Vampire Romance: Vampire Preference (paranormal shifter romance) (New adult vampire shapeshifter short stories comedy) (2 page)

BOOK: Vampire Romance: Vampire Preference (paranormal shifter romance) (New adult vampire shapeshifter short stories comedy)
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“No Sammy. You’ve seen me
during the day and if I could change into a bat I wouldn’t be a vampire. I
would be a shapeshifter, but that is a whole different story for another time.
I  will prove  to you that I am a vampire.”

“Bullshit,” she looked at him
smiling, but the smile faded when she saw for sure that he wasn’t joking.

“I’m not kidding Sammy. I
wanted to tell you from the beginning, but I was afraid of how you would
receive the news.”

“It’s not something you hear
every day from a normal human, but for some reason I think that I believe what
you are telling me.”

Tomas took her by the hand. He
was tempted to use his persuasion on her, but he refused to do so when he was
picking a bride. “I believe it because it is true my dear.”

“Can you prove it?” She watched
him smugly. “Can you prove that you’re a vampire like you say you are?”

“Of course, but not here in
this crowded restaurant. People will go crazy if I show you.”

“Okay where then?”

“The park sounds like a good
place. Somewhere there are people close, but not close enough to see me too
well. How does that sound Sam?”

“Okay. Let’s go.” She downed
the rest of her wine in a single gulp and motioned to the waiter that they were
done. Tomas paid for the meal as he had for every meal they had eaten together
despite Sammy’s protest that she could pay for her own meals.

They walked to the park at a
quick pace with Sammy a little in the lead. Tomas had hoped that this would
have gone over better, but so far it wasn’t going as bad as it had gone in the
past. She wouldn’t hold hands with him or allow him to hold her arm to escort
her. They reached the park in a few minutes as they had only been a few blocks
away. Sammy chose a secluded bench where there was little foot traffic and sat
down with her arms crossed.

“Okay Tomas. Let’s see this
vampire thing.”

“Alright Sammy, but first you
have to listen and promise me something. Will you?”

“What is it?”

“Just know that I never meant
to hurt you and I would never do so. Not ever. And you have to promise me that
after I show you what I am you won’t freak out and leave, but you will stay and
at least hear what I have to say.”

“Alright,” she huffed angrily,
but he could see that she was curious and he didn’t need to be able to read
minds to tell. “Alright I won’t freak out. I promise, but you have to make me a
promise too. Promise that you won’t kill me and drink my blood.”

“I promise Sammy. Never would I
do something like that and hurt you. You simply mean too much to me. Alright
here goes.”

Tomas took a step back and
leaned forward so she could see his teeth clearly. He pushed and the canines
extended to a massive three inches in an instant. She jumped, but kept to her
word and stayed on the bench. He retracted his teeth, smiled at her, and
motioned for her to wait for a second. He pointed at a tree across the park and
then turned back.

“I will cover that distance in
what seems to you like the blink of an eye. Maybe less. Do not blink or you
will miss it.”

She laughed, but she stared at
him closely. With his strength summoned he took off like a flash for the tree
he designated. In the blink of an eye he was there and back. Sammy jerked back
on the bench as he slid to a halt in front of her.

“Do you believe me now?”

“Yes . . . I do.” She didn’t
seem to be scared -only nervous and confused. “But I don’t understand why you
would tell me this.”

“It is simple Sam. I would like
you to become my bride.”

“What? Your bride,” she looked
at him, brows furrowed, “I don’t understand.”

“Every five hundred years a
vampire male must pick a bride from the current homo sapiens. I have chosen you
if you will have me, but if not I will move on and try to find another. Some
chose to force the women into loving them. I could do that, but I want a bride
who will love me for who and what I am without coercion.”

“Why ever five hundred years?
Do you get divorced after that or do you still have all those wives assuming
you’ve been around awhile?”

