Until Next Time (The Shooting Stars Series) (26 page)

BOOK: Until Next Time (The Shooting Stars Series)
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“Love you too, Kattie.”

Katherine disconnected the call and laid her phone down. She felt wired after her conversation with Adam. She was so relieved to know he was okay. Long after she lay in bed that night her mind replayed their conversation and she tried to imagine the next afternoon would hold.


Katherine’s nerves were knotted into a tight bundle as she studied the rehab center in front of her. Seeing Adam for herself would finally put her mind at ease. She entered the building and smiled as she approached the receptionist.

“I’m here to see Adam Ellington,” she announced.

“I’m sorry, Miss. we have no one here by that name,” the woman behind the desk informed her.

“I just spoke with him yesterday; this is where he was at,” she argued.

“Could you give me some ID?” the lady requested.

“Sure,” Katherine frowned as she dug through her purse.

“I’ll be right back,” the woman stood and moved into an office behind the desk. Katherine drummed her fingers on the counter in impatience. Her day had, thus far, not been the best. She had barely been able to sit still for services at church, a fact Derrick noted and commented on, and then when she announced she had private business to see to she thought he was going to plant himself in her car and refuse to budge until she told him what she was doing.

“Here you go, Kaitlyn, I’ll buzz you through. We’re letting Adam know he has a visitor now,” the receptionist handed her license back.

Katherine blinked at her.

“He’s asked that we not let anyone know he’s here; yours is the only approved name on his visitor’s list but I couldn’t exactly let you back without verifying who you are,” the woman explained.

“Of course; I should have thought of that,” Katherine smiled and shook her head.

She heard a buzzer sound and opened the second set of double doors into the interior of the building. Down a short hallway she found a common room; couches, chairs and table, and a large screen TV filled the space. She stood rooted to her spot as Adam stood from a chair and moved her way.

“Hey, Kaitlyn; you look great,” Adam hugged her.

“Thanks, you look,” she stopped and frowned as she surveyed him.

“Awful?” his tone was teasing.

“You’ve lost weight,” she frowned in concern.

“I haven’t had much of an appetite,” he admitted.

“It’s good to see you, Adam.”

“It’s good to see you too, Kaitlyn. Very good.”

“Would you like to go outside? They have beautiful gardens,” Adam shared.

“I would like that,” Katherine agreed as she noted a young woman glaring at her. “What’s her problem?”

“She’s seventeen, a fan, and always getting caught with drugs. They’ve cut off all visitors except her parents. I spend at least part of each day trying to dodge her.”

“Steer clear of that one,” she muttered.

“I’m trying, believe me,” he assured her as he held the door open for her.

Katherine stepped into the afternoon sunshine and allowed Adam to take the lead. He led her to a bench overlooking a pond with ducks swimming on the surface.

“How long are you in here for?” Katherine asked him.

“I could be out in a few more weeks if things go well,” he admitted.

Katherine studied him, her gaze holding his. “There’s something different about you, something good,” she informed him. “You’ve made peace with some things haven’t you?” she asked and watched him nod.

“I have, starting with the fact that there is someone bigger than me in the universe. That one was a hard one for me. My mom was always so cynical of anything reeking of spirituality and I picked that attitude up without realizing it. After I accepted that there is a God and he isn’t some Zeus like figure waiting to throw lightning bolts I started finding it easier to come to terms with some of the other baggage I was hauling around.”

“I’m proud of you, Adam. I’ve been praying for you.”

“Thank you, your prayers are probably the only reason I’m still here,” he informed her.

“I’m not the only one. I talked with Amy yesterday; she says hi, but don’t worry, she won’t blab where you are,” Katherine shared.

“I know she wouldn’t. How is Amy?”

“Happy; she’s getting married in a few weeks. In fact, she says if you are out in time, you are invited.”

“I’d like that. Tell her I said hi.”

“I will,” she smiled.

“What does Derrick think of you being here?” he asked her.

“You used his real name, now was that so hard?” Katherine asked and watched him smile. “I didn’t tell him where I was going; just that I had private business to see to.”

“I don’t want to cause problems for you, Kaitlyn,” he frowned at her.

“You are not causing me problems. If you hang around when you get out, I’ll introduce you two.”

“I’m thinking I will hang around a while and sort out what I’m doing next. Does Derrick know our past?”

“Just that we were friends and that there was one man in my past. I couldn’t see what there was to be gained from naming names and I’m glad I didn’t. I know he has a past and he didn’t give any names either; just that he had one. That’s all either of us needs to know,” she insisted.

“Good, maybe he won’t deck me then,” Adam smiled.

“Do you have any idea what you’re doing next?” Katherine asked and watched him shake his head.

“No, but I can’t go back. I won’t go back. I was miserable and I don’t want to end up back right where I started.”

“I’m glad to hear that, Adam.”

“So when are you and Ke….Derrick going to finally tie the knot?”

“Probably not until next spring. We were thinking sooner, but things are really busy at work and Derrick has been traveling a lot, so he suggested we wait.”

“Kaitlyn, that is so odd. Do you two love each other?”

“We do,” she nodded.

“Then why aren’t you his priority?”

“It’s his job; he’s required to travel,” she shrugged, not letting on how much it did bother her when she let it.

“Kaitlyn, when I finally decide to marry, that woman will come before anything else; don’t you want that?”

Katherine sighed. It was tempting to share her frustrations; it would be better if she didn’t.

“It would be nice,” she finally acknowledged.

“So tell him.”

“I don’t want to start an argument,” she admitted.

