Unclaimed (16 page)

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Authors: Sara Humphreys

BOOK: Unclaimed
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Dominic suppressed a grin at her playful teasing as he realized she'd put him at ease. He shook his head in amazement and watched as Dante escorted the two women to the barn. The woman was full of surprises.

“So.” Dominic looked back at Richard and did his best to ignore his sister. “Why is she here, and why is everyone dressed for battle?”

“I have offered Moravian a prisoner exchange.”

“What are you talking about?” He glanced briefly at Daniella, who looked as surprised as he did. “Who do you plan on trading her for?”

“Matt.” Richard's mouth set in a firm line. “I didn't want to say anything in front of Tatiana. He was abducted by one of the Purists during the attack. The note we found is a fake. Eric discovered trace evidence of an Amoveo signature in Matt and Tatiana's cabin—a different energy pattern from the individuals who attacked us directly. This morning, Kerry detected that same signature on the paper.”

“It was Savannah,” Malcolm said.

“Shit.” Dominic gripped his gun tighter. “Savannah was here on the ranch?”

“Yes.” Richard ran a hand through his long hair, and the look on his face was nothing short of fury. “When we were dealing with the other five attackers, she was able to slip in and out of here undetected.”

“Why?” Dominic seethed. “Why would she go to the trouble of helping Courtney escape, only to continue aiding her father? It doesn't make sense.”

“Who the hell knows?” Eric waved one hand in the air. “Why do these Purist douche bags do any of the fucked-up shit they do? Maybe dear old daddy doesn't know she's the one who let Courtney go?”

“I doubt it,” Malcolm said. “What if they're using Courtney's presence here as a way to link them to the ranch? Richard, you said yourself that the psychic shields you've been placing around the ranch haven't been working. They keep cracking the code, so to speak.” He gave them all a grave look. “Perhaps bringing her here was only a way to help them get to you and your family, Richard.”

The group fell silent, and they all exchanged concerned looks.

“Damn it,” Dominic fumed. He locked eyes with the prince. “Richard, if they were to assassinate you and your main supporters, imagine how easy it would be for Moravian and the other Purists to take over all of the Amoveo? Who would stand up to them after that?”

“Perhaps,” Richard said quietly. “Regardless, we need to get Matt, and I'm more than happy to let Daniella go back to them. The binding bracelets can only be removed by me, and without her powers she will be of little help to their cause. In all honesty, they may kill her, but I don't suppose that's our problem.”

Dominic flicked his gaze to Daniella, and his heart sank when he saw the look of pure hatred she leveled at Richard. Tatiana was right. She was a lost soul with a heart full of anger. The girl he'd known all his life was gone.

Daniella turned her hateful eyes to him.
are, you didn't even know what was going on around here.
Her comment cut him to the core, but he said nothing and shielded his mind from her, preventing further telepathic connection.

“When did you figure this out?” Apprehension crawled up Dominic's back along with a sense of failure as Daniella's observation taunted him.

“I did. Last night,” Eric interjected. “After you left to take care of Tatiana, I went by the cabin to take one more look around, and that's when I picked up the energy signature. It was faint, but it was there. Then this morning, Richard asked Kerry to try and pull a psychic impression from the note. It matched the one in the cabin, and she recognized it as Savannah's energy pattern.”

“I see.” Dominic's jaw clenched, and he leveled an angry stare at Eric. “As Head Guardian I should have been made aware of this information immediately.”

“Hey man.” Eric held up his hands in defeat. “I'm sorry, but I figured since you two were still trying to figure things out, you needed some alone time.”

“That was not your decision to make.” His eyes flickered to their clan form, and Eric bowed his head in submission. Dominic turned to Richard. “How do you plan on offering this prisoner exchange to Moravian? We don't even know where he is.”

“It's already been arranged. Kerry connected with Moravian telepathically. We will be making the exchange tonight.”

“Where?” Apprehension flickered through Dominic. The more he heard, the more anxious it made him. All of this had been planned without his input. He felt as though he'd been replaced as Head Guardian, but no one told him about it. “Where is the exchange?”

“The mountains,” Richard said. “Trapper's summit on the east ridge.”

“Fine.” Dominic nodded. He knew the spot well and had hiked those mountains countless times since he came to Montana. “When?”

“Midnight.” Richard shot Daniella a look of contempt. “We wanted to be sure there was minimal chance of any humans in the area while we make the trade.”

“What makes you think he'll even want her back?” Zachary snagged her arm and held it up. “She doesn't have her powers because of the binding bracelets. Shit, Richard's right. They'll probably kill her.”

