Unbreakable Bonds (14 page)

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Authors: Taige Crenshaw,Aliyah Burke

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Unbreakable Bonds
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Her cheek and neck held the evidence of recent bruising and there were more, which unfortunately were evident beneath the hem of the threadbare dress along her legs. It didn’t matter how poorly she was dressed. This woman carried herself like royalty.

A single shot barked and birds exploded from the trees, taking to the sky in a flock of black. Like lasers they rose, seeking the sky, their deafening and haunting cries filling the air. The blue-clad woman fell to the ground, a stain of red spreading with a bloom over her chest and blending with the material of her dress, creating an entirely different color. After she hit the unforgiving ground, the woman turned her head and her brown eyes shone with tears as her mouth moved, whispering a single word, “Levi”, then her eyes closed.


Chapter Nine





She jerked, releasing a small scream of terror and looked over her shoulder from where she lay on her floor. Levi stood there, a confused and worried expression on his face.

“Are you okay?”

Hell no, she wasn’t okay. Her insides shook and she felt more than a bit nauseated as she realized what she’d just witnessed. That had been Calliope. She’d just seen the woman he professed to love die. Levi crouched beside her, his hand warm and comforting as it banished away the chills that had taken over her.

“Let’s get you up,” he said, lifting her in his arms with ease and settling her on the bed. His concerned gaze focused on her face as he touched her cheek and forehead. “Have you been feeling okay? Are you sick?”

She shook her head capturing his hand in hers. “I’m all right.”

He frowned with disbelief. It was okay, she didn’t believe herself either.
What am I going to say? I believe I just saw the woman you loved die?
Her head was spinning as she digested and processed all of this information. He was the same man from the story. There could be no more calling this entire incident a coincidence. He was the man—Levi Madison—the one she’d basically fallen in love with through the pages because of his endless and undeniable devotion to Calliope Jones.

Levi went to her bathroom and returned with a washcloth, which he wiped off her face with. She allowed him to because she didn’t have to talk that way. Right now, she wasn’t quite sure what she would say to him anyway. When he was not near her, the chill returned and it took a lot for her not to burrow tight against him just to feel warm.

Will I ever feel warm again?

She closed her eyes and found herself reliving that scene. She could smell the dew on the grass, that early morning fragrance, a rich, rejuvenating smell to which nothing else can compare. Unfortunately, it was soon overpowered. The powerful and unforgettable biting and pungent aroma of gunpowder leeched in, overtaking the gentle morning as it brought with it the cold, metallic scent of blood.

Never had her house made her feel this way before—it had always been comforting. She swallowed and took several deep breaths.

“You don’t look like you’re feeling well at all, Ta-Mara. Do I need to call that ambulance for you?”

If he did that, she had a feeling she’d be put in a room with lovely white walls, perhaps some padding to go with it. “No, I just got a little dizzy. I’ll be fine. I bent over to get the book under the bench, it must have hit me harder than I thought.”

He ducked and retrieved it for her. “Where do you want it?”

“Dresser, please.”

“Let’s get some food in you.” He reached for her hand.

“I didn’t cook yet.” Ta-Mara shook her head, lacing her fingers with his. “Give me a sec and I’ll come down to do it.”

“I made our meal.”


“It was a surprise. I wanted to take the lessons you gave me and make you a meal.” He shrugged. “I’ll get you a plate and bring it to you.” He went to rise.

She touched his arm to stop him and he lifted an eyebrow. Those dark blue eyes of his watched her with more concern.

“Hold me?” The question slipped free before she could even try to contain it.

She’d never know if he thought her request odd, for he moved instantly.

“Of course.”

Within seconds, he had crawled onto her bed and drawn her into his embrace. Keeping her arms between them, she breathed easier as his heat poured over her.

“You’re freezing,” he muttered.

His hold on her tightened as if he believed the harder he held her, the warmer she’d be. A speculative theory, she was willing to see if it worked or not.

Closing her eyes, she allowed herself to settle against him, resting and fending off the unease that had been with her since he’d called her back from…whatever it was she’d experienced touching the book.

