Unbreakable Bonds (7 page)

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Authors: Taige Crenshaw,Aliyah Burke

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Unbreakable Bonds
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What happened to keeping yourself under control?
He’d been doing well all yesterday, keeping things light between them. By the time he’d gone to bed, he’d been convinced he could have Ta-Mara as just a friend. That was until she’d come down in the clothing she wore. He was convinced whoever made women’s clothing during modern times did it to tempt a man into doing things they shouldn’t. He glanced at a woman passing him and noticed she too had on clothing that showed off her skin, yet he felt nothing. Levi returned his attention to Ta-Mara and instantly his breath caught. He tightened his grip on the handles of the cart he pushed.

“How about these?” Ta-Mara held up two packages. “Boxers or briefs?”

Levi stared at them then went around the cart and took them from her, looking at the image on the plastic then her. “Underwear,” he said quietly then glanced around to make sure no one was listening before looking at her again. “Ta-Mara, you can’t just be picking up things like this for me.”

“Underwear.” Ta-Mara frowned. “You need them.”

“I do, but you just
.” He shook his head.

“Why?” Ta-Mara tilted her head to the side, studying him.

“Because it’s just not done,” Levi said firmly. “It’s not proper.”

“Oh…oh.” Ta-Mara grinned widely then moved closer, whispering, “This is not during your time, Levi. You don’t need to be uncomfortable with my picking up men’s underwear. It is done during this time and no one will think it isn’t proper.”

“I can pick my own.” He narrowed his gaze.

“Okay.” Ta-Mara lifted her hands and stepped back. “Then pick some. Get a few of them. Maybe both boxers and briefs, so you can see which you like more.”

She walked away. Levi watched her for a moment then started to pick his underwear. He was amazed at how many different kinds there were. He picked up a few types, noticing that there were different logos on it. He’d learned on television that there were many companies competing for your money, enticing you to pick them when making purchases. Levi frowned, wondering again about letting Ta-Mara pay for his things, but he had no money so he couldn’t do it himself. He would make note of how much she spent, then find a way to pay her back.

“Do you need some help?” a woman asked, coming closer, her smile sultry.

Levi held back a sigh at seeing it. Since they had arrived at the place Ta-Mara called a department store, they’d had many offers of help. Ta-Mara had commented to him that she’d never had so many people wanting to help her before, then had looked at him pointedly. Levi knew he was somehow the cause. The women of this time were bold and he didn’t want to be rude.

“No thanks, Miss.” He made sure to look away.

“I’m over there if you change your mind,” the woman said, then walked away.

Levi was relived. Some of the more aggressive ones hadn’t known how to take a hint and Ta-Mara had had to step in. He didn’t know what he would have done had she not been here. He glanced around the area looking for her. She was a little distance away at another table. Levi focused back on his choices. He did as she suggested, picking up a few mixes of boxers and briefs. Placing them in the cart, he then pushed it over to where Ta-Mara stood with her back to him.

“Ta-Mara, I’m ready.”

“Take this.” She turned and held out a bundled piece of cloth to him.

Levi accepted the item and opened it. The tri-color design on the boxer was nice and the fabric was soft to the touch. He liked how it felt, but still… “I told you not to pick my underwear.”

Ta-Mara came to stand beside him then rose up slightly to his ear. “You’d look sexy in that.”

Levi bit his lip to stifle a moan. “Ta-Mara.”

“Fine. I won’t pick any more of your underwear.” Ta-Mara rolled her eyes.

“No.” Levi touched her cheek. “If you like this, I want it.”

“Okay.” She blew out a breath.

“Is there any more you like?” Levi lowered his head to hers. “That you think I would look sexy in?”

“Yeah.” Ta-Mara pushed her tongue in and out. The brief sight of pink made him want to follow it and taste her.

“Show me.” He put the pair she had given him in the cart then held her hand.

Ta-Mara led him to the display and pointed out those she liked. He put them in the cart. Ta-Mara locked her gaze on the items in the cart then she lifted her head.

“Sexy is good.”

“Yeah, yeah it is.” Ta-Mara cleared her throat. “Now we need to get some clothing.”

“Lead on,” Levi said.

