Unmasked (Revealed #1) (19 page)

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Authors: Alice Raine

BOOK: Unmasked (Revealed #1)
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Upon recovering, Sean propped himself up above me with a smile, looking well and truly dishevelled. ‘Shower time,’ he murmured, practically leaping to his feet, scooping me into his arms, and striding towards the bathroom before I had even realised that I had left the cosy confines of the bed.

Not complaining about my positioning in his arms I rested my cheek on his chest and hummed my contentment. This was obviously more of the ‘caring’ that Sean had talked about yesterday, and I was happy to allow him his way. It seemed that today, instead of just a quick wipe down with a washcloth I’d be getting the full works in the shower.

Popping me on my feet beside the bath, he ducked his head and ran a cheeky swipe of his tongue across one of my sensitive nipples, which made me yelp and clutch at his hair. I couldn’t move back because I was trapped by the sink so I had little choice but to gasp and giggle as he repeated the same treatment to my other breast, his own laughter sending warm waves of breath across my tingling flesh, before finally leaving me be.

Lifting his head, Sean wiggled his eyebrows playfully and turned to sort out the shower temperature, leaving me standing on wobbly legs and grinning like a giddy schoolgirl. Turning towards the mirror, my eyebrows jumped to my scalp as I took in my wayward appearance; my cheeks were red, eyes shining, and my long hair was an absolute mess of tangles. I looked a complete state. Or perhaps ‘thoroughly well fucked’ would be a more appropriate description.

Satisfied with the water temperature, Sean ushered me under the soothing spray while he rooted around in the cupboard under the sink before producing two bottles and joining me.

Eyeing the white bottle in his hand I read the label and smiled – shampoo and conditioner. Perfect. And both of a brand that I recognised, unlike the masculine shampoo I’d found in the en-suite of my room. It was just what my poor bird’s nest of hair had been crying out for since I got stuck here. Seeing my pleased expression Sean shrugged, suddenly looking a bit self-conscious. ‘It’s not mine, my sister left some things for when she visits,’ he blurted. ‘But this is good for long hair, right?’

Nodding, I suddenly felt a bit overcome with emotion at just how thoughtful Sean was being, and found myself hiding my glassy eyes by leaning forwards and placing a quick kiss in the centre of his lovely chest. ‘It is. Exactly what I need to tame this wild mess,’ I murmured, trying, and failing, to run a hand through my tangled hair.

‘It’s not wild. It’s perfect,’ Sean muttered, his voice so quiet that I wasn’t entirely sure that I was supposed to hear his comment. But I had, and I absorbed it into my brain to treasure.

‘Here, let me.’ Moving behind me, Sean set about patiently untangling my hair, running his hands repeatedly through the strands and apologising softly every time he came across a particularly tough tangle and had to tug. This would have been much easier if I’d gone and got the brush from my handbag, but I rather liked being worshipped like this, and didn’t want to break the spell by leaving the room, even if it was only for a second or two.

Once my hair was tangle free, I was treated to a full wash and rinse before Sean manoeuvred me slightly out of the water, applied the conditioner, and after consulting the bottle, told me firmly that I had to leave it on for three minutes. I then watched in greedy fascination as Sean began to soap himself down.

‘Let me,’ I offered, stepping forwards. I was immediately met with a frown.

‘No, you need to leave your conditioner in and stay out from under the spray.’ Pulling back the sponge, he continued to wash himself solo, leaving me pouting grumpily, but secretly supressing a smile at his bossy but caring demeanour.

I didn’t complain about being a spectator because as much as I would have liked to have been involved in the washing process, Sean naked, bubbly, and slick was quite a sight to see and I couldn’t tear my eyes away as his hands smoothed over his tight muscles. They were like saucers by the time he carefully began to soap his erect cock, and he flashed me a glance, smirking at my wanton look and continuing with a knowing smile flickering on his lips. God, he’d only just had me less than fifteen minutes ago, but I could totally go again, and clearly from the shaft he was cleaning, so could he.

Once he was washed, Sean squirted more shower gel on his sponge and stepped towards me, wrapping a warm, wet arm around my waist and beginning to soap my shoulders and arms. So he could wash me, but I couldn’t wash him? Typical. Not that I was really complaining; this was bliss. He was incredibly thorough, not leaving an inch untouched, but when he rinsed the soap from the sponge and tried to move between my legs I tensed like last time with the flannel and tried to squeeze my legs together.

