Void (13 page)

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Authors: Cassy Roop

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Void
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He still stood there, the same spot I had left him as he rubbed his thumb and forefinger across his overly tanned jaw. A shiver ran through me as I looked away and walked into the restroom. A weird feeling ran through me as I looked into the mirror, attempting to fix my already perfect hair. It was something I hadn’t really felt that much before, but I recognized the emotion as I gazed at my own reflection and saw the dullness in my eyes.

I was uncomfortable, and not in the I-fell-on-my-ass-in-front-off-a-thousand-people uncomfortable.

No, this new feeling had a hint of fear.



I DIDN’T SEE CARDINELLI, nor Patterson as I left the restroom to make my way outside, but I did have the pleasure of running into Mrs. Cardinelli on my way out of the restroom. Everything was fake about her, right down to the over large, rather expensive sacks of water filled plastic she had on her chest. Her perfume was too strong, and her make-up immaculate, to the point of being excessive. She teetered on her feet, signaling her sign of inebriation as she fought to steady herself against the doorframe.

“You think he wants someone like you?” She asked as I walked past her to head outside. Stopping in my tracks, I turned around to answer her. It was
husband who propositioned me, not the other way around, but her next few words stopped me by stunning me.

“Dr. Gunn. He is, what do the kiddies call it now? One fine assed piece of a man.” She said as she sloshed her drink all over the floor.

She wasn’t talking about her husband, but about Andris. I was instantly brought back to earlier when she wouldn’t stop looking at Andris and I while we were dancing.

“I agree,” I admitted, “But the question isn’t what
does he want
with someone like me, it’s what
will I do to him
that will make him come back begging for more. See, the difference between your overly stretched pussy and the fine quality of mine is that it keeps men coming back for more. It even had your husband begging to be inside of me just minutes ago, so when you start using your tiny IQ of a brain to think, think about

And I walked away.

ANDRIS WAS WAITING for me when I exited the bar. Propped against the sleek black car with his palms pressed against it and strumming his fingers upon the fender, I took him in. Pulling my trench coat tighter around me, I took tentative steps toward him, drinking in the beauty of the man, who at the moment, looked like he harbored a large amount of pain or sadness. The wind whipped the bottom of my skirt around my legs and I watched as the same breeze feathered through the dark curls that rested on his forehead and the warm vapors of his breath in the air as he exhaled.


He looked up, his eyes, that usually held warmth, were colder than the air that surrounded us. He pushed off the car and bounded for me, taking my hand and escorting me to the car. He was silent, brooding, as he opened the back door for me to slide into the car. My ass connected with the warm, heated leather seats, and I was thankful for the heat on my backside, but there wasn’t coldness only coming from the air. Andris began to shut the door, but I extended my arm to stop him, looking up as I did so.

“You going to tell me what is wrong, Andris?”

He looked at me quizzically for a few brief moments, and I swear I saw a flash of warmth in his eyes making the gold flecks more prominent, before they darkened again.

“It’s Sinclaire,

And he shut the door.

Wow. Okay. So obviously he was in “character” as he referred to both of us by our other names, but it didn’t explain the coldness he was portraying. He seemed to be in a great mood when we were dancing before his uncle pulled him away. Or maybe Link said something to him?


Even just thinking about his name sent warmth through my chilled body, spreading my need and desire like wildfire rampant through a dry forest. Andris rounded the car and slammed the door before putting it into drive and easing into traffic. The partition that separated the front cab of the car from the back was up, leaving me to sit with my own thoughts. This was a far different cry from the first night we were together, or even no less than a half hour ago when I was wrapped in his arms on the dance floor at the club.

“Put the blindfold on,” he instructed through the speakers of the car, and I reached over to pick up the black silk on the seat next to me and placed it over my eyes. I sat in darkness and silence, the only sounds to be heard were those of cars passing by.

After blackness and silence for what felt like half an hour, the car came to a stop. Andris didn’t get out of the car immediately, but after a few moments I heard the front door open and close and then my own open and the cold air rushed in relentlessly, breaking out a chill on my skin. He grabbed my hand, and I was thankful for the warmth from him, even if it was only from his touch.

I thought about this situation as we rode the elevator up to wherever it was he was taking me. I didn’t think that the circumstances were about money anymore. Yes, in the beginning, I did it for the money, putting a big dent in my debt and allowing me to have stability. Since becoming an escort, I lived comfortably, very different than when I first started out. I still hoarded money, fearful of going back to the place I was in when my parents died and I was left with nothing.

The elevator doors pinged open and Andris led me into the room. The familiar smell of leather hit my nostrils and I inhaled deeply, relishing in the scent as memories flooded my mind. Hands found my shoulders and removed my jacket.

“Is he here?” I asked into the room, not knowing if Andris was still here.