“I'm a pure-blood,” Daniella snapped. She yanked her arm away. “Asshole.”

“You kiss your mother with that mouth?” Zachary asked.

“My mother's dead. Fuck you.”

“No thanks.”

“I'll do it,” Dominic bit out.

“I thought you might volunteer,” Richard said. “However, I don't want you meeting him alone. I'm still wary, and I'm surprised Moravian agreed to this swap. Needless to say, I don't trust him. The Purists have proven time and again to be dishonorable. Moravian and the others will never keep their word, and it could be an ambush.”

Dominic glanced toward the barn and instinctively touched Tatiana's energy signature. It was there—linked with his, warm, familiar, and comforting—but as it surrounded him… he knew what he had to do. Richard was right. Moravian would never stop, so someone had to stop him.

“With all due respect, your highness.” Dominic stood at attention. “I will take my sister and make the exchange alone. If Moravian has been linking up to Courtney somehow, the last thing we want to do is to leave everyone here unprotected. Eric and Zachary can stay and serve as Guardians. You, Malcolm, and Pete are fathers who have children that depend on you. Dante and William are fully mated to their women, and if they were killed, the ramifications for Layla and Kerry would be devastating. You should all stay here at the ranch while I make the exchange.”

“What about Tatiana?” Malcolm asked with genuine concern. “She is your mate and would undoubtedly suffer if she were to lose you.”

“No.” Dominic shook his head. “She never wanted to be part of our world, and if she had things her way, she wouldn't have anything to do with the Amoveo. Tatiana has no desire to commit to the life-mate bond, and I plan to release her from the obligation. If she chooses to go back to Oregon, then I'll feel a lot better about it if Moravian is out of the picture.”

No one said anything, but they exchanged somber looks. They knew full well he was taking on a suicide mission, willing to sacrifice his life for the safety of his people and for his mate. He'd rather die than risk her life or force her to live in a situation she had tried to avoid.

“Understood. I've known you long enough to know there's no arguing with you.” Richard extended his arm, and Dominic gripped his forearm in the fashion of the Amoveo warrior. “Thank you, my friend.”

“Listen, I'm happy to fill in for you while you take sugar lips back to her pimp daddy,” Zachary said. “But I heard there's a Guardian gig in Hawaii, and since I'm not a big fan of Montana winters, you better not get your sorry ass killed.”

Dominic let out a short laugh and shook his head, but his smile faded as Tatiana called to him from the barn.
I'd like to connect with Obsidian now, but I'd feel better if you were here.

course. I'll be there in a minute.
Dominic shielded his mind from her after responding.

“I would appreciate it if you didn't discuss this plan with Tatiana.” Dominic's jaw set. “She's already worried about Courtney, and she is going to connect with one of the horses, so the last thing I want is for her to be distracted. I'll tell her about the plan, but I'd like to do it on my terms.”

They all nodded, but Daniella let out a snort of derision.

“Zachary,” Richard said without looking at Daniella. “Please take the prisoner into the house but keep her confined to the kitchen. I find her to be… irritating.”

“No problem, chief.” Zachary nudged Daniella toward the house.

“Dominic, let me know what happens with Tatiana and her attempt to connect with the horses. To be honest, I'm hoping the Purists were responsible for what happened to Spirit. The idea of worrying about the Caedo as well doesn't thrill me,” Richard said. “In the meantime, Malcolm and Eric will patrol the property. Layla and William will watch over Courtney and Steven, while Dante and Kerry are available to help Tatiana. I will leave for a while to visit with Salinda and the others in New York.”

“Richard,” Malcolm added. “I'd like to expand the patrols farther into the mountains if you don't mind. When we were there yesterday, I believe I picked up remnants of another signature, but I'd like to go back and double-check. It may only have been an echo of the Purists who attacked yesterday, but I'd like to be certain.”

“Of course. I trust all of you to do whatever is necessary.” Richard slapped him on the shoulder and handed his gun to Eric. “I won't need this, and I doubt the vampires would appreciate it if I came into their territory armed.”

Richard uttered the ancient language and vanished in a rush of static electricity.

“I'll be in the barn with Tatiana,” Dominic said. “I'll let you know if she discovers anything else.”

“You want backup?” Eric asked. “Malcolm can handle patrol on his own for a while.”

“No.” Dominic shook his head but kept his gaze fixed on the barn. “You two do as the prince asked and patrol the property. Eric, why don't you cover the main area, and Malcolm, you can shift into your eagle and get a broader view from the air.”

