Unfinished Hero 01 Knight (35 page)

Read Unfinished Hero 01 Knight Online

Authors: Kristen Ashley

Tags: #contemporary romance, #Erotic Romance

BOOK: Unfinished Hero 01 Knight
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I held his eyes and he held mine.

I pushed it, for him.

Then his arms started to uncross as his body started to move and I dropped my purse and keys to the floor.

Then, eyes still on his, I lifted my skirt slowly and hooked my fingers into my panties. Then I pushed them down, they fell down my legs, the silk and lace flitting across my already sensitive skin as they dropped to my ankles. I stepped out of them and curled my fingers in the black silk of my dress, biting my lip and pulling it over my head.

When it fell from my fingers to the floor, Knight barked, “Study,” turned and stalked away.

I walked on shaking legs to the study.

Okay, all right.

Okay, all right.

Evidence was suggesting I bit off more than I could chew.

I walked into the warm woods and golden tans of his office, straight to the desk, breathing heavily and hoping I knew what the heck I was doing.

Our safe word was giraffe. In all the time we’d been together, I’d never considered using it. And Knight frequently got inspired. I’d been gagged with a scarf and tied spread-eagled to his bed. I’d gone down on him in his steam room off the bathroom. He’d fucked my face and my pussy while I was strapped on all fours to his bed.

And I’d loved every minute.

This, he was so angry, that vibrating heat unrelenting, I was worried.

Maybe I should have let him in on the fact that Viv was with us. He liked her, trusted her and said she had a good head on her shoulders.

Shakily, I positioned and I did it carefully. Torso to his desk. Ass out. And I made sure my legs were as wide as I could get them comfortably. That was how Knight liked me, always. With training, I’d learned to do that automatically when asked. I didn’t want to forget now.

I heard him come back and I pressed my lips together as I pressed my cheek to some papers on his desk. Then I rolled my lips.

I felt a light breeze and heard a soft whoosh as something hit the desk beside me but I didn’t dare look.

Then nothing.

I waited, deep breathing but failing to calm my escalating panic.

More nothing.

When I was about to say something, tell him Viv was with us, even tell him this was his birthday present, his hand suddenly was between my legs, pulling up rough yet gentle, like Knight could do. I gasped. Then I felt something I didn’t know what it was trailing across my bottom.

“You earned the strap tonight, baby.” I heard him say softly.

Oh God.

Oh God!

Well, at least it wasn’t the cane. I wasn’t ready for that yet. Viv said it hurt like a mother.

The thing on my behind kept stroking as Knight cupped me between my legs and he went on. “This one’s brand new. All for you. Break you in while you break it in,” he muttered.

Then his hand went away and that thing, what I knew was the strap, glided between my legs.

My eyes closed because that felt nice.

“Let’s get you ready,” Knight whispered and my eyes opened.

Then the strap was gone and his hand was between my legs, two fingers thrusting up, tight and hard and I cried out in shock and something else altogether.

“Drenched,” he growled. “Fuck yourself on Daddy’s fingers.”

Oh God. I wanted that.

So I did it.

“Harder, Anya, you gotta be ready to take your strap.”

I moved faster, harder, grinding into his fingers and this went on a while, a scary, crazy,
while until I was whimpering.

“Stop,” he ordered but continued to thrust into me. “Stay still,” he kept ordering while finger fucking me. “You do not move unless it’s to jump to the strap. You do not, under any circumstances, come. No matter what I do to you, baby. You whisper ‘Daddy’ if you think you’re gonna come. Other than that, you do not speak unless I ask you something directly. Then you answer immediately. And you know how I want your answer, Anya. You get more if I have to remind you. Now do you get me?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

His fingers stopped thrusting, they started rubbing hard at my clit, I whimpered and he whispered, “Good, baby.”

Then his hand went away and in short order I knew
what Viv was talking about.

This was good. Better than his hand spanking me. It was

The strap stung, no doubt about it. My ass jumped, I winced. And the sound of the crack against my flesh only made things better. But like when he used his hand, Knight never brought it down in the same place twice in quick or even close succession. And he also slapped it across my thighs.

Every blow, the strap bit in, and the sting radiated out, the pain and sting traveling right between my legs until I was consistently whimpering with need. But as sharp as the sting was, the pain was fleeting and since he didn’t cover the same area repeatedly, it stayed fleeting.

He stopped and his hand thrust between my legs.

“Rub against that, hard, take yourself close,” he ordered and I did what I was told and I did it until I was close and then I moaned, “Daddy.”

He stopped and the strap was back at me. More sting. More fire. My legs were quaking, my ass jumping.

Then his hand between my legs.

“Up Anya, stay facing the desk. Fast, baby.”

I pushed myself up and felt his body close behind me.

“You aren’t done and you do not come until I give it to you. Yeah?”

“Yes, Daddy,” I breathed.

Then he was moving and I felt his hands working at the front and behind me then I felt something smooth curling around me between my legs from ass to belly, tight. Then it was rubbing back and forth, gentle, quick, the friction, it worked me, separating me until it was right there and my head fell back as I moaned.

Knight’s lips came to my ear. “You like your strap?”

Oh yeah. I liked my strap. Fuck yeah.

“Yes, Daddy.”

“Take the ends, back and front, rub yourself. Do not come. Stop if you think you will.”

I nodded and found the ends of the strap, back and front.

“Hold them tight, baby,” Knight ordered, I obeyed and he pressed his back to mine as his hands moved on me.

