Unbreakable (30 page)

Read Unbreakable Online

Authors: Amie Nichols

Tags: #romance, #love, #suspense, #mystery

BOOK: Unbreakable
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“I really wanted to hit that guy, Lilly,” he
says looking at me. Luke talking about it seems to make him calm
down a bit.

“He was just a drunk idiot. If you weren’t
two feet away I might have been nervous, but you were here and I
knew you would be to my rescue.” I tell him this so that he knows
that with him near me I’m not scared.

Jacob returns moments later and sits down not
saying a word.

“What?” He asks puzzled by mine and Emma’s
quizzical faces.

“Well first off, thank you. Second, who
were, I mean are those men?” I say noticing them walk back into the
restaurant and take their seats by the entrance again.

“Oh them, that’s Foxtrot team two,” he says
so matter of fact, like we are supposed to know exactly what he is
talking about. “You are so very welcome. You know that’s what I’m
here for,” he says to my thanking him and gives me a warm

“What in the world is FoxieFox team two?” I
hold my hand up to him giving him a duh look to explain. Luke and
Jacob both start to laugh at me.

“It’s Foxtrot team two,” Jacob says still

“What are they?” I demand and he answers
this time.

“To put it simply, backup,” Jacob says. I
can tell he is gearing up for a protest from me, but quite frankly
I don’t have it in me. Even though I think it is ridiculous, I am
not going to stop them from doing what they think needs to be

“So what did you do with the guy?” I ask and
Jacob looks shocked that there was no comment about the backup.

“He just got a little lesson on how to treat
a lady,” Jacob says. Just then the waitress arrives with our food
and we all turn attention to eating.

After I take a bite of my burger, I start to
nibble on a fry. “So Jacob, you really have never told me what you
know about dark magic. I mean, I know you hate it, but I don’t know
why.” I say to him and he finishes chewing before he answers

“I know enough not to be going around asking
questions,” he bluntly tells me. “I also know that what happened to
that woman in the article, you know the recently given birth and
the burning is the darkest of all the magics. I was told a story
when I was in boot camp in Baton Rouge. My bunkmate told me that
his great grandmother was into the dark stuff. He said that if
there was a woman who was hated they would do a spell on her. They
would sew the lips shut to keep the soul from escaping and then
burn the body to torture the soul,” he says and all eyes are on him
as he tells his horrible story. “The woman is still alive when they
do all this also,” he adds the last bit of dreadful information.
“And that’s not the worst part. He also told me stories of
grimoires. They get their powers from human sacrifices and that
might have been what happened to that woman in the article.”

“We found that book the Riders Grimoire at
Cypress Grove,” Emma says. “Maybe the woman was a sacrifice,” Emma
says choking down a bite of her sandwich. “That would make sense to
have a woman who recently gave birth. I remember reading somewhere
in old Creole days that it was believed that the baby’s soul would
linger with the mother’s. If the mother died while she still had
contact with the soul, the baby would die also,” she says staring
at me.

“So how does that make sense? Why would they
want to kill a baby?” I look at her dumbfounded.

“The soul of an innocent, such as a child,
is said to be the most powerful of all. If they were trying to
power a grimoire, they would want a child’s soul. A mother and
child’s soul would be just as powerful as ten regular souls I would
think. Right?” Emma looks at me like it makes perfect sense.

“Seems a little out there Emma,” Luke says
rolling his eyes at her. “Besides, if it was Samantha, and I am
saying a big IF, and Samantha is Lilly’s mom, then it didn’t work
because she is still alive,” he adds for good measure.

“Just because that is what they believe
doesn’t mean it really happens, and maybe Lilly’s soul was no
longer with her mothers,” she argues back and all Luke can do is
shake his head in disbelief.

“Well, this is a bunch of what ifs and
maybes. Nothing is concrete so I am going to take it all with a
grain of salt, like you said Emma. We need to get back to Cypress
Grove to go through all those books,” I say to be done with the
guessing game right now.












Chapter 35



It’s late evening as we arrive back to
Franklin. The sunset is beautiful as we pull up the lane.

