Authors: Charlotte Higgins
The Antonine Wall
Hadrian’s Wall
Brenton, Howard 5
The Romans in Britain
xx, 175
Brewer, Norris 61
Brigantes 10, 16, 25
Bristol City Museum 208
Britannia (female personification) 18
Britannia Flavia 153
Britannia Maxima 153
Britannia Prima 153, 199
Britannia Secunda 153
Britannicus 16
British Archaeology
magazine 190
British Library 45, 49, 142
British Museum 11, 30, 46, 56, 132, 188, 189, 190, 195, 208, 211, 216, 220, 221, 222, 223, 242, 243, 248, 250
Britten, Benjamin xx, 124–7
incidental music for
Hadrian’s Wall
‘Roman Wall Blues’ 122–7
Brittium 218
Brocchus 129, 132
Brocolitia 121–2, 246
Brown, Gordon 188
Browning, Robert: ‘Love Among the Ruins’ 63
Bruce, Sir Michael 150
Brutus 22, 35, 45
Bucklersbury House, London 52–3
Bucklersbury mosaic 52
Burgh Castle 214–16, 220, 229, 250
Bury Free Press & Post
Bushe-Fox, J. P. 79
Busy-Gap 117
Butcher, Gordon 222, 223, 224, 225
Butterfield, William 22
Byker’s Hill, Newcastle 119–20
Cadw 241, 244
Caerleon (Isca) 82, 84–6, 244
amphitheatre 85–6
National Roman Legion Museum 244
Caerwent (Venta Silurum) 153, 207, 244–5
Caesar, Julius xxi, 5–6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 62, 100, 148–9, 153, 174, 226
Commentaries on the Gallic War
6, 10, 62
Caister-on-Sea 215
Caistor St Edmund 29–30, 207, 242
Caledonians 139, 140, 145, 149, 161, 164, 173, 176, 217
Calgacus 139–40, 141, 142, 173
Caligula, emperor 11–12
Callendar estate 146
Callendar House 146
Calleva Atrebatum
Cambridge 64
Camden, William xx, 29–30, 43, 56, 63, 65, 77, 98, 117–18, 120, 154–5, 161, 172, 181, 185, 198
xx, 29, 36, 155
Camelon 148
Candidus 129
Canterbury 14
Caracalla, emperor 161, 164, 165
Caratacus 12, 15, 25–7, 31, 35, 36–8, 227
Carausius 191–7
Cardiff, Museum of 81
Carlisle 116, 118, 245, 246, 247, 249
Tullie House Museum 181, 188, 190, 191, 193, 246, 249
Carlungie 138
Carriden House 145
Carron, River 148, 150
Carron Ironworks 150, 151
Carron Phoenix 151
Carter, Angela 93, 98
Cartimandua, Queen 10, 16, 25
Cartmel 182
Carvoran fort 116
Casley, Mr 154
Cassiterides 8
Castle Acre 28–9
Castlecary 206
Castle Douglas 170
Catena, Paul ‘the Chain’ 217
Catterick 166
Catullus xvii, 7
Catuvellauni 11, 170–1
Cawfields 112
Celtic art 186
(film) 176
Centurion Works 147
Chamberlin, Powell and Bon (architects) 47
Charles II, King 197
Charles Stuart (Bonnie Prince Charlie) 138, 139
Chedworth 198, 199, 249
Chester (Deva) 75, 82
Chesterholm 127
see also
Chesters Roman Fort and Museum 246
Chichester 16, 17–18, 62
Christ 208
Christianity 23, 103, 105, 161, 162, 172, 208, 228
Christie’s 188, 189, 190
Cirencester (Corinium) 62, 199–201, 249
Corinium Museum 199–201, 249
Classicianus, Gaius Julius Alpinus: tombstone of 55
Claudia Rufens 26
Claudius, emperor 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 25, 26, 27, 36, 37, 44, 62, 100
Claudius Hieronymianus 166
Clayton, John xix, 246
Cleopatra 32, 33
Clerk, Sir James 151
Clerk, Sir John 150–1, 173, 174, 187, 226
Clerk, Sir Robert 151
Clodius Albinus 163, 164, 168
Clyde, River 148
Firth of xx, 137
Clydebank Crematorium 148
Coel, King 22–3
Cogidubnus (or Togidubnus), Tiberius Claudius 17
Colchester (Camulodunum) 11, 15, 18–24, 27, 90, 194, 242
Balkerne Gate 19, 242
Colchester Castle Museum 11, 19, 20–1, 242
map 2–3
Roman wall 18–19
St Helen’s Chapel 22, 242
Collingwood, Arthur 184
Collingwood, Barbara 184
Collingwood, Dora 184
Collingwood, Dorrie 182
Collingwood, R. G. (Robin) 55, 84, 179, 181–7, 197, 219
An Autobiography
181, 182
The Idea of History
The New Leviathan
Roman Eskdale
and Myres, J. N. L.
