Unexpected Love (3 page)

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Authors: Shelby Clark

Tags: #contemporary romance, #Interracial Romance, #bwwm, #bwwm romance

BOOK: Unexpected Love
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“Wow, I don’t know how I did it, but I did. Now, no more problems and good-bye Mr. Howard. Excuse me,
Professor Seth
Howard that is. But now I can’t believe I did this because I am mid-way to mid-terms. I got a lot of catching up to do in this new class. I can do this! At least I am away from Professor Howard. His problems are his own and not mine. My GPA is a 4.0, and I am determined it will stay that way. I am not going to lose an edge because of an abuser, over the top, egotistic, smart-ass that thinks he’s all that but don’t know how to act professor. I am glad I don’t have to see him or deal with him in any way. Maybe he forgot about me by now. Besides, who am I to let some snooty tooty professor ruin my life behind a relationship gone wrong on his end? Please, you better ask somebody.” TC smiled to herself.


* * * *


“Hey, guys, I’m home,” TC yelled as she entered the condo. She dropped her bookbag at the door and scooped up the mail while taking in the wonderful aroma of dinner coming from the kitchen. TC walked into the kitchen. “Hey, what’s up?”

Dee and El dramatically embraced TC with a hug. They both exclaimed, “We wanted to say we are sorry for last night and for going overboard teasing you.”

El continued. “We wanted to show you by arranging dinner. And instead of wine, we will be drinking sparkling Liquid Jade gourmet ice tea, one of your favorites. Tonight, we have specially ordered your favorite food. We would have cooked it ourselves, but we both had a late shift today. So we hope you forgive us.”

Reaching to hug El and Dee in return, TC expressed her gratitude. “Aw, you guys, I do forgive you. Plus, I don’t remember anything anyway. I know I was mad, but I didn’t know why. So now it doesn’t matter. Let’s dig in, if you please.” TC mentioned changing her class to create small talk. “Hey, peep this, I got my class swapped.”

“Cool! Tell us how,” El inquired.

“Well, I talked to the dean, and before I knew it, it was done. What’s funny though is it seemed like he already knew something. He didn’t want me to cause trouble, but he wasn’t saying anything. Getting the class changed was almost effortless. I’m glad. I thought I was going to have to go head to toe with Proffesor Howard. And you know me, I don’t play. Don’t start nothing and won’t be nothing,” TC boasted.

“Down, girl, slow your roll. You’re getting yourself worked up again,” El replied. “TC, we’re going to have to find a way for you to relax a little more. In fact, we are going to make it our little project. You know what, spring break is the ticket. What do you think, Dee?”

“I think that’s a great idea. We should start by going to a club. You know I like to get my grove on,” Dee replied.

“Club! I don’t do clubs. I don’t have time for clubbing. I don’t think this is a good idea, ladies. Are you trying to sabotage me and my plans?” TC frowned at the two of them.

“No, girl, we just don’t want to see you burn out. We’ve been there where you are,” El explained. “You are a little over the top, TC. Look, girl, we have seen students like you including coworkers on my job. They really hurt themselves physically, emotionally, and mentally overloading by doing so much with no outlet. You have to have an outlet some kind of way.

“Plus, you know they say sex is a healthy way to relieve stress and pressure. And no, I am not horny, but it is natural as well as a fact, even though it is one of my favorite fortes. Look it up, research queen. You’re still in school. You know all about research. Check your sources. You’re only hang-up is that you’re not with anyone.”

Dee added, “
Eeh jami.
Yeah, having sex is good. But don’t be careless. Be responsible.”

“And we do respect that you are not the type of woman that will settle for casual sex. There’s nothing wrong with that, to each his own. It’s the individual’s choice. So why not clubbing? You can just go to loosen up and unwind. No harm done, just having some fun with the three of us. We can watch each other’s back for the deadbeats that try to rap to us. So what you say, TC? You on?” Dee asked.

“Ok, ok, I’m in. But it’s been a long time since I’ve been to a club. I mean years. I may not know how to act. So don’t get mad if I just sit most of the time. I feel nervous already. I don’t know if I can dance.”