Ta-Mara did as he bade.

“Damn, me and my big mouth always gets me in trouble,” she muttered.

Levi stifled a chuckle, not letting her know he had heard her. They went to the elevator and Levi pressed against the wall, still not used to the contraption. Ta-Mara came to him and touched his hand. He grabbed hers and she squeezed. When the door opened, they pushed the cart out, still holding hands. Soon they were in the men’s clothing and Levi stared at the racks and racks of clothing.

“Let’s get you outfitted.” Ta-Mara pulled him along.

He went, noticing that women were watching them. Ta-Mara had explained that their nametags identified them as employees. The looks were ones he had been getting from the women since he had arrived. Ta-Mara pointed out some jeans and he picked them up. Levi smoothed his hand over the cloth.

Ta-Mara made a soft exhalation. Levi glanced up and her focus was on his hands.

“What do you think?” He smiled.

“They would fit you.” She reached out but pulled back and coughed. “Very well.”

It dawned on Levi then that whoever was making the different types of clothing now knew what they were doing. It could range from comfortable to not, but all in all, according to who was looking at it, it could be used to seduce someone you wanted. He filed that information away for future thought.

“I’ll go try it on then.”

“Take a few other things,” Ta-Mara said.

“You want to help me pick stuff out.”

“Ummm…give me a sec.” Ta-Mara gestured behind her. “I need to go over there.”

She pivoted then hurried away. Levi chuckled softly, knowing exactly why she had left. Ta-Mara was finding it hard to keep her hands off him and wanted some distance. Whistling softly, Levi went to get some more things. As he picked them up, he kept an eye on Ta-Mara across the room. Although he had tried to think of all the ‘why not’s when it came to getting involved with her, he already knew it was inevitable. Ta-Mara, after such a brief time, had already gotten under his skin. Now it was a matter how far he would be willing to let things go. Levi had no answer yet, but he would soon.


Ta-Mara bit the inside of her lower lip and shifted her feet as she tried to control the raw need coursing through her. Shopping for clothing hadn’t ever been so difficult.

Never gone with Levi before, either.

It was an experience for sure. And she wasn’t the only one watching. Many of the saleswomen continually dropped by to make sure they were doing okay, not that she blamed them.

He was hella hot. And seeing him trying on a mix of Wranglers and khakis kicked her body’s libido into overdrive. There was no disguising his large package. Earlier she had thought it cute that he was so flustered about her helping him pick underwear. Their brief flirtation had only made her more aware of him. The power he exuded without any effort…that was intoxicating. The innate masculine strength and predatory grace drew women to him. They just didn’t make men like Levi anymore. At least none that she recalled seeing.

Her breath hitched as he moved through the curtain and stood in front of her. His scent she knew was all him, since she hadn’t given him any cologne to use. Tantalizing as hell, she clenched her fist so she wouldn’t touch him. She blew out a deep breath and shoved her hands into her pockets, rocking back on her heels.

“What do you think?” he asked, his gaze lingering on her.

I think we should go in the curtained area, remove all clothing and see what happens from there. I’d really like to get a look at what you’re boasting there.

She couldn’t say that out loud, however. So she forced a smooth, non-telling smile on her face and nodded. “Looks good. Really good. I think you should get them, as well as some of the shirts you’ve tried on.”

He nodded at her and slipped back behind the curtain. She shut her eyes and prayed for strength. Seconds later, she opened them again when he called her name.

“Ta-Mara, can you come here for a second?”

Her feet were moving even before the question registered completely. Pausing at the curtain, she glanced over to the right and saw three of the workers watching her with envious looks. Yes, she wanted to gloat. She didn’t, but she wanted to.

She moved it aside and stepped in. All her breath whooshed from her lungs. Levi stood there shirtless, with the button on the jeans undone.
Ah shit.
How the hell am I supposed to control myself with him looking so damn good?


Chapter Five




Licking her lips, she gave him a smile.

“What’s up?”

He held up two shirts and shrugged. “I don’t know which color.”

She stepped to him, took the dark blue one from his hand and pressed it against his chest. “This one. Magnifies the blue of your eyes. With the black jeans, you’ll be fending off women in hordes.”

