Vortex (SAI Book 1) (19 page)

BOOK: Vortex (SAI Book 1)
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“If we’re lucky, he’ll have some of those cinnamon rolls on his desk.”

“I think Tally might’ve made them for your birthday,” Ronnie said.

“I’m praying that’s true,” Vivi responded. “Thank you for coming out and riding with me this morning.”

“Are you kidding me? I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Picking up her sister’s hand, she swung it back and forth as they walked toward the barns. “I have some news that I want to tell you about.”

“Is it what I think it is?”

“Kind of…Chase has found us some babies that need a home.”

Stopping, Vivi spun around and stared at her sister. “You start from hello and don’t leave anything out.”

“He instructed his lawyer to keep an ear out for people who might be interested in private adoption. It seems that there’s a couple in Mississippi who might want to give up their twins for adoption.”

“How in the world does that happen?” Vivi sputtered.

“They have four children already, and the pregnancy wasn’t planned. The woman gave birth two weeks ago to twins. A boy and a girl. The girl has Down syndrome, and they don’t want to take it on.”

“They can give me that baby, and I’ll take care of her,” Vivi responded hotly.

“Not so fast, sister. I have dibs on her. It seems that they’re considering giving up both children. I don’t want to jinx us, but I’m hoping and praying for a miracle. I would like them both because I think it would be horrible to divide the children. I mean…can you imagine? Having a twin and being raised separately? Anyway, Chase is doing everything he can to make this possible for us. So send me a prayer that these are the babies meant for us.”

“I will light a thousand candles for you both.”

“I’m going to tell Mama and Daddy when they arrive. I figure we should get a novena going and then see what Madame Lele suggests. I’m willing to call in the big guns for this one. Those babies need a family that wants them, and Chase and I are ready. I can have the nursery ready in a matter of hours.”

“Let me know if you want me to give you all a run-down of what to expect with a child with Down syndrome.”

“I read a book last week when the possibility came up. We can handle it. We have the love, the time, and the resources to make these children’s lives happy.”

“No one would be a better advocate than you. You will make sure that those babies have whatever they need.”

“Gerald is chomping at the bit. He said he would go to Mississippi tomorrow just to make sure that they were being properly cared for. You think I’m a bear, well, Gerald is the damn king of the jungle.”

“Lord have mercy on the people who stand in the way of Gerald.”


They arrived at the barn and walked into Bob’s office and were greeted by the smell of coffee. “You girls want some coffee?”

“Yes!” they both said loudly.

“Grab your coffee, and I’ll take the horses off the hot walker. Anyone else coming down today, or is this a sister ride?”

“Sister ride,” Vivi said. “I can’t think of a better way to celebrate my birthday.”

Pulling out a container, he handed it to Vivi. “Tally made you some cinnamon rolls. Happy birthday.”

“I don’t think I need another thing to make this day complete.”

“Cake…we need birthday cake,” Ronnie stated.

“Nothin’ has changed for twenty years.” Bob laughed.

“Thank God,” Vivi replied.



Joel sat on the steps of the cottage, drinking a cup of coffee. Glancing up, he saw Chase walking toward him with a cup in his hand. “I guess the girls have gone off to ride.”

“Ronnie loves to ride, and she really likes to go with her sister. I guess this is a tradition with them. It’s been a couple of years since they’ve been able to do it, and Ronnie was really looking forward to it.” Leaning back, Chase took a sip of his coffee. “So…it seems that you’re doing a little more than

“Are you asking as a friend or as her brother-in-law?”

“Both. Vance and Vaughn will be here later to perform the full interrogation. Think of me as the advance team.”

“Did the brothers give you a hard time when they met you?”

“It wasn’t so much a hard time as a series of clear questions. It was easy, though, because I wanted Ronnie to be mine and I was willing to do whatever it took to make that true.” Looking out over the field, Chase shrugged. “I’m guessing that you’re not having those feelings toward Vivi.”

Scratching his head, he stared at the ground. “I’m not sure where I’m at with all of this.”

“Like I said…expect a series of questions from the brothers. They appear to be easy-going guys, but that’s just a façade. No one messes with the sisters, and they make that known in no uncertain terms.”