Here goes the plunge, he
thought. “Female vampires are not immortal as their male counterparts are. They
only have a life span of five hundred years. During that time they give birth
to one male vampire child. No more.”

“But I thought vampires lived

“Only the males.”

Sammy put her hands to her
mouth and stared into the night. She couldn’t believe what she had seen and
heard. On one hand she did like the man, no, the vampire in front of her, but
on the other hand this whole supernatural business freaked her out to no end.
Are you even considering this, she asked herself?

“Yes,” she spoke the words out
loud before she realized that she had.

“Yes, what?” Tomas asked.

Was I talking to myself or
telling him I would be his bride, she wondered. She sat in silence for a long
time before she answered him. Tomas held out his hand. She took it and looked
him in the eyes long and hard. All she could see there was kindness and love
for her. That made up her mind.

“Okay. I will be your bride
Tomas.” She felt great after she said it. Better, in fact, than she thought she
would have.

“Oh Sam. You have made me so
happy. Do you want some time or would you like to o the ceremony tonight?”

“What is the ceremony?”

“Nothing official. I will turn
you and then we will make love to finalize the bond. Whomever a vampire sleeps
with after she is turned will be the one she is bonded to until she dies.”

“There is one thing I want to
do first.” She stood beside him and took his arm.

“What is that dear?”

“I want to make love one last
time as a human before I become a. . . a vampire.”

“I think that can be arranged.”
He smiled and led her out of the park.

One thirty minute cab ride
later and they were in the apartment that Tomas used when he was in the city
for business or sometimes to just get away. He left her on the couch and went
to the kitchen to fetch a bottle of wine and two glasses. Sammy looked around
the lavishly decorated apartment and decided that she could quickly get used to
living like this. Tomas reappeared with a thousand-dollar bottle of wine and
two glasses.

As they drank the wine and
listened to some oldies on the cd player, the oldies were another thing that
they had in common, they talked of small things. Sammy had slept with men
before, but all of those had been one night stands and none of them had been
particularly pleasant. Fifteen minutes or less of some sweaty guy pumping on
top of her as she laid there and tried to make the noises he wanted to hear
until he finished.

Tomas set his glass down and
took Sammy by the hand. She could feel her heart as it beat like a drum in her
chest and wondered if his supersensitive hearing could pick it up. She decided
it probably could. It may have been the wine, but she had never really noticed
before how kissable his lips looked in the moonlight. She leaned into him and
they kissed. Sensation exploded in her mind. Kissing those other guys had been
nothing like this. This was soft and sensual- not hard and forced like before.

Her hands made their way to his
chest and felt the defined muscles of his abdomen. She had never seen him with
his shirt off, but by the way his stomach felt she could tell that he was
ripped. One of his hands caressed her breast and she moaned. She pulled away
and tore his shirt off exposing his highly defined torso. She stared at him for
a moment.

Tomas took this chance to slip
her dress over her head and bare her small perky breasts. Her nipples were
already erect and ready for his mouth as he took one in and worked his tongue
in circles. She moaned in pleasure as she ran her fingers through his hair. He
kissed her down along the curve of her breast and along the line of her stomach
to her bellybutton. With his teeth he took her panties and tore them off in one
go. Her hips bucked forward as the cotton tore lose. Unable to wait any longer,
she pushed him back and went to work on his pants.

She could see the hard length
of him pressed up against the fabric as she worked to undo his belt. She worked
the zipper slowly down and then he was free. She was surprised by the size of
him. None of the men she had been with had been anywhere near this large and it
intimidated her a little, but she was too turned on to go back now. She took
him in her mouth and relished the sound he made as he hissed loudly through
clenched teeth. She worked on him for sometime before he pulled her up and
lifted her with one arm.

He carried her into the bedroom,
but instead of placing her on the bed he placed her up against the wall and
lifted her onto his shoulders. She moaned loudly and barely suppressed a cry of
pleasure as he used his tongue on her. She shook as the orgasm rocked her body.
She only thought she had orgasmed before. This made her body quake as it
coursed through her. Another one followed the first in quick succession and he
pulled back.

