Unmasked (Revealed #1) (26 page)

Read Unmasked (Revealed #1) Online

Authors: Alice Raine

BOOK: Unmasked (Revealed #1)
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After ten minutes of grooving away to some tunes, I was starting to flag. ‘I need a drink,’ I panted as we practically staggered off the dance floor. Glancing back at the bar, I saw the blond waiter looking in my direction and flushed, finally acknowledging the fact that he’d been watching me dance. If I really wanted to get Sean out of my system, maybe he was the way to do it.

‘I think I’ll chat with that blond barman, I think he might have been flirting with me earlier,’ I murmured, looking away from him nervously. My mouth might be saying the appropriate things to help me get over Sean, but my stomach was on a completely different wavelength, rebelliously churning at the idea of even talking to another man.

Sarah’s brow puckered slightly as she gave me a warning look. ‘I don’t think that’s a good idea Allie. Rushing into something will only make you regret it later, babe, especially if you’re still hurting from Sean.’

I was quite tipsy now, and feeling particularly reckless, so I raised my eyes in a dismissive ‘whatever’ gesture. As far as I was concerned, Sean Phillips and his godliness could go to hell. ‘Yeah well it’s not like I’m ever going to see him again, is it?’ I replied huffily, spinning away and making my way to the bar, trying to ignore the fact that she was probably right.

After five minutes talking to the handsome cocktail server, James, I had discovered two things: one, he
indeed interested in me, his looks and flirting left me in no doubt of that, and two, Sarah
been right. As ridiculous as it was, even talking to James was making my chest tight with guilt, and the thought of actually doing more than that almost made me feel like I was being unfaithful to Sean, which made me stutter like an idiot.

This was beyond stupid. I was sure Sean was having no such difficulties with the opposite sex since our snowy week together. He’d no doubt warmed his bed with a different girl each night, and yet here I was practically paralysed just talking to another man. Ugh. This train of thought was making me feel distinctly sick, so I hastily excused myself from a confused-looking James and went back to the girls.

Returning to our table I flopped down next to Sarah, feeling tired, drunk, and defeated. ‘I was right, wasn’t I? You’re still thinking of Sean?’ she asked softly. Puffing out a breath that inflated my cheeks, I nodded glumly.

Despite my obvious distress, Sarah seemed just as jovial as she had after her phone call earlier, which actually irritated me a bit, but led me to assume that it had probably been a man calling her. Sarah was never, ever, short of a date.

I’d been dwelling on Sean for far too long tonight, and I was now starting to feel well and truly miserable, although I suppose that could have been down to the copious amounts of gin I’d consumed, and selfishly found that Sarah’s giddy state was only making me grumpier. Some friend I was. Mind you, it was getting late now, nearly eleven thirty, so perhaps it was just tiredness setting in.

‘One more drink?’ I offered, in a gallant attempt at remaining sociable, but in response I saw Sarah check her watch, narrow her eyes, and flash us a glance.

‘Actually, it’s late, we should probably get off.’ Sarah never,
, finished a night before closing time, but I wasn’t going to argue, and felt stupidly relieved that I could finally go and sulk in private. After donning our coats, we said a fond goodbye, exchanging tight hugs as we made our way to the pavement outside and the small line of available taxis.

‘Allie, I’ll see you in Los Angeles!’ Cait called, doing a little jig on the pavement with a happy giggle as they jumped into their cab and I got into mine alone. Los Angeles, the city of dreams. I couldn’t wait. Maybe I could find a new dream to fill my head while I was over there too, and get rid of the constant images of Sean that filled my mind during the long, dark nights.

Ten minutes after the cab had dropped me home I was showered, changed into my pyjamas, and cradling a mug of decaf tea in my hands as I gazed around my lounge. Stupidly, now I was home I wasn’t tired anymore. Just miserable. The excitement of seeing my friends had been dimmed by the quiet emptiness of my house, and as I sat on the sofa with my ears ringing from the silence, I seriously regretted smashing my television remote. My set was old and could only be operated directly from the remote, so as well as being down in the dumps I couldn’t even watch television to provide some background noise.

I glanced at my laptop and considered attempting to download something, but it was already late and my connection was dreadfully slow so it would be too late to watch by the time it downloaded. Instead, I popped my tea on the coffee table and wandered over to my bookcase in the hallway, dragging my feet.

