Until Next Time (The Shooting Stars Series) (54 page)

BOOK: Until Next Time (The Shooting Stars Series)
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“I know, I got really lucky,” Adam grinned.

“I’m still puzzled as to how you pulled it off,” Joel teased.

“It looks like we’re getting another new neighbor on the other side of the house you’re trying to buy, Joel. I knew the house looked empty but I never saw a real estate sign,” Katherine shared as she came back into the room, the mail in her hand.

“Maybe we’ll meet them soon,” Adam suggested.

“I’ll introduce myself once they have time to get settled,” she decided.

“I finally got Miss Cautious over here to drive the Porsche,” Adam shared with a smile.

“Congrats,” Joel grinned at Kaitlyn.

“Now just to convince her to drive the Harley,” Adam grinned and waited for the reaction he knew was coming.

“Don’t hold your breath! I don’t mind riding with you but, uh uh,” she shook her head.

“Oh, Case sent you a wedding gift; I left it in my rental don’t let me forget to get before I go.”

“How is Case?” Adam asked as he settled onto a stool at the kitchen island.

“Alright, I guess, right now he’s searching for a nanny so his mom won’t be exhausting herself trying to care for Sunny. Holly really did a number on him, Adam.”

“What happened exactly?” Katherine asked.

“He caught her in bed with another man,” Adam shared.

“Ouch,” Katherine winced.

“Holly is a real piece of work,” Adam shook his head. “She tried coming on to me one day when I ran into her at the studios.”

“She better steer clear of you now,” Katherine threatened, though her eyes were twinkling.

“As sweet as you are?” Joel teased.

“Ha! This sweet little woman almost got in a cat fight with Mia!”

Joel laughed at the announcement.

“I promise you that I might not be very big but if I need to I am certain I can pack a wallop,” Katherine assured them.

Both men smiled at her.

“I’ll have you know you are talking a steal magnolia; when it comes to something as important as my man I am not about to back down without a fight.”

“Kaitlyn, I love you baby,” Adam was still smiling when he pulled her into his arms.

“Did you two see the papers after you returned?”

“You mean about our wedding?” Katherine covered the brownies and set them in the fridge.


“We did; I thought the one about stand in doubles while we were married in a cathedral in Ireland was rather clever. They still haven’t forgiven us for shaking them in San Francisco.”

“That and your choice of venues confused them,” Joel grinned.

“I like simple beauty, sometimes less is more,” Katherine shrugged.

“I thought it was very beautiful,” Joel assured her.

“I barely noticed,” Adam shrugged, his smile was playful.

“You only had eyes for Kaitlyn that day.”

“Every day,” Adam argued.

“Oh you are so sappy!” Katherine rolled her eyes and snuggled into his arms.

“You love every minute of it, admit it,” he teased.

“I do,” she grinned.

“Watching you two makes me want to find that special someone so bad,” Joel sighed.

“I can call all of my single friends and you can see if any of them suit; they’re all freaking out that I know you,” Katherine offered.

“No, thanks,” he grinned.

“Especially after I told them how nice you really are. I forgot to be nervous with you about five minutes after meeting you,” Katherine shook her head.

“That’s because my charm was lost on you, you were already head over heels for Adam.”

“Is that it?” she grinned. She really liked Joel; he was amazingly unassuming for such a good looking man, especially one who was as big a star as his caliber.

“Yep, women find me irresistible,” he said in his best Barney Fife impression as he tugged at his belt.

Katherine laughed and went to pat him on the back.

“Hang in there, you’ll find one to overlook your homely face,” she assured him.

Joel’s hair, the color of sun ripened wheat was a nice foil to his warm dark chocolate eyes. His well-defined facial features played well on the screen and at five eleven with broad shoulders and slim but solid build he turned heads.

“Adam,” Joel placed his hands over his heart, “I’m crushed; your beautiful wife just trampled my heart all over the floor.”

“You are a certifiable nut, Joel,” Katherine accused.

“You have to be to survive Hollywood; otherwise they’ll drive you nuts.”

“Same difference,” Katherine shrugged.

“No, to be a nut is to be amusing, to go nuts is to need hospitalization at the mental ward.”

“Thank you for clarifying,” Katherine nodded.

The phone rang and Katherine reached for it.


“Hey, Kaitlyn, is Adam home?” Donna asked.

“Of course. Adam, it’s your mom,” she handed him the phone.

“Hey, Mom,” Adam was smiling.

Katherine watched his smile fail.

“I see,” his voice was deep. “And when does he want…”

Katherine moved closer, concerned now at Adam’s expression.

“I’ll have to think about it, Mom. I just don’t know if I can do it,” Adam’s voice was hard.

“Right, I know, Mom; you’re right.”

Adam was standing with one arm on the counter and his shoulders slumped.

“I love you too, Mom. Bye.”

Adam placed the phone on the counter and leaned on it with both arms.

Katherine moved to slide her arms around him and he turned to hold her.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“My dad wants to see me.”



Keep reading for a sneak peek at The Girl Next Door, book two in The Shooting Stars Series.















Joel Bradford sat across from his best friend and his wife and smiled at the pair. He had never met a more unlikely couple than the one across from him. He also had never met two people so well suited for one another. Joel had just flown into Nashville from Hollywood where he had finished filming his latest movie. He had arrived in Franklin, the smaller outlying community where Adam and his wife, Kaitlyn, lived, only minutes earlier. Joel had purchased the home next door and was in to see to the business of moving in. He had purchased the home just before Christmas, now February was almost over and he still hadn’t managed to get moved in.

“How did filming go?” Adam asked him.