Tomas lowered her from his
shoulders and let her slide down the wall. She felt his hardness as he slid
into her and then they were one together. She let him do most of the work at
first, but she soon found the rhythm and began to move with him. In her mind
she thought that it would be even better if they could go faster and to her
surprise he sped up his rhythmic thrusts. The came together as he lifted her
from the wall and finished in the center of the room. As the orgasm took her,
she dug her nails into his back and screamed in ecstacy. He tilted his head
back and moaned loudly. She panted like she had just run a marathon as he
gently laid her on the bed, but he barely showed a bead of sweat on his perfect
body. He grinned down at her and laid next to her on the bed. When she got her
breath back she looked and him and smiled broadly.

“Will it be better when you
turn me?”

“Much,” he grinned again. “Sorry
I read your mind, but when I’m in a heightened state of emotion like that I
can’t help but touch people’s minds. Even if I don’t want to.”

“I’m glad you did,” she ran a
finger along one of his chiseled pecks. “That made it all the better. Will I be
able to read minds too?”

“After some practice yes. Would
you like something to drink?”

“Yes, but not the wine. My head
is spinning enough as is. Maybe just a glass of water.”

“Coming up,” Tomas got off the
bed and Sammy saw the small trickles of blood that ran down his back.

“Oh Tomas,” she set up on the
bed and covered her mouth with her hands.

“What is it?” he whirled around
on the balls of his feet. His muscles tensed and became ready for action, “what’s

“Your back. I hurt your back.”

He reached around and ran a
hand along his back. It came back with some blood on it and he laughed. “Sam,
don’t worry.” He walked over and knelt in front of her. “I’m a vampire.
Remember? Immortal and all that good stuff. I’ll be healed by the time I get
back from the kitchen. Just wait and see.”

When he returned, he got a
towel from the bathroom and made her wipe off the blood so she would see that
he was unharmed. She wiped the blood away and sure enough there wasn’t a trace
of the wounds that caused it. No scars. No open wounds. No dimples in the skin.
Nothing. She felt better, but she was still sorry that she had caused it.

“Don’t apologize Sam,” he put a
finger under her chin and lifter her head so she would look him in the eyes. “I
like a little pain.”


“You will too. Trust me.”

“When do we do the ceremony?”
she asked in a small voice.

“Whenever you are ready.” He
took a long swallow of his water. “In the meantime why don’t you get some rest.
I’ll sleep on the couch.”

“Nonsense. You’ll sleep in here
with me silly. It’s not like you’ll bite or will you?” She tried to make a
joke, but it only came out forced and stupid. Tomas laughed anyway and gave her
a hug.

“Only if you want me to.”

Sammy lay down beside Tomas in
the bed and almost immediately he was asleep. She could hear the regularity of
his breathing and his soft snores. She stared up at the ceiling for a long time
and thought about what he had asked her. She wondered if she was actually ready
to make that kind of commitment. Yeah it would be cool to live for five hundred
years, but on the other hand you would have to watch all of those you loved die
around you while you stayed young and supple, she thought. Then she realized
that Tomas had been around for thousands of years if not more. How many brides
had he watched grow old and die? How many women had he made love to the same
way he had made love to her tonight only to have what seemed to him like a few
happy years together and then have to watch them die? How many? Too many, but
there must be something that made him do it over and over again. The thrill of
new love? She didn’t know, but as she looked at the man, no, vampire sleeping
next to her she knew one thing. She loved him. Of that she was sure, but did
she love him enough to change her life as she knew it forever? She had never
been religious, so that didn’t really have an effect. Somewhere deep down she
was sure that she wanted to be his bride until her death, but right now that
somewhere down deep seemed far away and distant. The sun had just begun to peek
over the horizon when she finally drifted off to a fitful sleep.

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