If I could read for ten minutes I might just manage to fall asleep on the sofa. It usually did the trick when I was feeling a bit restless. Crouching down on my haunches I began perusing the well-worn spines to see if anything took my fancy. I’d read most of these books at least three times, but perhaps there was something I’d missed. Just as I was about to pull one out, my doorbell rang, making me jump so much that I tumbled sideways and landed in a gasping heap on the floor.

Pulling myself upright I hastily shoved my hair back from my face and frowned at the closed door, suddenly jumpy and nervous. Who on earth could it be at this time of night? Edging myself towards the door as if it were made of some radioactive material, I cautiously leant to peer through the peep hole and then sucked in a fast, shocked breath as I saw the very last person I expected to see.


Holey moley and slap me silly … Sean was on my flipping doorstep. All six foot something of him, wearing the same navy suit I’d seen him in this morning on the television, and leaning on the wall beside my door with a broody, weary expression as he stared fixedly at the door.

Stupidly, instinct made me duck away from the peep hole – not that he would have been able to see me through it. My mind went into complete overdrive. Why was he here? Surely that could only be a good thing? Couldn’t it? More to the point,
was he here, when I’d never given him my address?

Clutching at my chest I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to take an even breath, but failed and ended up almost panting instead. My heart was hammering at my ribs so hard that it actually hurt. Was it possible to have a heart attack from longing? It certainly felt like it.

Gripping the wood of the door, I tried to calm myself before I looked like a completely neurotic mess in front of him. Who was I kidding? I
a completely neurotic mess, there would be no hiding it.

After a few more seconds of wheezing and chewing on my lip I gave a short huff and ran my hands over my face. It was no good, I simply couldn’t calm myself, but if I crouched here for much longer he’d think I wasn’t in and go away.

What if he was already turning to leave?

Panic spurred me into action, and so rising from my ducked position I used a shaky hand to practically rip the chain back and yank the door open as I tried to stomp down the hope that was spiralling in my chest like an out of control Catherine wheel.

The door flew open and bounced against my hallway wall, probably denting the plaster in the process, but I ignored it, my desperate eyes focused straight ahead at the man now standing before me. The frown was back between his dark brows, but it didn’t matter – he could be gurning for all I cared; he was here, and that was all my brain and body could focus on.

I didn’t care how, or why, he was here, because he was, and it was the most amazing sight I’d ever seen. After standing there staring at each other for several seconds – him, calm and cool, and me less composed as I gaped in open-mouthed shock – I suddenly lost all thoughts of my earlier anger toward him as rational behaviour flew out the door and caused me to fling myself up at him.

Staggering slightly at my sudden attack, a small grunt of surprise left Sean’s chest as I wrapped myself around him like an octopus, but he soon recovered his balance, supporting my weight and pressing his face into my hair before taking a long inhale.

My legs twined around his waist, arms wrapped tightly around his shoulders, and I buried my face in his neck, searching for his reassuring scent. Breathing in I got a nose full of smoke and spice, and a hint of clean sweat mixed in, but it was just as good as I remembered. Oh, God. This was amazing. I suddenly felt like I’d come home, which was ironic seeing as we were stood in my own doorway.

Neither of us spoke for several minutes as we both silently seemed to agree that this quiet, entwined moment was completely necessary. Words could come later, all that mattered for me right now was that he was here in my arms and seemed to be embracing me back equally as hard.

I loved him so much.

Blinking over his shoulder at this sudden stark thought I stared into the dark, cold night and bit down hard on my lower lip. God, I did … I actually loved him. Real bone deep, stomach-leaping, heart-thumping, all-consuming love. My accelerated breathing started to puff in the air and I wriggled slightly in his arms as the cold, and the shock of my realisation suddenly made me pop with goose pimples all over my body.

Tangling one hand in the long strands of my hair, Sean smoothed it down my back as he continued to breathe close to my ear. I could have sworn he whispered something which sounded distinctly like his old nickname for me – ‘My gorgeous girl.’ – before he leant back slightly and smiled down at me hopefully, his eyes twinkling and creasing at the corners in that way that I so adored. ‘Can I come in? Or have I lost visiting rights by not calling?’

