he
rises to leave.

“Fiiiine,” I say rolling onto my back with my
arms sprawled out. “But I don’t think you need to worry about being
fired, Mr. Hansen. In fact, I think you are up for a big raise,” I
shout at him as he walks out the door.

“Love you baby, I’ll see ya later,” he shouts
back and he’s gone.



Chapter 16



After I shower, I search my closet for
something to wear. I have plenty of sexy clothes after shopping
with Emma a few times. I find a light blue sundress that comes just
above my knees with spaghetti straps. This should do. I slip on
matching blue lace panties and bra. I slide into the dress and look
at myself in the mirror. It must be humid today because my hair
looks much frizzier than normal. I pull it back into a messy
ponytail, and after putting on a little makeup, I walk into the
kitchen. While grabbing a cereal bowl, I hear someone talking

Walking over to the French doors, I see Luke
discussing something with his dad. Luke is showered and
clean-shaven. He is wearing nicer clothes than what he would
usually wear to work in. Still wearing jeans, but they are not
ripped or faded. He has on a nice button up, long sleeve white
shirt with the sleeves rolled up halfway between his wrists and
elbows. I wonder why he is more dressed up than usual. He looks so

When he finishes his conversation with his
dad, he heads for his truck. It’s an old truck, the same truck he
had two and half years ago. I wonder if it has the same bungee cord
holding the door shut.
He gets in and I can hear
him try to start it, but the engine won’t turn over. He tries 2
more times then I see him hit the steering wheel with frustration.
Trying it again, it finally roars to life and he is gone from my
view in a flash. I think my handyman needs a new truck I smile to

“Hey gorgeous, you are glowing,” Jacob teases
stepping next to me. He kisses my cheek and looks out the glass
doors with me. “What are we looking at?” He says not seeing

“Will you do something for me today?” I turn
to Jacob who is holding a cup of coffee still searching the back

“What’s up?” He inquires and decides there’s
nothing of interest outside. He takes a seat at the table.

“Will you go buy the best truck money can
buy?” I ask heading to the chair by the entrance to the garage,
where I always drop my purse when I come in.

“Ummm yes, is it for me?” He calls after me
chuckling. I return back to the table and search my wallet for my
platinum American Express card.

“It’s for Luke silly,” I say handing him the
card with no limit. I put his name on the card also so he can buy
security equipment for the house, and whatever else he needs.

“Oh, of course, for lover boy. I assume he is
the reason you are glowing this morning.” My face burns hot with
embarrassment at his ribbing.

“Stop it!” I squeal at him as he starts
poking my side to get a reaction out of me. I can’t help but laugh
at his candor. “You’re so immature,” I say slapping his hand

“So, must have been really good to get the
best truck money can buy out of it.” Jacob, still teasing, raises
his eyebrows up and down.

“It was really great.” I confess smiling, not
looking at the goofy look he’s giving me. “But that’s not why. His
truck is a piece of crap and I want to give him a gift,” I tell him
sticking my tongue out when he makes a lovesick face at me.

“I would love to go buy another man my dream
truck,” Jacob says overly dramatic.

“Thank you.” I ignore the way he’s acting and
get up. “I’m going to the study. Can’t wait to see what you’ve
picked out,” I tell him grabbing a cup of coffee before I go.

Walking into the study, I sit at the desk
noticing the safe still ajar. I don’t want to deal with that at the
moment. Jacob has already taken the money to the bank this morning.
At least that part is taken care of. There was 2.5 million dollars
in cash. The bank said the bills were 17 years old, new, and never
circulated. I have to wonder why Ted had so much cash on hand, but
it’s just another mystery to add to the growing pile.

I go through my emails and notice Elliott had
sent me some resumes for personal assistants he’s been on me to
hire. I read through them, deleting the ones that I know I don’t
want, and writing down the names of the ones I want to

I can’t seem to get the safe out of my mind,
though. Getting up, I walk over to it. I stand in front of it for a
minute before I open the door and sit on the floor in front of

Seeing the newspaper clipping again makes the
hair on the back of my neck stand up. It’s so horrible what that
poor woman went through. I move the article aside and grab the

Opening it, I see it’s a deed to a plantation
in Lafayette Parrish. Why’s this in the safe? All off daddy’s
properties are in the file cabinet. This property doesn’t seem
familiar to me. I grab the logbook and search the pages for any
payments to staff or taxes for the address. There is nothing to no

All of the properties have some staff. Some
of them are rented out and there are payments coming in. There's
nothing going out or coming in for this property. It doesn’t make
any sense. Do I own this property? The deed is old and yellow, not
like the ones that have been rewritten and notarized in the file

I leave the study to look for Miss Finnegan.
I want to ask her about it, but when I walk into the kitchen
there’s a note on the counter.

Lilly, I went to the Market. Miss. F

I head outside to search the grounds for
Jeffrey. He’s worked for my father since before I was born. Surely
he knows something about this plantation. I hear the mower, but I
can’t see him. I walk around to the side of the mansion and see him
on the riding mower about 200 yards from me. I start to walk toward
the mower when he notices me and turns off the engine.

“Everything okay, Lil?” He yells toward me. I
usually don’t stalk him out in the yard when he’s working

“Yeah, everything’s fine,” I yell back. I
continue walking toward him. I see Simon out of the corner of my
eye coming up in the Gator. The back of it has a pink dogwood tree
with a huge root ball. There are still a lot of trees to be
planted, and I’m glad Jeffrey finally has the help.

As I reach Jeffrey, he hops off the tractor
mower I purchased for him. He had a small ancient rider that took
him forever to mow the yard. If Jane had her way, she would have
made him push mow the whole property. He was so grateful. He’s done
mowing in a couple of hours with his new toy.

“What’s up?” He says walking toward me as
Simon pulls up.

“Miss Sumnor,” he nods and looks me up and
down again inappropriately. I still can’t decide if he’s just a
creep or socially awkward. I avert my eyes from him not wanting to
encourage the behavior.

“Simon, I think you need to get back to your
work,” Jeffrey sternly tells him. I can tell he is not pleased with
the ogling I just received. He nods my way and gives me a smile.
This was more normal conduct and it makes me feel a little better.
He drives the gator over to the fresh hole in the ground about
fifty yards away.

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