The Oxford History of England
, vol. I 181, 186–7
Collingwood, W. G. 182, 183, 184
Thorstein of the Mere
Collingwood Bruce, John 111, 121–2
Guide to Hadrian’s Wall
Commius 62, 69, 73
Commodus, emperor 163
Coniston 182, 183, 184, 249
Brantwood (home of John Ruskin) 182, 249
Lanehead (home of Collingwood family) 182, 249
Coniston Water 184
Conrad, Joseph:
Heart of Darkness
xx, 177–8
Constans, emperor 217
Constantine the Great 22, 23, 161, 162, 163, 192, 194, 217
Constantine III, emperor 217–18
Constantius Chlorus, emperor 22, 23, 161, 192, 193–4
Constantius II, emperor 217
Conybeare, Daniel, and Phillips, William:
Outlines of the Geology of England and Wales
Cook, Herbert 210
Copper Mines Beck 183
Corbridge 171
Corellia Optata 166–7
Corinium Museum, Cirencester 199–201, 249
Cornovii tribe 76
Cornwall 8, 9
Corporation of London 49, 50, 54, 243
Cosh, Stephen 206, 207–8
and Neal, David,
Roman Mosaics of Britain
206, 207
Cotswolds 11, 198–204, 205, 249
Cowper, William: ‘Boadicea: An Ode’ 37, 38–9
Cramond 137
Cramond Lion 137
Crete xvii
Crosby Garrett helmet 187–91
Croy Hill 143, 146–7, 247
Crummy, Philip 20, 21
Culloden 139
Cumberland, William Augustus (‘Butcher’), Duke of 118, 142, 143
Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian Society 184
Cumbria 115, 179–97, 248–9
Cunliffe, Barry 17, 103
Cunobelinus 11, 12, 23, 25, 34
Cupid 211
Cymbeline 34
Dahl, Roald 223–4
The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar
Daily Mail
85, 90, 168
Daily Telegraph
Dalmatians 116, 181
Davies, Hunter 114, 115
A Walk on the Wall
Deal 5–7, 241–2
Demetrius 172
Diana 200–1
Dickens, Charles 76, 119
Dido 73, 211, 212
Dio, Cassius 12, 14–15, 16, 33, 62, 72, 164, 165
History of Rome
Diocletian, emperor 192, 194, 196
Diodorus Siculus 9, 100
, 9
Dobbie’s Garden Centre 147
Domitian, emperor 140
Donovan, Edward 206–7
Dorchester 10, 62, 88
Dorset County Museum 245
Douglas, Lord Alfred 184
Dover 215
Druids 101–3
‘Duke of Cumberland’s map’
Roy, William: maps
Dumbarton 154
Dundee 137
Duntocher 148
Durham, University of 128
(film) 176
Eckardt, Dr Hella 168
Eden Valley 122
Edinburgh 142
National Museum of Scotland 137–8, 145, 188, 247
Scottish National Portrait Gallery 141
Edward the Elder 23
Edwyn, King of Northumbria 162
Eldon, Lord 199
Elgar, Edward xx, 36–8
36–8, 39, 40
Enigma Variations
36, 37
Elizabeth I, Queen 34, 229
English Channel 7, 192
English Civil War 19
English Heritage xvii, xix, 75, 241, 242, 244, 246, 247
Eppillus 62
Equites Romani (club within Society of Antiquaries) 173
Ermine Street 56
Erskine Bridge 148
Esk, River 179, 180
Eskdale 184–5
Essex and Kent 5–24, 241–2
Eudo Dapifer 20, 23
Eugenius 146
Eutropius 192
Evander 83
Evelyn, John 195, 196, 197
Exeter Book
Fairfax, Thomas 19
Falkirk 143, 144, 146, 148, 154
Falkirk Wheel 247
Farrer, James 199
Fawcett, Dr Hugh 222
Fine Arts Commission 227
First World War 14, 19, 77, 78, 80, 91, 184
Fishbourne 16–18, 242, 250
Flavius Cerealis 128, 129, 132
Fletcher, John 25
Ford, Sydney 222, 223, 224, 225
Forest of Dean 86–8
Forth, Firth of xx, 137
Forth-Clyde canal 139, 143, 144, 247
Fortunata 51–2
Fosse Way 198, 199
Foster, Norman 53
Fowler, Gordon 224–5
