Van, Becca - Help Me Fly Again (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (3 page)

BOOK: Van, Becca - Help Me Fly Again (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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The mountain Dreab had indicated was his and Erup’s home came closer into view, and Sandi had a horrifying image flit through her mind of them crashing into the mountain side. There didn’t seem to be anywhere for them to land, and she hoped they didn’t need as much space for the landing as they did for takeoff. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes again. She was being a coward, but she couldn’t watch.

Sandi felt and heard the flap of Dreab’s wings as the breeze began to diminish with their speed. She took a deep breath and held it until the flapping noise of Dreab’s wings ceased. She opened her eyes and looked up at Dreab to find him smiling down at her.

“You are safe, Sandi Tyler. We are on the ground once more,” Dreab said as he retracted his wings.

Sandi looked around, noticing they had landed on a large, rocky outcrop on the side of the mountain. She turned her head toward the sound of more flapping wings and watched in awe as Erup landed with ease on the outcrop not far from them. She watched as he retracted his wings until they disappeared from view. Her knees were trembling from her exciting flight, and she was feeling rather unsteady.

“Does that hurt?” Sandi asked Erup.

“Does what hurt?” Erup asked.

“Does it hurt when you fold your wings up and then hide them away?”

“No. Not at all,” he replied with a smile.

Erup and Dreab both held out a large palm to her. She took their hands, feeling so small and fragile as their flesh engulfed hers. They were so tall and muscular, and they made her feel feminine for the first time in her life. They led her behind a huge boulder, which was concealing a cave opening in the side of the mountain, then led her down a long, dark tunnel.

Chapter Two

Sandi was walking blind once they moved away from the entrance to the tunnel. It took a while for her eyes to adjust to the dark after being in the bright sunlight, but she still wasn’t able to see much. She could just make out dark shapes and where the walls of the tunnels were. She couldn’t see the ceiling and wondered how far up the roof of rock was.

“How do you know where you are going? It’s so dark in here.”

“We have very good dark vision. We can see almost as good at sundown as we do when it is light,” Erup said.

“When do we reach your home?”

“Not much farther. Are you hungry or thirsty, Sandi?” Dreab asked.

“I could definitely use a drink, but I bet you don’t have any alcohol, do you? What I’d give right now for a shot of whiskey,” Sandi muttered to herself.

“What is whis-kay?” Erup asked.

Sandi nearly giggled when Erup had trouble wrapping his tongue around the word.

“Never mind. Oh, wow. This is absolutely beautiful,” Sandi said as a massive cavern came into view. She stopped and stared around her in awe. The sight of the large cavern took her breath away. There were large stalactites coming down from the ceiling of the cave, as well as stalagmites formed on the cave floor. They sparkled in the surreal, blue-tinted light from glowing gems embedded in the cave walls, floor, and ceiling. There were large rock houses strewn throughout the cavern with holes in the walls for windows. She could hear water running nearby and dripping from the lime pillars. It was a spectacular sight.

“How many people are in your clan?” Sandi asked as they began to pull her along once more.

“There are around five thousand to our clan. We have close to four thousand males and just over twelve hundred females. Our female population is diminishing rapidly, and we don’t know why. Most of the younglings born to our females are males,” Dreab stated.

“Do your males mate with members of your clan, or are they from other clans?” Sandi asked curiously. If they were mating with their own clan members, their genetics would be altered significantly with each child born.

“No, we would never mate within our own clan. Our males always mate with females from other clans,” Erup replied.

Sandi stopped with Dreab and Erup as the people of the Reap Clan turned toward them, staring at her intently. Sandi was feeling rather uncomfortable as the people surrounded them. She knew she was dressed way differently than these people were and a lot smaller than them in size, but she didn’t think she looked that different. As her eyes wandered over the gathering crowd, she noticed they all had blond hair and blue eyes. Their features were different, thank goodness, so she would be able to tell one person from the next.

