Vortex (SAI Book 1) (20 page)

BOOK: Vortex (SAI Book 1)
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Interesting. The very idea made her nervous. Which seemed fair, because the whole thing had him freaked out. For a man who never let anything bother him, it was an unwelcome emotion. “I am hungry. Now tell me what I should have.”

That seemed to relax her, because she picked up two big plates and started filling them. She gave him a running commentary about all the food, and he could tell that she much preferred that to thinking about what she was doing or not doing. When they got to the end of the table, they had two plates piled with food. She studied them and laughed. “You can start with that, and then I’ll come back and get you the things we missed.”

Following behind her, he enjoyed the picture in front of him. There wasn’t a thing that he was missing. Not with a view of Vivi. “Okay, honey.”

They found a table and sat down. As they started to eat, Uncle Buck made his way over along with Mr. Stewart. Standing, Joel helped them sit down. “I see we all had the same idea,” he remarked.

“Val and Essie always put on an amazing party.” Buck snorted.

Vivi took a sip of her drink and gently wiped her mouth. “Thank you, Mr. Stewart, for coming out here to celebrate my birthday. I so appreciate you making the long trip.”

“You’re welcome, sweet girl. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

“What about me?” Uncle Buck barked. “I’m your favorite relative. Where’s my thank you?”

Vivi stood and kissed his cheek gently. “Thank you for coming out too.”

Nodding, he started to eat. “I’m happy to be here and wish you a happy day. What are you girls going to do with the clinic?”

“We’re closing it. There is no way to keep it open safely.”

“I’m so sorry, honey. I know how much the place means to you.” Buck patted her hand and shook his head. “The people of the neighborhood are going to regret not having you there.”

“What can I do? We’re no good to anyone if we’re dead,” Vivi replied.

Joel wrapped his arm around her shoulder and kissed her. “We are going to think of a new dream and then make it come true.”

Uncle Buck and Mr. Stewart exchanged glances and then nodded to one another. Some dreams end so that new ones can come along.

As they enjoyed their meal, the band started playing on the other side of the pond. Joel felt Vivi swaying to the music and remembered that she liked to dance. “Honey, are you going to save me a dance?” When her eyes sparkled, he knew that he’d made her happy. “I’m not a great dancer, but I’m good for a couple of slow ones.”

Patting his leg, she beamed. “I would love to dance with you, Joel.”

“Remember to behave, because you two have the eyes of the whole family on you,” Buck stated.

“Thanks for pointing that out. That’s really going to help us enjoy ourselves,” Vivi replied.

Leaning over, Joel whispered in her ear, “I always behave…right up until I don’t.” The way she laughed in response told him that she appreciated that about him. Seemed fair, because he sure appreciated it about her.




Valentine’s Day


Vivi sat on the front porch of her cottage with a glass of champagne in her hands and admired the last of the fireflies buzzing over the pond. Turning thirty-six wasn’t so bad after all. The screen door scraped shut, and she heard Joel’s footsteps against the wood floor. “What are you up to?”

Lifting a bottle of champagne, he replied, “I thought we could have another glass and toast your birthday and Valentine’s Day.”

“We’ve been celebrating my birthday for two days. We should stop.” He took the glass out of her hand, filled it up, and handed it back. “Thank you, though. It’s been fun having you here.”

Leaning over, he kissed her gently. “I’ve had a good time, with the exception of the conversation that I had with your nana and aunt.”

“Did they get ahold of you again?” Smiling, she stared out over the field. “Those two are a hoot. They’ve gotten more outrageous with each year. Aunt Lolly was always a free spirit, but she is really starting to let loose.”

“Yeah, I got that.” Sliding his arm around her shoulder, he took a sip of his champagne. “So, what are you going to do with the rest of your life?”

“Start with the easy questions, I like that.”

“Have you thought about coming down to Florida after you close the clinic? You can take some time off and relax. Figure out your next move.”

Leaning into him, she rested her head against his shoulder. “I haven’t given it much thought yet. The girls and I just decided to close it the other day.”

“You can come stay with me. I’d be happy to have your company.”

Lifting her head abruptly, she studied him. “We just became friends. I don’t think staying with you is a good idea.” Leaning away, she straightened her legs. “If I come down, then I can stay with Ronnie and Chase. They have two houses and plenty of room.”

