Uncovering Annabelle (15 page)

Read Uncovering Annabelle Online

Authors: N. J. Walters

Tags: #sexy, #small town, #librarian, #sexual fantasies, #handyman

BOOK: Uncovering Annabelle
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He padded back into the bedroom and pulled
on a pair of clean jeans and a T-shirt. It was the weekend and he
wanted to be comfortable. His hair was still damp but it would dry
soon enough. He detoured long enough to dump his dirty clothes into
the hamper and hang the damp towel over the rod. Having Annabelle
around made him more conscious about picking up after himself. Not
that he was a slob, but he was a guy.

Less than fifteen minutes after he’d left
her, Mike was back in the kitchen, clean and with his libido under
control. She’d been busy while he’d been gone. The table was set
just like a restaurant with all the correct dishes and utensils.
There were even cloth napkins on the table, and he knew for sure he
didn’t own any. That meant she’d brought them with him.

The vase holding the wildflowers on the
table didn’t belong to him either. He eyed both of them, liking the
fact that Annabelle felt comfortable enough to bring some of her
things into his home. It gave him hope that she was beginning to
think of them as more than just an affair.

Annabelle had opened the wine and helped
herself to a glass. She watched him as he took in the table and
snagged his own glass of wine. Raising his glass, he proposed a
toast. “To a beautiful table, a tasty dinner, and an even more
delicious lady.”

She reached her glass out to tap his even as
she blushed at his words. “You don’t mind that I brought a few
things over?” She busied herself straightening one of the

“Nope, looks great.” He took a deep drink of
his wine to fortify himself. Mike wanted nothing more than to scoop
her up and take her to bed, but she’d obviously spent a lot of time
preparing this. There was no way he’d disappoint her.

“It smells great too.” It sounded cliché but
he really meant it. Taking a deep breath, he inhaled and just
enjoyed the scents permeating the air. The aroma of fresh chicken
and yeasty bread filled the kitchen. His stomach growled in

“Sit down and eat before it gets cold.”
Annabelle’s face was suffused with pleasure as she ushered him into
his seat at the table. The plates had been filled with golden brown
chicken, steaming baked potatoes with rosemary and melted butter,
and glazed baby carrots. A basket of warm rolls sat in the center
of the table with a fancy little dish filled with butter sitting
next to it.

“This is amazing.” Mike snagged a roll,
slathered butter on it and took a bite. “I missed lunch, so I’m
starving.” He tried the chicken and groaned. “Delicious.”

“I’m glad you like it.” Her face was red,
but Annabelle seemed pleased by his compliment. “It’s only

He reached over and took her hand in his.
“It’s more than just food. You took the time to make this for me.”
He rubbed his thumb over her knuckles. “Thank you.” He paused for
effect. “Now dig in.”


• • •


Annabelle laughed, pleased by his reaction
to the meal she’d prepared. It had felt strange coming into his
home when he wasn’t there. Stranger still to leave a bag with
clothing in his bedroom and unpack groceries she’d purchased in his

She’d enjoyed cooking for Mike. It was her
way of thanking him for all the kind gestures he made his past
week. As on edge as they’d made her, she was also touched by how
well he seemed to know her.

He’d seemed upset earlier, almost angry.
Whatever had been bothering him, he seemed more himself now. Not
that she was an expert or anything. They’d only been seeing each
other for a week.

But she’d known him for months. He was an
easygoing guy and everyone around town liked him. If there’d been
any negative gossip she’d have heard it by now. Some of the library
patrons liked to talk a little too much. Annabelle disliked gossip,
but she knew that many older people just wanted someone to talk to.
She didn’t mind and considered it part of her job. The library was
a gathering place for young and old alike.

“How was work this week?” She knew very
little about the daily running of his construction business.

Mike scooped up a forkful of potatoes.
“Good. I’ve got crews working on two custom homes and we’re putting
a new kitchen in another. That’s been delayed. The granite slab for
the kitchen counter cracked during delivery.”

