Vicki & Lara (3 page)

Read Vicki & Lara Online

Authors: Raven ShadowHawk

Tags: #romance, #erotica, #friendship, #lesbian, #best friends, #girl love, #girl on girl erotica, #girl loves girl, #best friends fall in love

BOOK: Vicki & Lara
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She lifted my
feet, one by one, to help me out of them, then dropped them
somewhere behind her.

Those thin
threads of pleasure spread faster through my body.

She gazed at my
fully-naked body and licked her lips.

smooth.’ The passion in her voice caressed parts of me that no
physical hand could ever touch. Then she did touch me; the lightest
of fingertip strokes through the hairless moisture. ‘I can’t
believe how wet you are.’

This time I did
cover myself.

‘I’m taking it
as a compliment, Vic, don’t worry. This is wonderful.’


‘It shouldn’t
be. Here.’ She stood with one swift bounce and took my hand. Gaze
hot on mine, she pressed my fingers between her legs and rubbed.
‘Fuck,’ she hissed.

If any capacity
to speak had remained with me I might have echoed her. As it was,
the feel of her own desire, slick against my fingers, stole my
voice and snatched a groan from the back of my throat. When I did
speak it was a whisper.

‘You really do
want me.’

‘Jesus, Vic, I
can’t say it any clearer than that. Come over here.’ She crossed to
the bed and knelt on it.

I rushed to
join her, perching on the end of the bed with my feet on the

Lara eased me
back against the pillows and picked up my feet, swivelling me round
until I lay flat. After another sweet kiss, she slithered down my
body and put her hands on my thighs.

She looked at
me and, though her eyes were hot with passion, I knew she was
waiting for me.

I nodded. My
breathing caught and I had to swallow several times before I could
speak. ‘Go ahead.’

Smiling, she
tucked both hands between my thighs and eased them apart. Lara
watched my face the whole time, the crease of a frown showing
between her eyebrows. ‘You okay?’

‘I feel—’ But I
couldn’t find the words I wanted. None were big enough. I settled
for, ‘I’m nervous.’

‘Don’t be.’ She
rubbed my stomach, tender and lingering. Her touch soothed me.

Then Lara
leaned over and pressed her mouth against mine. Her lips were soft,
slightly rough on the bottom where her lower lip had cracked. I
caught the smell of wine and lipstick again and beneath it, the
heady scent of Lara’s own body. Then her warm tongue snaked past
the barrier of my teeth and once more into my mouth. Her touch
caressed me in the same way her voice had and made my body twist
and writhe.

Pleasure made
me giddy. I moaned as a tingle grew in my toes and crept up through
my body an inch at a time.

My hands
flapped awkwardly until Lara took them and placed them on her back.
I rested my fingers on her shoulder blades.


Perhaps she saw
the struggle in my face because she rolled her eyes and sat up,
straddling my hips. She arched her back and straightened her
shoulders to show off her beautiful breasts.

My mind swam
with the desire to touch, kiss, bite, suck. Anything I could do to
bring my skin into contact with hers.

‘Touch me,’ she

I craned
forward far enough to kiss one tempting nipple. That single taste
eclipsed the rest of my worries and I sucked more of her breast
into my mouth.

Lara gasped.
She pressed her hips against me. ‘Good,’ she hissed. ‘Again.’

I obeyed, the
other nipple this time, following up with a gentle bite. I rolled
that hard nipple between my teeth and felt Lara’s thighs tremble.
Then my head flopped back.

She clambered
over my body and braced her hands on either side of my head,
expression taut with lust.

The need in her
face rubbed my senses raw until the slightest sound or touch was
enough to set me alight.

Again her hands
cupped my breasts, repeating that flicking, thumbing motion which
made me squirm.

My hands
dropped to the bed and tangled in the sheets.

Lara’s lips
touched my chin, my neck, my shoulders, finally travelling down
until the heat of her breath billowed over my left nipple. The
little nub of flesh rose immediately to meet her and she sucked it
into her mouth. With a gentle, kneading motion, her right hand
continued to massage the other breast. Her left hand drifted

I felt it
whisper over my ribs, my stomach. It paused briefly to tickle the
indent of my belly button and moved on to the base of my abdomen.
Then the hand stopped, fingertips resting lightly on my skin.

