Unexpected Love (10 page)

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Authors: Melissa Price

BOOK: Unexpected Love
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On the way to John and Sara’s home, Taylor became more and more nervous.  What if they didn’t like her?  They were important to Sean.  Sean spent more time with John than anyone.  He was an important part of his life and his partner on the job.  Even though she knew very little about being a cop, she knew that meant something.  She did not want to make a bad impression. 

It was as if Sean was reading her thoughts, “Taylor, they are going to love you.  Just be yourself.”  He held her hand the rest of the way there.

When they arrived, she assumed John answered the door.  He was a nice looking man, fit like Sean, but not as muscular, older by at least ten years.  He introduced himself and then his wife, Sara and their two children.  They were all friendly and welcoming so Taylor felt more at ease.  Sara greeted her as if they had known each other for a long time.  Sara had shoulder length blond hair and her green eyes were warm and laughing. Taylor liked her right away.

John took her jacket.  “I’ve been giving Sean the third degree about you but as usual, he won’t say much.  I finally got your name out of him.”

Taylor looked over at Sean.  “It is hard to get information from him, you just have to know how to do it.”

“Ah, maybe you can teach me the techniques.”  John laughed.  “Sean will tell you I have a tendency to speak my mind.  I’ll say this, he certainly picked the right woman.  Finally.”

Sean rolled his eyes, “John.”

John leaned over to Taylor and loudly whispered, “Do you think I embarrassed him?”  He asked with a wink.

Sean answered him back, “Remember who you have to spend eight hours in a car with tomorrow.”

John ignored him, “So, Taylor.  What attracted you to him?  It can’t be his sorry looking self or his bad attitude or his lack of personality.”

Taylor giggled, “It was his amazing blue truck.”

Sean looked at her, “Really?  That’s it?  That is the best you can come up with?”

Taylor smirked at him, “I didn’t want to embarrass you and tell you the truth before.”

John burst out laughing, “Well, you’ve met your match.  She’s not intimidated by you, that’s for sure.  And I like that she can hold her own against you.”

Sean shook his head at her but grinned.

John looked at Taylor, “And you’re not fawning and drooling all over him.”  He gave her a wink again.

Sean just rolled his eyes and made an exasperated sound.  Taylor could see the easy bond between them.  Partners and friends.

The evening turned out to be fun and relaxing to Taylor’s relief.  John entertained them about stories about the job.   She learned more about him and Sean when they were on the job.

He looked over at Taylor, “Did he tell you it was his turn to pat down a guy we pulled over the other day.  He told Sean, ‘Handsome you can pat all day long.  Feel free.’  Sean looked at me and rolled his eyes and tried to give me a signal to do it, but I ignored him.  It was too much fun seeing him trying to look cool when I knew he dreaded patting him down.  The guy really liked it when Sean checked his pants pocket.  And of course he asked if he wanted his phone number or he said he could call Sean.”

Taylor put her hand to her mouth, trying hard not to giggle, but the giggle won out. 

Sean looked over at John and mumbled, “You talk too much.  Thanks for the reminder.”


After dinner, their daughter complained to her mom that she didn’t understand her homework assignment and Taylor volunteered to help her.

After they had finished her homework, their daughter, Brenda, asked her, “So, you like Sean?  I think he’s really nice and really cute too.”

Taylor smiled at her, “Yes, I like him.  He is nice.”

“And cute?”

“Yes, cuter than cute.”

Brenda giggled, “Thanks for helping me.  You know there’s a boy at school I like and he’s really cute but I don’t think he knows I am alive.”

“Have you tried talking to him?”

“No, I can’t.  I don’t know what to say.”

“Well, listen to what he talks to his friends about and then you’ll figure out something to talk to him about.  It can be something similar to what he likes.”

“Like what?”

