Read URBAN: Chosen By A Kingpin Online

Authors: Shantel Johnson

URBAN: Chosen By A Kingpin (13 page)

BOOK: URBAN: Chosen By A Kingpin
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"Yeah but there’s one problem. I haven’t had signal for awhile. the rain must be messing with the towers or something. What about you?"

I checked my phone and saw that it was at 1%. "I drained my battery but i've got like 1%. See if you can call them real quick It might let you." I handed the phone over to Dante and he punched in the number. Just as I heard Dante say “hello,” his expression changed and he stared at the phone. The screen on my phone was black, battery completely dead. "Fuck!"

"Maybe I can check what's wrong under the hood. It can't be too hard." He said.

"Do you know anything at all about cars? Plus It's pouring outside and we haven't seen another car for miles. You gon’ get all wet for nothing!"

"I'll be fine. I could maybe figure something out. Just stay in here." Before I could say anything else Dante got out of the car, instantly getting soaked to the bone. He lifted up the hood and watched as a cloud of smoke rose from the engine.

"Damn!" He coughed and waved the smoke away. The mix of wires and shit looked like it had him confused and I didn't want to make the situation worse. We would be stuck here even longer and might have to walk back in all this rain. And I was not about to do that. Especially not after I had gotten my hair done.

"Dante! Get back in here! You gonna catch a cold!"

He slammed the hood down and returned to the car. "You were right. I don’t have a damn clue what's up with the car. When I opened the hood some smoke came out. I thought it overheated but i didn't think so with all this rain."

"I know I was right!" I looked in the backseat. "Do you have any extra clothes in here? You shouldn’t stay in those wet clothes.” Even if he did look good with his dress pants sticking to his perfect bubble ass and his button down clinging to his big biceps for dear life.

"I should have my gym bag in the back seat. I usually go after work and leave it in here." he shivered.

Reaching back behind me I grabbed his duffel bag and unzipped it. The smell was pretty stank but I'd rather have Dante smelly then sick. "Here," I tossed the small towel at him. "Take off those clothes."

Dante dried his face and head as best he could as I tossed him the shorts in the bag. He pulled off his soaked shirt and tossed it behind him. "That’s a little better. Still cold though" He turned on the heater in the car hoping that it wouldn’t make anything explode or something.

“Maybe we can just keep it on until you get warmed up.”
Though I could help you get warmed up
, I wanted to say.

He looked over at me as he slid his pants off as best he could in the small space of the driver’s seat. "That’s true. Nothing else could go wrong."

“Don’t say that! You never know! That’ll make shit worse then we gon’ be stuck in here and I ain’t havin’ that. You have a nice car it shouldn’t be all busted!”

“It ain’t busted! There could be a bunch of different things wrong with it. It don’t matter how good your car is, anything could go wrong. We’ll get out of here I promise. I won’t let anything happen to you."

I looked over at his lap and realized that his boxers were soaked too. “You gonna take those off too?”

Dante smirked and licked those full lips of his. He tossed his pants off and chucked his boxers in my lap. "Is this what you wanted? The real reason you let me go out in the pouring rain?"

“Uh, no. Goin’ out there was all your stupid idea but I am benefitting from it.” I openly stared at his dick that looked like it really needed some warming up. Even though the rain was making the windows frosty it seemed to be getting hotter in the car. I stared down at his discarded underwear and played with the waistband.

Dante laughed and grabbed my hand. “Well come on closer and you can help me get warmed up. C'mere girl."

"Oh hell naw. We is stuck in the middle of the city at night with rain pouring down on this car and it is cold as hell! I'm not—"

"And I’m gonna warm you up now with body heat!" He grabbed my arms and forced me into his lap, pinning me with his big strong arms.

"Dante, someone might see us!" I yelled.

"There ain’t been no cars that have passed us since we stopped. There's not even a cop car around! We'll be here until the rain stops. Let's just keep each other warm."

I couldn't resist his sweet temptation or the kisses he trailed across my neck and shoulder. He hesitated a bit, his teeth barely scratching against my skin but I bet he wanted to bite me full on. I didn’t want him marking me up in places that people could see. I didn’t need Markus or Momma bothering me about them later on.