‘Close your

I shut my eyes
after a few moments’ hesitation and bit my lip when I felt both of
her hands leave my body. When they returned, it was to grip my feet
and push; bending my legs at the knee until my feet lay flat on the
bed well over a metre apart.

Being so
thoroughly exposed brought a flood of heat to my face. I opened my
eyes and looked down to see Lara kneeling between my legs; head
down, lips parted, eyes hungry.


She kissed my
knees and shins. ‘Do you trust me?’

‘I suppose

‘I guess I’ll
just have to take that, if it’s the best you can give me.’

I giggled. My
stiff legs relaxed. ‘I do trust you.’

‘I’ll stop any
time you want. But if you let me start . . . you won’t want me

‘I don’t want
you to stop.’

‘Then stop
interrupting!’ She chuckled and caught her balance on my knees. Her
hair tickled my thighs as she leaned further forward.

This time I
could feel the heat of her breath, rhythmically puffing against the
wet, central spot already sensitised almost beyond endurance. Cool
air met my sweaty flesh, and I fought the urge to grind my legs
together. The jumble of opposites made me wetter than ever, and I
felt the evidence of my passion slide down my shaved skin and drip
onto the sheets.


The first
flicker of her tongue made me buck my hips and forget whatever I’d
intended to say. My yelp trailed off into a soft, keening moan when
she started a languid stroking motion, so slow it was ecstatic

My fingers
clamped down on my hair. More sweat beaded on my forehead,
trickling down my face to gather in the corner of my mouth like a
tear. When I parted my lips to groan again, it slipped into my
mouth and vanished on my tongue in a tiny burst of salt.

My toes became

Between my
legs, Lara made soft, happy noises and gently massaged my thighs.
When I finally managed to open my eyes, I could just see the top of
her head, bobbing up and down in time with her lapping tongue.

The warmth, the
tingling, the incredible pressure swelled and oozed through me like
ink on blotting paper. Fingers of electric pleasure brought tears
to my eyes.

When Lara’s
first finger slipped inside me, my hips rocked up and forwards,
slamming against her face, grinding my pubis against her mouth.

She nibbled me
with her front teeth.


Another finger
joined the first and my back arched off the bed.

Ecstasy built
like a rockslide, gathering more and more power as it passed. The
sensations built into an avalanche, threatening to flatten all
rational thought as it ploughed over me and buried me in bliss.

Lara’s tongue
lapped at the very heart of me and worked a magic that guided me to
the edge and hurled me into space where stars danced gold and
bright behind my closed eyelids.

I shouted – one
wordless exclamation as something buried deep inside boiled up and
spilled over in a welcomed and much-needed release. It saturated my
bones, broke a fresh sweat on my skin and made my legs shudder like
runaway prisoners caught on an electric fence.

Lara moved with
my writhing motions, gripping my thighs and pressing down to hold
me steady. She continued to lick me, suck me and nibble me, not
noticing, or maybe not caring that I could scarcely breathe.

Another yelp
escaped me; shrill and frantic.

I jerked free
and snapped my legs together. ‘Stop, stop, please!’

‘Did I hurt
you?’ She stared at me over the bumps of my knees. Her mouth
glistened. Her eyes narrowed with worry.

I laughed. My
hips dropped down to rest against the mattress for the first time
in half an hour. ‘Are you kidding? I can’t breathe.’ I hid my

‘Please.’ Lara
snorted. ‘Don’t try to make me believe you’ve not had an orgasm
before. What about that massager you got for your last

I forced myself
upright. ‘Never like that. I’ve had toys and Malcolm was good for
something, but that was new.’ I made my voice low, catching Lara’s
gaze and holding it.

She cocked an
eyebrow at me.

‘Honest. Never
like that.’

‘Because I’m a

‘Partly. Or
maybe it was just that good.’

I laughed at
her sceptical look and gathered her into my arms. Lying on the bed,
smiling into the half-darkness, I combed my fingers through that
long, red hair. ‘And it might be new, but you’ve given me lots of
ideas on how to return the favour.’