“Hm, let’s say he is really into cars.  You might look at some new cars coming out or look at some valuable restored cars and talk about one that you like.  Or maybe he likes learning about science.  You can find something that interests you, like the space probe passing Pluto.  Just find one thing and then you’ll find it easier to start talking to him.”

“How did you get Sean to talk to you?”

“Well, I didn’t really.  He said the first thing to me because he knocked me down.  It was an accident, but it got us talking.”

“So, I should get him to knock me down?”  She giggled.

“No, but you never know what will happen.  If you like him, make sure he is really nice, then he’ll not have a problem being nice to a cute girl like you.  Just don’t expect too much with the first guy.  Someone is going to come along when you get older that will be the person for you.  Start with just being friends.  Then you’ll feel better and you’ll have someone else for a friend.”

“Like you.”

Taylor smiled at her, “Yeah, like me.”




When they left John and Sara’s house, she remarked, “They are a nice family.  I’m glad I got to meet them.”

Sean smiled at her, “I knew you guys would get along.  It was nice of you to help Brenda with her homework.”

“I liked doing it.  So, that guy liked your pat down?”  She couldn’t resist asking.

Sean rolled his eyes, “I think it’s one of the worst parts of the job and let’s leave it at that.”


They drove to the grocery store.  He hated grocery shopping.  At least he used to.  Shopping with Taylor was turning out to be fun.  She smiled at everyone and people seemed to smile back and say hello.  Sean had thought he was friendly, but he wasn’t compared to Taylor.  It was odd because she seemed like it was hard for her to trust people.  Her mother probably didn’t help with that.

He purposefully picked up a can of spaghetti and put it in the cart. 

She gasped, “Are you kidding?  We are not buying that.”  She picked the can out of the cart.

He took the can out of her hand, “I used to eat this a lot when I first came here.  It’s not so bad.” He grinned at her.

She snatched the can away from him and put it back on the shelf, shaking her head at him, “What am I going to do with you?”

He gave her a big smile and said in a loud whisper, “I don’t know, what are you going to do with me?  Should I be excited or worried?”

She blushed and shook her head at him again and he snickered. 

She picked up three cans of tomato sauce.  Sean asked her, “Do you know what tomato sauce is called in Australian slang?”

She shook her head and waited for him to tell her.

He grinned, “Dead horse.”

She gave him a very puzzled look, “Are you being serious with me?”

“Very serious.  I’m just adding to your ingredient knowledge.”  He gave her a boyish grin.

As they started down another aisle, a little girl with pig tails was pushing a miniature cart towards them with the words, ‘shopper in training’ written on the cart.  Taylor smiled at her mother, “She is too cute.”

“Thanks,” her mom laughed, “she thinks she’s a big girl now.  The cart is very important.”

The little girl looked at her mom and Taylor, “I am getting big.”  She looked at Taylor for confirmation.

Taylor shook her head very seriously, “I can see that.  And you’re very own cart too.”

“I have stuff in it.”  She showed Taylor her cereal and juice.

“Very nice.”             

“You have more stuff than I do.”

“Well, I need more stuff today.  Besides,” she pointed at Sean, “he eats a lot.”

She snuffled at Sean who was staring at her.

The little girl pointed to Sean, “Who’s that?  Is he your boyfriend?”

Taylor looked over a Sean who was staring at her with one eyebrow raised, waiting for her to answer. 

Her head tilted and then she smiled and looked at the little girl, “He’s my big brother.”

She almost laughed at the look on Sean’s face.  It was somewhere between astonished and disbelieving.

The little girl took a couple of steps towards him, “I have a big brother too but he’s not old like you.”

Sean burst out laughing, “I bet he isn’t.”

Her mother pushed her along, “Sorry to have bothered you.”

Sean smiled at her, “No bother.”  The little girl waved bye at them as they went around the corner to the next aisle.  He turned to see Taylor smirking.

“Oh, you think that’s funny, huh?  Big brother?  That’s your best stuff?”

She was nodding yes, giggling.  “Come on old man, we need to check out.”

