Read URBAN: Chosen By A Kingpin Online

Authors: Shantel Johnson

URBAN: Chosen By A Kingpin (43 page)

BOOK: URBAN: Chosen By A Kingpin
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"You know I love the ideas that come out of your big mouth when we’re in meetings, but why don’t we put it to better use?" His grip grew tighter around her hair, adding pressure to her neck. "That would be the ultimate pleasure for me—to see you on your knees in front of me, like the good little girl you are."

"I don’t bow down to no man. You must be trippin’ boy." Without warning, he used all his force to bring her down to her knees.

"Worship me, Aaliyah. And maybe I'll go easy on you."

"Easy? You talking a big game, but let me see what you really made of," she sneered at him. It just fueled the fire between them even more, and Aaliyah wanted to get burned.

He kept a strong grip on her hair and pulled her close to his dick. She didn't have time to admire it before it blast past her lips and settled deep against her throat. One strong hand gripped the back of her head, preventing her escape, while the other clutched at the nightstand to steady the forceful rocking of his hips.

She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to work her mouth around his thick dick. She could feel Anthony's eyes stabbing into her. When she dared to look up his hand left the nightstand to grab her throat, forcing her to stay focused on his face. His smirk grew bigger as he watched his dick ram into her mouth over and over. His wet hair framed his face and the little droplets of water rained down onto her. Her body was so hot that she almost felt the drops sizzle against her skin. Her throat burned, and her fingers ached from clawing at his strong calves. His balls tightened against her chin, but she knew she wouldn't taste him just yet. He was planning to give her everything she wanted and more.

Anthony pulled out swiftly, his cock glistening and throbbing in front of her face. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and gulped down as much fresh air as she could.

"Get up."Anthony commanded, his voice low and full of bite.

She clutched at his thighs as she raised myself up on shaky legs. She swallowed hard and bit at her swollen lip. "Where do you want me?" Aaliyah managed to ask.

Anthony licked his lips and let out an evil laugh. "I'm glad you finally learned to listen, little girl. Turn around and spread 'em."

She edged her body around, her ass brushing against his dick, and spread her legs. His thick fingers caressed up and down her hips, over the curves of her ass then finally between her thighs. She bit her lip, knowing that he could feel how wet she was. Her pussy juice had spread against the very top of her thighs and across her pussy lips, but it now coated his middle finger as he rocked it back and forth, to her swollen clit all the way down to her hole.

"So you do like to suck cock then, huh?" he groaned.

She scoffed and rasped out, "No. You forced me."

He pressed his hand against her shoulder roughly making her bend over the nightstand. The cool lacquer kissed the very tip of her nipples making them harden in response. "You loved every fucking last minute of it, Aaliyah. Say it."

Two fingers dove deep inside her, furiously pumping and making her juices gush around his hand. She couldn't even begin to form words, so only screams poured out of her. His free hand gripped the back of her neck, making her whimper. His fingers slowed down to dull thrusts, momentarily letting her recover. "Say. It."

"No," she replied through gritted teeth. He growled so loudly that it scared her a bit. It was so feral, so wild. She wanted to hear it again and again. Never had any man been this rough with her, and her body was exploding with ecstasy. His fingers resumed their fast pace, this time adding a third. Her pussy felt full for the time being, but it was nothing compared to what she craved.

Aaliyah’s nails made scratches in the black finish of the nightstand. Her knees buckled beneath her, but Anthony kept her ankles apart, making sure she remained open for him. She clamped her walls down around his fingers. She wasn't going to last long if he kept this up. He must've knew it, because he pulled his fingers out completely, not even bothering to torture her with slow thrusts this time.

"SAY. IT."

"I loved sucking your big white dick!" she managed to scream, though every fiber in her being was telling her not to. She had just satisfied his ego and squashed her own. She needed to get the ball back in her court again. As much as she wanted him to dominate her, she couldn't let her strong, dominant side die down as well.

"Good girl," he cooed. His blunt teeth sunk into her shoulder blade. She gripped the nightstand as another scream racked through her entire body. He pulled away, making the bite mark throb as much as her aching pussy. She wanted his teeth marks all over her.

"That all you got?" she mocked.