Sandi could see a few females and noticed they only wore short hide skirts and moccasins similar to the men. Their chests were bare, leaving their breasts naked, but since it seemed to be the norm for them, it didn’t seem to bother them at all. The females of the clan were nearly as tall as the men, which made Sandi feel like a child with her short stature. There was nothing she could do about it, so she pushed the thought to the back of her mind.

Dreab held up one of his hands and waited for the crowd to quiet down. Once everyone was silent, he began to speak.

“Everybody, this is Sandi Tyler. She crashed on our planet not long ago, and we have brought her to our home to keep her safe from the Redloh Clan and the wild beasts that roam at night. I ask you to help protect her and treat her like a member of this clan.

“If you have any problems with our decision as your leaders, I would expect you to voice them at our clan meetings. I don’t want to hear of anyone treating Sandi with any disrespect. Is that understood?” Erup stated quietly but succinctly. “Come, Sandi. We will take you to our home.” Dreab pulled Sandi along, his brother once more taking her other hand.

Sandi looked around as they entered Erup and Dreab’s home. It looked like they had entered the living room, straight off the doorway. The walls and floor were all made out of rock, but their furniture was made from timber. The furniture was sparse but looked cozy enough, covered with animal skins for comfort. She could hear water running and wondered where it was coming from. All in all, it was rather primitive but functional. There were other doorways off the large room, which she presumed were the kitchen, bedrooms, and bathroom. At least she hoped one of them was a bathroom. She couldn’t very well see herself asking one of her two hosts to fly her down amongst the trees for a few minutes of privacy.

“Please, look around, Sandi, and I will get you something to drink,” Erup suggested.

Sandi took him at his word and looked into room after room, taking in the basic functionality of their home. There was a huge bed in one room, again made from timber and covered with animal skins. They must have been cured properly, as there was no smell coming from the skins. Her nose was very thankful. She found the room with the running water. There was a hole in the ceiling with a stream of steaming water flowing constantly down into a large pool below. There was a stone-looking seat off to the other side of the room with a basic wooden gutter running along the wall above and a bucket with braided vines for a pull string. She walked over to the seat and discovered a deep, dark hole below. She realized she was looking at a very rudimentary and rough version of a toilet.

Sandi followed the sound of deep, masculine voices until she stood in the doorway to a kitchen. On the far wall was a fire pit in which glowing embers were smoldering, and she presumed it was their stove. There was a large stone bench along another wall, and above the bench were stone shelves filled with wooden bowls and utensils. She felt as if she had gone back to the dark ages. Sandi didn’t know how she was going to survive on this planet without any of her modern conveniences and technology. She watched as Dreab pulled on a braided rope, which opened a stone cupboard to reveal a hide-covered skin. He removed the skin from the recess, and she saw it move and knew it was filled with liquid. He pulled the wooden stopper from the bladder and poured red liquid into three small bowls.

Sandi looked at Erup as he turned toward her and smiled. He picked up two of the bowls and moved to her, and she stepped back away from the doorway to let him pass.

“What do you think of our home, Sandi?” he asked as he led the way to the living room and placed the small bowls on the wooden table, near what she ascertained to be a sofa.

“It’s very nice,” Sandi replied, not wanting to hurt Erup’s feelings by saying how basic everything was. She was just happy they actually had a house and furniture rather than just a cave.

“Please have a drink.” Erup indicated the small bowls on the table.

Sandi picked up one of the bowls and sniffed the contents. The fruity smell reminded her of some type of berry juice, and she was so thirsty she forgot to be cautious. She downed the contents and licked her lips, removing any drops left behind. Had she realized she was drinking some sort of potent alcohol, she would have taken her time sipping the beverage. She felt warmth and lethargy travel through her system as she looked up through blurry eyes to see Dreab entering the living room.

“Do you like our Liquid Fire drink, Sandi?” Dreab asked as she looked at him.

“Very nice,” Sandi replied, slurring her words.

“I see Erup forgot to warn you of the potency of the drink. Did you drink it all at once?”

“Yes,” Sandi answered, then giggled.

“I think you should lie down until the effects of the Liquid Fire have worn off. Erup, why don’t you help Sandi to the bed, so she can lie down?”