Glancing down at his stooped form, I saw the disapproving expression on his handsome face as he patiently waited for me to comply with his silent request. The disappointed look in his blue eyes told me that for whatever bizarre reason, he really wanted this, so I relented on a sigh, parted my legs, and let him do his thing, hearing a satisfied hum leave his lips as his hand dipped between my legs.



Pulling a T-shirt over my head, I made a vague attempt at flattening my shower-dampened hair then turned away from the mirror to eye my bedroom with amusement. There was absolutely no mistaking what had taken place here; the rumpled sheets, carelessly discarded clothing, torn condom packets, and lingering scent of hot skin made it very clear that somebody had recently been indulging in a good time between the sheets. A very,
good time. And luckily, that someone had been me, I thought with a smug smirk as I bent to shake out the bedcovers.

After making the bed, binning the condom packets, and folding my clothing, I briefly sat on the edge of the mattress and took a moment to think back over all that had occurred between Allie and me. One thing was for sure, that last conversation had certainly all gone a lot better that I had ever hoped, or expected. In fact, I could barely believe how amazing the last ten hours had been. Blowing out a long, thankful breath I thought of Allie and how amazing she had felt in my arms and in my bed. Right on cue, I felt my cock give a twitch and looked down with a rueful smile. The bloody thing just wouldn’t calm down at the moment, seeming to be either half-mast or fully hard ever since Allie had arrived. It was a wonder I wasn’t dizzy from lack of blood to the brain. But with our relationship seemingly moving in the right direction, I suspected my lower anatomy wouldn’t be getting any respite just yet. Not that I was complaining in the slightest; I’d learn to cope with being lightheaded if it meant having Allie around.

I’d been so nervous yesterday when I’d initiated the conversation with Allie that I’d resorted to acting like a complete dick, making stupid, teasing comments in an effort to hide my anxiety. Wincing, I recalled my flippant remark of ‘Am I keeping you on your toes?’and shook my head as I remembered the appalled expression on her pretty face. Where the hell that had come from I have no idea, but I was still surprised that Allie hadn’t slapped me for it. I certainly deserved a good clip round the ear after the inexcusably casual way I’d treated her.

Christ, when I’d seen that article about Elena on Allie’s laptop I’d thought I was going to vomit. All the feelings and guilt that I’d tried to bury over the past thirteen years had come crashing back on top of me so suddenly that I was still amazed that I
thrown up. I’d never confessed my past to a woman before. A few close friends knew the full sordid details, and my family had a fairly good idea of what had gone on with Elena that day, although I’d never told them about the waitress. But I’d never told a woman.

Amazingly, Allie had taken it all in her stride. OK, so she’d looked a little troubled when I’d told her about my wild years, but after that she had just been so supportive, and thankfully, had seemingly forgiven me for my callous treatment over the last few days. Just the simple act of sharing my burden with her seemed to have made my guilt feel lighter already. It was incredible. Rolling my neck to check for the usual tension I held there I smiled – it felt looser than I could ever recall.

I had no idea what I’d done to deserve her, but I was so bloody grateful that Allie had turned up to cover that shift.

Leaning down, I picked up the damp flannel that I had used on her last night and grinned. My gorgeous girl had looked so hesitant when I’d said I wanted to care for her, but her eventual trust in me had been incredibly endearing, and prompted me to feel like the king of the world for a few minutes while I tended to her. Her embarrassment about letting me wipe between her legs had made me smile, because clearly she’d had no issues with me being between her legs while we were having sex. Maybe I’d freaked her out a bit with the washing thing. Chewing on my lower lip I nodded my head. Yeah, that was probably it. It was, after all, not something I’d ever done with a partner before, but looking after Allie, taking care of her, and tending to her just seemed to be a natural instinct. Luckily for me, she had agreed in the end, because I had a feeling that those would be difficult urges for me to suppress.

The memory of being between her legs predictably solidified my cock again, and it was now tenting out the front of my tracksuit bottoms like a bloody homing missile. But God, Allie was just perfect. A groan left my throat as I closed my eyes, replaying every image I had of her stored in my mind. Soft skin and always so wet and ready for me. Not forgetting her breasts. Christ, they were perfection: pert, responsive handfuls that tasted so good I would happily feast on them every night for the rest of my life. There wasn’t an inch of her I didn’t adore. Even her long hair turned me on. Grinning at just how horny I was, I shook my head with a smile and adjusted my trousers to ease some of the tension. It wasn’t a particularly successful tactic, but it would have to do for now. Besides, there was no way I was having a wank when I had Allie and her receptive little body waiting for me downstairs.

