Van, Becca - Keeley's Opposition [Terra-Form 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (6 page)

BOOK: Van, Becca - Keeley's Opposition [Terra-Form 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Do you have any idea how sexy you are, sweetness?” Lucius rasped out.

Keeley shook her head. She knew she wasn’t anything special, but if they wanted to think she was, who was she to deny them? She just couldn’t comprehend why these handsome, sexy men wanted her.

She cried out when Bradford and Liam each pinched a nipple between their thumbs and fingers. Lucius slid his fingers into the slick folds of her pussy, and she sobbed. He flicked a finger over the sensitive nub at the top of her slit. She bucked in response.

“Do you like me touching you, Keeley?” Lucius panted out. She couldn’t believe how turned on he was just from touching her.


“I want to taste your cream, sweetness. Just stand still and let us pleasure you,” Lucius rasped out.

She kept her eyes locked to his as he kneeled down before her. He moved in closer to her, then his tongue licked up and down between her folds. She cried out when he pushed his finger into her, and she clamped down on him instinctively. Her knees buckled, but Bradford and Liam caught her before she fell. Lucius withdrew his mouth and finger from her, and, all but sobbing with frustration, she reached out for him, but he evaded her hands.

Liam turned off the shower and swept her up into his arms. She clung to his shoulders, her nails digging into his muscles with her desperate need. He carried her from the bathing room and into the bedchamber. He placed her in the center of the massive bed, heedless to the fact they were both dripping wet. He settled beside her, turned his head toward hers, and ravished her mouth.

Liam kissed her as if there were no tomorrow. He thrust his tongue into her depths and slid it along hers. By the time he pulled back from her they were both breathing heavily.

Keeley jerked when her legs were parted. She needed their touch so badly that her muscles were tense. She felt as if she were in danger of snapping in half. She cried out when a hot tongue licked the length of her pussy again. Her head thrashed back and forth on the pillow unstoppably. Lucius growled, and then her whole body bowed up until only her head, shoulders and feet were left on the bed. Lucius had pushed the entire length of his finger into her cunt while he was laving over her clit with that talented tongue of his.

She screamed as her body exploded, her pussy clamping and releasing. Liquid flowed out of her, and two more pairs of hands clasped her torso and hips as the most rapturous waves of pleasurable sensation consumed her. She had stars before her eyes, even though her eyelids were closed! Her body flopped into laxness, and even though she was prepared to land on the soft mattress with a bounce or whoosh, it didn’t happen. The hands holding her steady lowered her body back to the bed gently.

Keeley opened her eyes and saw Liam, Bradford, and Lucius looking at her with eyes that changed color rapidly from their natural shade to opaque, glowing gold. She wasn’t sure what to make of that, and if she’d had the energy she would have moved away. They must have seen her alarm because Bradford took her face between his massive hands and looked at her with concern.

“You are so beautiful when you are being pleasured,” he said. “We would stay and continue, but—”

She might have jumped right off the bed and bolted outside, except that she remembered she was naked. Then she saw two great lions bearing down on her, their eyes glowing as they pinned her with their stares. She scrambled to the center of the bed, but Bradford’s deep voice stopped her. It was more gravelly than normal, and she could hear the desperation in it.

“We must let our beasts run free,” he told her. “It has been so hard not to claim you. Our beasts call for it.”

She didn’t answer. She couldn’t at that moment. She kept her eyes on the two lions as they sniffed at her skin. She whimpered and closed her eyes.
They won’t hurt me
. She believed them when they told her that, but it didn’t keep the situation from feeling totally surreal.

She shivered and opened her eyes to stare at the two massive lions. Their heads were level with her breasts when they stood at full height. They were magnificent, and when their beautiful eyes met hers, she shivered again.

Then they both turned away from her and leaped out through the open doors. Bradford had opened the doors while Keeley sat entranced by Liam and Lucius. Now she looked to him in time to see Bradford’s eyes were still changing from brown to gold and she stepped backward, away from him as he walked to her. With each step, a little of the man disappeared and a little of the bear came out in its place. Even in his shifted form, he was massive. He stood before her, his dark nose sniffing at her. With a shaking hand, she touched his muzzle. Bradford closed his eyes in apparent pleasure, and then he walked out the glass doors without glancing back.

Alone in the room, Keeley shivered and wrapped her arms around herself. She didn’t know what to think or feel. Her men were so powerful in their shifted form, so kind and loving in their human form. She was awed by them, and she thought she might even have feelings for them, but she didn’t know them. It was wrong for all of them for her to “marry” them before she did.

After showering again, she wrapped herself in a large towel and crawled into bed. The sounds were foreign to her and sounded loud to her ears. She curled up into a ball, praying that sleep would come quickly and that her men would be beside her when she woke.

* * * *

Keeley heard a noise from across the room and knew someone had entered through the door. She huddled under the covers on the bed and stayed perfectly still. If it was her mates, she wasn’t sure whether she wanted them to know she was awake. Would they sleep in the same bed as her? She realized she wanted them to.

She heard the door slam closed. The covers were ripped away from her. Keeley gasped, then shrieked with fright. The woman who had confronted her earlier in the day standing before her. The blonde had her hands on her hips, and her glaring eyes were a glowing gold color.

“Get up, bitch. You don’t belong here. No one wants you here,” the female yelled.

