Untitled (19 page)

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      "Jalil?" Ziyad said. "Why would he want her?"
      "He will contact you using Jalil's magic, to make his demands."
      The Falcon Prince took a deep breath. "What of the god of Falcons? You said Jaden angered every god."
      Amani looked at him and her eyes softened. "He killed two of your majestic birds on his ride back to Suridesh."
      "Then he's in the tent city," Ziyad growled.
      "Or nearby at least," Khalil said.
      Ziyad gave Amani a few more sips of water and pulled her close. "Gods, woman, I thought I would never find you."
      "I never doubted that you would," she whispered, kissing him just beneath his ear. Every inch of his skin pebbled at the sensation. "I did talk with the gods, Ziyad."
      He pulled back just enough to gaze into her eyes. She was telling the truth, or at least, the truth as she believed.
      "They want restitution for all Jaden has done. I know you are going to call another Council." His eyes widened. Amani nodded with a small smile. "The gods will have his death. Not you."
      It took Ziyad a long time to answer. The revenge that had fueled him for so long seemed to extinguish itself at her words. Perhaps the gods would see fit to send Jaden to Kaldaeron. His heart was light for the first time in years. No longer did he bear the burden of vengeance upon his soul.
      "So be it," he whispered, returning her smile.

Twenty Four

      Amani was finally feeling better. A cool breeze rustled through the palms and she smiled as it kissed her face. She had no doubt the cool wind had been sent by the god of Spiders. Somehow in her stupor, she'd conversed with them on a very personal level.
      And she knew her god accepted her just as readily as he'd once accepted Karis. She was indeed his princess.
      Ziyad hadn't allowed her off his lap as he sat in the grass with his back to a tree. His hand had a large cut from opening the lock, but the bleeding had stopped and Khalil wrapped it in the fabric of a dunla he'd found in his saddlebags.
      Amani had been able to keep down more water, and soon, they'd leave their tiny paradise behind and return to Suridesh. She almost regretted leaving these plants here to die. They had no water to sustain them. Within days, they'd wilt, and within a month, the desert would once again claim this spot with waves of sand.
      "We should cut down these palms," Ziyad said after taking a sip of water.
      "Whatever for?" the Falcon asked, gazing up through their branches.
      "They won't last here," he explained, as if mirroring Amani's thoughts. "They will die."
      "So you propose we cut them down instead? Why?"
      "Amani made them. With her magic." Khalil regarded her with curious eyes. Ziyad nodded. "Imagine flutes or furniture made with magical wood. Or maybe a new liala for you? Perhaps this wood is a finer quality than palms found at
our oases."
      "I hadn't thought of that," Khalil said, scratching his chin. Even Amani stared at her plants in awe. Could it be true? Could plants made by her ability be worth more than normal plants? And would they have any magical qualities she didn't know about?
      The thought excited her.
      Suddenly, Ziyad sat straight up, nearly dumping Amani on the grass. His eyes were wide and he cocked his head.
      "What is it?" Amani asked, stroking his cheek.
      "Jalil. She's contacting me." He sat in silence for a few more moments. "Yes, I hear you," he said. "Listen to me. Do not let the Cobra know you've contacted me. Pretend to have some difficulty. I want you to contact Tariq and let him know what is going on."
      Amani sat up as well, glancing at the Falcon. Khalil shrugged.
      "All right, then just contact him," Ziyad said. "Tariq should know something is wrong, even if you don't say a word."
      Ziyad looked at Amani. "She can't send her thoughts without speaking out loud," he whispered.
      After a moment, he spoke to Jalil once more. "You tell that bastard there is no deal. Tell that snake I have found my princess and she is very much alive. Tell him every god in the desert wants his head!"
      Ziyad sat in silence before he cried out in shock. "Gods above!"
      "Spider, what is it?" Khalil demanded.
      Ziyad looked at him in disbelief. "The Cobra just killed Jalil. By all that is holy, he slit her throat!"
      Khalil leapt to his feet. "Then there is no time to waste. We must make sure that man no longer breathes."
      The Falcon pulled Amani to her feet until Ziyad could stand and steady her himself. "I hope Jalil was able to get the Viper's attention before…" Ziyad said unable to finish his thought. He swung into his saddle and leaned down to pull Amani before him.
      "I have no doubt that she did," the Falcon said, mounting his own horse. "Our only hope now is that the Scarab and the Jackal made it back in time to help the Viper catch Jaden."
      They turned their horses and pointed them toward the tent city.
      "Are you all right to travel?" Ziyad whispered in Amani's ear.
      She snuggled against his body and nodded. "As long as I am in your arms, my prince."
      "Good," he answered. "Because you'll be in these arms for the rest of your life."
      "Good," she answered right back. "Because there's nowhere else I'd rather be.
~ * ~
      It was late evening by the time they made it back to Suridesh. Even from afar, it was obvious things had changed since they'd left. But the one thing that stood out was the Cobra's dead Sentinels.
      Each colossal, hairy beast that pulled his caravs across the desert was dead. Ziyad had never seen one of those magical creatures grow old, much less die. Seeing them lifeless in the sand had him swallowing hard.
      The wrath of the gods had already begun.
      Even Khalil and Amani were speechless as they passed them. A few of the beasts had taken the caravs with them when they'd fallen over dead, and the entire line of the Cobra's caravan was either on its side or torn apart. What was left appeared to have been looted. And the Cobra's people were nowhere to be seen.
      "Go find Tariq," Ziyad told Khalil. "I will see to my wife and meet you at the Viper's carav."
      Khalil nodded and trotted away into the evening.
      "Come," Ziyad said into Amani's ear. "I must make sure you are taken care of."
      "I am fine," she told him.
      Ziyad shook his head. "You were locked inside a scorching chest with no water or air. The only reason your heart beats is because of Zara and the ring she made you, bless the woman. I am taking you to my physician. No arguing."
      "What of you?" Amani asked through a yawn.
      "What of me?" he replied.
"Your hand?"
Ziyad sighed. "I'll be fine. I've had worse."
      "I do not wish you to confront the Cobra with a gash in your palm."
      "I will be—"
      "No, husband," she said, her tone leaving no room for argument. She'd shocked him, and he couldn't find words to reply. "I am your princess now, so I will speak to you as your equal. I want you healed before you confront the Cobra, and that's an order from the Spider Princess."
      "Well then," Ziyad replied, scratching his head. "Perhaps I should visit my physician too."
      "I'm glad you see it my way," Amani had the audacity to say.
      Ziyad tickled her, eliciting a squeal from her. "Just because I agree with you does not mean you are allowed to command me, wife of mine."
      "Does it not?" she said flippantly. "I seem to remember a certain prince who once told me that he was my servant. Day or night."
      Ziyad growled as his cock stiffened at the memory of his words. "Only when we make love," he corrected, clutching her tight.
      "Mmm," she responded. "That's right." Amani guided his hand to her breast.
      Ziyad gasped but played along, squeezing her nipple shamelessly. "I will only make love to you when you are well, minx."
      "Pity," she said. "I've had a few fantasies of being ravished by a prince, but I guess a caravan driver will have to do."
      "You will be the death of that old fool," Ziyad said, amused by her words.
      "We shall see," she told him. "There is something to be said about having life experience."
      "Hmm?" she replied, stretching against him.
      "Do not think for a second I will forget that you are deliberately trying to incite me."
      "I am hoping you do not, Spider."
      Ziyad groaned and closed his eyes, certain his minx of
a wife was going to be the death of him.

