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Inferences Based on Contemporary Hunters and Gatherers ". World Archaeology 4 (1972), pp. 222-243, y comunicaciones personales.

Willian Langer, " Checks on Population Growth: 1750-1850 " Scientific American 226 (febrero 1972), pp. 94-99.

Biran Spooner, ed., Population Growth: Anthropological Implications. Cambridge: MIT Press (1972), especialmente pp. 370 y siguientes.

Algunas de las ideas contenidas en este capítulo se publicaron en mi columna de la revista Natural History en marzo de 1972.

El macho salvaje David Schneider y Kathleen Gouch, Matrilineal Kinship. Berkeley: University of California Press (1961).

Eleanor Burke Leacock, Introducction to Frederick Engels, The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State. Nueva York: Internacional Publishers (1972), pp. 7-67.

Marvin Harris, Culture, Man and Nature: An Introduction to General Anthropology. Nueva York: Thomas Y. Crowell (1971) [Traducción castellana de proxima aparición en Aliaza Editorial].

Ian Hogbin, The Island of Menstruating Men. San Francisco: Chandler (1970).

Napoleon A. Chagnon, Yanomamo: The Fierce People. Nueva York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston (1968).

Johannes Wilbert, Survivors of Eldorado. Nueva York: Praeger (1972).

Ettore Biocca, Yanoama: The Narrative of a White Girl Kidmapped by Amazonian Indians.

Nueva York: Dutton (1970).

Judith Shapiro, Sex Roles and Social Structure Among the Yanomamo Indians in North Brazi l. Columbia University Tesis Doctoral (1971).

Betty J. Meggers, Amazonia: Man and Culture in a Counterfeit Paradise. Chicago: Aldine (1971) [Hay traducción castellana: Amazonaia, hombre y cultura en un paraiso ilusorio, México, Siglo XXI].

Jane Ross y Eric Ross, manuscritos inéditos y comunicaciones personales. Algunas de las ideas contenidas en este capítulo fueron publicadas en mi columna de Natural History en mayo de 1972.

Potlatch Thorstein Veblen, The Theory of the Leisure Class. Nueva York: Modern Library (1934) (hay traducción castellana: Teoría de la clase ociosa, México, F.C.E.).

Franz Boas, " The Social Organization of the Kwakiutl ". American Anthropologist 22 (1920), pp. 111-126.

Ruth Bennedict, Patterns of Culture. Nueva York: Mentor (1946). [Hay traducción castellana: El hombre y la cultura, Buenos Aires, Sudamericana, 1967.] Douglas Oliver, A Solomon Islands Society. Cambridge: Harvard University Press (1955).

Ian Hogbin, A Guadalcanal Society: The Koaka Speakers. Nueva York: Holt Rinehart and Winston (1964); " Social Advancement in Guadalcanal ", Oceania 8 (1938).

Marshall Sahlins, " On the Sociology of Primitive Exchange ", in Michael Banton, ed., The Relevance of Models for Social Anthropology. Londres: Association of Social Anthropology Monographs 1 (1965), pp. 139-236 [hay traducción castellana: "Sobre la sociología del intercambio primitivo", incluida en Marshall Sahlins: La economía de la Edad de Piedra, Madrid, Akal].

Andrew P. Vayda, " A Re-Examination of Northwest Coast Economic Systems ".

Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences, serie II, 23 (1961), pp. 618-624.

Eduart Piddocke, " The Potlatch System of the Southern Kwakiutl: A New Perspective ", en Andrew P. Vayda, ed, Environment an Cultural Behavior. Garden City, N. J. Natural History Press (1969), pp. 130-156.

Ronald P. Rohner y Evelyn C. Rohner, The Kwakiult: Indians of British Columbia. Nueva York: Holt, Rinehart an Winston (1970).

Helen Codere, Fighting with Propery: Study of Kwakiutl Potlaches and Warfare.

Monografía de la American Ethnological Society, 18 (1950).

Robert K. Dentan, The Semai: A Nono-violent People of Malaya. Nueva York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston (1968).