He lifted her up high and slammed her against the wall, her ass hitting the top of the nightstand. He yanked her legs apart, squeezing her ankles within his hands. "You're going to learn to keep that pretty little mouth of yours shut."

He let go of her ankles to pull her flush against him, plunging his dick balls-deep inside her. She clawed at his pale skin, leaving big red scratches across his chest. She felt his heat surrounding her, suffocating her in the best way possible.

More bites tugged at her skin, leaving small teeth marks across her shoulders. She wanted to wrap her limbs around him, but he wouldn’t let her. He kept her arms pinned to her side and her legs spread wide, his balls slapping against her ass every time he drove into her. She wanted to cum all over his dick and watch her dark pussy clamp down around him. His lips captured hers forcefully, tugging and pulling at her tongue so he could suck on it deeply. She fought to keep up with the strength of his big tongue, but it overpowered her.

"Anthony! Fuck! I'm gonna explode!"

He pinched her swollen clit, causing her to yell in pain and pleasure. "Don't. Not until I say." He tossed her onto the bed and gave her ass a hard slap. "All fours. NOW."

She didn't dare disobey this time and quickly rose to her knees. Anthony gripped her hips hard and drove her back down onto his dripping dick. Just those few seconds without him had her going crazy. She gripped the bedsheets beneath her, focusing on the pulsating pleasure inside her.

"You belong to me," he groaned. She nodded, but another hard slap to her ass told her that he wanted to hear those words.

"I belong to you!" she screamed. His head hit her spot then, sending her hips into a fury of thrusts back against him. Nothing mattered at that point, she just wanted her sweet release. She deserved it. She tossed her head back and cried out. her pussy walls clenched down around him. Her juices gushed out of her, dribbling down her thighs and onto the sheets beneath them. He ripped himself out of her, spraying her back with his hot cum. She collapsed then, exhausted on so many levels, and she couldn't even think about moving another inch.

The last thing she saw was Anthony flopping on the bed beside her, a huge grin across his face, before she passed out.


The sun shone onto her face, waking her up from her nice dream. Her head was pounding and her stomach was still in knots. She felt like she was about to throw up at any minute. Slowly, Aaliyah sat up in bed and looked around. She wasn’t at her apartment.

“Where the hell—?” That’s when it came to her. Her dream wasn’t a dream at all. The dull ache between her legs told her so. She had really slept with Anthony.

She sat up in bed quickly and worked to gather her clothes. Aaliyah had no idea where Anthony was, but by the sounds coming from downstairs, he was probably in the kitchen. If she was really stealthy, she could make it out without him noticing. It was a chance she was going to have to take. Just as she was shuffling into her party dress, she heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

“Leaving so soon?” Anthony asked as he leaned in the doorway.

Damn, caught in the act. Aaliyah turned slowly to face him. “Yeah, I figured you wouldn’t want me in your way, so I’m gonna head on out.”

“In my way? Aaliyah you’re never in my way. Is that what you think of us?”

“Us? What do you mean 'us?' I know your history. You’re a playa, I got it. I figured since we both got what we wanted last night, that was just the end of it.”

She was shocked to see hurt in his deep blue eyes. “I may have a history of being with a lot of women, but that doesn’t mean I just throw them out right after. I don’t want you to go. I…ever since I saw you at the meet-and-greet, I couldn’t take my eyes off you. And when you spoke up at the meeting, I knew I loved you for more than just your looks. You’re smart and talented and strong. I know the way this happened seemed like a drunken mistake but that is far from the truth. I do care about you.”

“Oh yeah?” Aaliyah asked. “What about when this internship is over, huh? What then? I can’t stay here forever! I have to go back home and finish school. I have to do things with me life.”

“But you can stay here, just like Zach. You do excellent work and you can have an amazing future here. You wouldn’t even just be staying for me. You’d be staying to make a name for yourself. I know you can. Just trust me Aaliyah.” Anthony made his way across the room and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in for a hug, but Aaliyah refused. She couldn’t even begin to figure out what the hell was going on—had he actually said “love?” She pushed him away and headed towards the back door.

“I’m sorry. I have to go, I can’t deal with this right now.” All the emotions coupled with her hangover wasn’t going to help anybody’s situation. She didn’t want to leave Anthony standing there, looking like a fool, but she needed to breathe. Things were just happening way too fast.


