Up to the Challenge (An Anchor Island Novel) (31 page)

BOOK: Up to the Challenge (An Anchor Island Novel)
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Shoving against his chest, she screamed, “Why would you do that? Why would you take this away from me?” Sid had never been stabbed, but the feeling of a knife slicing through her heart made her long for the real thing. At least she could heal from a knife wound.

“I didn’t take anything away from you,” he argued, reaching for her but she batted his hands away. “It’s yours. I’m giving it to you.”

“I don’t want it! Not like this.” The tears flowed freely now, more from anger than the loss she’d felt moments before. “What part of doing this on my own did you not understand? I was close. I’d have had the money by Labor Day. Just a few more weeks.”

Lucas kept crowding her, trying to force her to let him in. “I didn’t buy it outright. There are still payments to be made. I only provided the down payment. This way you can use your money for the renovations. And you can make the payments on the remaining mortgage.”

“Only the down payment?” she asked, remembering what Will had told her. “You paid
. Is this my consolation prize? Is this what I earned in the last couple weeks?”

Lucas jerked as if she’d slapped him. “What is that supposed to mean?”

“I think it’s pretty clear.” She laughed, a hollow, empty sound. “I gave you me and you give me a garage. Something to remember you by after you’re gone.”

“That’s crossing a line and insulting to both of us. What we have is more than that.”

“Really? What do we have, Lucas? A casual fling, right? That’s all this is supposed to be.” Sid opened the truck door. “It’s clear that’s all this is because if you knew me at all, cared about me at all, you wouldn’t have done this.”

She climbed in and waited. He still held the keys so she couldn’t drive off without him. Which she sorely wanted to do. After what could have been a minute or an hour, Lucas climbed into the passenger seat and set the keys on the bench between them.

Sid drove back to her place, numb and empty. He could
have the damn garage. She’d let it rot before taking his charity. When they reached her driveway, she kept the motor running.

“Get your stuff and lock the door behind you.”

Lucas didn’t move to get out. “Can we talk about this?”

Sid shook her head, too drained to say anything more. Unable to look at the man beside her. The man she loved, even now.

With a sigh, he finally opened the door. From the ground, he said, “I never meant to hurt you,” and closed the door.

The sobbing started again. She threw the truck in reverse, spewing gravel against her garage door as she backed out. Sid wasn’t sure where she was going. She just knew she had to go.


ucas did as Sid asked. Packed his things. Gave Drillbit a pat good-bye. Locked the door behind him. Then he sat in his car in her driveway, unable to turn the key.

She’ll come back
, he thought. She’d realize he only wanted to make her happy. To give her what she wanted most. If he could do that for her, why wouldn’t he?

But Sid didn’t come back, and eventually he had to admit the truth. He’d fucked up. He didn’t know exactly how, but that’s what he’d done. Even after he started the car, Lucas remained there in the driveway, staring at the little beach cottage he’d begun to call home. Not a permanent home, since the cottage was on Anchor, and Anchor wasn’t his home.

But the cottage meant Sid and Sid felt like home.

With little thought to what he was doing, Lucas drove the short distance to his parents’ house, checking his watch after pulling into the drive. He’d need to be at the restaurant in less than two hours. Would Sid come to work? Would she talk to him? Would she listen to him?

What would he say if she did? He couldn’t pretend nothing had happened, and he knew Sid would never put on an act. She was incapable of being disingenuous. One of the many things he loved about her.

Well, shit.

Lucas pressed back against the headrest. Maybe this was for the best. Leaving would be easier this way. For both of them. If anything, Sid would be relieved to see him gone. She could be rid of him. Maybe she’d turn to Manny as an alternative. The thought made him want to rip the steering wheel off and throw it out the window.

“Hey there,” came a voice from outside, startling him out of his misery. Lucas looked up to see his dad hovering on the porch. “You going to stay out there all day?”

