Unclaimed (21 page)

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Authors: Sara Humphreys

BOOK: Unclaimed
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“My father harvested my eggs and implanted them with your sperm.” Savannah's voice wavered, and she paused, squeezing her eyes shut as though saying it out loud was too much to bear. “So many of the women in the breeding program were dying. He didn't want to risk my safety. He used Courtney as a surrogate because you are both from the same clan and had her carry the pregnancy. You are my mate, Steven, and the baby is

“That's not possible.” Steven looked from Courtney to Savannah, his brow furrowed, his face carved with anger. “You are not my mate. My mate, the mother of my son, is dead because of you and your psychotic father,” he shouted.

Steven lifted Courtney's lifeless body from the bed and cradled her against his chest before turning his glowing coyote eyes to Savannah.

“Steven?” Tatiana asked gently. “What are you doing?”

“I'm taking my wife to have a proper Amoveo burial.” He leveled a deadly glare at Savannah. “Savannah—you will come nowhere near me or
son ever again.” His voice cracked with emotion. “

Steven growled the ancient language, and in an eruption of static electricity, they were gone. Savannah broke into hysterical sobs and dropped to her knees on the floor, weeping uncontrollably. Tatiana looked at Dominic before crossing to Savannah, squatting down next to her, and wrapping her arms around her.

“It's not your fault, Savannah.” She pulled Savannah to her feet and looked at Dominic as she comforted the inconsolable girl. “You are as much a victim of your father's actions as the rest.”

“It doesn't matter.” Savannah pushed Tatiana away as her eyes glowed yellow, the eyes of her clan, with hurt and frustration edging each word. “Everything I did to protect Courtney and the baby, to keep Steven happy—it failed. Now, the woman he loves is dead.” Her voice dropped to a ragged whisper. “And I'll never see my son… but then again, I don't deserve him, do I?”

Savannah put the puppy on the floor.

“I don't deserve you either.”

Dominic edged closer to Tatiana, clearly unnerved by Savannah's outburst, and held his weapon at the ready. Tatiana made a face and pushed the end of the gun toward the floor.

“Can you blame Dominic for being cautious, Tatiana?” Savannah asked through a slightly hysterical laugh. “I no longer have a place among the Amoveo. I am, and always will be, the daughter of Dr. Moravian.” Her shoulders sagged, and a complete air of defeat washed over her. “Tell my son, and Steven, that I love them… and… I'm sorry.”

Savannah uttered the ancient language, and in a violent rush of static, she vanished.


Standing alone with Tatiana, Dominic wrapped her in his arms. She buried her face in his chest as the tears continued to fall. He stroked the back of her hair and murmured to her softly as he kissed her head.

“I knew something wasn't right,” Tatiana said through a sniffle. She rested her cheek against his chest and took a shuddering breath as the beat of his heart thrummed strong and steady beneath his chest. “That's why Courtney jumped in between me and that Purist. She wanted to die. I should have known—after all the crazy things she was saying. I should've known.”

“Tatiana,” he whispered gruffly and squeezed her tighter. “How could you possibly have known any of this?”

“I don't know. All I do know is that I feel responsible.” She wiped her tears and pulled back, looking him in the face. “Courtney's dead because she tried to save me, and Matt's dead because of me too.”

“Don't say that.” His eyes glowed brightly, and the line between his brows deepened. “That's not true, Tatiana. Courtney chose to step in the middle of that battle. No one made her do it or asked her to.
put her life and the life of the baby at risk, not you. And you didn't kill Matt—Eric did.”

“Maybe,” she said slowly, “but he wouldn't have been there if it weren't for me. Matt's dead, all because I brought him to that ranch, just to try and keep all of the Amoveo in line. Not to mention, trying to keep you away from me.” Her voice caught in her throat as shame washed over her. “I
and now, he's dead. It was all for nothing because we're together anyway. Aren't we?”

Tatiana's voice rose with anger, and her eyes snapped to their clan form as her grief, frustration, and helplessness boiled over.

“Fate stepped in,” she shouted, “taking all choices away. It moved us around like pawns on a chessboard, doing its bidding, and making us dance like puppets.”