“SHUT UP!!! You slept together?!” Zach screamed. Aaliyah had invited him over a few days later to talk about the whole situation with her and Crystal.

“Would you shut yo’ damn mouth! I don’t need the whole fuckin’ world to hear you. Plus I don’t trust these other heffers. They in cahoots with Snooty Tits, and I really don’t need her on my case,” Aaliyah said.

“Sorry! Sorry, you’re right. I just—I cannot believe this! Tell me everything! How big is his dick? Did it feel better than black dick? I mean I love me some black dick, but I would so not mind taking it from Anthony.”

“Zach, you’re missing the whole point of this! It’s not about what happened that night, it’s about what’s going to happen in the future! What do you want to do Aaliyah?” Crystal asked. She held her friend's hand for support.

“I have no freaking clue. I’m at a loss. I like him. I like him a lot. But I feel like it was just all sexual tension. What if…What if there’s nothing more after that? What if he just wanted me for sex?”

“It doesn’t really sound like that’s the case, but even so, what’s so bad about getting it on with the boss?” Zach laughed.

Crystal sighed. “Zach, if she continues being with Anthony and if she gets promoted, then everyone will think it’s because she slept with the boss. They won’t think that she actually worked to get where she is.”

“That’s another reason why I’m afraid to stay. On top of that, I actually like living in Detroit. My family is there, my mom is there, my best friend is there. I have to finish my degree. There are things I want to do in life, and I don’t want to be tied down because of a man. No matter how good and rough the sex was.”

“Rough? How rough?” The sex details seemed to be all Zach was interested in.

“Why did I even invite you here?! I’m trying’ to figure out some real shit right now!”

“And you’re stressing over it way too much. I say just take it one day at a time. You still have a few months left in your internship. You can focus on work, focus of your love life, and straight up focus on what makes you happy. I’m trying to get you to lighten up and see that this isn’t as big as a deal as you’re making it out to be. It’ll be ok.”

“Yeah, we’ve got your back no matter what decision you make,” Crystal said with a smile.

Aaliyah couldn’t help but smile back. Her friends were right. She had to do what was best for her, even if that meant leaving Anthony behind.


“Hey Aaliyah, what’s up?” Anthony greeted her as she walked into his office.

“Do you have some time to talk?” she asked, sitting on the chair in front of his desk.

“Oh god, this sounds serious. This isn’t about the other night, is it?”

Aaliyah stood quiet.

“Oh it is….Well, tell me what’s on your mind, love.” He sat back in his desk chair and chewed on his pen.

“I just…I really don’t know what’s going on. Everything happened so fast. It’s just going crazy inside my head, you know? And with all of this stuff of you askin’ me to stay-”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, Aaliyah slow down. I didn’t ask you to stay. But I would be lying if I said I didn’t want you to stay. Look, I care about you, but I won’t be holding you back. I just know that you would really like it here, especially since you’re already doing such a great job. And I would love to come to the office everyday and see your gorgeous face first thing in the morning.”

“Don’t do that, Anthony. It just makes me—”

He got up and walked around his desk to sit on the front edge. “Baby…” he caressed her face gently and pulled her close for a kiss. “I care about you. And I care about your future. I want you to do what you think is best.”

“But don’t you understand?! Sometimes what I think is best involves you! And then you say things like that and kiss me…It makes my heart go wild! I can’t stand it anymore. I don’t know what to do!” she cried. Anthony wrapped his arms around her and held her close. “I’m so torn Anthony. I’m so torn.”

"It’s ok. Don’t think about it anymore. It's just you and me now. Relax." He edged himself closer to her, wrapping his hand around her thighs to push them apart. His hot breath clawed at her ear while his words sent shivers down her spine. "Will you let me help you take your mind off things?"

She didn’t want to admit that the only thing she wanted right now was for Anthony to love her. It would just add on more stress. But she couldn’t deny him either. She nodded against his shoulder and held onto him tightly.

His teeth were on her neck, suckling and biting gently. She was putty in his strong hands. Her neck was a weak spot, and she let out a moan. Her fingernails dug into the pant suit covering his thighs as she softly whimpered for more.

BOOK: URBAN: Chosen By A Kingpin
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