“I’m not messing with Vivi. I don’t know what we’re doing yet, but that doesn’t mean that it won’t turn into something.”

“The only thing that I’m going to say to you is that if you’re not sure, then step aside. If you hesitate, then don’t go after her. She is a good woman and deserves a man who loves her and appreciates her. If you’re not that guy, then don’t waste her time.”

“Don’t hold back, Chase. Let me know what you really think.”

Holding his hand up, he grinned. “These DuMond women are hell on wheels, and if you’re fortunate enough to get them to fall in love with you, then you’re a lucky man. Ronnie loves me with everything she has, and I wouldn’t want it any other way. That isn’t the kind of love that is right for everyone. But it is for me. Think about it, Joel, before you all get in too deep. Vivi’s had enough pain in her life. She doesn’t need any more.”

“All this before a second cup of coffee,” Joel remarked. Looking at the sun breaking across the field, he knew that what Chase was saying was true. “I’m not sure what Vivi wants. We’ve been dealing with the threat to the clinic and the bigger personal threat. Maybe when the dust settles, we can see where we are and what we want. I appreciate what you’ve said, and it isn’t anything that I didn’t already know. But it doesn’t hurt hearing it from someone else.”

“You’ve faced the unimaginable in your career; I think a woman from the South should be a piece of cake.”

“Now I know you’re making that up. These girls make some international threats look like a tea party.”

“Yeah, that’s probably true.” Laughing, Chase stood and stretched. “I’m going on up to the house and see if Tally has made any pancakes yet.”

“I’ll join you. It seems that I’m going to need my energy to face whatever is coming my way today.”

“You might also want to make sure that your life insurance is paid up. Just in case.”

Joel glanced over and thought he would see Chase smiling. But he wasn’t. He was serious. Good to know.



Nana Boo and Aunt Lolly were making a beeline for him, and he realized that there was no escape. Smiling broadly, he stood his ground and hoped the skirmish wouldn’t leave him bloodied. “Afternoon, ladies. Enjoying the party?”

Nana Boo took one arm and Aunt Lolly took the other. “We love a good party. Take us on over to the shade tree and let’s catch up. It seems some things have changed since the last time we chatted.” Nana Boo made the last statement the way a dictator would suggest total cooperation as the only option.

“Can I offer you ladies something to drink?” Maybe he could distract them and get them liquored up. It wasn’t the best reflection on his character, but it was something he could live with.

“We’re all set,” Nana Boo replied sweetly.

Sighing quietly, he led them over to a group of chairs under the tree. Once he had them settled, he pasted a relaxed smile on his face. He’d spent over a decade on the SEAL Teams and had seen combat around the world. He’d escaped and evaded some of the world’s nastiest human beings in the world’s most inhospitable places and this was what his life was reduced to. Two old Southern women interrogating him. God, he missed being deployed. “Are you ladies looking forward to the fireworks show later on?”

“We’re more interested in the fireworks that are going on between you and Vivi. The glances you all are exchanging are certainly going to spark something,” Aunt Lolly replied.

“Well, we’re getting along.”

Nana Boo leaned forward and winked at Lolly. “That means that they’re having relations and it’s working out. I’m incredibly happy to see that my granddaughter has taken my advice. I told her to never take a man seriously until you knew if he had any talent. A woman shouldn’t have to live with someone that has no skills. Life is short, the road is long, and it’s important to know what you’re getting.” Patting his hand gently, she smiled. “Based on the smile Vivi has, it seems that you’re going to work out after all.”

Smoothing down the pleats of her flowered dress, Aunt Lolly nodded in agreement. “We didn’t have high hopes for you, son. What with all the testosterone you have, it could’ve gone either way.”

Please just kill him now and put him out his misery. How in the hell had he ended up in this conversation in the first place? He’d been worried about them asking about his intentions. Damn, that would’ve been welcomed. He spotted Vivi’s brothers, Vance and Vaughn, and they waved him over. Standing abruptly, he excused himself. Whatever they were going to ask him was going to be an improvement over what these two women had in mind. “I’ll see you ladies later.” 