Dominic's face fell, and it looked as though she'd smacked him. He dropped his hands as a wounded expression came over him and stepped back, increasing the distance between them.

“I see.” His voice was barely audible, and his jaw set. “Well, you can have your life and your choices back, Tatiana. As soon as we've eliminated Eric and the immediate threat, I will leave you to whatever fate you choose. I wouldn't want to think you were with me against your will.”

Tatiana's head spun as she watched him walk out of the room, and as he left, his energy signature severed from hers. The door slammed behind him, and she was left in an empty room with a gut-wrenching void. Dominic left her truly alone, and she didn't blame him one damn bit.

Crumpling onto the edge of the bed, she put her face in her hands and wept. In a matter of seconds, Tatiana had managed to alienate and insult the only man she'd ever loved. Confusion, frustration, and fear clawed at her from the inside, scraping at everything she thought was real.

Tatiana cried until she didn't have anything left. She shed tears for everything and everyone they'd lost. She wept for the loss of her friends and the undeniable forfeiture of stability or safety. And no matter how many puppy licks Casanova doled out, nothing could make it better.

This time, she couldn't blame the Purists, Eric, the Amoveo, or the almighty hand of fate for the loss she suffered. They weren't the ones who said impulsive, hurtful things to Dominic. Just as no one had made Courtney sacrifice herself, no one had made Tatiana utter such thoughtless words to someone who'd only tried to take care of her.

This time, the only person Tatiana had to blame was herself.

Chapter 16

Night seemed longer than usual. Tatiana sat at the picture window sipping a cup of coffee as she looked out over the moonlit woods the way she had so many times through the years. She wasn't alone in her home, but she'd never been this lonely in her life. Casanova snuggled with her, doing his best to make her feel better. Dominic hadn't said a word to her since he left her in the bedroom, and the only telepathing he'd done was when he spoke with them collectively.

The man was pissed, and he had every right to be. Tatiana wanted to apologize and vow to set it straight as soon as he'd speak to her. She only hoped it would be sooner rather than later.

William, Dominic, and Richard patrolled outside. It was well after midnight, and so far, there was no sign of Eric or anyone else. Occasionally, she would catch a glimpse of Dominic's glowing eyes as he slipped in and out of the tree line, but only for a moment. She crushed him and had absolutely no idea how to fix it. Somehow, saying
I'm sorry
simply didn't seem like enough.

We're picking up human energy patterns on the outskirts of the property.
Richard's voice touched their collective minds.
shift. We'll cover more ground faster in our clan forms.

William's typically stuffy tone chimed in curtly.

, Tatiana added.
that's probably all it is.

Dominic's voice cut in briefly
. Back here in ten.

As his voice touched her mind, even for that brief moment, Tatiana was filled with an overwhelming sense of calm, and for an instant, the void was filled. Yet when he closed off communication, the darkness returned with a vengeance.

Tatiana squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head as if she could somehow clear her confusion about her own feelings. There had been no word from Steven since they'd left, and she doubted there would be anytime soon. Savannah hadn't been in touch since her hasty exit, and Tatiana couldn't help but worry about her. The girl didn't seem to have a friend in the world.

Dante stood at the other window with his gun in hand. He peered outside through glowing amber eyes, no doubt exploring the surrounding area with his keen Amoveo senses.

“He'll get over it,” Dante said, breaking the unsettling silence. He sliced a glance at Tatiana over his shoulder and smirked. “Kerry didn't want much to do with me in the beginning either, but somehow, it all worked itself out. And William?” Dante let out a scoffing sound and shook his head as he looked back out the window. “Layla turned his world upside down. Poor bastard didn't know his ass from his elbow when he found your sister, and look at him now. He actually smiles. Shit, until he and Layla got together, I didn't think the guy had any teeth.”

“I hurt him,” she said quietly. Tatiana pulled her feet under her and sipped her coffee. “I said something shitty, and I can't take it back. Once it's out there, it's out there.”

“What did you say?”