“No. I’m fine,” Sandi replied, not wanting to show any form of weakness in front of the two handsome men. She studied their faces and sighed over how good looking they were. They both had strong, square jawlines and cheekbones. Dreab had a small indent in his chin that Erup didn’t have, but she could see that Erup had dimples, as he was smiling at her. She glanced to Dreab and saw he was smiling in her direction, as well. Even their smiles were different. Erup smiled with his whole face. His eyes lit up and seemed to have an inner glow, whereas Dreab had a quirky half-smile, which made his mouth look crooked as only one side of his lip tilted up. They both oozed testosterone, which enhanced their sexuality and masculinity.

Sandi squirmed as she felt her cunt clench and release with desire. She was surprised that the sight of the two male aliens could turn her on. She had worked with a lot of men in her life and had never once been interested in any of them sexually. To find herself horny because of two men who to her were aliens, let alone one, was just too much. Maybe she was having a strange reaction to the fire-berry stuff. No, that wasn’t the reason. Alcohol had never affected her that way before. In fact, she usually reacted in the opposite way and found herself totally turned off when she consumed liquor. Sandi knew she was lying to herself. She didn’t want to be attracted to two men she had just met. She wanted to be able to control her body’s responses but didn’t seem to be able to. These two men seemed to draw her like a moth to a flame. She was hot at the sight of their muscles rippling beneath the skin on their chests as they moved. She wanted to reach over and slide her hands over their warm skin, to feel the beating of their hearts and the smoothness under her fingertips. She had to physically restrain herself from jumping into Erup’s lap and grinding her aching pussy against his crotch. She needed to get away from them before she did something stupid and acted on her urges. She stood up and swayed on her feet, and her vision blurred then cleared again at the quick movement.

“Are you all right, Sandi?” Dreab asked.

She saw Dreab frown at her as she swayed on her feet.

“I’m good,” Sandi replied, and slurred her next words. “The room with the running water, is that your bathroom?”

“Yes, that is our bathing room. If you wish, you may bathe. I will go and get you some clean lower coverings. I am sorry, but we do not have any top coverings for your body,” Dreab replied.

“Oh, thanks, but your lower covering…pants…will be way too big anyway. Do you have any blankets I could use until my clothes…uh…coverings are cleaned and dry?” Sandi snickered as her words came out slightly garbled.

“Blanket? What is that?” Erup asked.

“Um, animal sk–skin, an animal hide, I could use to wrap around me,” Sandi explained haltingly.

“Yes, we have lots of spare animal hides. Let me get you one,” Erup stated as he rose to his feet.

Sandi watched him go to the far wall of the living room and pull a wooden handle on the wall to reveal a large rock cupboard. He pulled the skin off the top of the pile then walked back to her and handed it over.

“Thank you,” Sandi slurred gratefully and took a wobbly step toward the bathing room.

“I don’t think you should be left to bathe alone. The pool in the bathing room is up to my chest, which will be way too deep for you, and since the Liquid Fire has affected you, it would be dangerous for you. You could drown,” Dreab said as he moved up behind Sandi and steadied her by placing his large hands on her hips.

“I can swim,” Sandi replied with indignation, then giggled.

“Nevertheless, I can’t leave you by yourself. Come on, I was going to bathe, as well.” Dreab steered Sandi toward the bathing chamber.

Sandi sighed. There was no way she was going to be able to talk Dreab into leaving her alone to wash. She was used to bathing with men and women, as IDSE had only one large unisex shower room. She was thankful she was comfortable with her own body and had no hang-ups.

Sandi sat down on a large stone beside the rock pool and began to remove her clothes. She slipped into the warm water and looked up in time to see Dreab removing his hide pants. He was massively built, and not just his muscles. The appendage between his legs was huge and fully erect. She couldn’t take her eyes off his hard cock. It was nearly the same as a human male’s appendage, but there was an extra piece of flesh protruding from underneath the crown. His cock was as thick as her wrist, if not larger, and was at least ten inches long.

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