Unbreakable Bonds (31 page)

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Authors: Taige Crenshaw,Aliyah Burke

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Unbreakable Bonds
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When she had come into view, he had been pleased. Her full-figured body had made his mouth go dry. The scent of almonds and cocoa butter had tickled his senses. Her short, sassy hairstyle showcased her sexy face with its nicely shaped forehead, full cheeks and nose, and lush lips. Her brown eyes had curly lashes, behind small-framed glasses that gave her a smart look. The slightly rumpled, pale yellow shirt with a sweetheart neckline flowed down to mid-thigh. Her black slacks hugged her legs and the pale yellow sandals left her sexy feet visible. Her toe nails were painted a pale cream, with hieroglyphic designs on them that said ‘spirit’. He had been impressed with her not fleeing when he’d come out of the water naked. Impressed and turned on, although he’d controlled it. He could tell she was slightly shy but had a fiery nature.

When she had agreed to tea and they’d sat talking, it had taken every fibre of his being not to grab her delicate hands as she gestured with them, and pull her in to him. He’d wanted to lick those full lips and flick his tongue into the dimples that winked next to her mouth when she smiled. The only thing that had kept him back was that he wanted it to be her coming to him. The thought of that had made him rock hard…but able to wait.

He wanted to untap that fire he had viewed when she talked about what she did. She was passionate about it. Talios wanted that passion to be directed at him. He ran his hands over his shaggy black hair. He was still getting used to not having the bald head he had sported for such a long time.

“Are you going to stop lurking?” Talios said.

He turned and faced the forest next to the table. At first, nothing happened, then leaves rustled. A small, golden snake flowed out of the brush. As it came closer, it got larger, until it was as big as him. A golden mist covered it, then flowed rapidly away. The man revealed strode over to him.

“I wasn’t lurking.” The man’s voice was husky and deep.

Talios studied the face that was almost identical to his own. Talios had felt him for over a week, but his brother had never revealed himself. Talios waited to see what he would do. The man’s golden eyes gleamed as he stopped in front of him. He pushed the braid that fell to his hip back over his shoulder. Raising an eyebrow, he crossed his arms over his chest.

“You didn’t need to lurk around. You could have come to the house.”

“I wasn’t sure of my welcome, Monthu.” He shrugged, a careless movement of his shoulder, putting his hands in the back pockets of his jeans.

“I prefer Talios. As I know you prefer Taber,” Talios said softly.

Although it didn’t show on his face, Talios knew he had surprised Taber. Taber cocked his head to the side and studied him. Talios stood still for the scrutiny.

“Talios. Well, I’ll get out of your hair.” Taber turned and walked away

Guilt and shame choked Talios. After everything he’d done, after he’d been sentenced to serve Sekhmet for his crimes, Taber had still come to him. He had been so bitter and filled with remorse that he had pushed Taber away, refusing to see him. Talios hadn’t believed that he deserved to be forgiven or cared about. He hadn’t seen Taber for more than five millennia. Taber might be acting like it didn’t bother him, but Talios knew it did.

“Khonsu…brother. You are welcome in my hair any time,” Talios said.

“It wasn’t like that all those years ago.” Taber stopped, his back stiff.

“I know. I’m sorry. Khonsu, can we not be as brothers again?” Talios cleared his throat.

“Are you going to cry?” Taber asked dryly.

“Maybe. If it will make you forgive me.”

“Please, don’t embarrass us both,” Taber replied.

“I won’t, Khonsu.”

“Taber. I prefer Taber.” He turned to Talios and came back. “Brother.” He put out his hand.

Talios slid his hand along Taber’s and clasped the elbow. They embraced, patting each other on the back. Talios was grateful for his brother’s forgiveness. Taber had always been the more forgiving. That was the one thing that used to differentiate them. Taber drew back and slapped Talios across the head.

“Next time, I’ll make you cry for me.”

“There won’t be a next time, Taber,” Talios promised, laughing.

“I can see that. You’ve changed. I’m glad you have, big brother.” Taber grinned.

A high cry made Talios look up. The bird circled then dived. It landed gently on his shoulder.

“Sula, I have missed you.” Talios reached up to stroke the falcon, but it nipped his finger and flew away. He smiled ruefully.

“Some of us are not as forgiving. You’ll have to make it up to her,” Taber said.

Talios watched his falcon perched on the tree. It turned its back on him. Another cry, and a hawk landed on Taber’s shoulder. It cocked its head to the side and studied him from black eyes.

“Klu, how have you been?”