“Sharing your feelings shouldn’t start an argument, Kaitlyn.”

“I wish Derrick could hear you saying this,” Katherine chuckled.

“Why’s that?”

“He seems to think you’re some kind of trouble maker without a heart.”

“Gee, Kaitlyn, Ken sounds like a really nice guy; I can’t wait to meet him.”

Katherine laughed and Adam admired her; she was so beautiful. And not just to look at her either, she was beautiful from the inside out.

“What?” Katherine frowned at him.

“What, what?”

“You’re looking at me funny.”

“I was just thinking about what a beautiful person you are, Kaitlyn, and I’m not just referring to your gorgeous green eyes, your beautiful red curls, or the adorable freckles you get on your nose after you’re in the sun for a while; I’m referring to your kindness and sweetness. You make sure Derrick knows what he’s getting.”

“Thank you, Adam, that’s very sweet of you,” she smiled at him.

“Do you know how privileged I felt when you befriended me, Kaitlyn? Girls like you had never given me the time of day before and yet there you were forcing me out from behind my armor. I knew then that you are a special person,” he informed her and watched her look away.

Katherine had to swallow hard before she could speak, her chest was suddenly tight and her throat closing off. “That is the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me, Adam.”

“You tell Ken to start sweet talking you or I’m calling my friend Joel to come give him a run for his money,” Adam teased.

“What?” she frowned at him.

“My friend, Joel, he was raised just like you were and is as nice as they come; if Derrick doesn’t treat you right I’m arranging a meeting between you and Joel Bradford.”

“Joel Bradford! Adam, he’s a movie star.”

“Yes, I am aware of that,” Adam grinned at her. “He’s been a good friend to me and been after me to get help too. We’re an odd pair, kind of like you and I always were and I guess still are an odd pair.”

“I don’t think anyone of Joel Bradford’s fame would be interested in me, Adam.”

“I think he would,” Adam shrugged.

“Besides, I have a fiancé, remember?”

“Yeah, I remember,” his voice fell to a low rumble.

Katherine glanced at her watch and sighed. Visiting hours were almost up.

“I have to go,” she told him.

“I know,” he nodded.

“I’ll be back next Saturday,” she promised as she stood.

Adam led her back inside and to the door and hugged her before she left.

Katherine climbed into her car and started for home. It had been a nice day with Adam. Had she been honest with herself she would have been forced to admit that she was content for the first time in a long while.








Katherine was exhausted as she made her way to the elevator and to her apartment. It had been a long day at the end of a long week and she was ready for the weekend. Her pending visit with Adam the next day energized her steps as she neared her apartment. She reached to put her key in the lock and frowned. Her door wasn’t latched. Had she not pulled it all the way to that morning?

Katherine pushed the door open and stopped short; a mess greeted her. There wasn’t a cushion left on the couch and her entertainment center had been emptied of her CDs and DVDs. She walked in and surveyed the damage closer.

The kitchen was in a similar state, with every drawer emptied into the floor. Her bedroom was by far the worst. Nothing was left in the drawers or the closet. She heard the noise behind her too late. Before she could defend herself, a blunt object was brought down on her head. Pain shot through her skull like lightening and then everything went black.

Katherine winced in pain as her eyes drifted open. Her gaze landed on a sideways view of her wrecked living room in the waning evening light and she frowned in confusion before she remembered what had happened. Katherine sat up abruptly and immediately reached to steady herself as the world began to spin. She crawled to the wall and held it to steady herself as she stood and waited for her equilibrium to settle. A search of her apartment showed that she was now truly alone. She hurried to lock her door and pressed a hand to her head. What the hell had that been about? She would think she had been robbed but she could see her high ticket items scattered among the mess.

After a closer examination, Katherine discovered her address book had been gone through and been left open to the page with Adam’s information. Whoever was looking for him would learn nothing as it was his cell and California home number. She rushed to where she had dropped her purse in the floor, part way under the entry table and let a breath of relief when she found the pamphlet for Genesis Recovery Center still inside and undisturbed in a side pocket. She took it to the sink, lit a match and watched it burn. Whoever was looking for Adam would not find him through her.

Katherine managed to get the worst of the mess cleaned up in her living room and kitchen. For the moment she gathered some of her laundry, started it washing, and shut off her bedroom; she would deal with it last. She had just finished vacuuming her floors and had the living room back together and was folding a load of laundry on the couch when a knock sounded on the door.

Katherine tensed and hesitated before moving to the door. A glance through the peephole had her breathing a sigh of relief.

“Hi, I didn’t think you would be back until in the morning,” she smiled at Derrick.

“I got done early,” he smiled and tugged her close to kiss her.

“Welcome home,” she offered.

“Thank you. Cleaning house?” he asked as he moved inside.

“Just tidying up a little and doing some laundry,” she shrugged and moved to finish folding the load she had started.

“I am exhausted but I had to stop by and see you. I thought about moving our date up tomorrow but I need to get a few loose ends tied up with this client so if it’s okay we’ll let our date tomorrow night stand,” he offered.

“Sure,” she smiled as relief filled her; she already had plans and she didn’t plan to change them.

“Katherine, dear, I think that thing is ready for the trash,” Derrick noted of the garment in her hands.

Katherine looked down at Adam’s t-shirt and laughed. “It’s a favorite old comfortable item,” she shrugged and laid it on top of a pile of already folded clothing.

“Seriously,” he grabbed it and stood to throw it away. “I’ll buy you some new lounge clothes before I will see you in rags.”

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