Sam is walking the perimeter with the dogs
when he sees us pull up. As we all get out of the SUV, Sam walks
into the garage with the dogs. German Shepherds are such beautiful
creatures. I want to pet them, but Jacob and Luke told me when they
are working they need to stay focused. I’m not allowed to give them

“Sitzen,” Sam orders to the dogs in a German
command and both dogs sit simultaneously.

“Good puppies,” I whisper under my breath
and Luke looks down at me smiling. Luke assured me they are well
taken care of and they are only working dogs for two years before
they retire. They are only a year old and just graduated from the
academy. Luke purchased them and they will only ever be with us.
Once this is over, they will be our pets. I can’t wait till I can
scratch their tummies and love them up. All I know is that they are
brothers and their names are Gus and Oscar.

Emma kisses me on the cheek and says she’s
tired and is going to head for home. Miss Finnegan is gone for a
few days staying at her mom’s house. So when we walk in the house
it seems quiet. Jacob, Luke, and Sam gather around the kitchen
island. Sam reports that the infrared fence is up. The dogs sit
like statues next to Sam and I watch them while the guys talk.

“So basically no one is going to enter the
perimeter without us knowing,” Sam says as I tune in to what
they’re saying again. Jacob follows Sam and the dogs outside so he
can see all that was accomplished today. Luke and I go into the
family room to watch some TV.


We find a good comedy because I told him
nothing serious. We settle on the couch to watch the movie. He lays
up against the arm rest with his legs outstretched and I work my
way between his legs and rest the back of my head on his chest.
It’s so comfortable in his arms, that I doze off after fifteen
minutes into the movie.

The next thing that I remember is Jacob
running in the house hollering for us. It startles me awake and
Luke is wiggling to get up. I sit up groggy trying to figure out
what is going on.

“What is it?” Luke says, panic in his eyes
as he helps me up.

“Code Purple!” Jacob shouts and instantly
Luke pushes me back down on the couch shoving my head down so I am
laying flat. I can’t remember what code purple is. It’s not
intruder in the house, is it? I’m suddenly scared for Luke as much
as myself.

Jacob is in the family room closing all the
blinds. It must be another perimeter breach. Luke helps Jacob close
all the blinds then returns by my side again. I sit up a little so
I can at least look around, but keep my head down still.

“I need a status,” Jacob says into the
walkie out of breath. “M.S.L.F secure in sector two.” Jacob gives
my status and my location. I hear some mumbling in the walkie
responding to Jacobs command, but can’t understand what they are
saying. Jacob sits on the chair across from us looking at our
concerned faces for a moment before he explains what’s

“We were in the cottage where we set up the
monitors for the cameras and we saw movement in sector twelve,”
Jacob starts to describe what’s going on. “Sector twelve is the
space between our infrared hold and the security line. We set that
up so that we could distinguish animals.” He continues, “He never
got pass the security line, but he was testing it for weaknesses.
The security lines are invisible laser beams that hold a certain
amount of electric current,” Jacob says describing the part of the
security that I had no idea about. They forgot to mention the
invisible electric fence. “It’s like he knew they were there, but
they are new, cutting edge in security,” Jacob says stumped on how
he knew not to walk through the laser beams.

“How did he get past the infrared sensors?”
Luke asks with his hand still on my back to keep me down out of

“We need to review the tapes still, but he
was wearing some sort of suit,” Jacob answers him calmly. “My
preliminary guess is it was designed to be the same temperature as
the air so he would have been able to walk right in undetected,”
Jacob explains his theory. “He’s probably ex military also, maybe
even Special Forces. He was using special evasive maneuvers that I
learned when I was a Ranger. Army rangers are an elite group of
soldiers,” he clarifies for me.

“Did you get him on camera?” I ask Jacob and
feel Luke tensing up beside me.

“Yes, but he was well camouflaged,” Jacob
answers as Sam walks in the back door.

“He’s gone. I have Foxtrot two canvassing
the woods, but he dropped this in between the holds,” Sam says
holding up another envelope with my name scribbled on the front in
the same handwriting from yesterday.