Standing up, I gave my crotch a brief rub to try and calm my throbbing hard-on and then wandered into the en-suite to chuck the washcloth into the sink before turning back and surveying my room again. It looked better now, neater and less like the seedy sex den it had resembled earlier. As I gazed around, it occurred to me that Allie was the only woman ever to step foot in this room. I’d never brought a woman up here. Thinking about it, I’d never entertained a woman at this house, either. All of my less salubrious encounters with the opposite sex had occurred in either a hotel or while on set somewhere around the world. This house in England was my retreat from the world. No one came here except for my closest family and friends and, as such, the only females to visit thus far had been my mother and sister.

My pondering ceased when I suddenly heard a peculiar noise seeping up from somewhere downstairs. Intrigued, I walked to the bedroom door and stuck my head out, tilting my head and straining my ears to listen. It was faint, but I could definitely hear Allie singing Christmas songs, and I grinned. Bing Crosby was flowing from her tongue. Or perhaps I should say ‘crucifying’, because from the tuneless yodelling I could hear, Allie was butchering poor Bing’s famous tune.

Grinning in amusement, I left my previous thoughts about my history in the bedroom and headed off to find the cause of my present happiness.



Now showered, dressed, and with every single nook and cranny of my body spotless – and I really do mean
nook – I was in the kitchen about to try and work out what I could cook for Christmas dinner. After all the sex Sean had showered upon me, we both needed something fairly substantial to replace the burnt calories, so I was hoping to find a joint of meat in the freezer.

Deciding to continue this morning’s festive spirit, I turned on the radio in the kitchen and retuned it until I heard the familiar crooning tones of Bing Crosby singing ‘White Christmas’ on Radio One. Glancing towards the snow-covered garden, I smiled contentedly. It was one of my favourite Christmas tracks, but this year it was also very appropriate.

Humming along with Bing, I set about scouring the fridge, freezer, and cupboards for possible menu options. There was no turkey, because apparently Sean hated it, and we were fast running out of fresh ingredients. I hated using frozen food. I rarely ever did at home, but here, after days of being snowed in, there was little choice. Digging in the huge chest freezer in the garage I found a bag of roast potatoes and a beef joint, which I set out to defrost. I found some slightly bendy carrots in the fridge, a can of peas, and all the ingredients needed for Yorkshire puddings – so a roast beef dinner it would be. It wouldn’t be the most fantastic Christmas dinner ever, but at least it would be slightly special, and given the circumstances, it was the best I could do.

Christmas sex with an incredible man, shower time adoration, and now cheesy Christmas songs on the radio. I sighed happily – this day couldn’t get any better. As much as I had longed days ago for a family Christmas, now that things had developed with Sean I was more than content to be spending the day with him. Besides, I could see my family next week when I got out of here.

I was midway through belting out my best accompaniment to Mariah Carey’s ‘All I Want For Christmas Is You’, when I became aware of Sean entering the kitchen and grinning. Glancing across at his glorious beaming face, I felt myself flush bright red – he was no doubt laughing at my tuneless wailing – so I quickly snapped my mouth shut and gave him a rueful look in return.

Squirming with embarrassment under his intent gaze, I tried to supress my smile by pursing my lips just as he always did, but then brought myself up short. Gosh, had I picked that trait up from him? I certainly don’t think it was something I’d ever really done before … Hmm. I needed to be careful – if I was copying his mannerisms already then I was definitely getting myself way in over my head.

‘All you want for Christmas is me, eh?’ he asked, strolling towards me with that cocksure stride and a twinkle in his eye. Yes, it was, but luckily I’d already had him, I thought with a smile, recalling my lovely Christmas wake up. Sean’s cheeky tone and wink made it obvious that he was thinking the same thing and my smile broadened. I then felt an unwelcome twinge of sadness settle in my chest as I registered that I wouldn’t have him for long. This thing between us was no doubt going to end when the snow melted, but I really shouldn’t allow myself to dwell on that. This was my chance to be reckless for a change. I needed to grab it with both hands and push my gloominess aside.

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