Uncovering Annabelle (19 page)

Read Uncovering Annabelle Online

Authors: N. J. Walters

Tags: #sexy, #small town, #librarian, #sexual fantasies, #handyman

BOOK: Uncovering Annabelle
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Then she was too busy making love with Mike
to think at all.



“I heard you were hot.” The familiar voice
was male, deep, and husky.

Annabelle turned from where she’d been
returning books to the reference section before she left for the
evening. She raised her eyebrows and gave him what she hoped was a
haughty stare. “You shouldn’t be here. The library closed five
minutes ago.” It was delivered in her best librarian’s voice, but
instead of leaving, he crossed his arms over his chest and leaned
against the shelf at the end of the aisle.

She gave an inward sigh. She’d known it
wouldn’t work, but still she’d had to try. Laughter twinkled in his
brown eyes as he waited for her next move. And she knew better than
anyone just how patient he could be when he set his mind to it. He
was amused and making no effort to hide it.

She didn’t care. He was sexy and hot and
made her heart speed up every time she looked at him. He was the
man of any woman’s dreams, but especially of hers. He was tall,
with a strong face and a nose that had been broken during a
fistfight when he was a boy. It had a little bump in the center
that always made her want to kiss that spot every time she saw him.
His rich brown hair was kept tied back, except when he was relaxing
at home. Then it was wild and free. Her fingers itched to release
it from its confines.

And his body, oh, how she loved his body!
The arms crossed over his chest, bulged with muscles even when he
was at rest, as he was now. His shoulders looked a mile wide and
his chest was ripped beneath his shirt. Jeans covered legs that
were long and sturdy.

Just looking at him made her ache with need
and raised her body temperature several degrees. The sensible denim
dress she’d worn to work this morning suddenly seemed way too warm.
Maybe, she mused, the air-conditioning was faulty. But she knew
better. It was him.

“Like what you see?” His voice sent shivers
down her spine.

It was a tone she knew well. Her body
reacted immediately and she could feel the moisture gathering
between her legs. Her dress felt tight and her breasts heavy.
Trying to act nonchalant, she shrugged and returned her gaze to his

“You can’t fool me, Mrs. Sloan. I not only
heard you were hot, I know you are.” Pushing away from the shelf,
he slowly stalked down the aisle toward her. He was a male animal
who had scented prey and knew that there was no reason to hurry the

Annabelle, however, was no easy prey. “Stop
right there.” She held out her hand for emphasis. He stopped, but
the look in his eyes was one of a man who was sure he would have
the prize. Maybe he would, but it would be her victory as well.

She reached up to the back of her head and
started pulling out the pins that held her hair in their customary
bun. The heavy tresses fell to her waist, and she smiled as his
nostrils flared in response. She tossed the pins next to a book
about the mating habits of wild animals. Laughing out loud, she ran
her fingers through her hair. Then she carefully removed her
glasses and placed them on the shelf next to the pins.

Suddenly, she was glad she wore this dress
today. It was a light denim dress, but it had buttons from hem to
neckline. Her fingers slipped one button from its hole. Then
another. And another. She took her time, teasing them both and
drawing out the pleasure.

He watched her fingers as they moved
leisurely down the front of her body. His hot gaze made her feel as
if she was already naked. When the last button was undone, she
slipped the dress off her shoulders. It pooled around her feet, and
she kicked it aside. Then she slipped out of her shoes and nudged
them after the dress. Dressed only in her underwear, she faced him

She was glad that she’d chosen to wear some
of her new lingerie this morning. She’d accumulated quite a
collection over the past few months. This set was new, a little
something she’d picked up on her last shopping trip. Mike had left
early this morning for a meeting before she’d been out of bed. He
hadn’t seen it yet.

The pale lavender bra was constructed out of
a stretchy lace fabric and underwire. It lifted and separated,
showcasing her breasts to their best advantage. It was paired with
a matching thong. She knew he could see her dark curls beneath the
lavender lace, so she ran her fingers along the thin straps at her
hips to draw attention to that fact.


