Untangle My Heart (Tangled Hearts) (30 page)

Read Untangle My Heart (Tangled Hearts) Online

Authors: Maria K. Alexander

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #holiday, #reunion

BOOK: Untangle My Heart (Tangled Hearts)
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Edward signaled the bartender and ordered the drink.

“I’m Edward,” he said, holding out his hand.

“Valerie,” she replied and leaned forward while she shook his hand, allowing him a view of her abundant breasts.

Too big, he found himself thinking, and not natural. But what he really meant was, not like Kate’s.

He held her hand as she scooted onto the stool next to him. She crossed her legs, offering him a view of her long legs due to the almost indecent length of her dress.

“What are you celebrating, Valerie?”

“For starters, I won five thousand at the slots. Then I was doubly lucky when I saw you sitting here all alone. You are alone, right?”

Yes, he was alone…and not liking it one bit. He’d spent the past few days being miserable when the answer to his problem was thousands of miles away.

“Actually, Valerie, I’m not alone at all.” He tossed some money on the bar and rose. “And it’s about time I do something about it.”

Chapter Twenty-Two

Edward fiddled with the knot in his tie. He didn’t mind the damn things, but at the moment, he felt as though it choked him. After slipping into his suit jacket, he pocketed the hotel room key and closed the door.

He drove the familiar route down City Line Avenue toward the DiFrancesco house. He passed the restaurant, satisfied by what he saw less than an hour ago. There was the last minute scramble of set-up, but otherwise, everything looked ready.

Joe had been pleased to see him, as though he had been expecting him all along. The only family member he’d been in contact with during the week was Vicky. Thanks to her he knew Kate had been staying at her parents’ house most of the week. He was glad, because that meant she hadn’t been alone since he left town.

He parked at the end of the street, partly because there was an open spot but mostly so Kate didn’t see him approaching. He figured he needed all the leverage he could muster. Now, as he stood on the doorstep, he hoped it would be enough.

He rang the bell and waited.

Carmen opened the door. Accustomed to her big smile and welcoming arms, he was momentarily thrown off by the unfriendly expression she gave him. The tight set of her jaw and thin line of her lips made him want to crawl back to his car. Now he knew where Kate had perfected her look from.

“We didn’t know you were back in town,” Carmen said.

“I got in a few hours ago,” Edward replied.

“I see,” Carmen said and continued to gaze at him from underneath frosty eyes.

“I stopped by the restaurant a little while ago and Joe told me I would find Kate here. I’d like to speak with her if possible, Carmen.”

Carmen squinted as though she were trying to figure something out.

“Are you here to make things right with my girl or break her heart?” Carmen asked.

Edward felt like he’d been punched in the gut. Talk about getting right to the point.

He cleared his throat. “I’m hoping for the former, but that will depend on your daughter.”
Unless, by trying to make things right between us, I end up mucking everything up.

“See to it you do.” Carmen unlocked the screen door and opened it to let him enter.

The warmth of the house welcomed him in a way that he’d never experienced in his own house growing up. It amazed him how quickly he’d come to grow fond of Kate’s family.

Carmen walked over to the closet and pulled out a wool coat. “I’m heading over to the restaurant.” She slung her purse over her shoulder and looked at Edward. “Kate’s upstairs getting ready. She’s very angry at you, but underneath the attitude she’s mostly just hurt.”

Halfway to the door, she turned and headed back to Edward. She covered his hand with her own. “I’m telling you this as though you were one of my own. If you love her, don’t let her stubbornness get in the way.”

Edward nodded and watched her quietly walk out. The click of the door left the house in an unusual silence. He glanced toward the stairs and braced himself for his confrontation with Kate.

He found her in her bedroom. She didn’t notice him so he studied her from the doorway without making his presence known. She was putting on jewelry, and he watched as she secured long gold earrings. Her black pants fit snugly over the fine curve of her delicious ass. On top, she wore a gold sequined blouse with a short bolero jacket over it. Her hair was loose and wild, the way he liked it. Seeing her, he felt the squeeze of his heart, as though it came back to life. How hadn’t he realized his feelings before?

He stepped further into the room and she must have caught the reflection of the movement in the mirror, because she turned suddenly, braced for a fight.

