Vagina (54 page)

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Authors: Naomi Wolf

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biofeedback, 281
biological consciousness, 7
birth control.
Blackledge, Catherine, 2
Blank, Joani, 183
bliss, 8–9, 61, 263, 264
Block, Melissa, 46
Blucher, Ernst, 43–44
blues music, 168–76
body odors, male, 289–97
boredom, 318–20
Brady, Sally Ryder, 289
Brain in Love, The
(Amen), 69–70, 297
brain science, 5, 8, 58–60, 68–70, 195, 207, 257, 271, 283–86, 289–90, 297–98
Brain That Changes Itself, The
(Doidge), 223
brain-vagina connection, 2–5, 37–39, 47–48, 113–14.
See also
autonomic nervous system
dopamine and, 55–60
rape and, 96–103
Braun, Gustav, 141
breast nipples, 32, 34, 241, 257, 320–21
breathing exercises, 260–61
Briggs, Jimmie, 92, 112
Brizendine, Louann, 277–78, 300
Brody, Stuart, 309
Brontë, Charlotte, 45, 72, 153–54, 285, 315
Brontë, Emily, 315
Brown, Isaac Baker, 147
Brown, Ruth, 175
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 45, 162
Brownmiller, Susan, 89
Buckingham, Marcus, 238–39
Buss, David, 322, 324
Butler, Josephine, 151
Byatt, A. S., 42
Byford, W. H., 145


Cadmus, 129
Cakuls, Katrine, 100–101, 194
Caldwell, Christina, 196
Cambridge Women’s Pornography Collective, 312–13
candles, 277–83
Canterbury Tales, The
(Chaucer), 133
Carter, Bo, 173
castration anxiety, 156, 169
catecholamines, 34, 103, 192–95, 303
Celts, 128
cervix, 16, 23, 37, 68–70
mouth of the, 18, 67–68, 78
Chalice and the Blade, The
(Eisler), 125–26
chastity belts, 133, 134
chattiness, 14, 61–62
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 133
Chen, Denise, 289–90
Chicago, Judy, 179
childbirth, 24, 31–33
Chitrini-Yoni, 207
Chittenden, Maurice, 303–4
Chopin, Kate, 41, 44, 155, 285
Christianity, 128, 130–33
chronic health problems, and sexual assault, 98–106
Church Fathers, 131–33
Civilization and Its Discontents
(Freud), 8
Cleland, John, 143, 230–31
cliterodectomy, 114–15, 147
clitoral orgasm, 77–79, 280–82
role of neural wiring, 18–19
clitoris, 22–25, 28–29, 38, 48–49, 67–68
in history, 134, 139–40, 142, 145, 147, 156–57, 164–65, 168–69, 170, 176–78
sacred spot massage, 249, 251–54, 308–9
slang terms for, 160, 168–69, 170, 212
vagina dualism, 78–79, 156–57, 176–77
Coady, Deborah, 15–16, 18, 100, 105–6, 107, 111, 114, 252, 310
cocaine, 61
Cole, Jeffrey, 16–20
Columbus, Renaldus, 140
Comfort, Alex, 177, 181–82
communication, 34–35, 299–302
Compass of Pleasure, The
(Linden), 58, 62
condoms, 163, 322–25
dopamine and, 56–59, 61, 64
sex and creativity, 47–54
consciousness, female, 6–10.
See also
Goddess, the
Contagious Diseases Acts, 143, 150–51
contraception, 163, 291
conversion gait disorders, 95–98
Coolidge effect, 222
Corinne, Tee, 183
corsets, 149
cortisol, 99, 102, 104, 190
Council of Chalcedon, 132
Cowper, William, 140
confidence, sex and, 49–54
role of sexual awakening in, 41–46
vaginal injury and loss of, 112–13
cucumbers, 290
cuddling, 293
cultural meaning and representations of vagina, 125–84.
See also
naming the vagina
in ancient history, 125–30
in early Judeo-Christianity, 130–34
in Elizabethan Age, 134–40
in Islam, 241–43
in Modernism, 159–84
in Second Wave feminism, 176–82
in Victorianism, 141–57
cunnilingus, 160, 198
133, 135–36, 137, 195–98
Cunt: A Declaration of Independence
(Muscio), 184
“cuntini,” 199–200
Cupid’s Poisoned Arrow
(Robinson), 223, 224