“Will you still be here?”


My ears were covered with the noise canceling headphones and a crackle filled my ears before the sound of Andris’s voice came through the speakers.

“Can you hear me, Miss Lane?”

I nodded as I bit down on my lip.

“Link is here. He loves the dress. The way it forms to each curve of your body. The way your nipples pucker beneath the fabric of your bra.”

A warm hand ran down the window of the dress that exposed my breasts. My breathing began to become deeper, and I closed my eyes against the darkness of the blindfold.

“Link requests that you remove the dress.”

I lifted my hands immediately, wanting to please the man who consumed my body with fire. The man, the only other one besides Andris who invaded my thoughts when I had an idle moment.


I slowed my pace, smiling on the inside because I knew what was
the dress. Unbuttoning the lace at my neck, I slowly let the dress fall from my shoulders and over my breasts before it came to pool at my waist. Pressing the fabric over my hips, I shimmied it down my thighs before letting the silk rest upon the floor. I faintly thought I heard a small intake of breath and felt pleasure on the inside knowing that Andris could also see what was under my dress. I felt a breeze cross my skin as I felt Link circle me, not being able to see him, but knowing that he was admiring my beautifully expensive lingerie.

My hair was brushed aside and I felt his lips on my shoulder before his teeth took a slight bite from my skin. Electricity and desire pooled in my belly, my clit already becoming painfully aware of his presence. Each brush of his fingers, each passing touch of his hands made my mind and my body painfully aware. I felt it. The sensation of desire, the enormity of pleasure, and the only feelings that I didn’t have to face.

I sighed as he pressed his body against my back, reaching around to cup my breasts in his firm hands. His squeeze was not gentle, but just poised on that border between pleasure and pain. I felt the warmth of his skin as it connected with the skin of my back, his hard chest heaving as his desire grew. His warm breath flowed against my neck, causing my already heated body to rise several more degrees. I lifted my hands, desperate to feel him as I covered his hands with my own, assisting him with the assault of my tits.

“No touching,” I heard Andris tell me through the crackle in my headphones, his voice stern, but laced with desire. Quickly, I removed my hands, something about the sound of his voice captivating me.

I have always been a pretty strong willed woman. The benefit about not giving a shit about things gave me the power to not take any shit from anyone. I was never ordered around, never told what to do. I was the one who usually gave the orders. Most of my clients, being of the more submissive type, liked it when I took charge—liked it when I told them how to do things, or how to fuck me so that I could at least walk away with an orgasm. But something in the tone, the sternness, the harsh bite of Andris’s words, sent a deeper escalation of want overwhelming me. I couldn’t help the hitch in my breath, nor the slight jerk of my body as Link’s hands continued to trace the contours of my skin. My bra was shredded, the sound of lace ripping from behind me only moments before the bra cascaded to the floor had me gasping.

It wasn’t the fact that he had just ripped a four-hundred dollar piece of fabric, but the instantaneous surge of pleasure that flowed through me. I loved that my body surrendered to the sensations I was experiencing,

God I fucking loved it.

I didn’t have to live these moments pretending, faking my way through time, but instead I got to embrace and involve myself in the moment. A sharp smack of my ass sent fire burning into my flesh. I bit my lip, relishing in how wonderful it felt. How the sting could heighten my desire that much more, and how, with each moment I was in the presence of Link and Andris, my body melted even more.

His hands encompassed my waist, sliding them lower…and lower…until his fingers brushed the top of my mound.


Heat pooled, my body responded, and I cried out into the room from the surprise of being struck in such an intimate place, my pussy convulsing, practically begging to suck his dick deep within.

“Do you like it when he does that? Link wants to know.”

I nodded, unable to form a coherent sentence as not one, but two fingers were inserted into my cunt, massaging the sensitive nerve endings inside. Andris’s words were a little softer now, less demanding and a husky tone was in its place. I wondered if I was turning him on. Was he looking at me with the same desire that Link was, yet felt deprived that he couldn’t touch me? Was he jealous as he watched another man manipulate my body, knowing very well that I didn’t feel many emotions, but to witness this side of me in person?

“Do you only ever watch, Andris?”

A thumb joined Link’s two fingers and the desire to hear his answer was long gone when my pussy began to tighten, and my lower abdomen squeezed in delight as Link assaulted my pussy, quick rapid strokes coupled with the rapid circling of my clit. I could feel my legs start to shake, my knees trembling, threatening to give out beneath me as my body climbed higher and higher. Soon my body began to flood with uncontrollable sensations. I could see the end of the hill as my body began to crest over the top…

And then he was gone.

Pushing away from me abruptly, my body protested at the disappearance of Link.

“No!” I cried as my knees buckled and I fell to the floor.

“Link doesn’t like it when you ask questions, Miss Lane. Especially questions about other men.”

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