He frowned, “Oh, I’ll get you back for that.”

She laughed, “You have to face it; we are both old to a little girl like that.”

Sean bought the grocery items and a crock pot and he took her home.

When they had finished putting everything away, he said, “You didn’t argue with me about buying the groceries.”

She looked at him with a mock haughty look, “The least you could do when I have to slave over the stove to use them.”

He laughed, ‘Yeah, I bet it takes hours to slave over a crock pot.’

She gave him an approving nod, “You do know something about cooking.”

He grinned, “I never said I wasn’t capable with a can and a pot.”





As soon as Sean and John were in the car, John looked at him before starting the engine.  “I really like Taylor.  She’s good for you.  Sara said the same thing.  Don’t let her get away Sean.  You deserve a special woman like that.”

Sean just looked out the window and said nothing.  Taylor had handed him a cup of coffee this morning as he was about to leave and had looked at him with the familiar tilt.  He sipped it and told her it was good and she smiled a big, bright smile and gave him a thumbs up.


Maggie came over to have lunch with Taylor. They ate sandwiches, homemade potato salad, and hot tea.  Taylor invited them over for dinner and she had happily agreed.

“Can I bring anything?”

Taylor shook her head, “You’ve had us over twice now.  My turn to cook.”

Maggie took note of the easy way she said us even if Taylor did not realize it.  She smiled inwardly. They were meant for each other even if they had not figured it out yet.  She wondered how well they were getting along.

Maggie asked, “So, Sean’s really a nice guy, isn’t he?  Walter and I just love him.  He has never hesitated to come over and help us when we needed something.”

“Yes, he’s nice.”  She said nothing else.

Maggie nodded, “Would you help me bake some cookies next Thursday?  I want to take them to the elementary school for a couple of classes.  The teacher was having a hard time with her ex-husband.  He showed up in her classroom last week, cursing at her.  Of course, their daughter was in the next classroom and she came over to see what was wrong and he really scared her.  The school hired some security guards to make sure he doesn’t get in until it blows over.  The children in both classes have been stressed over it as well.  I was hoping the cookies would cheer them all up.”

“No, I don’t mind at all.  It is an awful situation.  I hope everything is okay now.”

“Well, I have been told he left town, so everyone can relax.  School is letting out early this week so next week would be great.  It is such a shame.  The daughter is as cute as a button.  I met her and her mother at the clinic when I stopped by to see Walter.  They have a sweet little mutt.”


Taylor went to the grocery store to pick up a couple of items she needed for the dinner.  She wanted to make the best chicken for them and she needed another spice, oil, and more flour.  As she was browsing, she spotted the woman she had met with Maggie.  All Taylor knew was that she had asked about Sean and they had broken up.  Taylor was curious but she was not about to talk to the woman.  She would like to have gotten more information from Maggie.  Fortunately, the woman did not recognize her.

Taylor felt disheveled and unsophisticated around her.  The woman was in the grocery store wearing a short dress and heels.  What did Sean see in her if he had dated a woman like that?

She checked out and drove home.  She remembered Maggie saying they were not right for each other.   She didn’t bring it up with Sean that night as they went for a short walk.  It was getting dark and she could see the sky lit up with stars.  She had not been able to see a view like this in a long time.  Too many lights to make the sky look like sparkling velvet. 

Sean looked up, “Beautiful, isn’t it?”

She nodded her head yes.  “You don’t get a view like this in the city.”

Because she was so busy looking up, she did not see the slight hole in the ground but it was enough to make her lose her balance and almost fall.  She felt Sean pulling her against him, preventing her from falling. 

“Are you okay?”  He was staring her right in the eyes.  She felt like she could get lost in his blue eyes.

She simply nodded, “Wasn’t watching where I was walking.”  Was he going to kiss her?

He smiled at her and let her go.  Was she disappointed that he not tried to kiss her?  They went back to the house and watched TV. 

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