Richard Lee, " Eating Christmas in the Kalahari ". Natural History, diciembre 1960, pp. 14 y siguientes.

Marshall Sahlins, Tribesmen. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice Hall (1968) [Hay traducción castellana: Las sociedades tribales, Madrid, Labor].

David Damas, " Central Esimo Systems of Food Sharing ". Ethnology II (1972), pp. 220-239.

Richard Lee, " Kung Bushman Subsistence: An Input-Output Analysis ", en Andrew P.

Vayda, ed., op. cit. (1969), pp. 47-79.

Morton Fried, The Evolution of Political Society. Nueva York: Random House (1967).

El "cargo" fantasma Ronald Berndt, " Reaction to Contac in the Eastern Highlands of New Guinea ". Oceanía 23 (1952), pp. 190-228, 255-274.

Peter Worslex, The Trumpet Shall Sound; A Study of "Cargo" Cults in Melanesia. Nueva York: Schocken Books (1968) [edición castellana en prensa: La trompeta sonará. Un estudio de los cultos "cargo" en Melanesia, Siglo XXI].

Pacific Islands Monthly, julio 1970-abril 1972.

Jean Guiart, " John Frum Movement in Tana ". Oceania 22 (1951), pp. 165-175.

" On a Pacific Island, The Wait for the G. I. Who Became a God ". The New York Times, abril 12, 1970.

Palle Christiansen, The Melanesian Cargo Cult: Millenarianism as a Factor in Cultural Change. Copenhagen: Akademish Forlag (1969).

Peter Lawrence, Road Belong Cargo. Manchester: Manchester University Press (1964).

Glyn Cochrane, Big Men and Cargo Cults, Oxford: Clarendon Press (1970).

Vittorio Lanternari, The Religions of the Oppressed. Nueva York: Knopf (1963).

E. J. Hobsbawm, Primitive Rebels. Nueva York: W. W. Norton (1965). [Hay traducción castellana: Rebeldes primitivos. Barcelona, Ariel.] Ronald M. Berndt y Peter Lawrence, eds., Politics in New Guinea. Nedlands: University of Western Australia Press (1971).

Sylvia Thrupp, ed., Millennial Dreams in Action. La Haya. Mouton and Co. (1962).

Mesías Wilson D. Wallace, Messiahs: Their Role in Civilization. Washington, D. C.: American Council on Public Affairs (1943).

—The Holy Bible: Scofield Reference Bible. Nueva York: Oxford University Press (1945).

Salo W. Baron, A Social and Religious History of the Jews, segunda edición, revisada y aumentada. 14 vols. Nueva York: Columbia University Press.

The Jewish Encyclopedia.

Flavius Josephus, The Jewish War, traducción de G. A. Williamson. Baltimore: Penguin Books (1970); Jewish Antiquities, traducción de H. St. John Thackeray. 6 vols. Londres:

Heinemann (1926).

Morton Smith, " Zealots and Sicarii: Their Origins and Relations ". Harvard Theological Review 64 (1971), pp. 1-19.

William R. Farmer, Maccabees, Zealots an Josephus. Nueva York: Columbia University Press (1956).

Robert Grant, A Historical Introduction to the New Testament. Nueva York: Harper and Row (1963).

Erich Fromm, The Dogma of Christ: And Other Essays. Garden City. N. J.: Anchor paperback (1966).

Mikhail Rostovtsev, The Social and Economic History of the Roman Empire. 2 vols.

Oxford: Clarendon Press (1957).

Michael E. Stone " Judaism at the Time of Christ ". Scientific American, January 1973, pp. 80-87.

El secreto del Principe de la Paz Robert M. Grant, A Historical Introduction to the New Testament. Nueva York. Harper and Row (1963); Religion in Ancient History. Nueva Yor. Scribner (1969).

Rudolf Bultman, Primitive Christianity in Its Contemporary Setting. Nueva York: World Publishing Co. (1966).

Albert Schweitzer, The Quest of the Historical Jesus. Nueva York: Macmillan (1964).

El Canto de Victoria es de George R. Edwards, Jesus and the Politics of Violence. Nueva York: Harper and Row (1972).

