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The page references in this index correspond to the printed edition from which this ebook was created. To find a specific word or phrase from the index, please use the search feature of your ebook reader.
Abaris 99–100
Abdy, Richard 195
Aberdeen 154
Aberfeldy 141–2
Achebe, Chinua 177–8
Actaeon 200–1
Actium, Battle of 32–3
Acworth, Harry Arbuthnot 36, 39
Adam, William 141
Adminius 11
Adraste 33
Aeneas 22, 39, 73, 83, 167, 174, 194, 197, 210–12, 249
Africa xviii, 21, 73, 163, 167–8
Agricola, Gnaeus Julius xxi, 15–16, 17, 62, 75, 137, 139, 140–1, 142, 156, 173
Aitken, Georgiana 189
Alaric 218
Albert, Prince 37, 227
Aldborough 78
Alfred the Great 23, 58, 217
Algerians 116
Allectus 192–3
All the Year Round
Ambleside 180
Ambrosius Aurelianus 219
Anchises 39
Ancient Monuments Act 57
Anderson, James:
The Constitutions of the Free-Masons
Angles 216
Anglesey 27
Anglo-Saxons 58, 82, 87, 94, 122, 162, 181, 220, 226, 227, 228
see also
Antenociticus 116
Antonine Itineraries
Antonine Wall xx, 137, 143–8, 152, 164, 173, 206, 247, 248
Antoninus Pius, emperor 143
Aphrodisias 18
Apollo 46, 99, 180
Appendix Vergiliana
Aquae Sulis
Arbeia 116, 170–1, 248
Ardoch 141, 248
Argentocoxus 164
Arian heresy 105
Arles, Council of 105, 162
Armitage, Edward:
Caesar’s First Invasion of Britain
Armorica 218
Arnold, Thomas 226–7
Artemisia, Queen 32
art 185–7
Art Fund 242
Arthur, King 22, 56, 86, 88, 216, 219
Arthurian legends 219–20
Arthur’s O’on (or Oven) 148–51, 248
Ascanius 210, 211
Ashmolean Museum 204
Aske, James:
Elizabetha Triumphans
comics 27
Astures 116
Atargatis 118
Atrebates 12, 62
Attacotti 217
Aubrey, John 100
Auden, Revd John 122
Auden, W. H. xx, 122–7, 129, 185
Hadrian’s Wall
‘Roman Wall Blues’ 122–7
Augustine, St 6, 14, 49, 105, 226, 228
Augustus, emperor 7, 8, 32, 171
Auld Kirk Museum, Kirkintilloch 247
Aurelius Victor 192
Avebury 100
Aves, Sophia 223
Avon, River 93, 94
Bacchus 221
Badon, Mount 219
Bagaudae 192
Balkans 217
Balkerne Gate, Colchester 19, 242
Baltic 8
Bank of England 51–2, 243
Bannavem Taberniae 219
Barates 170, 171
Barbarian Conspiracy 217
Bar Hill 143, 144, 147, 148, 247
Barnsley Park 199
Barry, Charles 227
Barton Farm mosaic 201, 202, 204
Batavians 128, 130
Bath (Aquae Sulis) 62, 93–107, 208
the Circus 97, 102, 245
Pump Room 95, 96, 97, 103, 105, 245
Roman baths 93, 94, 96, 97, 102–3, 245
Royal Crescent 97, 245
temple of Sulis-Minerva 94, 97
Thermae Baths spa 93, 100, 245
Bath to Bristol railway line 208
Bathurst family 86, 87
Battersea shield 44
Battle Bridge (now King’s Cross) 45–6
Bearsden 143, 147–8, 247
Bede, Venerable 162
Ecclesiastical History of the English People
xxi, 216
Bédoyère, Guy de la 195–6, 197
Belerium 9
Belgians 116
Bellerophon 208
Bennachie, Mount 139
Berie 138
Berikos 12
Berlin: State Museums 165
Bertha, Queen 6
Bertram, Charles Julius xx, 152–3, 154, 155, 156
Britannicarum Gentium Historiae Antiquae Scriptores Tres
Three Ancient Writers on the History of the British People
) 154
Essay on the Excellency and Style of the English Tongue
Bignor 208–10, 242, 249
Birdlip 11
Birdoswald 120, 246
Birley, Eric 127
Birley, Robin 127–8
Birnie 138
Bladud 98–100, 103
Blake, William 56
Blitz, the 45, 47–8, 50–1, 56
Board of Ordnance 142, 150
Boece, Hector 139
Bo’ness colliery 145
Bootham Bar, York 165, 166
Boudica 10, 23–4, 25, 27, 28, 30–6, 38–9, 44, 45, 55, 62, 73, 84, 100, 228, 243
Boulogne 192
Bowen, Elizabeth xxii
Bowman, Alan 128, 129, 130, 132–3
Braco 141, 248
Bradbury, Darren 190
Brading 206
Brancaster 215
Brantwood 182, 249
Brasenose College, Oxford 130
Brecon: Brecknock Museum 84, 244
Breeze, David