Just what he needed. Captain Cranky-pants. Grabbing his duffel bag from the passenger seat, he stepped out. “I’m coming in, if that’s all right?”

Tom stared, face pinched. “What kind of a question is that?”

He just could not catch a break this morning. Embracing his right to remain silent, Lucas climbed the stairs and followed his father into the house. “Got any coffee?” he asked, dropping his bag beside the doorway to the living room.

“Help yourself,” his dad said, taking a seat at the table. “Rough morning?”

“You could say that.” Lucas searched for the sugar, but it wasn’t in the usual place.

“She’s hidden everything I’m not supposed to have,” Tom explained. “There’s a bunch of those yellow packets in the top drawer.”

Lucas needed the swift kick of bitterness anyway. “I’ll pass, thanks.” Bringing his mug to the table, he pulled out a chair. “Where’s Mom?”

“Ladies Auxiliary meeting.”

“Oh.” Lucas sipped the coffee. Definitely bitter. “Went to the bank yesterday. Money is ready for transfer as soon as the papers are signed, but I want to run them by another lawyer first.”

Tom huffed. “Aren’t you a lawyer?”

“Last I checked,” he said. “But you deserve to have an unbiased legal review. Someone looking out for your interests.”

Tom huffed again. “That’s a load of crap. Bring me the damn papers and I’ll sign them.”

Lucas considered arguing, explaining the risks and intricacies of the situation, but his dad was right. Believing he’d ever not protect his parents’ best interests was a load of crap.

“They’re in my car. I’ll bring them in tonight.”

“Tonight? So that and the bag mean you’re back, huh? Want to talk about it?”

The last thing Lucas wanted to do was discuss his relationship.

“I don’t think so,” he said, cringing as he took another sip of the tar in his mug. “Did you make this or did Mom?”

“I made a new pot after she left. You don’t like it, don’t drink it.”

Lucas pushed the mug away. He preferred to keep the lining of his stomach intact. “I’ll just let it cool.”

The two men sat in silence, Tom scratching his chest while Lucas picked at the corner of his place mat, searching for something to talk about.

“When you buy someone something they really want, aren’t they supposed to be grateful?” he asked, choosing to broach the subject with a hypothetical.

Tom shrugged. “That’s the protocol. What’d you buy Sid?”

So much for hypothetical. “Something she said she really wanted.”

“Did she ask you to buy it?” Tom asked, hitting close enough to the mark to make Lucas uncomfortable.

“No. She said she wanted to buy it on her own, but this way she can have it sooner.”

Tom shook his head. “Classic mistake. Though I’m not surprised.” He crossed his arms, flinched, then rested his elbows back on the table. “Sounds like something you’d do.”

“What’s that supposed to mean? And are you still in that much pain?”

“I just forget and it pulls sometimes,” he said, waving away Lucas’s concern. “Even as a kid, you’d barrel through with your own agenda, regardless of what anyone else was trying to do. Probably a good trait to have in the courtroom, but that shit doesn’t fly out here in the real world.”

Not the most flattering assessment. “You make me sound like an inconsiderate jerk.”

“Nah. Not inconsiderate. Most of the time, your heart was in the right place,” Tom said, cracking a smile for the first time since Lucas arrived.

That’s exactly how Beth had described him. The guy who barreled ahead without ever stopping to ask what
wanted. Sid hadn’t needed to be asked. She’d made it clear the garage was something she wanted to do on her own. Only he hadn’t listened. He’d brushed off the words as if what she wanted didn’t matter.

an inconsiderate jerk.

His head dropped into his hands. “How do I fix this?” he asked. “How do I make this right?”

His dad stayed silent long enough to draw Lucas’s gaze. Brows drawn together, Tom rubbed his chin, deep in thought. “Don’t think I can answer that. Being with the same woman more than twenty years means I know that particular woman. Rest of the species is still a mystery.”