I don’t get it. I’ve read that book so many times, nothing like that has ever happened to me before. Why now? Why that scene?
It wasn’t one in the book—she knew that—at least not the part she had read.

Fighting off another shiver, she burrowed closer to the hard, warm body in bed with her. In her ear, he continually murmured. She couldn’t make out the words but the sound of his voice soothed her.


* * * *

When she woke, strong arms were banded about her, anchoring her to the man in her bed. His lips rested along her temple and when she moved, he spoke.

“Are you sure you’re okay, Ta-Mara?”

“How long have I been sleeping?”

“About two hours. Not a restful sleep either, you’ve been tossing and turning. Do you want to talk about it?”

Most definitely not.
“No. Let’s go have this dinner you made.”

He acted as if he wanted to say something else but let her go. She cast a glance to the dresser where the book lay, taunting her, as they left her room. The meal was a bit quieter than usual but she couldn’t find it in her to make small talk. Her short, spaced-out dream had set her on edge. Thankfully, Levi didn’t push any type of conversation.

Once they’d finished and cleaned up, she went out to her garden. The thick humid air warmed her more than she’d been ever since she touched the book and had the vision. Sinking to her knees, she ducked her head and fought the sobs that threatened.

She felt as if her life were spinning out of control. The rollercoaster had veered off its track and the new destination was unknown to her. She didn’t much care for this feeling.
No, Ma’am, not in the least.

“Want to tell me what’s going on?”

The deep voice that curved out of the dark and wrapped around her from behind delivered a shiver that she had no hope of ever controlling, not with this man.

She shook her head, unable to find any words. The soft amber glow from her backyard’s solar powered lights with their inlaid multicolor mosaic pattern allowed her to make out the dark footwear moving up beside her. She kept her gaze down on the ground, just needing a few moments to regain…well, whatever she had lost up in her bedroom.


Damn it all, his voice was just so enticing, so decadent, that she didn’t know how to deal with how it made her feel. Especially right now with the vulnerability hovering around her.

“I’m fine,” she lied.

She wasn’t sure what she expected from him but for him to sink to his knees beside her and reach for her hand, wasn’t it. That much she could say for sure. His hand, so large and strong, made hers look tiny and petite. Much like he made her feel—as though he would protect her and keep her safe.

“No,” he said in a firm voice. “You are not. Something has happened. If you don’t wish to speak of it to me, can I call one of your friends for you? Perhaps telling them would be easier for you?”

Tell Heather, Jasmine, or Rachel easier? Not hardly. Heather and Rachel knew about Levi, or at least didn’t think she was crazy, but there was no way she could tell them this. They would definitely have her committed. Hell, she was wondering if she was losing it. No, she wouldn’t dare tell them anything. But how to tell this man?

“Is it me? Something I’ve done, not done? Please tell me, Ta-Mara.”

“No, it’s not you. I just think I need to sleep. Maybe I’ve been pushing myself a bit too much and it’s caught up with me.”

The words had barely faded from the air when he stood and helped her to her feet. She found herself swept up in his arms but didn’t even bother to dispute him lifting her, merely allowed herself to burrow closer to him and let his scent and warmth to wrap her securely in a cocoon.


* * * *


Levi wiped the sweat from his brow and stood to stretch his back from the position he’d been in for the past while. The newly hung screen door slammed and he looked up to see Susie walking out with a glass in her hand.

“Figured you’d be thirsty out here working in the hot sun.”

She walked down the steps and paused beside him, offering the drink. He took it, the condensation on the glass immediately cooling his palm. “Thank you.” He took a large swallow of the lemonade. Perfect blend of sweet and tart.

“Thank you for helping.”

He smiled at her. Susie was a great child. She went to school and worked before coming home to take care of her mother. She looked like the ditzy blonde on many shows on the television he’d seen with her perfect figure and wide eyes. He knew better. She had a heart of gold and currently wanted to become an attorney.

“Glad I could help.” He gestured at the railing he was about to put up on either side of the ramp. “I’ll be done within an hour, cleaned up and out of your way.”