Keeley went to move away from her, but the woman clamped her hand over the bandage covering her healing wounds. She bit her tongue so she wouldn’t cry out with pain. She wasn’t about to give the bitch the satisfaction of knowing she had hurt her. Even if it earned her more pain, she’d had enough of this woman and her jealousy. Keeley twisted her arm and pushed down, breaking the hold the woman had on her.

“Who the fuck do you think you are?” Keeley yelled and inwardly cringed at her profanity. She got to her feet successfully this time and backed away.

“I am going to be the woman the two Alphas share and you are not going to be around to stop me,” the bitch snarled.

Keeley raised her arms as the woman leapt toward her. She cried out when her claws slashed down her arms and into her stomach. White-hot, burning pain spread down her arms, and searing agony emanated through her whole torso. Keeley sank to her knees, her legs no longer able to hold her up. She had never felt such excruciating pain, and she drew her knees up into her body and wrapped her arms around her knees.

She moaned and felt the sticky wetness of her own blood covering her skin and clothes. Lifting her head, she looked to the woman. Keeley braced herself for a new attack, but the woman was staring at her with horror. Then she spun on her heels and ran from the room.

Keeley could feel her consciousness waning and knew she was dying. She whimpered as another wave of pain coursed throughout her body, and even though her eyes were open, she couldn’t see anything. Her eyesight was fading, the pain now was receding, and blessed numbness and cold seeped over her. She sank down into the darkness and pain-free world with a sigh.

Chapter Six

Liam scented the blood as soon as he reached the garden. The smell was so strong he wondered if one of his warriors had made a kill close by and then dragged the carcass back to the pride house.

He sniffed the air and roared with fury when he identified the scent of his mate’s blood. He bounded through the gardens and into the bedchamber. His renewed roar was echoed by his brother, and moments later by Bradford. Liam pushed his lion back and changed so fast he felt pain for the first time since learning to shift in his adolescence. He knelt next to Keeley and picked her up, heedless of the blood still flowing from her wounds.

He carried her to the bed and pulled forth a claw to slice her clothes from her body. He shredded the sheet beneath her and began to wrap her injuries, trying to stem the flow of her life-giving fluid. Lucius had no sooner entered the room than he left to go after Louisa. The female’s scent was all over the room. Bradford was at his side trying to help him with their mate.

“Call your healers,” Bradford whispered, and Liam could hear the anguish in his voice.

“I have already done so.”

“Why would someone do this?” Bradford asked.

“It was that she-bitch Louisa. I knew she was going to be trouble. If I had had any idea how much trouble, I would have banished her from the pride. Keeley is not going to want to stay with us if she survives her injuries. She will run from us. Fuck. How could I have been so stupid?” Liam asked. He felt pain pierce his heart at the thought of never being able to join with and claim his mate.

Liam looked up as the doors to the bedchamber burst open. Lars the healer hurried over to the bed. Liam heard the man suck in a gasp of air, and then he got to work. Lars called for his brother, Loy, and they attended to Keeley.

Liam couldn’t believe the damage Louisa had done to his mate. He wanted to track her down and rip her to shreds, but he couldn’t leave her side. Lucius slammed into the room and ran to the bed. He was too distressed to speak, but it was clear that he hadn’t managed to find Louisa. His brother’s eyes were flashing from his normal blue to gold and back again.

“Lucius, get a hold of yourself. Keeley needs us to be calm. She is going to need us to help her heal,” Liam stated.

“Alphas, you have not claimed your mate,” Lars said. “You need to begin the claiming process so she will have a chance of surviving her injuries. We have done all we can. We have cleaned and closed the wounds and placed a poultice over them. Now it is up to your mate and the Goddess to pull her through.”

“Why are you telling us to claim our mate? We can’t claim our woman without her consent. She has not agreed,” Liam said.

“We cannot join our bodies to hers if she is unconscious,” Lucius said. “And we cannot claim her without joining with her. What are you suggesting?”

“That may be, Alpha, but your mate will heal faster and be stronger if you bite her. She is not of our species, this I know, but your saliva holds healing properties which will travel throughout your mate’s body to help her mend.”

“How do you know this, Lars? We have never had a human female in our midst before,” Lucius asked.

Liam saw Lars’s face flush with embarrassment, but he waited for the healer to speak.

“I, um, found a strand of your mate’s hair in the entrance hall not long after you arrived with her. I have been studying her DNA and comparing it with our own. I cut the hair into small pieces and combined it with saliva and blood from my own body. The reactions were quite surprising and pleasing. It was not done for any nefarious reasons, my Alphas, but for situations just like this one. I am glad I did,” Lars stated. “Your bond will not be complete until you join your bodies, but the biting mark may save her life.”

Loy packed up their supplies, and both men stood. “We will be back in approximately one hour,” Loy said. “That should give you time to discuss your options and to bite your mate if you decide to.”

Liam waited until the two healers had left before he turned back to the bed. Keeley lay motionless in the center. She breathed steadily, but for how much longer would she sleep without their help? He lifted his gaze to Bradford and Lucius.

“I know Lars would not steer us wrong,” Lucius said. I think we should bite Keeley. I know she wasn’t ready for us to claim her, but this is not the same thing. If we can save her and help her heal faster, I am all for it. What do you think?”

“I say we mark Keeley and we do it now,” Bradford replied.

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