The ravenous
look in Lara’s eyes was the best gift of the night so far.

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Vicki & Lara
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Read on for an
excerpt of the next story in the ‘Meeting Each Other’ series and
details of upcoming releases.

Next in the
Meeting Each Other Series: Carol, Lin & Niall



‘What? You
don’t want to be disrespectful to your friend, but as host she sets
the boundaries, yes?’ Lin glanced at the ceiling. She smiled. ‘If
she can have sex upstairs and her brother can watch porn all night,
why can’t we do what we came to do?’

‘Doesn’t it
feel icky to you?’


‘We don’t even
have a bed.’

Lin shrugged.
‘Beds are personal. Even our homes are too personal for what we’re
planning. Neutral space is good. Less conflict, yes?’

‘She has a
point, love.’

Carol opened
her mouth. Closed it. By the time she looked out from beneath her
hands, Lin had moved close enough to touch. She quickly put her
hands in her lap, trying, without success, to close her senses to
that faint scent of vanilla and jasmine.

‘Carol, I’ve
never done this either. But Fetlife is for trying new things. I
want to try. Or else I wouldn’t have met with you.’

‘I know.’

‘Then what’s

Carol looked at
Niall, rolled her bottom lip between her teeth, and clenched her
fingers in her lap.

Lin took a step
back. She dropped to a crouch and, even with her knees spread, the
huge dressing gown covered every inch of her body from the neck
down. ‘I’m nervous too. But I like you. Both of you. You’re very
sexy. Niall is funny and kind. Back home, so few people look like
you. Everyone is like me, small and pale.’

Turning back to
Lin, Carol saw the earnest intensity in her eyes. ‘I’m sexy?’ she


‘I’ll second
that, love.’

skin. Big eyes. I like that.’

Carol squirmed
on the sofa, shuffling her fingers. ‘Thanks, I guess.’

Niall chuckled.
‘Hell, she seems more interested in you than me.’

Lin winked.
‘Oh, I like you too. But I want to start with Carol. If that’s

‘Suits me,
love.’ With a wide grin, Niall spread his hands.

‘I’m asking

That made her
look up. She stared at Lin, trying to read those dark eyes. They
gave nothing away and she wondered just how much of her thoughts
lived in her own expression. ‘I don’t know where to start,’ she
said. ‘I don’t normally do girls.’

Lin raised an

‘I prefer guys.
I messed about with a couple of girls when I was sixteen. But since
then, just guys.’

‘Then why all

She shrugged.
‘Niall and I have been together for nearly ten years.’


‘She means I’m

‘I don’t!’
Carol gripped a fistful of her jeans. She stared straight ahead.
‘What I mean is, I— no—
wanted something different. A
change. Is that so bad?’

‘Of course not.
But a threesome is a big step.’

‘I know.’

with a woman. So why not a man?’

‘Because, no.’
Niall broke in. ‘Just . . . no.’

Lin chuckled.
‘Fine. But this is okay?’

‘Two women
crawling all over my body? Hell yes!’

Standing, Lin took a small step back and unfastened the cord on the
dressing gown. She did it slowly with covert glances through her

stiffened. Even she knew the teasing nature of the show was for her
benefit. She put her hands in her lap and lifted her gaze high
enough to see the robe open.

‘Wow.’ Niall
gave a small groan.

‘You like?’ Lin

Tiny knickers,
barely more than a strip of red lace and a matching bra with
diamante detail.

A lump filled
the back of Carol’s throat. She swallowed it with effort. ‘You’re .
. .’ One hand made a small circle in the air as if to find the
answer that way.

‘Hot?’ Niall
offered. ‘Freaking sexy?’ He bit his lip and slouched deeper into
the sofa’s embrace, knees spread. His hands lay on his thighs,
fingers twitching towards his groin.

Carol closed
her eyes. When she opened them again Lin was still there; her
beautiful semi-nakedness artfully framed by the blue dressing gown.
She stood and wiped her hands on her jeans to clear her sweaty

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