His fingers curled around her wrist as he gripped her, tugging her nearer. “You like the blue?” he asked, his voice low and enticing.

“Yes. You have gorgeous eyes.”

“And you’re beautiful.” He moved her closer still until her thin shirt brushed against his bare chest. “Absolutely beautiful.”

His gaze drifted from her eyes to her lips and back again. Her heart thundered as she struggled to breathe. Another gentle caress from his amazing blue eyes then he kissed her.

He swooped in and took command. His mouth covered hers, and she whimpered at the immediate lust that swarmed her. Lord, he tasted good—a hint of mint and all man. Opening wider, she slipped her tongue into his mouth, instigating something that had been plaguing her since she’d met him. A kiss, a real kiss.

His arms banded around her, anchoring them together. Not that she had plans to go anywhere. He swept through her mouth, stroking and licking everywhere. Her legs trembled, nipples tightened in the shirt’s built-in bra and her slit moistened. Lord, if he wanted to strip her and take her, she’d have zero complaints. They didn’t even have to strip. She’d never been so horny before.

Heat exploded through her and she rubbed against him, loving the feel of his thickness pressing into her. He thrust his hips into her, and she moaned again. Wrapping her arms around him, she reveled in the feel of his taut skin beneath her fingertips. There was no excess fat on him, and she wanted to be able to explore him fully, take her time running her hands over his body.

She whimpered in disappointment when he stepped back. His eyes were smoky with desire and she reached up to touch his face.

“I am sorry about that.”

. That was so not what she wanted to hear after the best kiss she’d ever received in her life.

Dropping her hands from him, she stepped back. “Right. I’ll just…leave you alone then.”

She turned around but didn’t get anywhere. Levi grabbed her, spinning her back into his bronzed chest. Opening her mouth to ask him what was going on, she found herself embroiled in another kiss. This one was harder and more dominating. He was placing his stamp on her and she really didn’t have any problem with that.

“I didn’t mean it like that, Ta-Mara. I’m sorry because I did it here where I can’t do anything about it. You deserve better.”

She couldn’t find the words. All she could do was stare at him like a fool. He cupped her jaw with callused hands.

“You’ve been nothing but wonderful to me and I took advantage of you. I don’t understand this time at all, but you are still a woman and therefore someone who deserves to be treated better than what I did.”

She moved her hands up to his shoulders. “For the record, Levi. I would have been just fine having it happen in here. Not sure how the store would feel about it, but me? I was more than ready, and I know for a fact there are some women out there who would have been just fine with it had you been with them. Now put some clothes on so we can get the rest of this shopping out of the way.”

He still didn’t let go. “I don’t want them.”

Okay, so that was
nice to hear. “I didn’t say you did, I’m merely stating that there are some female employees here who wouldn’t mind spending some quality time with you in here.”

He shrugged as if he didn’t give a damn. “Don’t want them. I’m attracted to you.”

Oh yeah,
damn nice to hear. Swallowing, she stepped back and made her way to the curtain. “I’ll wait for you out here.”

She pushed out, despite wanting to stay in there with him, and saw the changing room had been under surveillance. All three women shot her a look of pure envy before going back to their business. She wasn’t about to tell them there wasn’t any reason to be jealous, that nothing had happened in there.

Except that kiss.
Oh yeah, that kiss that had turned her inside out and had her ready to beg for more. Just that. Throughout the rest of their shopping trip, Ta-Mara’s thoughts kept going back to what happened in the dressing room with Levi. She rubbed her hand surreptitiously over her pebbled nipples and was glad her shirt wasn’t fitted so didn’t show how turned on she was. Levi glanced at her and she quickly lowered her hand and smiled. He went back to packing their bag as the cashier rang them out. The woman was moving slowly because she kept looking at Levi. Ta-Mara deliberately moved so she was in her line of sight and gave the woman a look that clearly told her Levi was hers.

She knew it wasn’t the case but was tired after a day of women ogling and downright coming on to Levi. They acted like she was invisible or something. Ta-Mara wasn’t used to feeling possessive of anyone. The cashier smiled sheepishly then focused on her job moving faster to get them out. When they were checked out, Levi pushed the full cart out to the parking lot.

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