Dalai Lama, 8, 9
dancing, 292–93
dangerous men, 314–18
Dark Ages, 132–33
“date nights,” 282–83
date rape, 105, 151–52, 189
Dawkins, Richard, 317
decadence, 155
de Contrecoeur, Claude, 58–59
degenerative spinal disease, 16–17
Degler, Carl, 146
De Gourmont, Remy, 163
degradation, 142, 143, 183, 222, 226
dehabituation programs, 224–26
Delta of Venus
(Nin), 78, 165–66
Demeter, 129
Democratic Republic of the Congo, 91–92
depression, 38, 57, 59, 107–10, 122
desensitization, 117–18, 217, 220, 221, 226–29, 254
desire, female, 5.
See also
arousal, female
epidemic of low, 80–84, 340
in history and literature, 42, 129–31, 142, 151–55, 169, 171, 173–74, 175, 180, 183, 240
Pfaus’s rat study on, 64–67, 296, 326–27
desire, male, and aggression, 183, 226–27
detach response, 121
diaphragms, 163
Dinner Party, The
(Chicago), 179
Dobson, Roger, 303–4
Dodson, Betty, 178, 237–38
Doidge, Norman, 223
Donne, John, 138–39
“Don’t You Feel My Leg” (song), 173–74
dopamine, 37, 55–62, 284–85
activation and, 29, 30, 55, 56–57, 59, 62, 223
pornography and, 219–20, 222–23
Drohojowska-Philp, Hunter, 161
dual heroes, 314–20
Dworkin, Andrea, 183, 212, 226


Eastern traditions.
Tantra; Taoism
Eberhardt, Isabelle, 55
Egerton, George, 155
ancient mythology, 126–27, 197
Arab Spring, 200–201
Egyptiana, 162
Eisler, Riane, 125–26
ejaculation, female, 177, 180, 240, 250, 257, 280–82
ejaculation, male, 116, 218–20, 265, 322–25
“Elegy XIX” (Donne), 138–39
Eliot, George, 42, 45, 72, 152–53, 285
Eliot, T. S., 164
Elizabethan Age, 134–38, 206
Ellis, Havelock, 156
Emotional Intelligence
(Goleman), 8, 301–2
endothelial NOS (eNOS), 191–93
Ensler, Eve, 183–84
environmental setting, for lovemaking, 277–83
episiotomy, 24
erectile dysfunction, 218–25, 227–28
erotica, 180, 229, 316
Victorian, 230–32
estrogen, 58, 322
Evans, Arthur, 126
Eve, 127
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex
(Reuben), 181–82
evolution, 31, 69, 273–74, 306–7, 311–12, 315–16, 317
existential despair, and vulvodynia, 107–15
expressive aphasia, 99
eye-to-eye gazing, 297–99


Facebook questionnaire, 51–52
Fanny Hill
(Cleland), 143, 230
Farrow, Caroline, 201
Fear of Flying
(Jong), 178–79
Female Brain, The
(Brizendine), 277–78
Female Eunuch, The
(Greer), 178
(Blank), 183
Feminine Mystique, The
(Friedan), 176
feminism (feminists), 61, 125–26, 151, 176–82, 237–39.
See also
Second Wave feminism;
specific feminists
Masters and Johnson and, 77
rape and, 89, 92–93, 184
Ferrari, Nick, 196
fertility, 293–96
fertility figurines, 125–26
Few Figs from Thistles,
A (Millay), 162
Fifty Shades of Grey
(James), 316
“fight or flight” response, 34, 120–22, 302
Fish, Nancy, 107–14, 310
Fisher, Helen, 58, 69, 222, 273–74, 315–16, 317, 322, 357
Flannery, Jane, 159
flowers, 277–83
foreplay, 35–36, 77–78, 240–41
Foucault, Michel, 141
Freud, Sigmund, 8, 89, 129, 156–57, 164, 169, 176–77
Friday, Nancy, 316
Friedan, Betty, 176
Frigidity in Woman
(Stekels), 156–57
Fuller, Loie, 160–61, 180
Fullerton, Morton, 44–45, 63, 286–87
Functions and Disorders of the Reproductive Organs
(Acton), 144, 146
Futures Without Violence, 100


Galen, 130, 133
Gansler, Laura Leedy, 188
Garelick, Rhonda, 161
Gaskin, Ina May, 32
gaze (gazing), 297–99
gender differences, 69–71
ANS and, 34–35
dopamine and, 60–61
pelvic nerve and, 23–24, 114, 194–95
verbal processing and, 300
Geography of Thought, The
(Nisbett), 206
Georgiadis, Janniko, 8, 30, 284–85, 288, 313
Germ, The
(magazine), 154
goal-oriented model of sex, 24, 35, 36, 79, 215
“Goblin Market” (Rossetti), 42–43, 285
Goddess, the, 6–10
addressing woman as, 312–14
reclaiming the, 329–33
Goddess Array, 75–76, 239, 272–328
ANS and, 28, 75, 215
being boring or scary, 314–20
dimming the lights and relaxing her, 277–83
ejaculation, 322–25
finding her “sacred spot,” 307–11
gazing into her eyes, 297–99
helping her go into an orgasmic trance state, 283–88
hugging and cuddling her, 289–97
ignoring at your own peril, 325–27

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