“You’re not in the way, Mr. Madison. If you need anything, please just go in and help yourself. Mama is sleeping but I have to get to work.”

He nodded and gave a wave as she hurried to the older model car, started it up after a fashion and drove off. True to his word, it didn’t take him that long to finish. He knocked on the door before entering and putting the glass in the sink. Jessie Mae didn’t make an appearance and he left the house before trekking along the trail between the homes, his tools over his shoulder.

Once the things he’d carried back and forth between the houses had been returned to their rightful place, Levi went in through the door off the
. He caught the door so it didn’t slam behind him as he stared at the woman at one of the kitchen counters.

White shorts that didn’t seem to travel much past her firm ass highlighted the beauty of her darker skin. She wore no shoes and currently balanced herself on one foot, the other resting against her opposite leg. She had a light peach shirt on, which left a good amount of her skin exposed. At least of her back. Her hair tumbled freely down between her shoulder blades.

Music surrounded her and she nodded her head as she worked on whatever it was before her. His cock stiffened in his pants and he readjusted himself. She seemed better today. Whatever it was that had affected her a few days ago didn’t appear to be bothering her anymore, either that or she’d discovered a better way to keep it hidden. He’d asked her again but she still hadn’t told her what had happened to cause her passing out.

When she began belting along with the music, he just crossed his arms and listened. At the end of the song when the commercial began, he clapped.

“Oh shit!” she cried out, jumping and turning, one hand plastered against her chest. “You scared me.”


“How long have you been there?”

Long enough to think many dirty things about what I’d like to do to you.
“Not long.” His shaft pulsed as he took in the bared stomach she showcased.

“How’d it go with Jessie Mae?”

“She was sleeping when I left, Susie headed off to work and I’m done with things around there. I wish I could fix her car but I don’t have any knowledge of these automobiles.”

“That’s okay, I’m sure she’s grateful for what you’ve done. Besides, I have someone going to look at it tomorrow.”

He frowned slightly. “Who?”

“Rachel’s brother is a mechanic. He said to drop it by and he’d take a look at it. So Susie will do that on her way to school. I’ll take her the rest of the way and we’ll go from there.”

Her smile hit him square in the gut. Walking to her, he leaned in and kissed her on the lips. “You do so much for others. When do you stop and take time for you?” He glanced over her shoulder and saw the casserole dishes she currently worked on filling.

“It’s how we do things here. You help those in need. Besides, it’s not like it’s a lot of work taking her to school. I just have to go a bit earlier, but I’d rather do that than have the car breakdown on her, leaving her stranded somewhere.”

“Could she not just call someone with one of those cell phones?” He still hadn’t gotten used to those.

“No, they don’t have any. Maybe I should get her a disposable one, you know, just for emergencies.”

Another kiss, this time on the cheek. “I’m going to shower and get this sweat off me. Then I’ll be back to help you.”

He left before she could say anything else. It was necessary or he’d be carting her off with him. Each passing day he fell for her more and more. What would happen if he were yanked back in time, never to see her again? He ripped his shirt off his head at that thought, tossing it with frustration to the side. No, he couldn’t let that happen. His future was entwined with this woman’s—he knew it. Wasn’t sure how he knew, but he did.

Kicking off his shoes, he toed off his socks then shoved his jeans and boxer briefs down his legs. Naked, he padded into the bathroom and adjusted the shower to the temperature he preferred then stepped beneath the spray. This modern plumbing was definitely something he approved of.

Calliope. Recently, her image had been popping up in his mind. She’d invaded his dreams last night. He couldn’t entirely see what had happened but he’d heard her cries, her whimpers, and even her pleas. The night had been rough. He believed she’d been trying to tell him something, but what?

As he washed his hair, his thoughts turned to the woman whose house he was in currently. Ta-Mara. With her lush curves, tantalizing smile and amazing attitude, he couldn’t forget her. Never would. The times he spent with her had been off the charts, and he didn’t just mean sexually. He had a lot of fun with her, period.

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