Under A Harvest Moon (9 page)

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Authors: Joleen James

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Under A Harvest Moon
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"What?" Danielle said with surprise. "Isn't your workday done? You've been at it since three a.m."

He shook the water from his hair. "I usually work until mid to late afternoon. This time of year I work seven days a week."

"That's dedication." No wonder he'd earned her father's respect. She'd drop dead if he made her go back out in the vineyard now, but his words made her wonder if she'd be as dedicated as Nico if her father had included her, made her feel wanted. She'd only been here a short time and she could see what a loyal, hardworking employee Nico was. She didn't feel that passionate about anything except Kaiden. And while she loved her son to pieces, she knew she had room in her life for something more, an interest of her own.

Nico started down the path. "I'm not the only dedicated employee. Everyone works hard this time of year. We all want a successful harvest."

"I'm starting to get that." She followed him, unable to keep her eyes off his sleekly muscled back and gorgeous backside. Nico still "had it" -- that indescribable something that had fueled her fantasies more times than she could count. Giving in to her need to look at him, she allowed herself to simply enjoy the view, but once they left the path, she averted her eyes, not wanting him to guess just how attracted to him she was. Attraction to him had no place in her plans to sell the vineyard and start a new life.

At the golf cart, she tried to restore some order to her soaked clothing. When she looked up, she found Nico watching her, or more specifically, her chest. The look of hunger in his eyes made Danielle glance down at her wet T-shirt, her lacy bra clearly visible through the soaked fabric. Her cheeks heated. She pulled the wet fabric away from her skin and got in the golf cart, but she couldn't forget the intense look on Nico's face. His stare brought the curl of desire back. What would it be like to have him strip her wet T-shirt off, to unhook her bra, to have his lips pressed against the cold flesh of her breasts? Inside her wet bra, her nipples hardened.

Nico pulled his dry shirt on, and then slid into the driver's seat, starting the cart.

Danielle kept her eyes on the road, afraid to look at Nico, afraid of the feelings he aroused in her. How did one get over her first crush? She hadn't really known him as a teenager, yet she'd felt so much for him, like he'd been her own personal teen idol, a guy who was great to look at but totally unattainable. But things were different now. She was getting to know him, and while they often butted heads, she couldn't deny he had qualities she liked, just not enough of them to keep her here in Sun Grove. Nico was a man's man, a controlling man like her father and her ex-husband. She'd never be with a man like that again. If she ever found love again her partner would be an equal, not a dictator.

The golf cart rumbled along, stirring the hot dust and the breeze, causing goose bumps to form on Danielle's skin. She rubbed her arms.

"Cold?" Nico asked one brow raised.

"Not cold exactly, more like chilled."

He glanced over his shoulder. "I have an extra shirt in the back. Put it on."

Glad for something to cover up her transparent T-shirt, Danielle reached behind her and snagged a dark green polo shirt, exactly like the white one Nico wore. His uniform. She yanked the shirt over her head.

"Better?" he asked as they turned into the drive to Whitney House.

"Yes, thanks."

"Looks like you have company."

Peter's black Saab was parked beside her Jetta. Danielle suppressed a groan. She hadn't expected him so soon. Sun Grove was a five-hour drive from Seattle. He must have left at the crack of dawn. Peter and Kaiden sat on the porch. Peter waved, smiling. Her stomach twisted tight. How could he just sit there like everything was okay? Just seeing him upped her anger. If it weren't for Kaiden, she'd tell Peter to go to hell.

Nico braked to a stop.

"My ex-husband." Danielle jumped from the golf cart, wishing she didn't resemble a drowned rat. She would have preferred to meet with Peter when she felt more in control, more like the woman she was pretending to be.

"Hi, stranger," Peter called from the porch. He stood, walking down the steps to meet her. As usual, every hair on his head was neatly sprayed into place. A crisp blue and white shirt was tucked into khaki pants. Neat, orderly, controlling, Peter.

Very conscious that Kaiden watched from the porch, Danielle had no choice but to greet him civilly. "Hello, Peter."

"Hey, gorgeous." He bent forward to kiss her cheek, but Danielle turned her head, avoiding the kiss. "Been swimming?"

"Yes." She gave silent thanks for the loan of Nico's shirt.

Nico came up beside her, his presence giving her a comfort she hadn't expected to feel.

"Nico, this is my ex-husband, Peter Rankin. Peter, Nico is head of production here at Whitney Vineyards."

Peter extended his hand, and Nico took it, but Danielle didn't miss his slight hesitation. Nico didn't want to shake Peter's hand, and she didn't blame him. Snakeskin, pure snakeskin.

"Lola tells me you're teaching Danielle the family business," Peter said his tone light, all salesman. He was trying to sell Nico his charm.

"That's right." Nico met Peter's stare head-on. "She's a fast learner."

The two men faced off, their eyes locked, their posture stiff as if they were marking their territory. Ridiculous.

"Is swimming part of the job?" Peter asked with a smile Danielle knew he didn't feel.

"More like a reward for a job well done," Nico said smoothly. He made eye contact with Danielle. "I'll talk to you later? If you need me sooner, call."

His offer of help warmed her in a way dry clothes couldn't -- from the inside out.

