UnBurdened (2 page)

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Authors: Bethany Bazile

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: UnBurdened
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I take the hand offered and bow my head playing along. “I
must say my lord; my father warned me that you Irishman were all philandering
Lotharios.” I contain my smile and keep a serious face.

His eyes narrow as he studies my face, testing how long it
will take for me to crack a smile. Once he realizes I should be an academy
award winning actress, he throws his head back and roars in laughter. He grabs
my hand a drags me into the restaurant still chuckling.




 As we’re led through the main room I notice a table of
two women staring our way whispering behind their hands as we pass. The rest of
the diners ignore us as we are seated in a corner table.

 We barely look at the menu while we wait for our
waiter, so engrossed in our easy conversation. He quickly orders the filet
minion and the best wine in the house, I order a burger and he gapes at me.

“Come on you can have a burger anywhere, I’m trying to
impress you here and you order a burger.” He holds a hand over his heart.

“First, you’ve never had a burger here before. You can’t get
this anywhere, it’s fantastic. Secondly, you don’t need to go overboard trying
to impress me, you made me smile and that’s pretty impressive.”

“I guess I should ask you the typical first date questions
then. Like…what do you do for a living? How old are you? Where are you from?”
He asks in quick succession.

“Wow, you’re in a hurry to get to know me. Did I already
tell you I wouldn’t sleep with you until our third date? Because if I divulge
that much information we’re going to have to skip over date two and three.
What’s going to be left to talk about?”

“You’re easy to talk to so I know we’ll never be short on
conversation.” He answers honestly.

“In that case,” I smile wryly. “I’m in banking, I’m 24 and
I’ve lived in the city all my life. Now it’s my turn,” I lean in excitedly.
“How old are you? How long you been in this band? Where are you from? How many
women have you slept with?” I giggle as his eyes widen at my last question.

“That’s not fair you got an extra question. I move to strike
the last one.” His eyes dance around with humor.

“Come on, I’ve always wanted to ask a rock star that
question. I’ll even give you another question.” I plead.

“Two more question,” he bargains.


“I’m 28, been in a band since I was 14 but didn’t make it big
till I was 19. I’m originally from Dublin moved to Seattle at ten. I still have
a condo there but I spend most of my time on my ranch in Nevada.”

“You live on a ranch?” I interrupt.

“Yes a real ranch, not the Nevada ranches you watch on HBO.”
He winks.

“I know you don’t own the bunny ranch besides I don’t watch
Cathouse.” I reply rolling my eyes.

“Then how did you know the name of the ranch?” his brows
furrow in question. He smiles cockily when he gets his answer from the rosy
shade on my face. “Ah, Lady Kerrington I don’t think it’s going to be very
challenging to corrupt you after all.”

My cheeks get even warmer at the thought of him corrupting
me in all types of delicious ways. Our server arrives with our food and he digs

“Ah Ah Ah…” I wave my finger at him as he goes to take his
first bite.


“You’re stalling, you haven’t answered question number
four.” I wait.

“Okay okay but can I answer after dinner, I’m starving.”
 He’s stalling so I know it has to be worse than I thought. It makes my stomach
anxious. He’s not mine and I just met him tonight but the thought of him
touching other women or them touching his beautiful body and having a piece of
him is making me unexpectedly jealous.

We eat over casual conversation about his tour and his crazy
band members. When he walks me out of the restaurant Butch magically appears
and let us in the tinted SUV. We sit much closer this time, so close I could
smell his rich smell tantalizing me. He takes my phone from my fingers,
entwines our hands and lays them on his lap. I lay my head on his shoulder and
close my eyes. I put my nose against his neck and inhale his amazing scent. It
unnerves me how relaxed I feel with this man I just met a few hours ago.

“You smell so good,” I whisper as I glance up into his eyes.
“What are you wearing?”

“UnBurdened by Brayden Quinn,” a light smile plays on his
lips. “I can’t expect people to buy something I won’t wear.”

“I’m sure it smell better on you though,”

“When can I see you again?” He asks abruptly.

