Unholy Empire: Chronicles of the Host, Vol 2: Chronicles of the Host, Book 2

BOOK: Unholy Empire: Chronicles of the Host, Vol 2: Chronicles of the Host, Book 2
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© Copyright 2002 —Doug Shafer

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To my beautiful wife, Lori, and my daughters Kiersten and Breelin—for allowing me the time to write this book. It’s good to be back. Yes! I am ready to play Monopoly—finally!

“Some Thoughts About the Second Book From the Author”

I hope that you will enjoy the second book in the series
Chronicles of the Host
. As you read it you will see that just as the action has shifted from Heaven to earth, so the storyline has shifted as well. In
Exile of Lucifer
, I was writing from a heavenly viewpoint; consequently it was all angels, all the time.

The challenge in this book has been having the angels interact with the Bible story without simply retelling the Bible. I hope that I have achieved this. Obviously I have had to follow the biblical narrative; just as obviously I could not recast every detail. But I chose those parts of the story that I felt best carried the conflict being waged ultimately between God and Satan.

I hope you will have a great time reading. I have been gratified by the responses from readers of the first book. I welcome your comments and suggestions. Thank you and God bless you as you enjoy
Chronicles of the Host: Unholy Empire


Chapter 1
“Guilt and shame are wonderful weapons.”
Chapter 2
“How can these weak and disgraced creatures live like this?”
Chapter 3
“Cain is a fool!”
Chapter 4
“Let humans pray, so long as they are disobedient in their hearts.”
Chapter 5
“How odd it is in Heaven these days.”
Chapter 6
“How disappointed Eve must be!”
Chapter 7
“Father, you really believe these people are worth saving?”
Chapter 8
“How much longer, Father?”
Chapter 9
“How low the image of God has fallen among men.”
Chapter 10
“This is dangerous faith, my brethren
Chapter 11
“The plan is truly inspired.”
Chapter 12
“This is the freedom Lucifer promised.”
Chapter 13
“As Isaac goes, so goes the promise.”
Chapter 14
“The time for the prophecy is at hand.”
Chapter 15
“Go after the child!”
Chapter 16
“The gods of Egypt shall not fail you!”
Chapter 17
“It will take more than tricks to release your people.”
Chapter 18
“Is there nothing the gods can do to help us?”
Chapter 19
“How quickly these people disintegrate into madness.”
Chapter 20
“It won’t be long before they turn on Moses.”
Chapter 21
“We are here to watch the demise of Moses.”
Chapter 22
“A Seething Core of Wolves.”
Chapter 23
“Moses, what were you thinking?”
Chapter 24
“Korah has set quite a nice trap.”
Chapter 25
“These people cannot possibly keep the law.”

Unholy Empire
Cast of Characters:

Holy Angels

a gatekeeper in Heaven
an angel in training to Serus
Quinron and Tassius
angels assigned to Noah
an angel assigned to assist Noah as he gathers the animals
aide to Michael in Egypt
an angel who is a student of Crispin
an aide to Serus in Egypt
former Temple Steward in Heaven, now sent to incite rebellion
a holy angel who guards Abraham’s camp

Wicked Angels

Lucifer’s Council of War

assistant to Kara in Egypt
a former wisdom angel and one of the Twenty-four Elders; now aids Lucifer
a former wisdom angel; a former teacher at the Academy
a former warrior angel and Captain of the Fiery Host; now Supreme Commander in Lucifer’s army
a former warrior angel and Chief Angel of the Watch; now aiding Lucifer
a former wisdom angel; now an Angel of Light
a former member of the Twenty-four Elders
a former member of the Twenty-four Elders
one of Rugio’s lieutenants
Errus and Jimerel
demons in Noah’s time
warrior assistant to Prian who attacks Job
demon prince over Sodom
a spirit sent to deceive and/or murder Hagar
demon prince of the Nile
demon prince over Goshen
aide to Sar


the first man
his wife
Cain and Abel
their sons
commissioned by God to build the ark before He destroys the world
Shem, Ham, and Japheth
Noah’s sons
leads the human opposition to Noah
a wicked shaman in Noah’s time
a man called from Ur to Canaan
Abraham’s wife
Abraham’s nephew
king of Sodom
Bera’s high priest in Sodom
handmaiden to Sarah
son to Abraham by Hagar
son to Abraham by Sarah
priest of Salem
wife of Isaac
Jacob and Esau
sons of Isaac
wife of Isaac
son of Jochebed and future leader of the Hebrews
Moses’ brother
Pharaoh at the time Moses was born
Seti’s advisor
son of Seti and later pharaoh of Egypt
High priest of Amen-Ra, Chief deity of Egypt
a diviner and sorcerer for Kephti
Jannes and Jambres
court sorcerers for Rameses
General On
commander of Rameses’ chariots
Korah and Dathan
rebel instigators who oppose Moses
Moses’ aide and successor
friend of Joshua
one of the 12 spies sent into Canaan by Moses
king of Moab
advisor to Balak
a seer hired by Balak to curse Israel

I will put enmity
between you and the woman,
and between your seed and her seed;
He shall bruise your head,
and you shall bruise His heel.
(Genesis 3:15, RSV)


“Guilt and shame are wonderful weapons.”

“A little dramatic perhaps, but I think it states our position quite well.”

Lucifer handed the scroll to an aide, who bowed slightly and moved away from the council. All eyes were upon the supreme angel in whom they had vested their future. Lucifer looked down the gallery of faces that shared his lot. They had chosen to follow him in order to remain free. Now they were compelled to follow him to remain alive.

“You look at me as if I have all the answers,” said Lucifer dryly. “But I’m afraid I don’t. I can only assure you that ours will be a long struggle and its outcome will be decided by and in the minds of men.” He looked keenly at the faces. “However, where the minds of men are concerned we have a decided advantage.” He grinned. “I know the mind of man.”

The scroll was making its way through the assembly, each angel reading it carefully. Lucifer carefully watched the attitudes reflected on faces as they read the covenant that tied them in allegiance to him completely. The assembled angels knew that their only chance of survival depended on the one who now commanded the attention of the room. He had been one of the greatest angels in Heaven. And they had followed him in the greatest gamble ever. Now they were gambling on his ability to lead them further.

“Thank you all for your loyalty in these trying times,” began Lucifer. “I assure you better days are ahead.”

The earth rumbled a rolling sound that moved from deep beneath the cavern and disappeared somewhere within the depths below. Lucifer waited until the final echo and then continued. “Just as this rotten planet groans for relief, so does the justice of our cause. I know that from deep within you also desire to return to your rightful places in the Kingdom. Let me emphasize that all of you are instrumental in the conduct of this war. Without proper leadership and organization we don’t stand a chance. The enemy is organizing—you can be sure. Michael and the traitorous angels are gathering their strategies and waiting upon the Lord for their next move.” He smiled. “This is of course to our advantage—not to have to wait upon the Lord like an impotent and paralyzed army.” The others snickered as Lucifer continued his summary.

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