Under the Moon's Shadow (20 page)

Read Under the Moon's Shadow Online

Authors: T. L. Haddix

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: Under the Moon's Shadow
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She shook her head. “No, sir, it’s like they’ve dropped off the face of the earth. No one has heard anything. I double-checked my list yesterday. Tracking the Hispanics who are missing is a little trickier, but when I spoke with the local community advocate, he confirmed that no one in the usual networks had seen or heard from them.” With a tired sigh, she sat down next to Gordon.

Wyatt stood. “Let me make a phone call or two. I’d like to see if the deputies who took these reports are on duty.”

Chase held up a hand. “I know Jason isn’t. He’s back on nights this week.”

With a nod, the sheriff excused himself. While he was away, talk around the table turned to how the devil worshipping ruse could link into the disappearances.

Sampson was shaking his head. “One of the biggest questions I have is what’s happening to the bodies if these folks are being killed? Contrary to popular belief, it isn’t that easy to dispose of a human corpse.”

Beth and Chase turned to stare at him, and despite the somberness in the room, Chase’s lips turned up as he spoke. “How would you know how easy it is or isn’t to dispose of a body, Pop?”

“Why, I buried a few in the backyard, young man, how else do you think?” The graveyard humor broke the tension in the room, and there were chuckles all around. “Seriously, though, I wonder what the person or persons who are doing this are doing with the bodies, again assuming they’re killing these poor souls.”

Gordon winced. “It can’t be anything pretty. They could be burying them on some out of the way tract of land, but that’s a big risk for someone who has taken such careful steps to keep this thing under wraps.”

Wyatt came back in and resumed his seat. “Deputy Bailey is on duty now, and Jason and Deputy Mason are both on second shift. They’ll all meet with me at shift change, and I’ll find out what they know.”

As the discussion started up again, the phone on the table beeped. Marshall picked it up and listened, his gaze flying to Beth. “No, that’s fine, Vanessa. I’ll handle it.” He replaced the receiver and stood. “Ethan Moore’s on his way up, and he’s apparently very angry.” He kept his eyes on Beth, who closed her eyes briefly, knowing instinctively the next few minutes were going to be bad.

“What in the world reason does he have to be upset over?” Wyatt asked, frowning. Marshall started to answer, but hearing the angry stride outside in the hall, he stopped and gestured toward the door as Ethan stormed in.

“You’ll find out soon enough. Can we help you with something, son?”

Ethan’s gaze went around the table, narrowing as it passed over Gordon. He stalked over to stand beside Beth and tossed a large evidence bag, as well as a copy of the day’s paper on the table in front of her, then thumped a finger on the article Julius had written. “Explain that,” he barked, his eyes not leaving her face.

She gazed back at him defiantly “What exactly do you want me to explain? It’s an article written by a colleague. He cites sources, and if you don’t like what the article says, I suggest you take it up with the person who wrote it.”

Ethan actually growled, but before he could say anything else, Marshall stopped him.

“Son, you need to calm down and back off. Beth didn’t have anything to do with that story. You’re barking up the wrong tree.”

“Bullshit. She may not have written it, but she damned sure is responsible for it,” he told Marshall. Ethan turned back to Beth, who had stood up, her own temper lit. “Just because I slept with you doesn’t mean you have the right to harass the people I go out with. It was one night, blondie, one meaningless night that never should have happened, and I wish to God it hadn’t.”

Before the thought consciously formed, Beth raised her arm and let it fly. The crack of her hand against Ethan’s cheek was loud in the boardroom, and there was absolute silence for a few seconds. Ethan stood motionless, stunned disbelief etched across his face as a dark red hand print appeared on his cheek.

Gordon and Chase stood up, prepared to step in if Ethan tried to retaliate, but Beth ignored them. “How dare you storm in here, into my workplace, in front of my colleagues, and drag what happened between us in private out into the open like this? You have nerve, Ethan Moore, I’ll say that for you.” Her voice was low, and it shook with anger. Ethan started to respond, but Wyatt, who had stepped up behind him, clamped his hand down firmly on the younger man’s shoulder before he could speak again.

“That’s enough, Detective. I’ll see you outside, right now.” His voice harsh, he tried to turn Ethan toward the door, but Ethan twisted loose and picked up the evidence bag.

“I’m not finished here, Sheriff. I want to hear what she has to say about this.” Holding the package up, he shook it and some of the contents spilled out into the clear evidence bag.