“Well.” She sighed and laid her head back on the couch before glancing at Dante. “In a nutshell, I blamed our relationship for Matt's death and implied that what we have isn't real. It's merely a trick of fate. I mean, look at that mess with Steven and Courtney. Did he really love Courtney, or did he convince himself he did because he thought she was his mate? Did Savannah do what she did only because she believed he was her mate, or were her feelings genuine? So why should I believe our feelings for each other are real? What if they're just some side effect from this mate legend?”

“You're right.” Dante nodded with his back to her. “That's shitty.”

“Thanks.” She sipped her coffee again and let out a short laugh. “If this is your idea of a pep talk, it sucks.”

“Sorry.” Dante lifted one shoulder. “I don't know if you've noticed, but the Amoveo men aren't great with subtlety.”

“Yeah, I noticed.”

“We're good at some stuff though.”

Dante turned around and faced her, his brown eyes smiling at her. Tatiana's face heated with embarrassment, and she looked away because she had a feeling he was referring to the crazy, toe-curling sex.

“Well, yeah.” He laughed and ran one hand through his thick auburn hair, embarrassed by the same thing. “But we're good at other stuff too.” His expression grew serious. “Like taking care of the people we love, and make no mistake about it—Dominic loves you. Before you came along, the only thing that man could see was duty—his job as Guardian. Not so much anymore.” He held up one hand. “Don't get me wrong. He's out there right now in full-on Tiger Clan mode ready to rip Eric's throat out, but it's different than it was before.”

“How do you mean?” Tatiana sat up and put her mug on the wooden coffee table as she leaned both elbows on her knees, interested in any insight she could get on this mate thing. “How is he different now?”

“His motivation.” Dante smiled and pointed at her. “You, Tatiana. Everything he does, every decision he makes, is made with your best interests at heart. He'll do whatever it is that he thinks will make you happy and keep you safe. So, if you told Dominic that you don't think your feelings are real and that all of this is some kind of trick, then my guess is he's going back to the ranch and will resume his position as Guardian… without you. Not because that's what
but because he thinks it's what

Tatiana's heart sank, and she let out a slow breath as she pressed her mouth against folded hands. Dante turned around and looked back out at the quiet forest as she let it all sink in. Maybe that's what she needed to do. Let him leave.

When this was all over, she would let Dominic go back to the ranch while she stayed here. Perhaps the only way to know if their love was real was to get some space from each other. What was that expression? If you love something, set it free. If it comes back to you, it's yours. And if not, it wasn't meant to be.

A high-pitched sound in conjunction with shattering glass made Tatiana jump. For a second, she wasn't sure which direction it came from until Dante wavered on his feet before falling in a heap to the ground. Seconds later a hail of bullets sprayed the windows from both sides.

Tatiana grabbed Cass and dove onto the floor. She crawled past the table and skittered along the floor on her belly to Dante's side as glass and wood shards rained over her. Cass hid under the table, whimpering.

With strength she didn't know she had, she dragged Dante away from the window and into the kitchen. He touched the wound on his chest as he winced in pain. “Motherfucker that hurts.”

Dominic's panicked voice thundered into her mind.

I'm okay, but Dante's been shot.
A large dark stain spread across his shirt, and she pressed her hand to the wound in an effort to stop the bleeding.
It's bad, Dominic. What the hell is going on?

Dominic sounded winded, and a growl rumbled.
one, but Eric and the other two are heavily armed. William's been hit. Goddamn it. They waited until we were in our clan form to hit us. You get the fuck out of here, right now

She pulled Dante's shirt up and inspected the gunshot wound. He was hit just below his shoulder, and based on the blood seeping onto her legs, the bullet passed straight through.
I've got to stop this bleeding, or he's going to be in big trouble.

Tatiana closed her eyes, and holding onto Dante, she shrunk against the cabinets as the hail of bullets continued. She reached out through space and did what they taught her. She pictured the inside of her office, the smell of antiseptic in the surgery suite, and the familiar scent of cats and dogs, which lingered.

As the sense-memory came rushing to the forefront of her mind, she visualized herself in the space. In a flurry of static electricity, she and Dante materialized on the cold tile floor in the exam room of her veterinary practice.

It was dark except for the silver ray of moonlight spilling from the tiny row of windows along the top of the walls. The gunfire stopped, and Dominic's mind disengaged from hers, which invoked a wave of panic. She bit it back and focused on helping Dante. She hurried to the cabinet of supplies and grabbed what she needed before diving back to the floor to help him.