Joel and Adam had arrived in Hollywood at the same time, each new faces: Joel in the film industry; Adam in music.

“It went well. There will be a few things we’ll have to redo or touch up I’m sure but we’re more or less done.”

“Good. Does this mean I’ll finally get you as my neighbor?” Adam teased.

“Not entirely. I need to get some things underway; trouble is as much as I’ll be in and out of town it’s going to be hard to oversee it,” he admitted.

“I’ll help,” Kaitlyn was quick to volunteer.

“I couldn’t ask you to do that,” Joel protested.

“Hello, I just volunteered,” she pointed out.

Joel smiled at the petite red head; he liked this woman. When Adam, already kicking himself from walking from her life before his career had ever even taken off, had fist spoken of her Joel had known she had to be someone special. Men like Adam didn’t regret walking away from just anyone.

“I would deeply appreciate it,” he admitted.

“Just tell me when I’m needed and what needs to be done and I’ll be glad to help,” her green eyes were earnest. Adam’s brown eyes were warm as he watched her.

Joel was so glad these two had gotten a second chance. He had feared for a time that he was losing his best friend to drugs and alcohol. The two of them had grown apart as Adam’s dependency deepened. Then Kaitlyn had rotated back into Adam’s life and convinced him to get help. Her engagement to another man had made for interesting dynamics when Adam settled in Nashville after rehab. Joel hadn’t gotten to witness this, though he would have enjoyed doing so. He owed the renewal of his friendship with Adam to Kaitlyn and was finding he enjoyed her friendship as well. She was such a genuine person and for someone like himself who had become accustomed to the veneer of Hollywood, it was very refreshing. The only problem he found with being with Adam and Kaitlyn was being reminded that he still hadn’t found someone to settle down with. In fact, his last relationship had been over for months and he still hadn’t convinced himself to date anyone.

“I’ll keep you posted. I plan on having the pool enclosed. I don’t feel like I’ve started the day until I’ve had my morning swim,” he pulled himself from his thoughts and back to the conversation. “And you’re both welcome to swim anytime whether I’m home or not.”

“Thanks, I’ll probably take you up on that,” Kaitlyn admitted.

“Oh, Sam said to tell you hi, I ran into him a few days ago,” Joel referred to Adam’s former manager, and sometimes talent agent. Adam had started his own studio after rehab and when Sam came across a talent he thought better suited to Adam than the larger studios, he gave him a call.

“How is Sam? It’s been a few weeks since we spoke,” Adam asked, as he brushed his brown hair back from his eyes.

“Fine as far as I could tell; he was in a hurry as usual.”

“I heard a rumor that you and Haley were seeing each other?” Adam’s brow was quirked. Haley didn’t seem like Joel’s type.

“No, I escorted her to an awards show after her date came down sick and then she insisted on buying me lunch a few days later as a thank you. How that turns into a sordid love affair I will never know,” Joel’s grin showed off his perfect white teeth.

“I didn’t take her for your type. Haley is nice enough but not quite…” Adam paused looking for a polite word.

“Real enough? I like Haley but, no, I want someone a little more in touch with the real world. That’s what me buying this home is about. I don’t want to cocoon myself in Hollywood and forget what real people are like.”

“Your co-starts aren’t real people?” Kaitlyn looked amused now.

“You know what I mean,” he grinned at her.

“I do know what you mean. How is Ginger; I really enjoyed meeting her on our last trip out there,” Kaitlyn referred to another of Hollywood’s up and coming stars.

“She’s great. She rescued me from Susan’s nagging on me about having a date a time or two recently. I’m surprised we haven’t become linked in the gossip papers yet,” Joel shook his head.

“Susan wouldn’t harass you, Joel; you know better than that,” Adam’s eyes were twinkling.

Susan was Joel’s manager and publicist all rolled into one and chastised and ordered Joel around like a child on a regular basis.

“Humph,” Joel grunted.

“Where are you staying while you’re here?” Kaitlyn inquired.

“I booked a room,” he returned.

“Stay with us. It’ll be easier to keep a low profile that way,” Kaitlyn suggested.

“That’s sweet but…”

“But nothing; we have five bedrooms, only one occupied, Joel. You won’t be in the way and you’ll be convenient to your house,” Adam cut him off.

“Thank you. I appreciate that, guys.”

“You’re welcome,” Kaitlyn assured him. “Excuse me, please? I need to go check on the pot of chili I left on the stove.” Kaitlyn stood and left the room.

“How’s married life?” Joel asked his buddy.

“Wonderful!” Adam’s smile was wide. “I can’t think of anywhere else I would rather be.”

“You two are so great together, Adam. It makes me a little sad, though, because I want what you have…not exactly, but that someone for me.”

“I knew what you meant,” Adam assured his friend. “Maybe you should be looking outside Hollywood.”

“Maybe,” Joel nodded. “Who knows, maybe I’ll meet someone right here in Tennessee; worked well for you.”

“Yes, it did, but then she knew me before I made it in the music industry. She never was impressed with my fame and I think that helped,” Adam admitted.

“True,” Joel conceded. “It’s a little harder to know when someone loves you for yourself when everyone knows who you are before you’re ever introduced.”

“Yeah, I know,” Adam nodded and Joel knew he really did understand.

“How are things going at the youth center?” Joel changed the subject.

“Going well. Kaitlyn and I usually volunteer a few hours a week at the least,” Adam shared.

“I think it’s really great that you volunteer down there, Adam,” Joel shared his opinion. Adam had started volunteering at an inner city outreach shortly after he got out of rehab and continued to do so.

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