"Okay, thanks." She watched him until he drove away, then turned back to Peter. "I need to change." She moved to pass him, but he caught her arm.

"Is something going on between the two of you?" he asked, his tone low enough that Kaiden couldn't hear him, yet heavy with accusations.

Danielle pulled her arm free. "I've only been here two days, Peter. What do you think is going on?" She left him, and marched up the steps to Whitney House. "Hey, honey," she said to Kaiden when they reached the porch.

"Dad wants to take me to his hotel," Kaiden told her, his eyes shining with happiness. "He says there's a pool and everything. Can I go, Mom, please?"

"I'd like to take him for the night, if that's okay?" Peter said, coming to stand beside Kaiden. He ruffled his son's hair. "We've got a lot of catching up to do. I'm staying at the Howard Johnson in town."

"I don't know," Danielle said, suddenly afraid that Peter would take Kaiden and she'd never see her son again. They didn't have a formal custody agreement. She hadn't gotten that far, and until now, Peter had shown zero interest in Kaiden. "Why can't you just visit here?"

"I want to go to Dad's hotel," Kaiden whined.

"Kaiden, will you go inside for a minute? I want to talk to your dad in private."

"But -- " Kaiden started to protest.

"Go, Kaiden." Danielle pointed to the door.

"It's all right, son," Peter said. "You go on. Your mother and I need to talk."

Grumbling under his breath, Kaiden went inside, letting the screen door smack shut behind him.

Peter sighed. "I'm not going to kidnap him."

"How can I be sure of that?" Danielle asked. "For all I know you've decided to become father of the year." In the eyes of the law Peter had as much right to their son as she did, even if he didn't deserve the right.

He smirked. "I guess you'll just have to trust me."

"I can't." She turned away from him toward Nico's cottage. At this minute she trusted Nico more than her ex-husband. How was that possible? She barely knew Nico. And what did that say about Peter? "I'd prefer it if you visited Kaiden here."

"Fine, but you tell him," Peter said in that petulant tone she'd always hated.

She wasn't going to back down. "Kaiden," she called, "come on out here."

Kaiden appeared in the doorway. "Can I go?" he asked his entire body alive with excitement.

She didn't want to say no, to be the bad guy, but she was scared. "I think it's best if you stay here and visit with your dad."

"Why?" he whined. He stomped his foot. "It's not fair. You never let me have any fun."

"That's not true," Danielle said, his words hurting her.

"What if you drive us into town in the Saab and drop us off?" Peter suggested. "You could pick Kaiden up tomorrow."

Danielle ached for Kaiden. He wanted to go with Peter so badly, but could she trust Peter? Her gut told her no, he was up to something. If she had his car, he couldn't drive off with her son, but there was always the bus. Was she being ridiculous?

"Please, Mom?" Kaiden pleaded.

"All right," she said, giving in. She wanted to make Kaiden happy. She just wished Peter didn't figure so heavily into Kaiden's well-being.

Kaiden's face broke into a huge smile. "I'm going to pack my bag." He bounded for the house, his feet beating a hasty rhythm on the stairs to his bedroom.

"Thanks for the support," Danielle said.

"I promise," Peter said. "I'm not going to take him."

Danielle held out her hand. "Give me your keys and wallet."

"What?" Peter asked with a shake of his head.

"I need collateral. I'll take you into town and pick you up tomorrow. You can leave your car here. After what you put me through this year I need insurance you won't leave with him."

With an exasperated sigh, he reached in his front pocket and handed her his keys, then removed his wallet from his back pocket, passing the billfold to her.

Danielle opened the wallet and gave him the cash. "I'll keep the rest until tomorrow."

"You're nuts," Peter said with a disgusted shake of his head.

"Maybe," she conceded. "But unlike you, I can't live without my son. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to change into some dry clothes."

Taking his wallet and keys, Danielle went inside, leaving Peter alone on the porch.


Nico let himself out the screen door, careful not to let it snap shut behind him. Although it was after ten, a good hour past his usual bedtime, he couldn't sleep. He felt restless, like a caged animal, unable to stay inside the house breathing the manufactured air from his air conditioner. He needed real air, even if the air outside was still a balmy seventy-eight degrees. Taking a seat in the rocker, he zeroed in on Whitney House, on the glow of light coming from Danielle's room.

Was she keeping him awake? Yes. Today had shown him a different side of her. He'd seen no sign of the spoiled teenager she'd been. She wasn't a quitter. He'd known she wasn't used to physical work, and he'd given her a physically demanding job. Not once had she complained. She didn't want to work for Whitney Vineyards, yet she'd sucked it up and stuck it out. He'd considered taking her back to Whitney House much earlier, but when he looked at her, he could see the pride on her face and in her body posture. Even if he'd offered to shorten her day, she wouldn't have accepted.

Later, when they'd returned to the house, to find her ex-husband waiting was another image he couldn't seem to banish. What was it about the guy? The phrase "snake oil salesman" popped into Nico's mind. There was something too polished about Peter Rankin, a charm so smooth it was slimy. What on earth had possessed Danielle to marry a guy like that?

Danielle moved in front of her bedroom window. From here, he could barely make her out; just enough of her to know it was her, not Kaiden who occupied the room. Was she as restless as he was?

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