Under the Mistletoe (14 page)

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Authors: Lexi Buchanan

BOOK: Under the Mistletoe
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Walking over to him, I reach up and kiss
him, “Hi.  How much did you hear?”

He quickly glances at my Mom, “Most of it.”

“I’m glad Gabe.  Come and give me a hug and
perhaps now, after all these years you’ll call me Mom, huh?”

Smiling, “I just might…. Mom.”

Giving Gabe a big hug she lets him go and I
take his face between my hands and kiss him, “Go watch TV.  I love you.”

Smiling, “I love you too.  Get cooking
babe, I’m starved.”



“Happy Christmas everyone.”  I turn to the
sound of Zack’s voice and smile as I walk over to him giving him a brief hug,
“Hi Zack, Happy Christmas.  Go through to the lounge and join everyone. 
They’re arguing over what to put on next by the sound of things.”

“I will.  I believe congratulations are in
order?”  Zack says, with a slight smile.

“Thanks Zack.”  Grinning, “Actually I don’t
think you’ve met my twenty-two year old sister.” I try not to laugh at the
hopeful look on Zack’s face as I lead him into the lounge, “Beth.”  Seeing I
have her attention, I take hold of Zack’s arm and shove him forward, “I want
you to meet Zack.  He’s the new Doctor.”

Momentarily stunned, Beth finally finds her
tongue and getting up from the floor walks over to Zack, “Hi, it’s good to meet

I wink at Gabe then walk back to the
kitchen leaving Zack in my sister’s hands.

Looking back through to the lounge, Zack’s
sitting on the sofa with Beth by his side looking slightly flushed.  Mmm,
perhaps something’s happening there.

I can’t believe I’ve stayed away for so
long.  I’ve really missed being with my family and especially Gabe, the reason
I stayed away.

Mom has extended the dining table for today
and has placed a green table cloth out on top with a red and gold runner set
out along the length of the table.  The table centre piece is a medium size
poinsettia, she’s decorated the base with holly, cranberries and gold leaves
which she’d dried out and then went to town with a gold marker pen.

With a small giggle, I remember about three
to four years back when Mom had bought another poinsettia, this one was on the
rather large size and no one could see over the top, so after about two minutes
it had been removed to the floor, much to Mom’s disgust.

Dinner’s finally ready and after Mom puts
the finishing touches to the turkey we both start to carry all the food into
the dining room.  “God Mom, no one is going to be able to move after all this.”

Laughing, “Then if you want to have sex
with your guy later, you better make sure he doesn’t eat it all then.  Hadn’t

Leaving me stunned in the dining room, Mom
heads into the lounge to announce dinner’s ready.

Feeling Gabe come up behind me, he slides
his hands around my waist, “You alright baby?”

With a slight giggle, I lead Gabe over to
our seats, “I think so.  Mom just told me, if I want to have sex with you
later, not to let you eat everything.”  I whisper to him. 
He just laughs!

Glancing at Beth she seems to be in
conversation with Zack as they sit together at the table, followed by Travis
and Sarah and then last, but not least my Mom and Dad.  I feel so lucky to be
here with my family.

After my Dad say’s Grace we all load our
plates with all the delicious food Mom has made with me being the ‘kitchen

Sitting back, I look to Gabe who grins at
me, “Don’t worry, I’ll be able to move tonight.”

I punch him in the arm as he offers me the
other end of his Christmas cracker to pull, then I share mine with him. 
Watching him start eating, I just sit for a few minutes watching my family.

Beth is flirting away with Zack who’s
flirting just as badly back with her, sharing Christmas crackers and toasting
each other, perhaps playing footsy under the table.

I then turn to look at my brother, Travis
and his fiancée Sarah.  I don’t know a great deal about Sarah, but she seems
lovely and is certainly into Travis if the heated glances she keeps passing him
are anything to go by.

Turning to my Mom, I notice the glass of
wine in her hand as she observes her family as well.  One glass of wine and
she’ll be singing on the town square if we let her.  Seeing me watching her,
she offers me a toast.

I lean forward to place my glass of wine
down after toasting my Mom to see my Dad smiling in my direction; he winks at
me before carrying on eating.

Finally sitting up in my chair, I start to
eat the dinner I’ve looked forward to for two very long years.

With a quick squeeze to Gabe’s thigh, “Who
wants to play in the snow after dinner?”  I don’t get any replies, “You guys
cannot let me down.  I haven’t made a snowman yet, although I did frighten Gabe
to death when we went sledging.”

“Okay sis, we’re in.”

“Yeah thanks Travis.  Gabe is too, aren’t
you honey?”

“Mmm,” is all he can reply as he has a
mouth full of food.

Beth and Zack just ignore everyone.



We’re back at my cabin after a very busy
day with our family.  Sitting in front of the fire with Bree curled up in my
arms feels right.  After Christmas dinner she’d dragged everyone outside for
‘fun in the snow’.  It really had been fun and involved a lot of snow and
kisses.  We’d stopped the snowball fight at one point to watch Zack plant a hot
looking kiss to Beth.  She had reciprocated with such enthusiasm; Bree had
whistled at them and then proceeded to tell them to get a room.

After drying out we joined everyone else in
the lounge and Bree had curled up in my lap and fallen asleep, missing most of
the trivial pursuit game.

“You okay, babe?”

Bree kisses my chest, “I’m fine just
enjoying sitting here with you in the quiet at the end of the day.”

Moving my hand inside Bree’s robe, “But it
isn’t over yet.”  I say as I smooth my hand over her stomach and lean in to
lick her lips.  “Mmm, you taste of Christmas pudding and rum sauce…. very

Running her hand through my hair, and then
holding my head steady as she tastes me, “And you taste of brandy.”