“I need to keep you safe until we figure out who is after you. You have someone gunning for you, and I’m not leaving your side until the threat is neutralized.”

“You can’t put your life on hold. Maybe whoever it is will lose interest.”

“I’m not putting anything on hold. This is what I do for a living. Protect people.” Leaning over, he pulled a small package out of his pocket. “I almost forgot to give you your birthday present.”

He placed it gently in her hand, and she beamed. “That is so sweet. You didn’t have to get me anything.”

“Yes, I did.” Placing his hand on her face, he studied her. “Viv, something is happening between us, and I don’t know what it is. But it’s
. So let’s just give it a chance.”

“Maybe.” Turning her head, she kissed his hand. “Now let me open my present.” Slipping the paper off, she opened the small box and gasped. Inside lay a delicate chain with a gold horseshoe attached. “This is lovely.”

“I thought you could use some good luck, and I hope this helps.”

“I adore it. Can you put it on?” She handed him the necklace and then turned around and lifted her hair. Gently, he kissed her neck and then put the necklace on and fastened it.

“Perfect. Now let me see.”

She turned around and placed her hand on the charm and beamed. “What do you think?” When their eyes met, something happened. A wave of happiness washed over her, and a sense of peace filled her chest. Slowly, she raised her hand and rested it on his cheek. “My goodness, Joel. You are a surprise.”

“So are you, Viv.”

Gazing into his eyes, she leaned forward and pressed her mouth against his. “I think this is going to be a good year.”

“What do you want to happen most?”

The sound of the crickets played as background music as she thought about the question. “Right now my answer would be having some children.” Running her hand down his leg, she laughed. “I’ve gone through two rounds of artificial insemination, and I haven’t had any success. I’m hoping the third time will be the charm.” She heard his intake of breath and figured it was from shock. It probably wasn’t every day that you heard that from someone. Especially someone you’d been sleeping with. “Don’t worry, Joel. I’m not looking for a baby daddy. If it doesn’t succeed this next time, then I’m going to adopt.”

“You don’t have any interest in trying the old-fashioned way? It might be worth a shot.”

“I’m past the point of thinking that I’m going to find someone to fall in love with. I had that with Matt, and I don’t expect something like that comes around twice in a lifetime.” Resting her hand on his knee, she took another sip of her drink. “If I’m going to have some children, then it has to be soon.”

“You don’t know that, Viv.”

“Don’t know what?”

“That you won’t have a second chance at love. Who knows, maybe you and I are going to turn into something. If we do, then I can probably put a baby in you.”

“We’re just fooling around. I don’t expect us to last the month.” Standing slowly, she felt him tug on her hand. “What?”

“I think it’s more than fooling around. And we won’t know unless we spend some time together.” Tugging her hand, he put her in his lap. “Come to Florida, and let’s see what we have.”

“You didn’t like me two weeks ago, so I don’t know where these crazy ideas are coming from.”

“Yeah, but I like you now, and that isn’t going to change.” Standing, he held her in his arms and moved to the cottage. “I have another birthday present to give you.”

“Do I have to take my clothes off for it?”

“No, I’ll take them off for you. With my teeth.” They entered the cottage, and he kicked the door closed.

“Happy birthday to me.” She laughed as he dropped her to the floor and started doing exactly what he said. As his hands slipped inside her shorts, she started to think that maybe spending some more time with him was a good idea.



Collapsing on top of him, she let out a breath. “When you said present…I had no idea that’s what you had in mind.”

“Viv, that was the only beginning. I have a couple more ideas that I think we should try out. Who knows? Maybe I can give you a baby for your birthday.”

“You gave me a lovely necklace, and that is more than enough.” Rolling off him, she lay on her back and tried to ignore the river of panic that was starting to flow. What in the world had gotten into him? Spouting all kinds of crazy nonsense. Put a baby in her, that was a ludicrous idea. A week ago, he said he didn’t have relationships, and she was pretty sure that having a baby with someone would constitute a relationship. But maybe that was just her. Clearly, he thought of it differently.

She felt him roll on his side and knew he was staring at her. “Why are you studying me like a bug?”

