Under a Vampire Moon (28 page)

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Authors: Lynsay Sands

BOOK: Under a Vampire Moon
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Smiling faintly, she took a sip, and then raised her eyebrows when he held out a chocolate bar. Swallowing, she shook her head. “I told you, I’m good.”

“This is precautionary,” he said, and then grinned. “Besides, I promised you flowers, drinks, and chocolate on your return.”

“Hmm.” Carolyn accepted the bar and teased, “I’m not sure if I’m ready to go steady yet.”

“I’m willing to go slow,” he assured her. This time there was no teasing in either his voice or face.

Carolyn’s eyes widened. It was the first time she hadn’t been sure his flirting was just for fun, and suddenly she began to wonder if he
interested. If so, he might be the answer to all her problems. She liked and felt comfortable with him. He could be her first fling! Which she obviously needed if only to protect those around her. Her body seemed to be crying out for sex. Giving it some might fix everything. Of course, there was the small matter of Christian liking Jack, she thought and sighed. However, if the man was straight, Christian didn’t have a chance anyway, and she really needed to take care of this problem of hers before she did something even worse than today’s little episode.

Carolyn stiffened as the back of her neck began to prickle. She peered over her shoulder, not terribly surprised to see Christian stepping aboard, eyes on her and expression grim. She’d felt that same prickling several times today and each time had glanced around to find Christian staring.

“Band boy’s the last one. Time to set sail,” Jack said, drawing her attention as he moved up to the helm and started the engine. Glancing her way, he grinned and asked, “You want to steer us out of here?”

She snorted. “You looking to get a new boat or something?”

Jack chuckled and gestured to the crew to do their thing.

They were both silent as he concentrated on steering them out of the busy bay. Carolyn took that opportunity to glance around to see where Christian had settled himself. She found him standing alone under the canvas shading the center seats, and frowned at how alone he looked. But when he met her gaze, she quickly turned away and took a gulp of her drink.

“I hope you brought your swimsuit,” Jack said as they passed out of the harbor into open water. “We stop for a dip at Anse Cochon on the way back.”

“Yes. Genie warned me. I’m wearing it under my T-shirt and shorts.”

“Really?” he asked, waggling his eyebrows. “Feel free to strip down then. We’re always happy to allow ladies to sun themselves onboard. I even have suntan lotion if you need it. And I’ve been told I’m excellent at applying it.”

“Excellent, huh?” she asked with amusement.

Jack nodded. “I am meticulous about ensuring that every inch of naked flesh is slathered with the slippery stuff.”

Carolyn smiled and shook her head at his teasing, but she was tempted to take off her T-shirt at least. It was midafternoon and super hot. Most of the men were already bare-chested, and several of the women were even now stripping off their T-shirts to reveal bathing suits beneath.

“Come on, where’s your good old Canadian courage?” Jack taunted. “Take it off. I know you want to.”

Carolyn met his teasing gaze, then quickly swallowed the last of her drink and handed him the empty cup. She then removed the lei and handed him that as well. The moment he took it, she grabbed the hem of her T-shirt and quickly tugged it up and over her head.

“That a girl,” he chuckled. “A couple more of these and we’ll have you dancing on deck.”

Carolyn turned from laying her shirt across the back of her chair to find him holding out a fresh glass of firewater.

“How did you get that so fast?” she asked with amazement, ignoring the prickling along her side that was Christian’s gaze sliding over her body.

“Tristan headed over with it the moment he saw you down the first one,” he said, gesturing to the big guy who had brought her drinks on the way out.

Carolyn raised her eyebrows. “Trying to get me drunk to ensure I dance on deck?”

Jack chuckled. “The boys have orders to keep the drinks topped up on the way back. It helps everyone relax enough to join in the contests, which in turn makes it more fun, and that’s what they’re here for.”

“What exactly are these contests?” she asked suspiciously.

Grinning, he wagged a finger beneath her nose. “Uh-uh-uh. Can’t spoil the surprise.”