As she recognized the underwear, Beth felt the blood drain from her face. She sank back into her chair. “Where did you get that?” She raised her gaze to meet Ethan’s and was surprised to see a flicker of pain run through his eyes. “Those are mine. Where’d you find them?”

“That’s what I’d like to know.” Wyatt reached out and picked up the evidence bag, studying it with a frown.

 “Do you know Mick Helton?” Ethan asked.

Beth nodded. “Of course. He works at the thrift store in the strip mall on the hill. Did he find them?”

Ethan shook his head. “Not exactly. He says you brought them to the thrift store as a donation the day before your apartment was vandalized.”

“What?” Chase exclaimed. “That’s ridiculous, and you know it. He’s lying.”

“He’s willing to lose his job over a lie, then.” Ethan’s voice was quiet as he stepped away from the table. “He’s willing to sign a statement that says Beth brought this bag in and dropped it off. I also have a witness who has heard you bragging about how you’ve been leading everyone around by the nose, how you’ve planned this whole thing.”

“Let me guess - it’s this Ruby person?” Gordon spoke for the first time since Ethan had entered the room. Ethan’s face grew even stonier, if that were possible, and he nodded.

“Between what has gone on between the two of us, this underwear, and that article, and Beth showing up everywhere I go these days, I’m sorry to say I believe her.” Turning to Chase, he spoke in a low voice. “I’m sorry, but you need to get your sister some help before she hurts someone.”

Chase started around the table toward his friend, but Sampson stepped in front of him. “Sheriff, please get Detective Moore and his ‘evidence’ off my property.”

Wyatt nodded and grasped Ethan’s arm. This time when he tugged, he found little resistance. “I’m going. I’m going.” With that, he turned and headed back down the hall, with Wyatt close on his heels. For a very long moment, no one in the boardroom moved, then Chase edged around the table toward Beth. Before he could reach her, though, she held a hand up, stopping him. She knew that sympathy now would break her carefully maintained composure apart.

“I’m sorry. I need some air. Excuse me.” She brushed past Chase on her way out the door and almost ran down the hall toward the stairs to the roof, letting the door that led outside close with a slam behind her. The pain, the anger and the humiliation burned in her chest, and she wanted to get outside before her control shattered. It was the second time Ethan had confronted her in public, and she’d had enough.


~ * * * ~


Back in the boardroom, no one seemed to know what to say. With a weary sigh, Marshall took his glasses off and rubbed his eyes. “She warned me that article would cause trouble, but that was certainly more of a reaction than I was expecting. What the hell is going on?” They all looked to Gordon, who shrugged.

“Beth doesn’t strike me as having the personality of someone who would invent a stalker just to gain attention. I’d like to know more about this Ruby who seems to have all the answers.”

Stacy agreed with his assessment. “It doesn’t fit that Beth would be responsible for all the things that have happened. Everyone in this room is trained to read people, and one of us would have seen something. Gordon, you haven’t known her very long, and you have more experience with this type of thing than any of us. Just being an outsider, I think you would have seen something. I’d bet my badge that she’s not behind it.” They all turned to the door as Wyatt came back in, clearly upset.

“Folks, I’m sorry about that. I don’t know what’s gotten into Ethan these days. I’ll be having a talk with him after I leave here. Where’s Beth?”

Sampson answered. “She headed onto the roof for some air. One of us had better check on her.”

“I’ll go,” Chase said, already heading out the door. When he stepped out onto the flat roof and glanced around, he saw Beth standing on the opposite side of the building, gazing out over the river. He walked over to stand next to her and studied her carefully. She had her arms crossed tightly over her chest, and though her eyes were red, she wasn’t crying. After a few minutes, he spoke.

“You want me to go skewer Ethan for you?”

She chuckled, a soggy sound that was more sob than laugh. As she accepted the handkerchief he handed her, she answered. “No, but thank you for the offer. Lauren and Annie made a similar one the other night. One of these days I might take you all up on it, but not today. I guess the meeting’s pretty effectively derailed now.”

Chase shrugged, hands in his pockets. “Well, it’s disrupted, but I wouldn’t say derailed. Not yet, anyhow. I think we still have quite a bit to discuss.” He bumped her shoulder with his. “Come back in and we’ll finish this up.”