“I’m not. I’m just trying to figure you out.” Lifting his hand, he ran it slowly down the center of her body and let it rest on her stomach.

“Are you plotting my surrender?” His intake of breath filled the silence in the room, and she knew she’d hit the jackpot. A man like Joel didn’t say something unless he meant it. And he’d suggested the idea of putting a baby in her twice now. That told her that he was planning something. What that something was…she had no idea. It was fairly certain, though, that they wouldn’t agree on whatever he had in mind. The idea of having a baby by herself didn’t scare her, but being tied to a man who didn’t love her for the rest of her life did. That was why she’d chosen the sperm donor route. No muss, no fuss, and, God willing, a baby. Slowing cracking open one eye, she stared at him. “Quit scheming, Joel. It’s not going to happen.”

“Now that’s not something you can be sure of. We have no idea what’s in store for us.”

“I know that I’m not having a baby with someone who I’m not in love with.” As soon as the words left her mouth, she realized that she had inadvertently given him a challenge. She could tell by the way a smile spread confidently across his face and his eyes sparkled. Major tactical error on her part. “I see your wheels spinning, and I suggest you stop them.”

Lifting himself on top of her, he caged her within his arms. “Nothing is spinning, Viv.”

“Liar, liar, pants on fire.” She smirked. “You can try and get something past me, but it’s never going to work.” A cocky grin was his reply. Damn, now she was in for it. When he parted her knees with his big leg and slid himself inside her body, she knew it was going to be an all-out war. “Grab a condom, sir. If you would like to continue to enjoy my company, then you will suit up.”

Sliding himself out, he laughed and grabbed a foil packet off the nightstand. He handed it to her and waited. “You put it on, then. I don’t want to be accused of not playing fair.”

“All right.” She opened the packet and made sure that he was covered. “Now, we won’t have to worry about your nefarious plans.”

Holding himself above her, he shrugged. “Nothing is one hundred percent effective, so anything is possible.”

And with that, he entered her again, and she felt the pure bliss of having him within her body. The fact that they fit together so perfectly didn’t escape her attention. When he slid out and thrust back in, she forgot what she was worried about and decided to enjoy the pleasure he was giving her.




Joel dropped their bags in the back of the car and waited for Vivi to come out of the house. Glancing around, he noticed how peaceful it was. All that could be heard were birds and the whir of a lawn mower. It certainly was a good way to start a Monday. Hearing the scrape of a door, he lifted his eyes and watched Vivi step out of the house. “Are you all set to go?” he called out.

“I guess. I wish I could stay out here and hide from what’s going on in town.”

“Let me get you back so we can shut the clinic down. Once that’s accomplished, maybe you can come home with me.”

Shrugging, she stood in front of him. “I don’t know about that. Maybe I should just move out here and become a country doctor.”

Taking her hands in his, he rubbed his thumb over her delicate skin. “Are you ready to get rid of me, honey? I think what we have going is fuc…I mean spectacular. I’m not ready to give you up.” Bending down, he kissed her gently. “I want to hold on tight now that we’re getting along.”

“When you say
getting along
, do you mean what happens in bed?”

“I freaking love what happens between us when our clothes are off, but I like spending time with you. You’re smart, interesting, and you keep me on my toes. What more could I want?”

Lifting up, she pressed a kiss to his mouth. “That’s awfully sweet.” Leaning back, she studied him. “I didn’t know you had sweet in you.” Spinning around, she opened the car door and sat down.

Leaning in, he buckled her seat belt and kissed her hard. “I have all kinds of things in me. Come to Florida so I can show you.” Before she could respond, he kissed her again and then closed her car door.

After he got in and started the car, he glanced over and watched her frown. “Too much?”

“I’m just not sure what to think. I don’t understand why you’re coming after me like this. It doesn’t make any sense.”

“Feelings rarely make sense. It’s not a math problem to be solved, Viv.” Pulling out, he headed down the long road that would take them off the farm. “Relationships between people don’t follow a plan. Attraction is like a mass of whirling feelings. If it’s strong enough, it will pull two people together. Whether they like it or not. We’re experiencing a vortex, Viv. There is a force greater than us at work here. I think we should just accept it and enjoy it.”

BOOK: Vortex (SAI Book 1)
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