He pushed down the lump that formed in his throat. “Easy, luv. It’s just me.”

Her posture relaxed a little, but not the fiery heat in her eyes.

“Don’t you know it’s not wise to sneak up on a woman who’s being stalked?”

Edward visibly stiffened. “There haven’t been any more threats, have there?”

“No. Things have been quiet, too quiet.” She turned back to the dresser and fastened the bracelet he’d bought her on her left wrist.

“You look beautiful.” He wanted to tell her how much he missed her, but the words got stuck in his throat.

She acted as though she hadn’t heard him.

“I’m surprised to see you here. I wasn’t sure you’d come.” She raised her chin and gave him a stubborn look through the mirror.

He moved closer to her. “I couldn’t stay away. The opening of the restaurant is important to me, too.”

“I’m sure my parents will appreciate that. How was Vegas?”

“It was nothing spectacular. I spent a lot of time on the Morrison account. Their engineers had some concerns, so I had to do some last minute fine-tuning to the design. It’s actually better than it was before.” Suddenly nervous, he rambled like a teenager.

“That’s nice,” Kate said, but her expression conveyed she couldn’t care less. “Listen, I have to meet Vicky and Lucas at the pizzeria and then we need to get to the restaurant.

“Kate, we need to talk. I’ve done a lot of thinking in Vegas.”

“Look, Edward. I’m not in the mood to have this discussion today. There’s a lot that still has to be done before the opening.”

She headed toward the bedroom door, but he blocked her path.

“This won’t take long.” He gave her arm a gentle touch. “Please.”

He saw her take a deep breath. “Fine. Whatever.” She stomped toward the window.

“How is Lucas?” he asked.

She turned to study him. “He’s fine, even though he’s been nagging my ass about when you’d be returning.”

“He texted me during the week and I explained that I was away on business.”

“Yeah, but a six-year-old doesn’t get that. All he really cares about is when you’re coming back.”

“Well, I’m back now. I’ll talk with him.”

Edward paced the room, rubbing the back of his neck. He knew what he wanted to say, but his tongue felt heavy and the words weren’t coming easily to him. He hated feeling this out of control.

“Can you move this along? I really need to go,” Kate said with impatience in her tone.

Edward stopped pacing and stood in front of her. “Right. I spent a lot of time thinking about us and Lucas.”

“Yes, you already said that. Get to the point.” Kate impatiently tapped her toe on the rug.

“I think we should get married.”


Kate sucked in her breath like she’d been slapped. Married? Was he kidding? She’d been half hoping he’d say let’s move in together, but
…that was completely unexpected.

“What did you say?” she asked.

“Let’s get married,” Edward answered, looking a little less confident than he did a few moments prior.


“Because it makes sense. We both have good jobs and we can provide a stable home for Lucas.”

She tossed her hair back. “Any other reason?”

He encircled her waist. “Well, we are fantastic in bed together.”

She twisted out of his grip and took a step back from him. She couldn’t think when he touched her, making her feel things she didn’t want to feel at the moment.

“I see. Glad to hear I’m good for something. So tell me, would our amazing chemistry in bed be enough to keep you faithful to me, or would I constantly have to worry about what you were doing on your business trips?”

He stiffened. “What’s that supposed to mean? You think I cheated on you while I was in Vegas?”

She lifted her chin up. “You could have. It’s not like we have any commitment to each other, and things were strained between us before you left. Hell, it’s why you left.”

She turned to stare out the window, unable to maintain eye contact with him, too afraid he would lie to her and she wouldn’t know it.

“I left so I could get perspective on what I wanted out of my life, what I wanted between us. I hardly think I could do that while fucking someone else.”

“Maybe. My point is, you’re an attractive man who travels often. Women throw themselves at you and until now, you’ve been able to indulge. How long before you succumb to one of their charms?”
Or just get sick of me

From the corner of her eye she could see Edward pacing the bedroom. “It’s nice to know you think I can’t keep my dick in my pants.” He stopped and jerked her around to face him. “That may have been the case in the past, but I’ve changed.”

Could he, really? She wasn’t sure.

“As a matter of fact, last night I had an opportunity.”