Oh God. This was good. This was unbelievably

I worked the strap as Knight’s hands moved on me, all over me and his mouth worked my neck.

Then I took myself close, mouth panting, and I stopped.

“My baby, bein’ good,” Knight murmured against my neck. “Give it time, come down and then keep going.”

I gave it time, his hands moved over me then I kept going.

“That’s it, bring yourself close again,” he whispered, his hands moving up then they were cupping my breasts. “Look at you. Fuck me, my baby, so fuckin’

Then his fingers were at my nipples, pinching, squeezing, rolling, pulling.

I stopped moving the strap.

“Keep rubbing,” he growled on a sharp tug of my nipples.

“Daddy,” I used the word as a warning. I was close.

He tugged again at my nipples and it shot through me, my head jerking back, hitting his shoulder.

“Do not come, Anya, and keep working yourself.”

Oh God. I couldn’t do this. I was going to come.

But I did what I was told.

“Fuck yeah,” he groaned into my neck, grinding his crotch into my back.

“Daddy,” I whimpered.

He squeezed my nipples.

“Do not come, baby.”

“Daddy,” I moaned, still rubbing.

“Do not…

I did as I was told and I was pressing my head in his shoulder, biting my lip, keening when he growled. “Drop it.”

I dropped the strap instantly.

Then I was back to the desk, Knight hands behind my knees shoving them high and wide. Then one went to his fly. Then it was back behind my knee and he was driving into me, brutal, savage, my eyes on him fucking me, his burning on my body jolting on his desk.

Stroke three, I came.

Then I came.

And I came.

And I came.

And then I lost track of how many times I came.

Then with one last, violent thrust, Knight came.

Eyes still on me, hands still behind my knees, he went from thrusting to sliding.

Then he plunged deep and whispered, “Come here, baby.”

I pushed up, his hands went to my ass, my legs wrapped around his hips and he lifted me up. My arms wrapped around his shoulders and he walked me across the room to his couch and then took us down, me on my back, Knight on top and he managed to do this entire maneuver connected to me.

He lifted some of his weight off me with a forearm in the couch and his other hand came to my face, his fingertips skimming my jaw, my cheek, his eyes on me and he asked gently, “You okay?”

“Happy birthday,” I whispered and he blinked.

Then he whispered, “What?”

“Kathleen told me,” I shared. “I wasn’t at a club. I was with Sandrine but I was with Vivica too. We were at a bar. Back booth. No one could even see us. No dancing. Nothing. Just us girls. We took a taxi so no one driving drunk. And Rhashan was in on the surprise, kinda, without a real share, he just knows it’s a surprise birthday gig for you and he knew where we were the whole time.”

He stared at me and he did this a long time, giving nothing away.

So I went on softly and now uncertainly, “I didn’t know what to get you.”

“Jesus, fuck,” he finally muttered.


“Jesus, fuck,” he repeated.

“Did I… was that okay?”

He buried his face in my neck and groaned, “Jesus, fuck. Fuck me. Fuck

I didn’t know what to make of this.

“Knight?” I called.

His head came up.

“Yes,” he clipped. “Yes, Anya, baby, fuck me, baby. Yes, that was fuckin’ okay. That was fuckin’ beautiful what you gave me.”

It was. He believed that. What I gave him meant something to him.

It meant a lot.

Tears filled my eyes.

“Knight,” I whispered.

“Fuck me,” he whispered back, staring at me, his eyes burning because his heart was beating there.



I smiled, lifted my head and, lips to his, I whispered, “I’m kinda not done.”

“Fuck me,” he repeated and I smiled bigger.

“But you’ll need to get off me.”

I watched his eyes close slowly and then I watched as emotion washed over his features.

And I did this mesmerized.



Then he touched his mouth to mine, slid out and got off me, pulling me up with him. He held me close with an arm around my waist as I got steady on my feet.

Then when I shot him a grin, he muttered, “Nightie, babe, desk.”

was the soft whoosh.

My man, even pissed, he always remembered to take care of me.

My grin got bigger.

Then I went to the desk and pulled the red, silk and lace short nightie with the high slits up my sides that Knight bought for me over my head. I shot him another grin as I walked out to see he was still standing at the couch, he’d adjusted his trousers and his eyes were on me.

The minute I knew he lost sight of me, I moved fast.

I had it all planned and I put it in motion quickly. I cleaned up and took my shoes off. Then I grabbed the bag of wrapped presents. Then I went to where I’d hidden the store bought, fancy decorated cake with the candles and lighter. I shoved the candles in and lit them. Then balancing the cake in both hands with the bag of presents dangling, I went back to his study.

Knight was sitting, ass to the desk where I’d spent a memorable amount of time, legs stretched out in front of him, eyes to his crossed feet, hands at his sides, fingers curled around the desk’s edge but his head came up when I walked in carrying the cake.

His eyes went to the cake then to me and instantly his face got soft and his eyes warm but surprised and definitely pleased.

Totally beautiful.

“Jesus, baby,” he whispered as I walked to him.

I stopped in front of him.

“Happy birthday, sweetheart.”

His eyes stayed locked to mine.


I waited. He said no more.

“Make a wish and blow out your candles, honey,” I whispered.

His body didn’t move and neither did his eyes.

“Make a wish, Knight.”

His eyes then moved, roaming my face, down my body, the cake, more of me then back to my eyes.

“Honey, the candles are gonna burn out,” I prompted on a grin.

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