“Hmm . . . well, they can’t be good if you have to get people drunk to participate.”

“Not drunk, relaxed,” he corrected and when she looked dubious, chuckled and admitted, “Well, one or two will get drunk, but most people are sensible enough to take it easy. Besides, there’s only so much punch. Once it runs out, they’re out of luck. It’s not enough to get everyone drunk.” His gaze drifted over her bare shoulders briefly, and then he stepped back from the helm and released one hand. “Come take the wheel.”

Carolyn slid off her seat and moved to take the wheel. The moment she did, he let go and pointed past her to a compass on the dash. “Keep the needle between those two points.”

She nodded. It was an instruction he’d given her on the way out, and she’d been impressed with how well she’d managed it.

Jack leaned around her to dig through his shelf of goodies beside her hip, but soon straightened to stand behind her. When his hands then settled on her shoulders and began to smooth warm lotion across them, Carolyn stiffened and glanced back at him with surprise.

“Your skin’s too pale for this sun, you need lotion or you’ll be a boiled lobster,” he said seriously. When she hesitated, he smiled. “Relax. We’re going steady. It’s allowed.”

Carolyn gave a nervous laugh and turned back to peer at the compass. She was damned uncomfortable though as his hands slid across her skin. He was perfectly professional about it, if you could be professional about applying lotion. His hands moved smartly over her shoulders and up and down her arms, not dallying or drifting. Still she grew tenser by the minute as they then moved to her back, and sides.

“You haven’t dated since your divorce,” he said suddenly.

Carolyn started to glance around, but caught herself. She didn’t want to see Christian staring at her again and she could feel his eyes burning holes into the back of her head. She knew he was attracted to Jack, but it was looking more and more like the captain was straight, and she couldn’t help that.

“I can tell you haven’t had anyone’s hands on you for a while,” Jack continued conversationally. “You’re as tense as a cat over water.”

“Sorry,” Carolyn muttered, but thought she
had hands on her, and very recently. Those few moments on the bus rose up in her memory, and she felt her nipples harden as her body seemed to swell with remembered passion.

When Jack’s hands suddenly slowed, Carolyn forced the memories from her mind and took a deep breath. He couldn’t possibly see her breasts from behind, but goose bumps had broken out on her skin and a shiver had run down her back at the flood of memories, and she suspected he’d noticed her physical response and mistaken the source. She was proven correct when he suddenly stepped closer, the heat of his body radiating along her back as his hands moved to clasp her waist.

“Well, that’s encouraging,” he breathed by her ear. “I was beginning to think you were completely immune to my charms.”

Carolyn just bit her lip, not sure what to do or say.

“Dare I hope there’s enough interest that you’d join me for dinner tomorrow night?”

Carolyn turned her head to glance back at him, and then gave a squeak of surprise as she found a wide black mass beside her. Christian’s chest, she realized and raised her head to see him glowering down at her.

“If you can manage to tear yourself out of the captain’s greasy hands for a moment, I’d appreciate a word with you,” he said coldly.

Her mouth dropped open and she felt Jack tense behind her, and then she snapped her mouth closed and slid out from in front of Jack, muttering, “I’ll be right back.”

“I’ll be waiting,” he assured her, taking the helm again, but his narrowed eyes were locked on Christian’s face and his expression wasn’t friendly.

Sighing at the testosterone suddenly flying around her, Carolyn caught Christian’s arm and dragged him to the rail at the back of the boat. Pausing there, she turned and scowled at him. “First off, that was rude.”

Christian snorted. “Rude? He was all over you.”

“Yes, but—” She paused and then shook her head. “I’m sorry. I know you’re interested in him, but I wasn’t coming on to him or anything, and I can’t help it if he’s straight.”

He scowled, and she blurted out, “I’m sorry about the bus thing.”

“The bus
?” Christian asked grimly, each word succinct.