Dipping her tongue into my mouth and
retreating as I follow her tongue into her mouth with mine.

Moving up to her breasts, I alternate
between breasts, massaging and rubbing her nipples between my fingers as I
continue doing the tango with Bree’s tongue.

Undoing her robe, I open it wide so I can
see all of her in her naked glory. “You are a sight for sore eyes.”  Leaning
over her, I take a breast into my mouth, licking and sucking making her gasp.

Moving one hand slowly down between her
legs and my other hand to her neglected breast, I continue my assault on her
senses by dipping a finger inside her.  “Christ Bree, you’re so wet.  I need to
taste you.”

Going down to my knees, I spread her
thighs, pulling her closer to my mouth and then dip my tongue into her pussy,
making her writhe underneath my mouth.

Using my hands on her hips to keep her
still, I continue to fuck her with my tongue, moving one hand between her
thighs; I start stroking her clit.

Moving my mouth away from her briefly, I
rub my fingers in her juices then put my mouth back to her.

Feeling just how close she is, I push one
of my fingers into her puckered hole just as she comes apart screaming my name,
on and on, letting out one final shudder as I bring her back down to earth.

I start taking deep breaths, praying I
don’t embarrass myself by coming in my pants, I meet Bree’s eyes.  “Give me a
few minutes to get your surprise ready then follow me to the bedroom.”  Bree
just nods her head.

Walking the best I can to my bedroom with a
hard as hell erection is killing me.  Getting to the bedroom, I have a fleeting
thought that perhaps I should beat off so I last longer, but I really don’t
want Bree walking in catching me doing a ‘guy thing’.

Quickly removing my clothes leaving my
pants to last, I yank them down my legs allowing my erection freedom.  I’m that
aroused it’s bordering on pain.  Breathing heavy, I walk to the side of the bed
and remove the red ribbon; I hid there as soon as we arrived back to the cabin.

Lying back on the bed, I take hold of my
cock and suck in a breath as I move my hand up and down a couple of times.  I
really hope I don’t blow my load before she gets in here.

As she opens the bedroom door she stops
dead in shock.  Then her grin gets wider and she bursts out laughing.

I’m lay poised on the bed with a Santa hat
on and a red ribbon tied around my fully erect cock.  “Oh my, I hope this is a
regular occurrence.”

“It can be.”  I just about manage to get
out, while trying not to laugh.

Walking slowly to the bed, licking her lips
has my cock bobbing around in excitement.  Crawling on the bed between my legs;
Bree lets her robe fall to the floor and strokes very softly up my legs
reaching my very happy erection.

Kissing the tip has me arching off the bed
and grabbing hold of the bed covers to try and keep my orgasm at bay.  Moving
up my body to my chest and licking around my nipples she continues to lick up
my neck, nibbling on my ear before sealing her lips to mine.

As she pulls away, I meet her lust filled
eyes.  With us both breathing heavy she moves back down my body, finally
offering me relief.

Stroking my cock from tip to root she
carries on to my balls; massaging them she moves her hand between my legs,
moving further down to my buttocks.

Squeezing my butt and then moving back to
massage my balls, she bends and licks me along the slit, licking up all my pre
cum.  “You taste so good.”

On a choked laugh, I arch off the bed,
“You’re killing me.”

Bree goes back to my balls with her mouth
this time as she alternates between them, sucking and licking, moving back to
my cock, she licks her way up and around the tip.  Sucking the tip in slightly,
drags a rather loud groan out of me, “Take the ribbon off.”  I gasp, breathing
heavy, “It’s too much.”

Smiling, Bree takes hold of one end with her
teeth and the other with her hand as she pulls it open.   I can’t help sigh in

“Remind me not to do that again.”

Laughing, “You’re joking right.  That was
hot, seeing you like that.”

Having more freedom with my cock now, Bree
takes a firm hold of me and puts her mouth over the tip.  I try and do
mathematical problems in my head to hold back; I’m so ready to burst.

She licks around me and then on a quick
suck pulls me into her mouth, making me arch off the bed again.  I feel her
hand sliding between my legs; my eyes fly open wide when I feel her insert the
tip of her finger in my butt at the same time as she squeezes my balls; I come
in her mouth and down her throat as my orgasm roars through me.

“God.  Oh God.   Wow.”

Laughing, “I take it you enjoyed that?”

“Give me a minute…. Or two, I feel as
though the top of my head has blown off…. Christ babe, you really blew my

Crawling up to lie beside me, “That good,


Turning on her side to look at me, “I love
you Gabe.”

“I love you too Bree, always.”

With a wicked smile, “I wonder what Mom
will say when I tell her about this.”

Moving so quickly she doesn’t see me move,
I have her pinned down, “Under no circumstances are you to tell your Mom what I
just did, or no sex for a week.”

“Ha.”  Seeing I’m serious, “You mean it?”

Laughing, “Damn straight I do.”  Falling
back on the bed, “Shit, I would never be able to look at her again.”

“I was only joking, what we do in the
bedroom stays in the bedroom.”

“Thank god.”

Sitting up she crawls to the end of the bed
giving me a hell of a view of her pussy and retrieves her robe.  Putting her
hand inside, she brings out a sprig of mistletoe.

With a serious look on her face, she comes
back to me as I sit up facing her.  “You haven’t kissed me under the mistletoe

Smiling, I pull her closer as she holds the
mistletoe up above our heads, I kiss her softly, “I love Bree.  Merry

“I love you too Gabe.  Merry Christmas.”





I was born in Bolton in the UK and lived there until 2010
when we moved to Virginia.
I’m a wife, mother, chocoholic, pack pony
and anything else that comes to mind!


I live with my
family in Virginia and apart from my husband and kids it includes, 6 cats and a
dog who thinks she’s a cat!



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