El laughed. “This is why you need to get out more. Uphold what you’re doing with your plans and goals, but make sure every now and then you breathe a little bit as well, and when you meet that special person at the right time, let your juices flow. You know what I mean. When the time comes for you, we might have a flood up in here.”

TC cringed at the picture her sister’s words created in her head.

“Hey, Dee, do we have flood insurance?” El joked. “Sike, girl, I’m just messing with you. So we will talk about this more tomorrow and plan where we want to go. I want to go where there is a mature crowd. I don’t have time for these wet behind the ears, still sucking on mama’s breast immature babies out here. I want to be able to enjoy myself without having to look over my shoulder because Chakida is eyeballing Shananea’s man. Ok, guys?”

“See this why we are so close. Because we can be real and be down with one another. You feel me?” TC asked.

El and Dee nodded. “Yeah, girl, we feel you.”

“Whose turn is it to clean the kitchen?” Dee asked.

El grabbed TC’s hand and hurried out of the kitchen. “Oh, it’s like that, huh?” Dee shouted. “What happened to the sisterhood?”

TC returned to the kitchen and smiled as she started to help clean up.

Dee chuckled “I was joking. This was for you. You don’t have to help me. I was talking to El. She’s always running when it’s time to clean up.”

“Yes, she does. But we are all in this together,” TC replied.

El returned grabbing the last and only plate on the table to place in the dishwasher. “You guys are absolutely right. This is why I came back.”

“Oh my goodness, no she won’t come back after everything is done and grab one plate. Girl, you’re bugging,” Dee bellowed as she looked at El.

“Close your mouth before you swallow a fly,” El hugged Dee and kissed her and TC goodnight.

“This woman is off her rocker. Did you see what she just did, TC? I mean did you see her or not?” Dee questioned.

“Go to bed, Dee. You know El is crazy. Why are you acting brand new?” TC replied.

“I mean…but…TC,” Dee fussed.

“Goodnight, Dee.” TC went in her room and shut the door behind her. She heard Dee still going on and on. The last thing she heard was Dee speaking Swahili and then snoring. TC chuckled as she dozed off.


* * * *


After Biology class TC took the back elevators to avoid any chance of running into Professor Howard. She went straight to the library. As she walked with haste, she carefully scoped out her surroundings. “I must think of a plan, need a plan, need a plan.” She stressed herself so bad instead of studying or thinking, she fell asleep in the study cube, her favorite place, she’d signed up for. Students rented the space for privacy when they need to cram for test.

TC woke up to a voice outside of her cube. She thought she heard someone calling for Seth Howard. She muttered while still feeling a little disoriented from sleeping. “Maybe I’m being paranoid. Nevertheless, I got to get out of dodge.” She grabbed her books and fled.



Chapter Three

The Collision of Fire


TC watched from the terrace El and Dee pull out of the parking lot in their convertible Volkswagens and speed off their own separate ways. “I guess it’s my turn to get up out of here. And I better get a move on if I don’t want to be late. After all what good is a schedule if you don’t follow it?”

TC left the condo parking lot and pulled up to the first traffic light. She was pretty fly in her new capris and stiletto high heels. She matched from top to bottom. The next thing to do was to hit the button to let down the top on her convertible Volkswagen. She and her sisters had the same car in their own favorite color of metallic green, white, and metallic red, with the license plates matching—Sister 1, Sister 2, and Sister 3.

TC pulled behind a convertible Jaguar. “All right—a Jaguar!” She saw that it was Professor Howard and searched her purse to grab her sunglasses. “Where are they, damn-it?” When her entire car jerked, she knew she had drifted forward and bumped Professor Howard’s car.

Just in a nick of time, she found her sunglasses. “Good thing the sun is out.”

Professor Howard exited his car to view his rear bumper just as she slipped her glasses on. A slight breeze picked up his cologne as it whisked across TC’s nose. Her heart beat faster, and goose bumps rose on her arms. She felt flushed all over and noticed in a split second the moisture between her legs.
What the hell is going on with me?
She cleared her throat and acted as if he had no affect on her.