Carolyn winced. “My only excuse is that I wasn’t feeling well and . . . well . . . you’re attractive,” she said helplessly. “I just got confused for a minute. I’m sorry I kissed you. But you weren’t fighting me off, and I know you were probably out of it and thinking I was Elton John or someone, but it didn’t help.”

When he just stared at her, his jaw hanging open, she sighed and added, “Frankly, I’m starting to think that I was right and I should . . . er . . . well, you know.”

His mouth snapped closed and then he said silkily, “No, I don’t know. Why don’t you tell me?”

Carolyn eyed him warily. “What we talked about in the restaurant.”

“We talked about many things,” he said grimly. “Be more specific.”

Crap, he was going to make her spell it out, she thought with annoyance. “Well, I’m thinking I should start something with Jack.” His eyes narrowed, his expression tightening and she rushed on, “You’re right, I’m not the type to just pick up some guy at a club, but I’ve spent a bit of time with Jack, and he’s nice. And I wouldn’t rush into it. He’s invited me to dinner. There’s nothing wrong with my accepting and maybe letting him kiss me to see how it goes.”

When he stared as if turned to stone, she found herself babbling, “I’m obviously in some serious need of attention. It was bad enough when I started having erotic dreams all over the place, but if I’m going to run around attacking my poor gay friends—” She closed her eyes and raised a hand to rub her forehead, muttering with dismay, “God, next I’ll be kissing Bethany or something.”

She let her hand drop and said, “Obviously, I’ve been too long without and need to take care of certain biological needs to keep you safe.”

?” he asked incredulously. “Are you suggesting you plan to sleep with him for

“I value your friendship, and I’ll do whatever it takes to keep it safe,” she said firmly, and then flushed and admitted, “God, I squirm every time I think of the horror on your face as you ran off the bus. I felt like I had raped you or something, and then there are the dreams. I feel like I’m dream-raping you every time I have them and you don’t even know about them. Well, you didn’t,” she added with a frown, and then rushed on, “I need to get this under control. I mean I was looking it up online last night and we aren’t designed to be celibate. Sex is natural, and I think I really must be hitting that menopause thing with the added hormones and horniness. I’ll be humping the waiters soon if I don’t do something. I—”

,” he interrupted firmly, taking her arms. “You are overreacting here. There’s no need to resort to—”

“I’m not overreacting,” she insisted, her voice rising. “I never once attacked Brent like that . . . or anyone else. But I’m acting crazy, jumping on you and—It’s just better if I take care of things.” She heaved out a breath and then added, “Besides, unless I want to spend the rest of my life alone, I need to get back into the dating game eventually. I may as well practice with someone I’m never likely to meet again. At least that way, if I make a complete fool of myself I never have to see him again,” she pointed out.

,” he said quietly.

“No.” She patted his arm and shook her head. “It’s okay, I know you’re upset with me, and you have every right to be after my behavior. And I know you’ll probably be upset about Jack too since you like him. I mean, friends don’t date guys other friends want. But there aren’t a lot of options at honeymoon hell, and he’s nice, and obviously interested in me. He’s also straight. So, whether it upsets you or not, I’m going to go out with him.” She patted his arm again. “I know you probably want some time to process everything so I’ll leave you alone for a bit. But I’ll still be your beard and everything. I’m sure Jack won’t mind, he knows you’re gay. He promised he wouldn’t tell anyone,” she added quickly. “And I hope eventually you come to forgive me for attacking you like that. I really can’t explain this weird attraction I have for you, but I promise I won’t do it again.”

Turning before he could respond, she hurried back up to the front of the boat.

“Everything all right?” Jack asked, his voice oddly sober for a change.

Carolyn sighed. “Yes. He’s just a little jealous. He likes you and your paying attention to me has his nose out of joint.”

Jack blinked and then glanced at her with surprise. “It’s me he—?”

“What? You thought your charm only worked with women?” Carolyn asked with amusement.

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