Tatiana worked quickly to sop up the blood, but she stilled as the roar of a big cat rattled the air. She held her breath as it was followed by gunfire and the wailing scream of a man. Then silence. Tatiana's heart hammered in her chest. She tried to reach out to Richard and Dominic but was met with horrifying silence.

Were they dead or merely cutting off telepathic communication to keep her safe? She prayed it was the latter.

A split second later, static flickered in the room, and Kerry materialized in front of her. Tatiana let out a shuddering sob of relief and sat back on her heels. The statuesque beauty looked like a pissed-off Amazonian goddess. Her yellow panther eyes glowed brightly as she dropped to her knees and huddled next to her wounded mate.

“Oh, no you don't, Tarzan,” Kerry said through trembling lips. She pulled him into her lap as he attempted a weak smile and placed a shaking hand over hers. “You can't go around getting shot and dying. That is not what I signed up for. No way. You are not allowed to die.”

“Take him to the vampires,” Tatiana whispered. “Go.”

“You have to come with us.” Kerry's long dark hair fell over her face as tears filled her eyes. “You can't stay here.”

Tatiana placed her finger to her lips as the sound of someone walking outside caught her attention, and neither one moved. Tatiana's eyes shifted to the burning golden eyes of her wolf, and she captured Kerry's gaze.
trouble. I'm not going anywhere until I know Dominic is okay.

it's pointless to argue with a hybrid Amoveo woman.
Kerry squeezed her friend's hand.
careful. I'll send help as soon as I can, so don't do anything crazy, okay? Wait for Pete.

Tatiana nodded and gave Kerry a tight smile as she and Dante vanished in a flurry of static, leaving her alone. She sucked in a shaky breath and grabbed the edge of the counter as she pulled herself to her feet. Tatiana winced at the stinging cuts on her face and arms, which she must've gotten from the flying glass, but didn't notice until now.

With her heart thundering in her chest, Tatiana crept toward the waiting area of her office. She nudged the swinging door open a crack, peered into the innocuous-looking room, and to her relief, found it empty. Tatiana slipped through the door, opening it only enough so she could sneak through. She padded silently to the front doors. She pressed her body against the wall next to the door, avoiding the windows.

Shaking with fear and adrenaline, she shut her eyes and focused on the area around the building. Her gut instinct was to send her energy signature in search of the others, but she worried that might be like sending a fucking bat-signal to Eric, alerting him to her location. Tears stung her eyes, but she pressed the heels of her hands against them, refusing to cry.

Tatiana didn't know what to do.

The woods were quiet. Unnaturally quiet—even the animals seemed to be holding their breath, waiting to see what would come next. Her hand lingered on the doorknob as she debated about what the hell she should do. She had to do something because sitting in here waiting had to be worse than dealing with whoever was out there head-on.

Tatiana's hands were sticky with blood and slick with sweat as her fingers slid on the knob, but her heart skipped a beat when she felt it move. Someone was trying to come inside, and based on the energy, it was a human man. Caedo?

Tatiana scrambled across the room and hid under the receptionist's desk. She pulled her knees to her chest and held her breath, praying that whoever it was would find the room empty and leave.

With heart pounding in her chest and sweat covering her quivering body, she waited. She covered her mouth with one hand to keep from crying out as the distinct sound of the door opening broke the silence. Tatiana held her breath, worrying that even that small sound would alert her hunter. The footsteps of someone creeping slowly across the room echoed, and she thought she would go crazy as she waited, praying for the man to leave.

“Come out, come out, wherever you are,” he sang.

The squeak of the exam room door opening and closing gave her hope. As quietly as possible, she crawled out and peered around the desk. Whoever it was had gone into the exam room and left the front door open.

Finding her courage, Tatiana rushed to her feet and ran out the door.

“There she is,” he shouted.

Tatiana leapt from the steps, and as her bare feet hit the pine-needle-covered ground, her eyes flickered to their clan form. A growl erupted as she pictured her clan form, and in an explosion of static, Tatiana erupted into her timber wolf.

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