He moved onto rubbing his hands across my titties, squeezing and rubbing as hard as he could. I cried out a bit and arched my spine, filling Dante's hand with one of my tits. The way his fingers ghosted across my nipples sent sparks throughout my entire body.

"Dante! Stop…someone might—"

"And if they do see? Doesn't that just make you even hotter?" he whispered against my ear. This nigga was all kinds of kinky that I wasn’t expecting. He busied his hands now with unbuttoning my jeans. It was a little hard to get them off since we cramped together in the driver’s seat but somehow it worked. With my legs now free Dante put them on either side of the steering wheel and slowly glided his fingers along my slightly damp panties.

"Guess I ain’t the only one who got wet. And you weren’t even in the rain." he whispered.

I tossed my head back against his shoulder. "Shut yo’ mouth!"

He worked his fingers slowly over the thin silky fabric covering my slick folds. Up and down he went, making the smallest of circles against my clit then adding a bit of pressure against my pussy. He kept up his slow and tortuous movements until my hands were clawing at his thighs. I kept begging him to move faster but he didn’t want to move past his slow ass pace. The most he did was set my panties aside so his hands were right against my pussy lips. He dragged my wetness up and around my lips, pinching at my now swollen clit.

"Why the fuck are you teasing me so much?" I gasped.

Dante bit at my earlobe, tracing his tongue along the length before whispering, "Don't you know I'm secretly a bad boy?"

With that he plunged two fingers deep inside me, without warning, pumping furiously. I couldn't help the moans that spilled from my lips. It was uncontrollable. I gripped his fingers tightly, feeling them curl deep inside me and pushing against my spot. I could only call out his name or say a bunch of curse words. All the while I could see his cocky ass smirking in the rear view mirror. My toes curled against the dashboard and I pushed my knees together, wanting to calm myself down before I exploded in his hand. It only made Dante give my thighs a hard slap. I screamed and bucked my hips back against him. Dante’s rock hard dick slipped between my supple thighs and he pulled them apart.

"Such a bad girl for a bad boy. Am I gonna have to teach you a lesson?"

I licked at his neck, adding a few kisses right on his pulse point. "Yeah, boy, teach me a damn lesson!"

"That's what I like to hear.” He slammed his dick right inside me, filling me completely. I let out a sigh, loving the way he felt deep inside me. He angled his body down a little letting him pull out almost completely and plunge right back inside. His hard thrusts shook my entire body to the core. I clutched at his neck, pulling his mouth down for another deep kiss. Between each gasps our tongues would wrestle, curling and suckling on one another but he controlled my mouth. He controlled all of my movements too, digging his fingers deep into my skin. The sound of his balls slapping against my thighs along with his deep grunts and growls had my pussy aching.

"Dante! Fuck!" My entire body tensed for a moment, clamping shut around him. With a final growl he pulled out and busted his nut all on my ass. I slammed my hand against the steering wheel, hitting the horn. I jumped up as my orgasm was almost shocked out of me at the sudden sound. Dante couldn't help but laugh.

"You so crazy, girl."

I relaxed back against him and he held me close, gently kissing my cheek. But I wasn’t ready to let him chill. I wanted more, right here and right now. The entire time that he was inside me I forgot about all the shit and drama in my life and just focused on the way he felt inside me. He worked his strong hands along my shoulders, massaging out a bit of tension while his thumbs stroked the back of my neck. I heard the small pops here and there which I matched with more moans. This boy had no idea what he was doing to me. My head was going crazy.

Dante…" I exhaled.

"Hm?" His fingertips brushed across my stomach, trailing down to between your thighs.

"That's not a massage…"

"It's a different kind of massage. Besides I can feel you wanting more. You love the way I put it on you, don’t you?" His fingers worked their way over my mouth and back towards my clit. Before he could get any further though I slid away from him and crossed over into the back seat.

“We’ll have more room over here.” I spread my thighs just a bit more, begging him to come join me. Dante crossed over from the driver’s seat to the back seat and stood on his knees. I scooted up to the very edge of the seat and let him run his fingers across my slick folds.

"I love the way your pussy feels around me." His sultry chuckle echoed in my ear. Did he really have to put that much bass in his voice?