Twenty Five

      Once Ziyad's hand was healed and he made sure Amani was comfortable in his physician's carav, he stabled his horse then dashed across the sand to the Viper's caravan. The door to Tariq's carav was open wide, and the Falcon was already inside.
      "Ziyad," Khalil said, beckoning to him. "Come in."
      He leapt up the steps, his chest heaving from his run. "Did you catch Jaden?" he asked, his eyes darting from the Falcon to the Viper. The Jackal and the Scarab were here too, apparently arriving well before he had with Amani.
      "We haven't found him yet," Tariq said ominously, his face set. "But we found Jalil."
      Ziyad bowed his head. "I am sorry for your loss, Viper, truly."
      Tariq inclined his head. "Jalil was a valuable member of my caravan. Her death will not be forgotten."
      "Where are the women?" Ziyad asked.
      Khalil cleared his throat. "They are in my carav with Zara," he said. "And the Scarab has magically sealed the door. Jaden cannot get to them."
      Ziyad's skin tingled and fear once again crept into his heart. "I left Amani alone with my physician."
      "It is safe to say that wherever the Cobra is, he knows we have returned," Siraj told him. "We should move your wife."
      Without another word, Ziyad turned and left the Viper's carav, hitting the sand at a sprint.
~ * ~
Amani sat before him, looking at him with trusting
eyes. Jaden's mouth watered at the sight. She was on the cot of the Spider's physician, the man he'd killed not two hours before. He knew the Spider would bring Amani here, especially after what she'd suffered in the desert.
      After killing the man, it was easy to take his face and pretend to care about Amani's wellbeing to the Spider. The only way to get Ziyad to leave had been to heal him, but thankfully, the magic Mother had bestowed on him was still intact, despite the fact that his body was rapidly aging.
      No doubt a punishment from the gods.
      Jaden could change into anyone he'd come in contact with. And he could persuade anyone else to believe his façade.
      "Close your eyes and do as I say," he told her. She obeyed, obviously believing he was Ziyad's physician. "Remove your robes. I must see if you have any burns on your skin, either from the sun or from leaning against the heated sides of the chest."
       He helped pull her robes from her arms, and his cock hardened painfully at his first glimpse of her ripe breasts. Jaden's thoughts buzzed inside his head. His Sentinels had been struck down. His oasis had dried up. His god had turned his back.
      But he was alive. He could still pass on his line. If he got Amani pregnant, before anyone knew what he'd done, his very own son would become the next Spider Prince, and Ziyad would be none the wiser.
      Jaden groaned and wiped his mouth.
      "Lay back, Highness," he cooed.
      Amani seemed unsure at first, but he passed his hand before her face and she did as he said. It was hard, changing his appearance into that of Ziyad's, but he didn't think much on why his magic seemed almost out of reach. Lust was riding him, and he wanted to thrust deep within this warm, soft woman.
      Jaden lowered his head and took Amani's nipple in his mouth. She gasped and pushed at his shoulders.
      "It's all right," he whispered, lifting his head.
      "Ziyad?" She seemed confused.
      "Yes," he said. "It is me. Close your eyes. Let me love you."
      "Do it," he growled, pushing his magic into her. Amani arched her back and closed her eyes, offering her nipple to his mouth.
      Jaden feasted. She was sweet, she was hot, and he couldn't get enough.
      "Are you wet?" he asked, his voice gritty to his own ears.
      "Yes!" Amani gasped. Jaden plunged his hand into her undergarments and rubbed his fingers on her clit.

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