“You don’t get another question until you answer question
number four”

He sighs and pushes his head back against the headrest,
gazing at the roof of the car contemplating how to answer my question. When he finally
looks into my eyes he replies, “I really like you and I don’t want to chase you

I wait quietly for him to answer. I’m not letting him off
the hook. His eyes waver a bit, fearful?

“Would it be really horrible if I said I’m not sure? I can
probably give you a ballpark number.”

“Horrible? No. Cliché rock-star? Yes.”

“Probably near a hundred” He finally answers. “But that
spans over twelve years and I was a bit of a slut in my early years. I’m not
like that anymore. I’m tired of having empty sex with woman whose face I can’t
even remember. I haven’t been with anyone in over a month and I get checked
regularly, I’m clean. I know you probably have your preconceived notions about
rock stars but just give me a chance. I’m just looking for a change and I think
I might have found that in you.”

I stay expressionless as to not scare him. He laid it all
out for me and I appreciate that but inside the storm has begun to rumble.
Images of threesomes and orgies run through my mind. He releases my hand and
bites his bottom lip warily. Even at war with his confession, butterflies dance
in my stomach at how incredibly sexy he is pulling on his lip. I want to taste
those lips so bad. Lick them and feel them against my skin.

I know he’s waiting for me to react so I pull his hand back
in mine. “You don’t need to explain yourself to me, how you live your life is
not for me to judge. Besides I need to be lenient that way you have to return
the favor when I tell you my number.” I smile at him devilishly. I’ve only been
with two men but I have to punish him for his womanizing way somehow. His eyes
widen and I know he’ll spend the night restlessly picturing me with an endless
number of men.

“How many?” his voice slightly squeaking.

“Sorry but that’s a second date kind of question. Next
question please.” He pouts but relents.

“When can I see you again?” He repeats his earlier question
as we pull up to my townhouse.

“Tomorrow’s Saturday and I’m totally free. Well not
free, it might cost you a little.” I tease

“What will it cost me? I’m willing to pay anything.”

“It’ll a cost you a kiss, a passionate one,” I lower my
voice seductively. “A touch, one that makes my body shiver,” his heated gaze
shutters. “Lastly a lick, a slow body-clenching lick,” I whisper into his ear.

His eyes close as he takes a few shallow breaths, adjusting
his pretty obvious hard-on. “You’re killing me here Kerri,” he says reaching
for the door, “I need some air.”  He exits the vehicle helping me out
after him. We walk silently to the door, both of us not wanting the night to

“You want to come in?”  I offer as we reach the door.

“I’m defiantly going to defile you if I go in there.”

I grab his leather jacket with both hands and pull him
against my body wantonly. “I don’t care” I whisper against his lips as his
hands wrap around my waist, pulling me even closer to his hard body. I nibble
on his bottom lip and he moans a little surprised by my bold behavior. I slip
my tongue into his mouth tasting the sweet flavor uniquely Brayden Quinn. I
could live off this man alone and be happy for the rest of my life. His
rock-hard erection jumps against my stomach and to show my appreciation I rub
my body against him, enticing a soft groan from deep inside him. His hands
tighten on my waist pulling me off and holding me at arm’s length. I’m left
panting, hungry for more. I want to throw a tantrum at the lost of his warmth
against me.

“I have to go or I’m gonna fuck you against your door until
you scream out for all the neighbors to hear.” He declares. “You should go in.”
I turn and unlock the door. He’s still standing there waiting when I turn to
shut the door.

“You still have one more question,” I remind him.

He doesn’t think for long before he asks, “Is there a
boyfriend or anything close to being one in your life.”

“No, but don’t you think that should have been your first

“No, because it wouldn’t matter in the slightest
Kerrington, I would fight any man to the death for you.” He declares.





My leg trembles uncontrollably, hot jolt of pleasure run
through my body as Brayden frantically licks my pussy. My hands tangle in his
dark unruly hair. Oh…God he’s trying to consume me. Strong fingers pin my hips
to the bed. His moans have me debating if it’s possible he’s enjoying the taste
of me more than I’m enjoying his hot tongue slowly flicking my clit. Negative,
there’s no pleasure better than what he’s making me feel. I grasp the sheets
with one hand while the other tightens in his hair as he begins to suck on me.
My eyelids close and bright white beams of light shoot off behind my eyelids.
His soft warm tongue sliding against me is too much. I scream his name as I
climax, shaking uncontrollably.