“Oh, no.” She could only imagine how
disappointed the homeowners must be. “Your clients must not be very
happy about that.”

“Yeah. The stone guys have to replace it,
but I take the heat.”

“Do people really get angry with you over
something that’s not your fault?”

Mike chewed and swallowed. “Sure. I’m the
face of the operation. That’s why I get the big bucks,” he teased.
“Had a couple of guys out with a stomach virus this week, and my
tile guy had another job run long and can’t start on mine until
next Tuesday.”

“You handle a lot of details on a daily
basis, don’t you?” She’d never really thought about the logistics
of it all. Like most people, she’d seen the renovation shows on
television, but they always skipped past the days and weeks of hard
work, showing a minor problem or two and the finished result.

“Sure, but I don’t mind too much. I prefer
the actual physical work. There’s something satisfying about seeing
a finished job. How about you?” he asked. “Anything exciting in the
world of books this week?”

Annabelle laughed. “You’d be surprised.
Several of the kids who come to the children’s reading hour must
have had the same stomach virus your crew did.”

Mike slowly lowered his fork. “Oh, no.”

She nodded. “Oh, yes. It was quite a mess,
but I’m happy to report the children are feeling much better

Conversation flowed and Annabelle shared
stories of all the interesting things that had happened at the
library. She told him about her shrinking book budget, the struggle
of having to depend on a small part-time staff and a few volunteers
to keep the place open, and the constant battle to provide all the
services the community demanded.

“I never considered how much you have to
contend with.” Mike scooped some more potatoes and chicken onto his
plate. “I figured it was mostly putting books on the shelf and
checking people out at the desk.”

Annabelle didn’t take offense. Most people
had no idea exactly what a librarian’s job entailed, especially
working in a small-town library.

After dinner, they cleared away the dishes,
working in tandem as though they’d been doing it for years.
Annabelle enjoyed herself. It almost felt as though they were a
real couple.

For the first time, she wondered if she was
selling herself short by not wholeheartedly embracing their

She started the dishwasher and wiped her
hands on a towel. Better to be safe than sorry. She’d play it
cautious for now and see how things between them played out. They
were still in what all the women’s magazines referred to as the
“honeymoon” stage of their relationship, both of them on their best
behavior. What would happen if they had a big fight or if Mike got
bored with her after a month or two?

She ignored the twinge in her heart. “Do you
want coffee?”

“I’ll get it,” he told her. “You get the ice

She spooned one scoop into a bowl for
herself and two into one for Mike. They carried it into the living
room and curled up on the sofa. Mike turned on the television and
found a sitcom they both enjoyed. They laughed and ate ice cream.
It was a relaxed and ordinary evening.

It all changed with one simple

She was leaning against Mike and he had his
arm around her, playing with a wisp of hair that had come free from
her bun. “I want to take you to the end-of-summer fair next

All of her earlier concerns came roaring
back. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea.” Being seen as a couple in
public was a huge step forward. This wasn’t some large, impersonal
city. This was Summersville. Everyone knew who he was and most of
them would recognize her. She got sick to her stomach just thinking
about being under the scrutiny of so many people.

“Why the hell not?” Each word was spoken
slowly and carefully enunciated.

She wasn’t quite sure how to respond in a
way that he’d understand. He was a handsome, successful man who
could get a date any night of the week. She was the quiet librarian
who’d lived here for months and never had a date until Mike had
asked her out. It wouldn’t hurt him in the least if they were seen
as a couple and then broke up a few months down the road.

She moved several feet away from him. A
muscle in his jaw flexed and his gaze narrowed. “Why the hell not?”
he repeated. Each word grew louder and he was shouting by the

Annabelle jumped up from the sofa and began
to pace. “Because, people will see us together and have
expectations . . .” She trailed off, searching for the
right words.