“You got it, boss.” Eric gave a small salute and headed down the gravel drive toward the cabins.

“Eric,” Dominic shouted. “Don't keep information from me again. We're a team, but we can't do that if everyone's not on the same page.”

Eric said nothing but nodded and waved as he went on his way.

“He was quite concerned about you and Tatiana,” Malcolm added quietly. “It has to be challenging for him, Dominic. He's still unmated, and I'm sure he offered you the same space he would undoubtedly want for himself when the time comes.”

“He thinks it's a challenge now?” Dominic scoffed and gave Malcolm a knowing look. “Wait until he finds his mate, then he'll really know what a challenge is.”

“Truer words were never spoken.” Malcolm laughed loudly and slapped Dominic on the arm before handing him his rifle. “I won't be taking this with me on my flight.”

Dominic took the rifle and slung it over his shoulder as Malcolm spread his arms wide, tilted his face to the sky, and whispered, “
” Dominic watched as the air shimmered, and Malcolm shifted into the form of his golden eagle. He screeched loudly, and his yellow eyes glowed brightly as he stretched his wings wide, showing off an impressive six-foot wingspan.

Dominic gave him a look of approval as Malcolm pumped his enormous, bronze wings and shot into the sky like a bullet. He watched as his friend soared across the pale blue sky.

Don't worry, Dominic.
Malcolm's voice, strong and steady, filled his head and put him at ease.
I'll keep you posted.
He knew that between Eric and Malcolm, the property would be well-watched, and both men would spring into action without needing to be told what to do.

As he walked toward the barn, he glanced back over his shoulder, but Eric was no longer in sight, and one thing nagged at him. This was the first time Eric kept information from him, and Dominic wondered if there was more to it than he let on.

Did Eric really want to give him and Tatiana space, or did he question Dominic's effectiveness? He stopped outside the stables as that sense of impending dread crawled up his back. Was it possible that Eric and the others believed he was no longer suitable to serve as Guardian?

Chapter 11

Tatiana sensed Dominic the instant he was nearby and found herself comforted. She smiled at him as he strode through the open doors of the stable, and her heart skipped a beat. Wearing his usual ensemble of a black T-shirt, camo pants, and boots, he was all muscle, bone, and sinew as he stalked toward her.

The man's face was a mask of chiseled concentration, and he had a predatory look in his eye that made her wet and wanting. Images of his perfectly sculpted male body wrapped around hers flooded Tatiana's mind. Blood rushed to her cheeks as memories from last night came roaring to life.

Dominic's lovemaking had been both tender and savage. Driving her to tears with achingly gentle kisses one minute and then devouring her with unrestrained passion the next. His tanned, well-muscled arms that had been tangled up with her in bed were now draped with not one but two guns.

Tatiana's smile faltered as the dichotomy of who Dominic was came vividly to life.

This man, who could be heartbreakingly tender, touch her and cherish her as though she was made of the finest china, was also a stone-cold killer. He was a predator capable of destroying his enemies in the blink of an eye. Any doubt about how dangerous he could be was extinguished when she watched him destroy the Purist in the mountains.

In that instant, she realized something as powerful as it was frightening. She was enamored with the sensitive, vulnerable man who snuggled babies, made her midnight breakfast, and bared his soul to her. However, she was also instinctively and irrevocably attracted to the dangerous, feral beast that would kill to keep her safe.

Man and beast. Lover and killer.

Tatiana desired both sides She didn't simply desire him—she respected him. Maybe she even…

“The horses seem better.” Kerry's voice snapped her from her thoughts. “Only one of them—Dover, the young stallion—hasn't gotten his appetite back, at least not as much as the others. So, does this mean you'll leave us soon and head to Oregon?”

“What?” Tatiana asked without taking her eyes off Dominic, who had stopped to speak with Dante. “I'm sorry. What did you say?” She laughed and looked back at Kerry, embarrassed she might have known what she was thinking.

“Are you going back to Oregon?” Kerry asked gently. Her large dark eyes crinkled at the corners as she adjusted her long, black ponytail. “Or might you be persuaded to relocate here?”

Tatiana's heart thudded in her chest as the reality of that question hit her. She was going to have to choose. Either go home to Oregon or stay here with Dominic?

Nibbling her lip, she looped the horse's lead line through her hands, as the question whipped through her mind. Tatiana felt torn, but when she locked eyes with Dominic the chaos swirling inside her stilled, like leaves settling after a storm.