Joel strode over to the men who had beckoned him over and shook hands firmly with them both. Planting his feet decisively, he awaited the next round of interrogation. God willing, it wouldn’t be about whether he had any skills in the sack. That was a conversation that he didn’t need to have twice in one day.

Vaughn was the first to speak. “We saw what the two old biddies were up to, and we decided to show you a little mercy. If they got ahold of you, then there is nothing that we need to know.” The oldest of the DuMond kids clapped him firmly on the back. “Just know that if you hurt Vivi, then we hurt you.”

Vance smiled broadly and rocked back and forth on his heels. “We figure that if you’re not smart enough to take advantage of the chance of having someone like our sister interested in you…then you don’t deserve her.”

“Yeah…those girls are not easy. But nothing good ever is,” Vaughn added.

“Thanks, guys. I appreciate it.” Relaxing slightly, he took a sip of his iced tea. “Right now, all I’m concentrating on is eliminating the threat against Vivi. Once I know she’s safe, then we can decide what our next step is.”

Vaughn glanced over at his baby brother and grinned. “He still thinks he has a choice. That’s pretty funny.” Tipping his glass against Joel’s, he laughed. “Let’s go grab a beer. This man could use one.”

“Or five,” Vance responded. 

Vaughn led the way over to the bar that was set up closest to the house. “We need to get you a welcome to the family drink.” Grabbing three beers out of the cooler, he handed them around. “Now, Chase is really popular with our kids because of his football career. What do you have to offer our horde of rascals?”

Taking a long pull of his beer, he thought about it. “I can teach them how to track, shoot, and defend themselves. We could also jump out of an airplane or chopper if you think their mamas would let them.” Warming up to his story, he went on. “When they learn to drive, I can teach them escape-and-evade techniques. Also, when the girls turn twelve, I’ll make sure they know how to defend themselves and put down a man in less than a minute.” Shoving a hand into his pocket, he shrugged. “There is probably more, but that’s what comes immediately to mind.”

Vance and Vaughn nodded at one another. “You’ll do,” they proclaimed simultaneously.

For the first time all day, he started to relax. Maybe something with Vivi was possible. If they did end up spending time together, then it was never going to be boring. Recalling the conversation he’d had earlier with Chase, he remembered him using the same expression. Joel had always lived his life pursuing excitement and adventure. It started to make sense that the woman who had caught his eye was the very definition of that. Something snagged his attention, and he glanced over his shoulder. There, coming across the lawn, was Vivi. God, she was beautiful.

Studying her as she came closer, he realized that she was the one. She was, of course, physically beautiful. But that wasn’t the thing that caught his attention most. It was the way her eyes sparkled when she talked about something she loved. Also, her generosity and kindness. She was beautiful deep down in her soul, and that was the thing that got to him. It seemed crazy not to do everything he could to make her his.

He set down his beer and opened his arms as she approached. “How is the birthday girl doing?”

She answered by walking straight into his embrace and laying her head against his chest. “I’m having so much fun.”

Lifting her head, she looked at her two brothers. “You all better behave. If I find out that you didn’t, then you two can look elsewhere for the medical care for your family. And that includes house calls.”

“Viv, we welcomed him with open arms. If you want to grill someone, go and find the dynamic duo. They had him in their clutches for thirty minutes,” Vance said.

Joel felt her eyes roam over him as though she was looking for a bullet hole. “I had a nice chat with them, nothing to worry about.”

“No one ever has a nice chat with the two of them.” Smoothing his shirt, she grinned. “Come on, I need to get you fed. You have to try some of the delicious food.” Grabbing his hand, she tugged him over to the covered patio. “I don’t want you to be hungry.”

As they walked away, he swore he heard the brothers say something. It sounded like a bet, but he couldn’t be sure. “Are you fussing over me, Vivi?”

Fluffing her hair, she didn’t respond right away. “Well…I might. I haven’t ever done it, so I can’t be sure.” Her hand covered her heart, and she appeared slightly distressed.

Tugging her in, he kissed her head. “Well, if you are, then I want you to know that I like it.”

“All right. Good to know. But…I’m not sure that I was.” Slipping out of his embrace, she led him toward the table groaning with food.

BOOK: Vortex (SAI Book 1)
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