Mike slowly rose to his feet and crossed his
arms over his chest. “What’s wrong with expectations?” he demanded
to know. He caught her by the arm when she paced by him and turned
her to face him. “I’ve got expectations of my own.” There was
something in his voice she couldn’t quite place. He was upset and

Annabelle was totally flustered and near
tears. “You know it probably won’t last,” she blurted out. The
worst of her fears had gushed up from deep inside her and spilled

“What won’t last?” He dragged his fingers
through his hair and huffed out a breath. “Us? Not when you have
that attitude.” Mike cupped her cheeks with his hands and used the
pad of his thumb to brush away the one tear that rolled down her
cheek. “Damn it, Annabelle, don’t cry.”

“I’m sorry.” She hated crying, especially
during a fight. It seemed so manipulative.

Mike groaned and kissed her. He tilted her
head so he could delve deeper. He slid his tongue past her lips and
coaxed hers to play. She sighed and wrapped her fingers around his

He eased away and stared down at her. “When
have I ever given you the idea that this was temporary?”

“Never,” Annabelle whispered. He’d always
made her feel special. It was her insecurities causing the problem.
She didn’t know what she was going to do.


• • •


“Never,” Mike echoed. He bent down until his
forehead rested against hers. “It’s you that’s made this a secret
affair. Not me. I’ve always been honest with you about what I want.
It’s you who’s been dishonest with me and with yourself.”

He gave her no time to reply before covering
her lips once again. If there was one place she was honest in their
relationship it was when they were physical. And he wasn’t above
taking advantage of that.

He kissed her using every bit of skill and
experience at his disposal. Like every other time he touched
Annabelle, she responded eagerly and openly. He angled her head for
better penetration and she eagerly invited him inside. He tasted
coffee and ice cream and the sweetness of Annabelle herself. He
loved the small sounds of enjoyment she made when they kissed.
Annabelle was a very passionate woman.

He retreated, hoping she’d follow. She did.
When her tongue swept into his mouth, he captured it and nibbled.
She rewarded him with another moan of pleasure. Mike was fully
aroused, his erection straining at the zipper of his jeans.
Annabelle made him hotter than a hormonal fifteen-year-old boy. And
he would know. He’d been one once.

He swept his hands down her back and molded
her body to his. As he kissed her, he rocked her back and forth in
his arms, loving the feel of her breasts against him. He knew her
nipples would be hard. His mouth watered to taste them.

Annabelle pressed against the bulge in his
jeans. The more she yielded, the more he wanted.

He grasped her hips in his hands and lifted
her onto her toes, rubbing his hard-on against her mound. Mike knew
he was in danger of losing all control if he didn’t stop, and he
didn’t want this to end any time soon. He would love her so long
and hard she wouldn’t even think of leaving him.

This was no longer just a kiss but a
declaration of his intent.

He ran kisses over her jaw and down her
neck. “I’ll take as much as you give me until you give me
everything I want.”


• • •


Before she could respond to Mike’s cryptic
statement, he lifted her into his arms and strode out of the living
room. She knew she’d hurt him, angered him with her unwillingness
to take their relationship public. But one thing hadn’t changed.
She felt safe and treasured within the confines of Mike’s embrace
as he carried her upstairs to the bedroom.

She was confused. Had she been lying to
herself, as Mike claimed? Maybe, but she was also realistic. What
did he want from her? And how could he know so soon in their

She started to question him but he pressed
his lips against hers, stopping her before she could speak.

“Shhh. Don’t talk. Just feel.” He released
his hold on her legs and they slid down until she was standing in
front of him. “Take what I give you and know that it’s real.”

Annabelle was curious to see what he planned
to do next. She might be uncertain about the nature of their
relationship, but she trusted Mike implicitly when it came to the
sexual side of things.

His gaze never left hers as he reached for
the first button at the top of her dress. His nimble fingers slid
the button through the hole and glided down to the next one. He
continued working his way downward until her dress gaped open,
revealing a glimpse of a pale blue satin bra.

It was the first time she’d ever owned
lingerie that wasn’t serviceable white cotton. She’d gone shopping
on a whim earlier this week and was glad she’d given in to the
impulse. Mike had given her the confidence to test her womanly
wiles. If his heated stare was any indication, she had more than

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