• • •


Mike knew he must look like an idiot
standing there with his mouth hanging open. He’d wanted to surprise
Annabelle by coming by to pick her up. Instead, she was the one
surprising him. They’d been married a few months now, but his sex
drive showed no signs of slowing down anytime soon. And why would
it with a wife as hot and sexy as Annabelle.

The fancy underwear was new. He heartily
approved. And so did his dick, which had come to attention the
second she’d slipped off her dress.

He swallowed hard, opened his mouth, and
then closed it again. Clearing his throat, he tried again.
“Annabelle…” He trailed off.

“You heard right.” She ran her hands up over
her sides and cupped her breasts, running her thumbs over the
tights nubs. “I am hot.” Sauntering a little closer, she lowered
her voice to a sultry whisper. “I think you’re man enough to handle

“You’re damn right I am.” Advancing forward,
he tore his white T-shirt over his head and dropped it to the
floor. He didn’t slow until he was standing right in front of

He towered over her, but knew she wasn’t the
least bit intimidated. No, the little minx looked pleased with
herself. She gave him a sultry smile and ran her fingers over his
chest, taunting the savage beast that lurked beneath the man.

Trapping her hands against his chest, he
scowled down at her. “I’m the only man who is ever going to handle
you.” It was shocking how possessive he felt about his wife.
Annabelle was hot and sexy and all his. No one else realized that a
temptress lay beneath her long skirts and respectable dresses. And
he planned to keep it that way.

She nodded and gave him the reassurance he
needed. “Only you. You’re all I ever wanted and you’re all mine.”
Her smile turned into a scowl. “And I’m the only woman you’ll ever

He liked that she was as possessive of him
as he was of her. “You got that right.” Raising her hands to his
mouth, he kissed all of her knuckles, one by one, before dropping
her hands and taking a step back.

“Let me look at you.” He used more than his
eyes to “look” at her. He couldn’t keep his hands off her. His
large, rough hands covered her lace-covered breasts, weighing them
in his palms. It made him very aware of the differences between
them. Annabelle was smaller than him, her skin softer and

“God, I love your breasts.” He bent and took
a lace-covered nipple into his mouth. He stroked it with his tongue
until he was satisfied that the nipple was as hard as it could be,
and then he gently worked it with his teeth.

Annabelle dug her fingers into his hair and
clasped his head against her chest. He loved the way she wasn’t
afraid to show him what she wanted. Hell, he loved it when she got
demanding in bed.

He knew what pleased her and nibbled and
lapped at the turgid bud. Her moan of pleasure was music to his
ears but it wasn’t enough. He wanted her even hotter.

He traced the band of the miniscule panties
she was wearing. They didn’t hide a damn thing, more of an
enticement than an impediment. He stroked his hands around and
almost lost his mind when he encountered only bare flesh. She was
wearing a thong, had been wearing it all day under her prim denim

If he’d known, there would have been no way
he could have stayed away from her all day.

He turned his attention back to the front of
the panties. The lacy triangle covered but really didn’t conceal
her pubic hair. He slid his fingers beneath the fabric and combed
his fingers through the curls there, feeling the dampness from her
arousal. He pulled his fingers out of her panties and brought them
to his nose and sniffed. “You smell hot.”

She reached down between them and traced the
hard ridge of his arousal. His balls jerked and pulled tight. “You
feel hot,” she teased. She wrapped her palm around him, through his
jeans, testing his readiness. She should know by now he was always

“You’re asking for trouble,” he warned, even
as he pushed his erection harder against her hand.

“Maybe I want it,” she taunted, squeezing

She was about to get more than she bargained
for. Mike ripped opened his jeans and thrust aside his underwear
just enough to release his penis. It was large, thick, and
throbbing. He pushed her back against a bookshelf, reached down and
grabbed one of her legs and hooked it over his hip. Impatient to be
inside her, he shoved the thong to one side and guided his cock
into her waiting wetness.

