Unraveled - A Short Story Collective (26 page)

BOOK: Unraveled - A Short Story Collective
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Rising finally, Ian stood face to face with her, looking down into her eyes. “Answer my question,” he told her his tone becoming more annoyed. “Are you screwing Tariq,” he threw out never taking his eyes off Kaitlyn.

Still very much annoyed herself, Kaitlyn defiantly returned the stare before finally answering him. “Not that it’s any of your business, but no, I’m not fucking Tariq,” she told him angrily.

“Mmph,” Ian threw back still regarding her. “Make sure it stays that damned way,” he told her as he pulled her close and kissed her deeply.

Pulling away Kaitlyn pushed him, using the split second to grab the knife that happened to be lying atop her kitchen table.  Ian was quick enough to grab Kaitlyn and twist her arm hard forcing her to drop the weapon.

“You were gonna cut me,” he asked angrily as he pushed her onto the sofa glaring at her.

“I don’t know why the hell you’re here Ice,” Kaitlyn began fully angry and holding her own. “But if it’s to screw me, cancel that thought,” she told him point blank. “This is my body, and I decide who and when I give it up,” she finished rising from the couch breathing hard and looking Ian directly in the eye.

Almost smiling, Ian caught himself. He loved Kaitlyn’s fire. He was glad she stood up to him. He needed a strong woman, not another lap dog like all the others he’d taken and thrown away. “OK, KiKi,” he told her still holding her stare. “I’ma let things be cool for now,” he replied heading for the front door. “But the shit ain’t over, and trust me, you don’t want me for an enemy,” he told her opening it and stepping into her hallway.

“I meant what I said about the junkie,” Ian added once more ominously as he closed the door, and Kaitlyn sank onto the couch breathing hard and thanking God he hadn’t killed her.



Thank you for your purchase and for reading Unraveled.

I hope you’ve enjoyed the journey getting to know

KR Bankston
and Kirabaco Publishing

“Where BookOperas Live”



“A Deadly Encounter” is available for purchase online:



  (paperback only with autograph)


The Gianni Legacy:

A Deadly Encounter (eBook/paperback)

Sins of the Father (eBook/paperback)

Smoke & Mirrors (eBook/paperback)

Life After Death (eBook/paperback)




Other Books:

King of the Game (eBook

The Master Orchestrator

Crossroads: An Anthology (with Authors Elizabeth LaShaun, Keith Williams, Keith Gaston)

Now You’re A Star (eBook only)

Three The Hard Way ( with Author Elizabeth LaShaun) (eBook only) *print coming soon

Thin Ice (12 book serial novel)

TI 2
– Hide & Seek,
TI 3
– Armageddon,
– Resurrections,
- Checkmate,
– Hangman & Socrates,
TI 7
– Echoes of Reckoning,
- Separazione Finale,
– Epiphany,
TI 10
– Ambition,
TI 11
- Homecoming,
*TI 12- coming soon




About the Author:


KB Bankston is a rising serial novelist, following in the famous footsteps of her literary idol, VC Andrews. She hails from Tallahassee, FL and now resides in Jonesboro, GA. Having written various works of fiction including short stories and reflective poetry for most of her adult life, Bankston entered the world of commercial publishing in 2008 with her first novel, 
A Deadly Encounter


She has since gone on to write and publish to date some 22 novels, including two anthologies and one novella. KR's “BookOpera” series 
Thin Ice
 was voted Serial Novel of the Year in 2012 by Future Bestselling Authors. Her other series 
The Gianni Legacy
 has been touted as 
The Godfather
 of modern day.


KR is owner and CEO of Kirabaco Publishing, the self-contained distributor of all published and future planned literary works. KR is an avid Breast Cancer Research supporter and enjoys reading, movies, and football when leisure time allows.



You can find the Author on the following networks:








Kirabaco Publishing
P.O. Box 500072
Atlanta, GA  31150
Telephone: 678-561-2053

Cover Design info:
[email protected]






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