"S-shut up…" my voice cracked. My entire body felt like jello, quivering across his strong chest, my toes curling every time one of his thick fingers would curl at my hole than pull away.

His hungry mouth greedily bit at my skin. His tongue lapped at my tender neck before he sunk his teeth in like a damn vampire. his fingers started moving faster again, adding a second and third one inside me. The tip of his middle finger found my spot again making my hips buck up but Dante held me in place with his free hand. All I could do was groan and pant and squirm beneath his touches.


"No, i don't want to fuck. I want to…" he lowered his voice, unsure of how exactly to say it without sounding like a damn romantic movie. He didn’t say anything afterward even though I knew what he meant. I didn’t know how I felt about making love, especially since we weren’t really together and I wasn’t planning on being with Dante really. It was all weird to me. I didn't want to get too serious but having someone…feeling someone care about me felt good. My heart raced as he wrapped my legs around his waist. Everything felt different, this wasn't the man I had just met a few days ago. This was the man that I thought I could maybe see myself being with.

"You feel amazing." he breathed against my lips. He entered me as he said the final word and I never felt so whole in my life. Those words bounced around in my brain, blurring my senses completely. He continued to whisper sweet nothings in my ear but I wasn’t really paying attention to them. All I focused on was the smell of his body mixing with mine and feeling of him pumping his thick dick inside me. I held him as tight as I could, feeling his skin right against mine.

He reached down between our bodies, his thumb making slow circles against my swollen clit. My lips separated so I could say his name over and over again. it didn’t last long though because he covered my lips with his own. I slipped my hips up to meet his. Dante's hands wrapped themselves around my hips, quickening the pace of his harsh thrusts. I gripped his arms tightly and gasped as his head grazed my spot over and over again. I opened my eyes and looked up at the man above me.

He licked his lips slowly and his eyes met mine. Right then I clamped down around him and released all my pussy juices all over his dick. His brow furrowed and soon I felt him release his thick seed all over my thighs. I wrapped my arms around him tightly and pulled him down onto me.

"I guess you wanted to make love huh?"

"It felt weird to ask…especially since we don’t really know each other that well” he replied softly.

"I thought you were much better with words than that." I laughed.

"I'd much rather be inside you then tell you how much I want to be inside you."

"I feel it, baby." I squirmed beneath his weight, feeling him shift inside me. “I just want to keep cumming over and over again when I’m with you.”

“I mean, we can do this as long as you want to, baby.”

“Yeah, but I don’t know if I’m ready for a relationship if that’s what you’re askin’.”

“Nah, I meant stayin’ in the car. I don’t really have time for a relationship now so I don’t want you to get too serious.” Dante said. He looked at me and pushed some of my hair back. I kind of felt stupid now, bringing up relationships all of a sudden. I just thought that was maybe what he was getting at.

“I don’t want to be staying in this car all night either! I need my bed, boy!”

Dante laughed and reached into the front seat looking for his cell phone. “I got like 1 bar of signal. Let me see if it works now.”

It better.
Lord knows I needed a nap after all that sinnin’.


“Girl, I’m tellin’ you, Markus ain’t the one no mo’. You gotta go after Dante. That’s what you want.” Amani said as she slopped some potato salad onto her plate.

I twirled my necklace around my finger as I waited for my turn to get my food. Our old block was having a late September barbecue and block party and Amani and I were all about free food. Plus I would get to see all my old neighbors and stuff who still lived in the same old ass building they’ve always lived in.

“I mean, like I’m all about it since I’m not sure if I even really want a relationship but I’ve been goin’ back and forth for the past couple weeks thinking about this shit. It’s too damn stressful and I’m about ready to not be with no one and be my own woman.”

“Even Beyonce got Jay-Z, Tamina, and she still an independent woman. You just need to get yo’ shit together. Nobody’s sayin’ you gotta make a decision tomorrow, hell you could keep stringing them both along and messin’ with they heads. Men do that shit to us all the time so it don’t make no difference. But me and yo’ Momma know Markus ain’t no good. You just keep givin’ him chances he don’t deserve.”

BOOK: URBAN: Chosen By A Kingpin
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