A loud shrilling sound jars me out of my dream. I open my
eyes, blinded by the sunlight beaming through the blinds. I’m sweating, I’m
alone and my fingers are dripping wet in my panties. I can’t believe I just
masturbated in my sleep. Brayden Quinn has me in sexual overload. I sigh as I
get out of bed to stop the annoying shrilling coming from my phone.

The display says I have three missed calls from Brayden. I
smile at the screen. Ally practically dragged me to a concert last night and I
met the most beautiful man I’ve ever known. I tap the screen and wait to hear
that sexy Irish tone. He answers on the second ring causing me to quiver at the
sound of his voice.

“When did you program your number into my phone?” I ask.

“While you were sniffing my neck thinking about how badly
you wanted to lick me there.” He chuckled.

“And other places,” I reply. His laughter dies instantly and
he’s speechless for a few moments.

“You are so wicked.” He finally says. “I’ve been calling you
for the last hour, did I wake you?”

“Oh yeah, If my dream was reality you would’ve killed
yourself for interrupting at that exact moment.” I taunt him.

“Dreaming of me huh? You keep this up and I’ll cancel
tonight’s concert and give you a private performance. Now get your sexy ass in
the shower, Butch will be there in half an hour to pick you up.”

“Brayden a lady needs at least an hour before she’s

“Maybe but you’re an extraordinary lady. You can step out as
you are now and still be more stunning then anything I could envision.”

 I sit there mouth agape, completely dumbstruck by this

“I gotta go babe.” I hear male voices taunting him in the
background as he hangs up.

I sit there with the phone still clinging to my ear minutes
after the call has disconnected. I look at the screen trying to cling to
something tangible. Something that will assure me that these feelings, this
wild emotional train I’m riding on isn’t about to crash at full speed.

I shower and blow-dry my hair, leaving the dark tresses a
little wild and wind-blown. Quickly fasten on a gold Victoria secret bra and
matching thong then slather on some shimmer lotion I bought along with the
lingerie. Deciding what to wear taking the most time considering I want to look
my best for Brayden. I commit to a gold and black strapless corset and a pair
of black designer skinny jeans. I toss the bra off, it won’t be necessary with
the v-cut bodice.

I throw everything on and I’m in the process of searching
for my black stiletto thigh high boots when the doorbell chimes. I grab my
purse a few accessories and carry the boots out in my hand as I rush over to
the door. Butch eyes widen at my ample cleavage. Then they drift down to my
bare feet and he shakes his head.

“You know B would kill me if I let you walk out here bare

“Come on Butch it will be our little secret. These boots will
take forever to get on.” I try my best puppy dog face. He shakes his head
trying not to laugh at how my impression of the puppy dog face looks more silly
than sad. Finally he gives in, cracks a smile then bends over and swing me into
his embrace. He locks and pulls the door shut behind us.

In the back of the Rover I throw on my accessories and
shimmy into my boots just as we pull up to the arena. Butch leads me through
the halls towards loud music and the unmistakable sound of Brayden’s raspy
voice in full swing. I watch the band play unnoticed at the edge of the stage.
Soon as Brayden finishes belting out the last note, he hands his guitar to
someone on stage and marches straight to me. I meet him half way and he engulfs
me in his warm arms. I take a huge sniff of his neck and smile contently. He
pulls me back and looks into my eyes.

“There you go sniffing me again. What are you going to do
when I come from the gym?”

“Umm…hot and sweaty Brayden Quinn. I’m sure I’ll enjoy you
that way too.”

He shakes his head as his glare sizzling with desire. “The
minute you stepped backstage I couldn’t seem to concentrate on the song.” He

“I thought you didn’t notice me?”

“I felt you there, the atmosphere defiantly shifted when you
walked in. I’m glad I fought the urge to look at you,” he says as his eyes
slowly take in my outfit, resting at my cleavage. “I defiantly wouldn’t have
been able to finish that set.”

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