Oscar Cullmann, State in the New Testament. Nueva York; Harper and Row (1956); Jesus and the Revolutionaries. Nueva York: Harper and Row (1970).

S. G. F. Brandon, Jesus and the Zealots: A Study of the Political Factor in Primitive Christianity. Nueva York: Scribner (1968): The Trial of Jesus of Nazareth. Londres: B. T.

Batsford (1968).

Samuel Sandmel. The First Christian Century in Judaism and Christianity. Nueva York:

Oxford University Press (1969).

Robert Grant. Augustus to Constantine: The Thrust of the Christian Movement into the Roma World. Nueva York: Harper and Row (1970).

Escobas y aquelarres H. R. Trevor-Roper, The European Witch Craze of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries and Other Essays. Nueva York; Harper and Row (1969).

Henry C. Lea, Materials Toward a History of Witchcraft, 3 vols. Filadelfia: University of Pennsylvania Press (1939).

H. J. Warner, The Albigensian Heresy. Nueva York: Russell an Russell (1967).

Jeffrey B. Russell, Witchcraft in the Middle Ages. Ithaca: Cornell University Press (1972).

H. Institor y J. Sprenger, Malleus Maleficarum, traducción del Rev. Montagne Summers.

Londres; Pushkin Press.

Michael Harner, " The Role of Hallucinogenic Plants in European Witchcraft ", en Michael Harner, ed, Hallucinogens and Shamanism. Nueva York: Oxford University Press (1972), pp. 127-150; The Havro: People of the Sacred Waterfalls. Nueva York; Doubleday (1972).

Peter Furst, Flesh of the Gods. Nueva York; Praeger (1972).

Julio C. Baroja, The World of the Witches. Chicago; University of Chicago Press (1964)

[edición castellana original: Las brujas y su mundo. Madrid, Alianza editorial].

La gran locura de las brujas Norman Cohn, The Pursuit of the Millennium. Nueva York: Harper Torchbooks (1961).

[Hay traducción castellana: En pos del milenio. Barcelona, Barral.] Gordon Leff, Heresy in the Later Middle Ages. 2 vols. Nueva York, Barner amp; Noble (1967).

John Moorman, A. History of the Franciscan Order. Oxford: Clarendon Press (1968).

Jeffrey B. Russell, Witchcraft in the Middle Ages. Ithaca: Cornell University Press (1972).

H. C. Erik Midelport, Witch Hunting in Soutbwestern Germany. Stanford: Stanford University Press (1972).

El retorno de las brujas Philip K. Bock, Modern Cultural Anthropology, segunda edición. Nueva York: Alfred Knopf (1974).

Theodore Roszak, The Making of a Counter Culture: Reflections on the Technocratic Society an Its Youthful Opposition. Garden City: Anchor (1969) [Hay traducción castellana:

El nacimiento de una contracultura, Barcelona, Kairos].

Charles A. Reich, The Greening of America. Nueva York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (1968).

Carlos Castaneda, The Teachings of Don Juan. Berkeley: University of California Press (1968); A Separate Reality, Simon an Schuster (1970); Journey to Ixtlan. Simon and Schuster (1972) [hay traducción castellana de las tres obras: Las enseñanzas de don Juan; una realidad aparte; Viaje a Ixtlán, México, F.C.E.].

Paul Reisman, " The Collaboration of Two Men and a Plant ". The New York Times, octubre 22, 1972.

Michael Harner, " The Role of Hallucinogenic Plants in European Witchcraft ", en Michael Harner, ed., op. cit. (1972).

—"Don Juan and the Sorcerer's Apprentice ", Time magazine, marzo 5, 1973, pp. 36-45.

Philip Nobile, ed., The Con III Controversy: The Critics Look at the Greening of America.

Nueva York: Pocket Books (1971).

Martin Schiff, " Neo-trascendentalism in the New left Counter Culture: A Vision of the Future Looking Back ". Comparative Studies in Society an History 15 (1973), pp. 130-142.

Roberta Ash, Social Movements in America. Chicago: Markham (1972).

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