The hawk screamed at him and flew away, joining the falcon in the tree. Talios rolled his eyes. The two birds got along well. Better than he and his brother used to—at least on his side of things. He had changed a lot in the last few millennia, and things would be different now.

“The woman is lovely.”

“She is.”

“And yours.” It wasn’t a question.

“Yes, she is.” Talios glanced back the way Candace had gone.

“Why did you let her leave instead of taking her?” Taber asked.

“She’ll come to me.” Talios shrugged.

“You should have claimed her.”

“Patience, in this case, is best.”

“That’s not the man I knew.”

“I’m no longer that man,” Talios said.

“I can see that you aren’t. You fixed up this place by yourself, without power. “

“You could have come out and helped me,” Talios pointed out.

“You looked like you needed to do it yourself.”

Taber’s assessment was correct. As usual, he was very insightful. The work had given Talios time to reconnect with himself. He’d worked straight through for three weeks, only stopping for food. Fixing up this place—his home—had been therapeutic.

“Run with me, brother.” Taber’s voice drew his attention.

“Lead the way.”

Taber shifted in a second. The white tiger made a playful swipe, then ran around him. It was Taber’s preferred animal for running. Talios shifted into the cave lion. The white tiger ran into the forest and he went after him. As he moved in the forest beside his brother, Talios enjoyed the freedom of it. The cries of the falcon and hawk sounded above them. He leaned his head back and roared.

Across the distance that separated them, he felt Candace gasp and shudder. Smiling, Talios chased Taber. Candace would be stubborn about it, but she would come to him.




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About the Authors


Taige Crenshaw


Taige Crenshaw has been enthralled with the written word from the time that she picked up her first book. It wasn’t long before she started to make up her own tales of romance.


Her novels are set in the modern day between people who know what they want and how to get it. Taige also sets her stories in the future with vast universes between beautiful, strange and unique beings with lots of spice and sensuality added to her work.


Always hard at work creating new and exciting places, Taige can be found curled up with a hot novel with exciting characters when she is not creating her own. Join her in the fun and frolic, with interesting people and far reaches of the world in her novels.


[email protected]


Aliyah Burke


Aliyah Burke is an avid reader and is never far from pen and paper (or the computer). She is married to a career military man, and they have a German Shepherd, two Borzois, and a DSH cat. Her days are spent sharing her time between work, writing, and dog training.


[email protected]


Taige and Aliyah love to hear from readers. You can find their contact information, website and author biography at



Also by Taige Crenshaw and Aliyah Burke


Kemet Uncovered: Talios

Kemet Uncovered: Devi

Kemet Uncovered: Linc

Kemet Uncovered: Saffron

Kemet Uncovered: Taber

Kemet Uncovered: Ashia


Also by Taige Crenshaw


Club Immortality: Lay Me Down

Club Immortality: Burning Touch

Club Immortality: Silk & Shadows

Wilde: Wilde Seduction

Wilde: Wilde Rapture

Blackstone Haven: Power of Attraction

Blackstone Haven: Power of Instinct

Blackstone Haven: Power of Enticement

Blackstone Haven: Power of Rhythms

Singleton: Hurricane

Singleton: Perfect Fit

Singleton: More Than Temptation

Singleton: Unexpected Encounter

Phoenix Intelligence Agency: Indigo Rain

Phoenix Intelligence Agency: Silken Inferno

Phoenix Intelligence Agency: Dark Callings

Phoenix Intelligence Agency: Immortal Bloodlines

Phoenix Intelligence Agency: Firestorm Encounters



Also by Aliyah Burke


Through The Fire

Seducing Damian

Code of Honour: A Marriage Of Convenience

Code of Honour: The Lieutenant’s Ex-Wife

Code of Honour: A Man Like No Other

Code of Honour: When Stars Collide

In Aeternum: Casanova in Training

In Aeternum: Harbour of Refuge

In Aeternum: Protected by Shadows

In Aeternum: Polar Opposites

Interludes: Temporary Home

Interludes: Alone With You

Interludes: Till We Ain’t Strangers Anymore

What’s Her Secret?: Preconception

Keeper of the Stars: Part One

Keeper of the Stars: Part Two

Keeper of the Stars: Part Three

Keeper of the Stars: Part Four

Keeper of the Stars: Part Five

Astral Guardians: Chasing the Storm

Astral Guardians: Highlands at Dawn

Astral Guardians: Fields of Thunder

Astral Guardians: Branded by Frost



Totally Bound Publishing




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