Jacob takes the envelope and opens it
pulling out another note. After reading it he hands the note to
Luke, and I read it over his shoulder.

His security won’t keep me
from you, You WILL BE MINE!!!!!!!

The words are chilling and I almost feel
like I’m going to faint. Luke’s arms tighten around me.

“Should we move to another location since he
seems to be able to come and go as he pleases around here?” Luke
asks, clearly taking a jab at their security.

“Luke,” I say reprimanding him. This is not
their fault.

“Luke, I understand your frustration,” Jacob
defends himself, “but he can’t come and go as he pleases. He never
made it beyond the security fence.” He firmly says looking directly
into Luke’s eyes. “He is very knowledgeable and moving to an
unsecure location would not be advisable,” Jacob stresses. “I swear
to you, Luke, that he will not harm her,” Jacob says

“Jacob if anything happens to her…” Luke
says with fear in his voice. I wrap my arms around Luke’s waist and
rest my head on his chest so he can hug me closer.

“I know, Luke. She is like a sister to me
and I would die before I will let him get near her,” Jacob says to
Luke. They make some kind of agreement with their eyes that makes
them both relax. I let loose of Luke and give Jacob a hug.

He whispers in my ear, “I promise.”


That night in bed Luke was so passionate
with me. It was like we were making love for the last time. He
snuggles me to him holding me so tight that I struggle to

“You and I will be together for a long
time.” I wiggle out of his grip a little to look up at him. “We are
going to have babies, grandbabies, and grow old and wrinkly
together. Do you understand?”

“Yes ma’am. Nothing in the world would make
me happier.” He pulls me to him again and I lay my head on his
chest so I can feel his heart beating. I fell fast asleep to the
comforting rhythm.



I wake to static on the walkie by the bed.
Following the static I hear code yellow and some other commands
that I don’t understand before it goes silent. Luke is lying there
completely still with his eyes open, rubbing his fingers up and
down my back lightly. I look up at him and can tell he’s been awake
for a while.

“Good morning my sweet Lilly flower,” he
says smiling at me noticing that I’m awake. I look at the alarm
clock and notice it is 7 a.m. Today’s Monday and Lucy will be here
in an hour to start her first day.

“Hey,” I say stretching and rubbing the
sleep from my eyes. “How long have you been awake?”

“About a half hour. I didn’t want to wake
you, you were so peaceful,” he says softly.

He’s lying on his back and I roll on top of
him laying flat against him. I prop my chin on my hands on his
chest so I can see his face. His hands move down my back to my
behind and he pats each cheek lightly. I move up so I can reach his
lips and kiss him softly. I can tell he has a lot on his mind
because this is the first morning since he has been sleeping in my
bed that I haven’t woken up to his excitement poking me. He seems
distant when I look in his eyes.

“Penny for your thoughts,” I inquire to his
faraway look.

He rolls me off of him and turns on his side
facing me. He takes my face in his hands and kisses my lips deeply.
I can see he has lust in his eyes and then I feel his erection on
my hip. He’s back I smile to myself, and feel that wonderful burn
between my legs. He takes my lips again. This time harder and more
possessively. It doesn’t take long and he’s thrusting his manhood
into me. He is fierce and furious with each thrust and it turns me
on more. I explode in orgasm with a loud scream and he follows me
seconds later.

I hear commotion on the walkie about a
scream and needing to secure M.S.L.F. Luke rolls over in a hurry
and talks into the little black box. “Luke to Jacob, code white,
M.S.L.F secure in sector four, over.” He lays the walkie back down
on the bedside table and rolls back toward me with a smile from ear
to ear.

Seconds later, we hear Jacob respond over
the walkie, “Roger that.” I can hear the amusement in his

“You’re going to have to be a little quieter
from now on my little screamer,” Luke says grinning with
satisfaction that he pleasured me that much. My face is red with
blush knowing everyone learned what we were doing in here. I shove
him away from me as he rolls over to me. I can’t help but giggle in

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