Dominic moved toward her with a concerned look as his energy signature whisked through the thick summer air with hers. Tatiana sighed as it swathed her in a soothing embrace.

“I don't know,” she whispered through trembling lips. “How am I supposed to make that choice? Leave everything I've ever known? My home, my practice…” She swallowed the lump in her throat and fought the tears that threatened to spill over. “Or leave him.”

“Can I give you a piece of advice from one freak-show half-breed to another?”

Tatiana nodded but didn't speak because it would likely release the tears she was holding back.

“Don't let fear stop you. Put everything else aside for a while and simply ask yourself how he makes you feel. I'm all for being an independent woman, believe me, but don't let your need for independence turn into an excuse to push him away. I'm still independent, and maybe even more so, since I hooked up with Dante. The question really is: Will you be happier with him or without him?”

Tatiana looked to her left and latched gazes again with Dominic. Her heart raced faster with every step he took as Kerry's question raced through her mind.

Everything slowed, and her heartbeat thundered in her ears as the veracity of that question settled over her. Tatiana Winters had done the one thing in the world she swore she would never do. She fell in love with an Amoveo man—
Amoveo man. She loved him.

“With him,” she whispered, her voice thick with emotion.

Tatiana dropped the lead line, ran down the hay-strewn aisle of the barn, and launched herself into Dominic's embrace. She linked her arms around his neck and buried her face against his throat as she breathed in his distinct scent. He smelled like soap and a hint of sweat.

“Hey,” he whispered, his voice laced with concern. He stroked the back of her head as his other arm held her snugly. “What's going on? Did you connect with the horse? Tatiana, you're scaring me. Say something.”

Dominic pulled back. Setting her down on her feet, he cradled her face in his hands as his worried eyes studied her closely. Tatiana's body trembled, and she pressed his hand to her cheek, struggling to find the right words. Finally, she settled on the three little words that she'd never said to another man. It made sense. Although she didn't realize it, she'd been saving them for him.

“I—I love you.”

Dominic's body stilled against hers. His eyes flickered and shifted into the glowing amber eyes of his clan, but he said nothing.

“Did you hear me?” She dropped her hands to his chest and worried his dog tags between her fingers, the cool metal soothing her and keeping her grounded in reality. She held his stare and said it again. “I love you, Dominic.”

Growling, he ducked his chin and rested his forehead against hers while holding her close
. I love you too, Tatiana.
The words whispered into her mind like a caress as he kissed the tip of her nose.

Tatiana popped up onto her toes and captured his lips, gently at first, savoring the feel of them. Her hands curled against his chest as he held her closer, and the kiss quickly grew in intensity. She linked her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss as the now familiar fire flickered over her skin.

The sound of people clapping captured their attention. Dominic broke the kiss and laughed as he placed a kiss on top of her head and hugged her close. Tatiana, her head on Dominic's shoulder, caught a glimpse of Kerry and Dante, who stood behind them applauding loudly. She grinned at them before burying her face into Dominic's neck and giggling.

“Bravo,” Dante said.

“Well played, kids.” Kerry gave her them two thumbs up and laughed as Dante stood behind her and swept his mate into a sweet embrace. “Now, you two will have time to play doctor later, but don't we have funky psychic shit to take care of? Like creating a mental link with one of these gorgeous horses?”

“You ready?” Dominic asked. His hands slid down her back and rested at the top of her butt.

“As I'll ever be.” Tatiana let out a shuddering breath and kissed the cheek with the scar. “I've got to get Obsidian. Don't go anywhere, okay?”

“Not a chance.” Dominic smacked her butt playfully and released her from his strong embrace. “Let's do this.”


Tatiana stood in the stall with Obsidian and whispered soothing sounds to the young mare while sending her gentle waves of reassuring energy. The doors of the stable were closed, and the other horses were out to graze. While it made the space thick with heat and humidity, Tatiana felt it could be distracting for both of them if there were too many equine energies in the immediate vicinity.

Kerry and Dante remained close by. If Tatiana had trouble making a firm connection, Kerry's psychic ability might solidify it. They gave Tatiana some space and observed from outside the stall. Dominic, however, stood inside with Tatiana, and even though she thought it might make Obsidian nervous, she knew there was no talking him out of it.

Tatiana closed her eyes and stood in front of Obsidian with both hands laid gently over the
on her forehead. Her gorgeous black coat was pure midnight and shone almost blue when the light hit it. The mare's energy fluttered around Tatiana in pale lavender waves, calm and peaceful.