Her inner muscles squeezed him tight as he
entered. Even though she was aroused, it was a tight fit. She
flexed her hips slightly and he sank deeper. She fit him as snugly
as a wet leather glove. He grabbed her bare ass and ground his
pelvis against hers. She made one of those little cries of pleasure
that he loved so much. He buried his face against her neck and took
a deep breath, struggling for control.


• • •


Annabelle felt Mike tense and knew he was
trying to rein himself in. That wasn’t what she wanted, what she
needed. “Fuck me,” she whispered in his ear, a command.

He jerked his head back. She could tell
she’d shocked him with her demand. She flexed her hips again and he
groaned. His shaft pulsed hard and hot.

“Hold on tight,” he ordered. She gripped his
wide shoulders and hung on. Using his hold on her ass for leverage,
he plunged in and out, doing as she’d demanded.

She hooked her leg as high as she could over
his hip and urged him on. “Harder.” She flexed her hips to meet
him. He worked her up and down his penis, his fingers digging into
her behind.

Suddenly, he banded one arm around her waist
and wedged one hand between them. His fingers sought and found the
front of the lacy thong and he rubbed her clitoris through the
lace. The rough fabric and his finger stimulated the sensitive nub
even as he continued to thrust.

Annabelle reached up and gripped the edge of
the shelf above her with one hand and grasped his shoulder with the
other. Several books tumbled to the floor as her body was rocked
hard against the bookcase.

His pelvis ground against hers as he took
her fast and hard. He pressed one of his fingers against her
clitoris and she came apart in his arms. Convulsing, she let go and
let her orgasm wash over her. He followed close behind her.

Mike stiffened, but didn’t stop thrusting
until the last tremor of her orgasm ceased. Her hand dropped from
the shelf and her leg slipped from his hip. He caught her as she
fell forward.

“I love you, Mike.” She nuzzled his chest
and allowed herself to sink into his warmth. She’d worried that
after they’d gotten married the intensity and frequency of their
lovemaking would taper off. If anything, it had increased.

“Love you too.” He absently kissed the top
of her head while his hands soothed her tired body.

“Hey, anybody up there?” The voice came from
below, shattering the intensely intimate moment.

“Oh, my god,” Annabelle whispered in shock.
“It’s Mr. Keats.”
What was he doing here? Had he heard them?
She tried to pull away, but Mike held her tight, refusing to let
her move.

“It’s Mike,” he called out.

“Is Annabelle up there with you?” The
disembodied voice floated up from the bottom of the stairs.

“Yeah, I’m just waiting for her to finish up
so I can take her home.” He pinched her bottom and nipped at her

She squeaked, unable to stop herself. She’d
never made a sound like that in her life. She was going to kill him
when this was over.

“Are you sure everything is all right?” The
voice sounded a little closer.

Panicked, Annabelle took charge of the
situation. “Everything is fine, Mr. Keats.” She took a deep breath
and continued. “I’ll be a little longer, just make sure the door is
locked behind you, and Mike and I will turn off all the lights when
we leave.”

“Have a good evening.” His tone now sounded
more amused than worried.

“Good night, Harold,” they both replied in
tandem. Then they held their breath until they heard the sound of
the front door closing.

Slumping against him in relief, she mocked
her husband. “I’m waiting for her to finish up. I’ll finish you,
all right.” She made good on her threat by using her secret weapon.
She tickled his sides.

“No,” he yelled, but it was too late. She
attacked his sides and was ruthless until he dissolved into
laughter. He fell to the floor, pulling her down with him. He
retaliated by tickling her until they were both rolling around

She tried to muffle her shrieks against his
chest but failed miserably. She should have known better than to
think she could win a tickling match against him. They finally
stopped, exhausted from their lovemaking and their play.

Annabelle had ended up sprawled on top of
Mike. It was an extremely cozy position. “Do you give up?” Propping
herself up on his chest, she peered down at him, awaiting his

“I gave up months ago.” He hooked a long
tress of her hair behind her ear. “And I’m glad I did.” The look on
his face was one of a man very satisfied and content with his

“I’m glad too.” Annabelle placed her head on
his chest and listened to the comforting rhythm of his

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