Franks 217
Frederick, Prince of Denmark 156
Freemasonry 101
Freind, Robert 141–2
Fulford, Michael 65, 67–8, 69, 70, 73
Fullofaudes 217
Gale, Roger 98, 150, 173–4
Gandy, Joseph Michael 51
Ganymede 209–10
Gask Ridge 137
Gaul 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 27, 100, 140, 164, 192, 217, 218, 221, 226
Genii Cucullati xviii
Gentleman’s Magazine
Geoffrey of Monmouth 22, 29, 34, 35, 44–5, 141, 219
A History of the Kings of Britain
22, 98–9
George II, King 138, 141
Gerald of Wales:
Itinerarium Kambriae
, or
Journey Around Wales
Germanic insurgents 217
Germans 140
Germany 72
Getty Museum, Malibu 204
Geta 161, 164, 165, 193
Gildas 218, 219
On the Destruction of Britain
105, 218
Glasgow 147–8, 247
Bearsden 143, 147–8, 247
Hunterian Museum 145, 247
University 145, 174
Gloucester 168
Museum 11
Gog 22
Gordon, Alexander 156, 173, 174
Itinerarium Septentrionale
146–7, 148, 149–50, 173
Goths 218
Gramm, Hans 156
Grampians 137, 139, 154
Grange 143
Grangemouth 143, 146
Grange Pans 143
Great Chesters 116, 246
Great North Museum, Newcastle 116, 246
Great Pavement
Woodchester Pavement
Great Western Railway 208
Great Witcombe 198, 249
Great Yarmouth 214, 215, 250
Greencarts Farm 114–15, 246
Grimes, W. F. 52
Gryme 146
Guidott, Thomas:
A Discourse of Bathe and the Hot Waters There
Guildhall, London 47, 50, 243
Hadrian, emperor 50, 76, 112, 119, 141, 181
Hadrian’s Wall xvii, xviii–xix, 108–32, 137, 143, 144, 153, 161, 166, 170, 173, 181, 245–7
map 108–9
Hadrumetum 168
Hall, Jenny 57, 58
Hambledon Hill 245
Hammia 116
Hardknott Castle 180–1, 185, 249
Hardy, Thomas xx, 75
‘A Tryst at an Ancient Earthwork’ 89
Hargrove, W. M.:
History and Description of the Ancient City of York
Harlow Hill 120
Harpocrates 69–70, 244
Hatcher, Henry 154
Haverfield, Francis 184, 214
The Romanization of Roman Britain
Hawkes, Jacquetta 80, 81, 90
Hawkins, John 208–9
Hearne, Thomas 63–4, 65
Heddon-on-the-Wall 114, 117
Helen, St 22, 23, 24
Hengist 14, 219
Henry V, King 229
Hercules 221
Herefordshire Beacon 37
Hernstadt, Mr 14
Herodotus xvii, 8, 31, 32
Hexham 121
Highlands 137, 138–42, 153
Hinton St Mary mosaic 208
Historia Augusta
Historic Scotland 241
History and Antiquities of Silchester in Hampshire, The
hoards 30–1, 220–5
Hobbs, Richard 220, 221–2, 223, 224, 225
Hodges, C. Walter 70
Hod Hill 89, 245
Hole, William 141
Holinshed’s Chronicles
Homer 7
Honorius, emperor 218
Horace 32, 33
Horkstow Hall 205
Horsa 14, 219
Horsley, John:
Britannia Romana
Horus 70–1
‘Hostess, The’ 130
Houses of Parliament (Palace of Westminster) 227–8
Housesteads xvii, 111, 116, 121, 122, 246
Housman, A. E. 78–9, 80
A Shropshire Lad
‘On Wenlock Edge’ 78–9
Howard, Philemon 29
Hoxne Treasure 220
Hull and East Riding Museum 205, 249
Hutcheson’s Hill 145, 148
Hunter, Dr Fraser 138
Hunterian Museum, Glasgow 145, 247
Hutton, Catherine 119, 122
Hutton, William 111, 118–21, 122, 125
History of the Roman Wall
Iceland 9
Iceni 16, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
Iceni Village 28
Ictis 9
Illustrated London News
Illyricum 217
Institute of Archaeology, University of London 80
Inveresk 138
Inverness 153, 154
Iona 105
Iraqis 116
Ireland 10, 105, 139, 219