Professor Howard waved his hand. “Don’t worry about it—it’s nothing.” Just as he finished his last sentence, he looked again at TC. “Ms. Shaw, is that you?”

Without a word, TC sat there in her car trying think if she should respond. “Uh, uh. Yes, I mean, I apologize, Professor Howard, for hitting you. I was looking for something in my purse and drifted into your car.”

Professor Howard bent over again to view both cars. TC examined his body from top to bottom, while mumbling under her breath. “Massive muscles, displayed in a nice Stacey Adams button-up, showing off a firm ass in a pair of Seven jeans and toping it off in a hot pair of Gucci loafers. Damn, man, you look good, and you sure do smell good.” TC snapped her gaze back to the professor’s face as he walked toward her car. “Sexy!”

The professor responded with a smile. “What?”

“I mean your car. Your car is sexy. It fits you nicely. It’s also cute.”

“Cute? What are you trying to say about my car? Ok, it’s not a jag, but it a convertible.”

TC snapped to hide her true attraction. “Hey, calm down. I was complimenting your car, not making fun.”

He frowned. “And what was that you were saying under your breath? I heard something about good.”

“Uh, no, I said hood. Was any damage to the hood?”

“Oh, I thought you were saying I look good.”

“No, don’t fool yourself, professor.”

“It’s ok, Ms. Shaw, for a beautiful woman as yourself to be attracted to your professor. It’s a normal emotion. Besides…”

“Hold on a second. Maybe you think you can woo the women on this campus with that curly black hair and those sexy icy blue eyes, but I am not moved at all. And one more thing, walking up on me flexing those massive muscles and wearing nicely fitted designer jeans on your ass is not all that impressive. So are we going to exchange information, or are you going to continue checking me out?”

“Well, I was simply trying to make conversation with you, Ms. Shaw. I thought maybe we could get to know one another as two mature adults. I am not the person you keep insinuating I am. I am really a kind person. In fact, to prove to you that I am really a gentle person, I will not be exchanging insurance information. There was no damage so what’s the point? I also think you really are attracted to me as I am to you.”

“What the hell?”

“But that mouth of yours is like a loaded gun.”

TC burst into laughter. “I can’t believe you said that. That statement caught me off guard, but don’t get too comfortable, Professor, because I didn’t plan to exchange anything. Thank you anyway.”

TC caught herself staring at the Professor. It felt as if time stood still for a moment.
Why is this man smiling and staring at me like he’s thirsting for my fluids. One thing’s for sure, I feel the same way about him.
TC gained control of herself. “Oh, well, Professor, it’s been nice, but I don’t have any more time to waste.” She drove off in a hurry. Professor Howard called after her, but his voice became lost in the wind.

“I am so glad I got out of that class, but I’m still running into him. He acts as if he is addicted to me. I cannot get away from this man.” The cologne and fancy clothes didn’t help either. She didn’t know what kind it was. Without even trying, it was as if he seduced her. Every time she saw those eyes and heard that deep sexy voice, it made her feel hot inside and out. “I don’t like that feeling.” She grumbled, tightening her fists. “His voice isn’t all that sexy, but God, he smelled sooo good.”

Come on, girl, spring break is right around the corner. Plus the weather is really getting nice.


* * * *


In the University’s school store, TC bought the snacks she kept regularly so she could skip meals when prepping for an exam. She decided this was a good time to do her shopping because she had the whole store to herself. It was pure heaven, no lines, loud talking, pushing, or shoving.

As she chose her snacks, a male Caucasian hand crossed her basket to prevent anything else entering it. TC frowned, annoyed.

A strong male voice spoke to her. “Ms. Shaw, I presume?”

TC looked up into the sexiest blue eyes she’d ever seen. She froze for a second, for what seemed like an eternity. Chills ran up and down her spine. Sexual feelings and stimulations teased areas of her body she forgot all about. Her mouth hung open as she gazed into those hypnotic eyes and listened to his deep sexy voice. It took a couple of seconds before she recognized the face because he had on a pair of wired framed glasses.

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