Beth nodded jerkily and drew in a deep breath, moving away from the wall. “No comments about my sex life? Or about the fact that I’m apparently stalking myself?”

He held the door open as she walked through. “No, ma’am. I’d really rather not even acknowledge that you have a sex life, if you want the truth. It’s like knowing Mom and Dad have sex.” To his relief, his grimace made her smile a little, despite her obvious upset. “As to the stalking - I know you better than that, and so do most people with a rational, thinking brain. Which apparently isn’t Ethan right now. Whatever is going on, we’ll get to the bottom of it. Enough said.” Taking the handkerchief back, Chase wiped her face where the tears had tracked down her cheeks.

“He needs help,” she whispered.

Chase felt a piece of his heart break, knowing she was right. “I know. And as soon as I get over the urge to beat the living crap out of him, I’ll talk to his folks, see if I can organize an intervention. I’m afraid that’s what it’s going to take.”

 “Do I have to go back in there and face everyone?”

He pulled her close for a quick hug. “You’ll be just fine.” He kept his arm around her as he guided her back inside the boardroom. Everyone looked up as they came back in, but no one commented on the scene with Ethan.

“Let’s get back to where we were before we were interrupted,” Marshall said.

They resumed their seats, and the discussion continued as to the nature of the disappearances. Theories were discussed, and the meeting wrapped up shortly thereafter, with Wyatt and Marshall handing out assignments to their respective employees. With everything said and done, Marshall declared the meeting adjourned. He stopped as he left the boardroom, and spoke to Beth. “If you want to take the rest of the day off, that’s fine.”

“I may do that.”

Sampson gave her a quick hug before also leaving, and Stacy followed him out the door. Beth turned to Wyatt. “I imagine you have some questions for me. I’ll answer anything you want to ask me. I don’t have anything to hide, not anymore.” She grimaced as she remembered Ethan’s revelations.

Chase spoke. “I’d like to stay for any questions. No offense, Wyatt, but I don’t think my sister should be without legal representation after those accusations.”

“I don’t have a problem with it as long as Beth doesn’t. What about you?” Wyatt looked at Gordon. “You want to stick around to hear this or not?”

Beth held a hand up when Gordon hesitated. “I’d like both of them to stay. Go ahead and ask me whatever you need to.”

“I don’t know what bug Ethan has up his butt this time, Beth. I’m sorry for the way he acted, though. I’m going to sit him down and have a nice long talk with him, I promise you that.”

She summoned up a smile and shook her head. “It’s okay, Wyatt. I’d guess the bug is named Ruby, and she’s there because Ethan wants her there. You know he and I have been rubbing each other the wrong way, especially in the last few months.”

“That doesn’t give the boy an excuse to barge in here like he did and make a scene,” Wyatt countered. “I can’t have him acting like that. It reflects poorly on the department, and it makes me question his judgment.”

Chase looked at Beth with a grimace, then told Wyatt, “We think he has a serious problem with alcohol.” He went on to explain their reasoning. Wyatt was quiet as he processed the theory. Chase could see the older man’s disappointment and concern.

“Damn it to hell. Are you sure?” Wyatt asked.

“I’m afraid so.”

“Okay. Thanks for telling me. I’ll look into it, I promise you.” Wyatt turned his attention to Beth. “Is there any truth to what Ethan said? About the stalking?”

She shook her head and looked Wyatt straight in the eyes. “Not a single word. I’ve had nothing whatsoever to do with this stalking. I’m not making it up, and I certainly haven’t bragged about what I’ve done, because I haven’t done anything.”

“What about this underwear? Is there any chance this Helton fellow could be right, that you were there on that Friday?”

Without speaking, she pulled her day planner close and flipped through the pages to find the right one. She showed him the day in question. “There’s no way I was there that day. I had to go to Louisville to pick up some things for Lauren’s wedding, and then once I got back here, I was with Annie and Lauren most of the rest of the day, working on flowers and balloons. Depending on what time this guy says I was there, I might be able to prove definitively that I wasn’t.”

Wyatt rubbed a hand down his face, and sighed. “I don’t think you’re behind all this, Beth. That said, I have to do my job. If this guy really does come in and make a statement, it’s going to look bad. I just want to warn you now.” Looking at Chase and Gordon, he frowned. “As soon as I get back over to the office, I’ll have Stacy start looking at Ruby Sloane. It’s just a little too convenient that she suddenly pops up out of nowhere with all these allegations.”

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