“I just bet you did.” She yanked her arm free from him.

“A woman approached me in the casino bar. She was gorgeous, long-legged, and big busted. A clothes buyer for Nordstrom in Vegas for a conference. She’s exactly the type I would have gone for in the past. I didn’t.”

She snorted. “You weren’t even tempted?”

He tilted her chin up. “Not even the slightest.”

She squeezed her eyes shut and felt the tears slide out of them, a sign of her hated vulnerability. What he did, what he felt mattered to her though she wished it didn’t. She wanted to believe him, believe they had a chance.

“So what happened?” She hated herself for asking.

“We chatted a bit. But the more I talked with her, the more I thought of you and how much I wanted to be here with you.”


“What do you mean why? Haven’t I made it perfectly clear how I feel?”

Not in the way that mattered most. What about love? The most important element and he hadn’t even mentioned the word. Could he be that dense? Apparently, since he looked pretty clueless at the moment.

Her cell phone rang. She started for it only for him to grab her arm.

“Let it go. This is important.”

“This is, too. That’s Lucas calling.”

Kate yanked her arm free and grabbed the phone.

“Hi, baby,” she said.

“Hi yourself, sweet cakes,” came the raspy voice from the other end.


“Don’t let your pretty-boy boyfriend know you’re talking to me,” Sal instructed.

Kate swallowed hard and turned away from Edward, keeping her voice loud enough so he could hear. “Are you having fun with Aunt Vicky?”

“That’s good, sweetheart. Now, you should know I’m with that brat of a kid and your bitchy sister. Boy, does that girl have a mouth on her. It’s too bad I had to hurt her pretty face.”

Kate held her breath.
Oh God, what have I gotten Vicky and Lucas into? Please don’t let them be hurt.

“I’ll be there soon to pick you up,” Kate said, trying to keep her voice light and not reveal her inner panic.

“That’s just what I wanted to hear, sweetheart. Get your sweet ass here soon so the party really can get started.”

“Yes, baby. I’ll bring your DS.”

“Come alone and ditch the Brit in your bedroom. If you try and warn him, my finger may accidently slip on the gun I’m holding on my guests, here.”

Kate froze, realizing he must have someone watching the house. She needed to be careful. She couldn’t risk Edward following her.

“Okay, see you in a bit.” With a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach, she hung up.

“That was Lucas?” Edward asked.

Kate tried her best to compose herself.

“Yes. He wants me to bring his DS when I pick him and Vicky up at the pizzeria. I need to head over there so we can return to the restaurant.”

“Fine, I’ll go with you.”

She swung around quickly. “No!” she exclaimed louder than she meant to. “You go to the restaurant and we’ll meet you there.”

Edward studied her and Kate thought he was going to argue. “Fine. I’ll drop you off, then.”

Kate headed out of the room. “No, thanks. I could use the fresh air from the walk.”

She felt Edward following her down the stairs and hoped he didn’t argue with her.

He caught up to her and reached for her arm. “We’re not finished with our conversation, Kate.”

“We are for now. It’ll have to wait until later.”

After slipping on her coat she turned to face him, not knowing if she’d live to see him again. She wanted to throw her arms around him and tell him she loved him. She did neither.

“I’ll see you later. Lock up before you leave, ’kay?” she said and with a quick turn, dashed out the door before doing something stupid, like telling him to call for help.

Kate pulled up the collar of her coat and studied the street for signs of one of Sal’s thugs. She didn’t see anyone, but she knew that didn’t mean they weren’t out there.

She straightened her spine and walked quickly down the street, her eyes and ears alert to any potential sudden movement. It was four blocks to the pizzeria. She would have taken up Edward’s offer for a ride but knew she couldn’t risk him being seen there, or worse, getting killed.

No, she’d have to rescue Vicky and Lucas on her own. She couldn’t risk anyone else being threatened by that madman. With dread looming like a cloud over her, she took a deep breath and quickened her pace.


Edward watched Kate hurry along the street and couldn’t help feeling that something was off. First, there was the brief glance she gave him before she left—her slight hesitation as though she debated telling him something. Then it passed and she was gone. While glancing out the front window, he saw her pause to study the street before heading in the direction of the pizzeria.

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