Not the answer Lucas was hoping for. “I can withdraw my offer on the garage,” he said, thinking out loud. “Seems like that would be taking it away, but in a weird way, I’d be giving it back to her.”

“You bought Sid a garage?” Tom asked, surprise taking his voice up an octave. “One of those steel building things?”

Lucas shook his head. “No, an actual garage. It’s off Pamlico Shores. Red brick. Run down. She has plans for a boat repair and restoration place.”

“I’d forgotten all about that place. It’s been empty for decades.”

“Looks it too.” Lucas remembered he’d just shared Sid’s secret. “But don’t tell anyone. Not even Mom. Sid doesn’t want anyone to know.” He ran a hand through his hair. “And now I know why. She was afraid someone would butt in like I have.”

“I thought maybe you bought her a tool or something.” Tom leaned forward. “You tried to buy her a building?”

“It’s an old, dilapidated garage, not the Taj Mahal. She has her heart set on opening this business, but she’s insisting on doing it all by herself. She won’t take money from her brother or Joe, which I suggested.” She’d definitely made her intentions clear, and he ignored them. Such
an asshole move. “I thought if I could give this to her, then …”

“Then what?” Tom asked, as Lucas trailed off. Excellent question.

Lucas shook his head. “I don’t know.”

“Lucas,” Tom said, his voice quieter. “Do you plan to stay here on the island?”

“What? No. My life is in Richmond.”

“Then do the girl a favor and walk away.”

The words were like a gavel upside the head. He’d given her the garage because he couldn’t give himself. Because he had to leave. Because he loved her.

“I can’t,” he said. “Not yet. I need to make her forgive me. Show her I understand and that I screwed up, but I’ll fix it.”

Tom laid his hands flat on the table and sat back with a sigh. “You kids always insist on learning things the hard way.” With that, he rose and grabbed a newspaper off the island. “Don’t forget that paperwork. And exactly how much money do you have floating around that you could afford to buy that garage after investing in the restaurant?”

Lucas shrugged. “Enough.”

Tom snorted. “That’s a first.”

“A first?” Lucas asked, feeling another insult coming on.

“Nothing has ever been enough for you, Lucas. That’s why you went running off this island chasing your fancy partnership.” He smacked the paper against the table. “There’s something to be said for being happy with what you have. Looks like you’re choosing to learn that one the hard way too.”

With that parting shot, Tom left the room, leaving Lucas behind trying to decipher the Yoda-esque message
his father just delivered. What was wrong with wanting something more? Why did no one in this family understand that ambition was not a character flaw?

And how had he made such an unholy mess of his life in less than three months?

The smell of Opal’s chocolate cake was almost enough to make Sid forget she felt like roadkill. He hadn’t listened to a word she’d said. So much for him understanding how important her independence was. She’d pay him back every penny he put down. Only she’d been saving up for twenty percent, not fifty. If she used all of her savings, the garage would sit empty for who knew how much longer until she could save back up for the renovations.

It would be like not owning the place at all. Trying to make the mortgage payments while not making any money from the building would see her broke within a year.

That business was all she would have after Lucas left. Without him beside her, in her bed, in her life every day, she’d need the distraction. Something to keep her from focusing on the pain in her chest. Sid sighed. Nothing was going to block out that pain, and she was foolish to think any differently.

“Hey there, darling. You’re in early today,” Opal said, appearing at the front counter. She took one look at Sid and said, “Have you been crying?”

“No,” Sid said, shaking her head hard. “I don’t cry.” The tears started again, pissing her off even more. “Goddamn it!”

“Oh, baby.” Opal waddled out from behind the counter,
arms spread wide. “Come here, sugar. That’s all right.” As Opal’s arms enveloped her, a feeling of comfort spread through Sid’s chest.

Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to cry on the older woman’s shoulder. Just a little.

She tried to say something about Lucas ruining her dream and breaking her heart and how stupid she’d been to think she could ever let him go, but what came out was a high-pitched squeal—like a dolphin on helium.

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