Sharpening her focus, Tatiana worked on finding that elusive tear in the ribbon of energy, the spot where she could slip inside and touch the carefully guarded soul of the gentle beast. As the connection deepened, Tatiana's body felt heavy and cumbersome. She concentrated on riding her own energy wave as it merged with Obsidian's. As the two swooped through the thick, summer atmosphere together, a crackle of bright, white light captured her attention.

Swimming within time and space, Tatiana whisked along, and with one final mental push, she slid through the crevice like a thread through the eye of a needle. Her body jolted, and her breath rushed from her lungs as the bond was formed.

Tatiana barely recognized her own voice as she linked her mind with the mare.
killed, Spirit?

The words surrounded Tatiana in a fog of muffled moaning sounds.
man. Pretender.

Who, Obsidian?
The light around her faded, and the voice seemed farther away, but she was surrounded by a rushing noise. It reminded her of trying to hear the ocean in a conch shell—loud, white noise that was frustratingly indistinct.
Obsidian, what is his name?

The light was sucked from her in a rush, like water swooshing abruptly down a drain. Blood pumped in her ears as her heart raced, and the mare's short, bristly hair rasped beneath her fingertips. Tatiana gasped for air as the connection was severed, and Obsidian whinnied loudly as she reared back. Tatiana lost her balance and was knocked backward, but instead of slamming into the wooden wall, she landed safely in Dominic's waiting arms.

Clinging to him, she fought to get her bearings as the psychic connection faded. It took her a moment to realize she was once again sitting in his lap in a pile of hay. Tatiana pushed her hair off her forehead as she caught her breath and saw that Obsidian seemed no worse for wear. The mare was in the opposite corner of the stall chewing on a carrot Kerry had given her.

“You okay?” Dominic asked. His face was etched with concern. “You were pretty out of it for a while. It's like you weren't here. I mean your body was, but your mind was somewhere else entirely. I tried to telepath to you, but there was nothing there. I have to be honest, that scared the shit out of me.”

“Sorry,” she said through a short laugh. Tatiana held her hand to her chest, reeling from the unusual experience. “That was nuts, but it worked.”

“Dominic's right. You were in pretty deep, and I know those intense mental links can really take it out of a girl. Are you okay?” Kerry asked. She hung both arms over the stable door and tossed Obsidian another carrot. “What did she tell you?”

“Anything useful?” Dante asked. He stood next to Kerry and glanced from Tatiana to the horse. “Did she see who shot Spirit and wrote that message?”

Obsidian's words floated into her mind, haunting her.
think… bad man… pretender.

“Tatiana?” Dominic's grip tightened as he sensed the shift in her energy signature. His fingers curled around her bicep, and he stroked the bare skin on her arm gently. “What is it?” he murmured.

Tatiana looked from him to Dante, and dread crept over her. One of the men on the ranch was a traitor. She shook her head as she stood up and extricated herself from his grasp.

“Nothing useful,” she said without making eye contact. She brushed stray pieces of hay off her butt. “Just cryptic messages. I guess I'm not as good at it as I thought I was.”

“Hold on.” Dominic grabbed her arm and turned her to face him. “I can tell there's something else. What is it?”

“It doesn't make any sense.” Tatiana held his stare and licked her lower lip, glancing from Dominic to Dante. “There's no way what she said could be correct.”

“What did she say?” Dominic asked slowly.

“She said that one of the men is a pretender.
That's what she said, but it doesn't make any sense. I can't believe that anyone on the ranch would do that.”

“It wouldn't be the first time we've been betrayed.” Dominic's expression darkened. “I never would have suspected my own sister of being a Purist.”

“Or my father,” Dante added quietly. Kerry rubbed his back with one hand as she leaned into him with a supportive smile. “We've all been betrayed at one point or another.”

“I don't understand why she couldn't tell me his name.” Tatiana let out a sigh of frustration and ran both hands along Obsidian's side. The horse made a snuffling sound and butted Tatiana with her nose. “You're really making me work for it, aren't you?”

“Maybe she doesn't know names,” Kerry said as she handed a lead line to Tatiana. “She is a horse, after all.”

“I guess,” Tatiana murmured as she clicked the line to Obsidian's harness. Dominic opened the stall door, and they all stepped aside as she led the graceful animal out of the stable. “I wish I could get her to tell me who it was, but the connection was broken too quickly.”

Tatiana patted Obsidian on the neck and unhooked her from the lead line, allowing her to roam freely in the field with the other horses. She smiled as four other mares trotted over to greet Obsidian, and a moment later, they galloped off together.

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