I was so shocked by his presence that I only managed a tiny, spasmodic nod, my tongue simply not responding to my brain at the moment as I struggled to comprehend his appearance.

‘You’re shivering, so I’m going to take that jerky thing as a nod of agreement and get you inside and out of the cold,’ he told me with a minute smile, and I sighed happily as I relaxed against him and let him do his caring thing and carry me across the threshold before toeing the door shut behind us. ‘Not that I would have taken no for an answer anyway,’ he added jokingly as he shifted me slightly in his arms. An amused snort left my throat at his words. The arrogant bugger. But God, I had missed his handsome face and cock-sure ways.

Once we were inside, Sean slowly lowered me down his body until my feet were on the floor, and began rubbing his palms up and down my arms to warm me. My eyes rolled shut from the pleasure of the contact, my body seeming to come alive again under his touch as our intense connection kicked itself back in gear and had all my senses coming alight.

After a few seconds he stopped rubbing and used a hand to tilt my chin up so our gazes collided and his intense blues sliced through me. My breath left my lungs instantly. The fact that one glance from him could render me so immobile just illustrated how incredibly strong our connection still was.

The power this man had over me really was phenomenal.

Gradually, reality began to seep back into my brain and I realised that we were still both crammed into my small hallway, so I stood away by the bookcase and flapped an arm in the direction of the lounge. ‘Come in properly!’ I squeaked. Squeaking? Oh dear, I was definitely flustered. I tried again to breathe in and out a few times and calm myself.

I also seriously needed to try to stop my brain jumping to every conclusion about why Sean might be here, most of which were far-fetched ideas of him being here to sweep me off my feet and beg me to take him back. Mind you, I’d just been hoisted up in his arms, so he’d already done the sweeping me off my feet bit, hadn’t he? Although technically
threw myself at
, so he probably hadn’t had too much choice in the matter. Bugger, my brain felt like mush with all these thoughts speeding around it.

‘Would you like a drink? Tea? Coffee? Or I’ve got some wine if you’d like a glass? I don’t really drink beer, so I don’t think I’ve got any in …’ Now as well as arm-flapping I was babbling like a crazy woman. Crikey, I was so nervous it was a miracle that I was still stood upright.

‘Allie.’ Sean said my name in a voice so low and firm that I instantly stilled and turned widened eyes up to him nervously. ‘Calm down. We can have a drink later, if you want, but first we need to talk. OK?’

Swallowing loudly, I nodded and turned to lead the way into the lounge. It normally wasn’t good news when someone said the dreaded ‘we need to talk’, was it? Oh God, was that why he was here? To dump me officially and make sure I didn’t go running to the press with juicy stories of our fling?

Using firm hands on my shoulders, Sean guided my useless body towards the sofa, swivelled me around, and ushered me into a sitting position, before joining me and taking one of my hands. I stared down at our joined fingers, my skin buzzing from the dry warmth of his palm. He was holding my hand. That had to be a good sign, didn’t it? Or perhaps it was just to stop me thrashing out and slapping him when he broke bad news to me.

Ugh. Instead of trying to predict the outcome, I tried to clear my mind and just let it play out. Our thighs were touching. My sofa too small to really accommodate both of us, meaning that the heat from his close proximity was now seeping into my skin and reminding me of just how explosively good we had been together.

Unsure of what to do, I clung on to him, my fingers twining with his as I desperately hoped that this wasn’t going to be the last time that I saw him.

Sean stared at me for several moments, his eyes sweeping over my face, before he sighed and his shoulders slumped slightly, taking my stomach with them before it plummeted to my boots at his deflated look. ‘I am so sorry about these last two weeks,’ he murmured grittily, his eyes still lowered to our joined hands. ‘I wanted to call you, Allie. Every single day I wanted to. But I was an idiot.’ He had wanted to call me? Hope surged inside me, and now, instead of sinking to my boots, my heart was soaring so fast and so high that I felt quite dizzy.

Shaking his head, I watched his lips thin as he chewed them frantically between his teeth. ‘When you left my house, you seemed so … so adamant that what we’d had was just a fling …’ Pausing, he drew in a another ragged breath, his eyes troubled and dark and making me desperate to correct him, to tell him that I’d assumed
wanted a short fling, which was why I’d left like I did, but my throat was constricted with growing tears and I couldn’t speak.

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