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Authors: Denise Johnson

Waiting For Him (10 page)

BOOK: Waiting For Him
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“Tough,” he whispered while studying her face. He pressed his hand between her legs and instantly stilled her struggles. “Mm. You like that?” Using just his fingertips he moved in and found her slick, hot, and swollen.


Seeing her like this both exacerbated his loss of control and softened his need. “Just relax and let me enjoy you.” He slid his fingers to her nub and stroked oh-so-gently.

Her back arched and her heels pressed into the mattress. “I want to enjoy you, too.”

That near desperate demand made him smile. “You will, love. I promise.” He licked a nipple and circled with his tongue. “But first things first.” He slipped a finger inside her wet opening.

Every little move she made, each raw sound from deep in her throat, made him that much more determined to see her climax. He knew once he got inside her he wouldn’t last long.

“You’re so sweet.” Careful, with the very edge of his teeth, he tugged on her. “So soft, and so wet.”

She twisted and panted.

He dipped his finger deep up in her, pressed a little more until he heard her breath catch. “So damn tight, too.” He paid close attention to what she liked and what she loved.

When he wedged a second finger into her, she didn’t pull away, even though he knew he stretched her. Using her wetness, he slicked his thumb up over her and saw her teeth clench.

Yeah, she liked that, like being filled while he stroked her little clit.

His testicles tightened, but he fought off the surge of release. At that moment, he wanted to see her come so bad, he could almost taste it.

That thought made him groan. Yeah, he would taste her, soon, but not just yet. He didn’t want to do anything that might interrupt the rise of her pleasure.

He tugged at her nipple again, kept the vibration going between her legs, and she bowed. Keisha cried out and her thighs trembled. Her moisture bathed the fingers he had buried inside her, and it almost pushed him over the edge.

As soon as she started to quiet and her body slumped back into the bedcovers, Stone sat up and ripped open the condom packet with his teeth. He rolled on the protection and moved over her.

“Open your legs.”

Still gasping shakily, eyes closed and body lax, she shifted her thighs. Stone settled on her, used his fingers to part her hot, wet vaginal lips and slowly entered her.



Chapter Nine


Keisha’s eyes shot open as Stone pressed into her. He was so large and solid. While she felt discomfort, it didn’t really hurt.

In fact, when she gazed at him she found it wildly exciting.


“Yeah,” he growled. “Me and only me.”

Never had she seen a man look as he did, sort of savage, clenched all over and very hot.

Braced above her on his forearms, his teeth locked, his gaze devouring her, he pressed relentlessly forward.

With excitement spiking through her again, Keisha put her hands to his bulging biceps. His skin burned with inner fever. He was…incredible.

“Okay?” he asked through gritted teeth.

For an answer, she slowly wrapped her legs around him and locked her heels at the small of his back. “I won’t break, you know.” She stroked his jaw. “You don’t have to hold back.”


One word, a warning, but she couldn’t stop the curious exploration of her fingers his chest or, the automatic flexing of her inner muscles as she tried to accommodate his solid length.

“Ah…God.” His body tensed, strained, and he growled, “Sorry,” before filling her in one strong thrust.

She gasped at the pain.

Shocked, she held on to him, but she didn’t have time to worry before he was rocking slow and deep, his face in her neck, his powerful chest brushing back and forth across her sensitive nipples.

Discomfort faded beneath the sweet, slow friction.

Deep inside her, with each long stroke, he touched…something. Oh, yes. There. She lifted into him more. Dug her fingers into his solid shoulders to better brace herself. “Stone.” Sensation spiraled away. “Stone!”

She’d thought it was amazing before, but now, with him in her, over her, a part of her…

He gave a long, vibrating groan before going still a moment and then thrust more urgently and Keisha knew he was coming too.

She couldn’t imagine anything more perfect, or doing this with anyone else.

Big as he was, it felt nice when Stone sank down to rest on her, one of his hands tangled in her hair and cupped around her skull, the other scooped under her bottom. His heartbeat rocked them both, and heat poured off him.

After a minute, he stirred, his mouth touching her shoulder, over to her throat. With great effort he lumbered up to his forearms again.

Saying nothing, he watched her, almost looking into her heart.

Would he know that she’d already fallen in love with him, that she’d fallen hard the first time she saw him sitting in her section of the diner?

Until she’d met him, being a virgin hadn’t even factored into her busy life. After being with him…would she ever want anyone else? Doubtful. After Stone, all other men would pale in comparison.

He bent down and took her mouth again, kissing her like he planned to start all over again.

Shivers chased over her skin, and she wrapped her arms around him, holding him tight.

His hand slid down her side to her hip. Yes, he planned to do it again.

She hummed approval and gave him her tongue when he sought it out.

With Stone making love to her, she couldn’t worry about tomorrow. She could only enjoy right now.

Right now lasted way until the night. She lay there watching him sleep. He was so beautiful she could have stood there all day looking at him. On his stomach, one muscled arm folded up under his head, one hairy leg exposed from beneath the sheet, he was the most incredible man she’d ever seen.

Even in her imagination, she couldn’t drum up a vision more appealing than him.

Her breath shuddered out in a long sigh. Clyde tipped his head, unsure what they were doing, curious and a little worried at the idea of a big male in the bed.

Still. Because he’d stayed the night.

Did that mean anything?

Bonnie circled the bed, trying to find a way up, but it was too high for her and she settled on the floor.

Should she wake him? She dragged her gaze away from his magnificent body to check the time. How late did he usually sleep?

Stone had made love to her twice before leaving her collapsed and numb in the bed while he went to check on the animals. He came back, woke her to say he’d taken the dogs out for bit. Then he joined her in the bed and started seducing her all over again.

She hadn’t realized that men were so voracious. Or maybe Stone was just different than most. He was certainly more everything else. Bigger, more muscular, incredibly handsome and more than any other man she’d known.

Afterward, she’d been too spent to protest when he’d brought a cool washcloth to the bed and tended to her, then tucked her in close to his chest, covered them both and told her to sleep.

Just before dawn, he’d awakened her with small kisses along her arm down to her wrist. The second she got her eyes open she saw the heat in his and knew what he wanted. Or at least, she’d known part of what he wanted. The rest…a surprise.

He’d sucked at her fingertips with blatant suggestion until she felt the tug of his mouth everywhere on her body.

She realized it wasn’t all the same when he did kiss her everywhere. He parted her knees and worked her over with the stroke of his tongue. The touch of his teeth and a devastating suckle that had her shivering again just thinking about it.

Keisha clamped her legs together to contain the memory, both of what he’d done and said.

More than once, he’d called her “love”.

He’d murmured nice things, telling her she was sweet, treating her as if she were somehow special to him. Oh, how she loved it.

Because she loved him. Did she stand a chance of winning him over before he tired of her? Would it be unfair of her to try, when he’d told her up-front what he wanted and what he didn’t?

She wasn’t a virgin any longer. But she was still new to sex, so maybe that’d be enough, for now, to keep him.

“What’s wrong, love?”

Her gaze shot to his face. “You’re awake.”

“And you look melancholy.” He rolled to his back, stretched those long limbs out with a soft, deep groan and came up to one elbow. Clyde turned circles in excitement, so Stone called him over and gave him a few pats, then reached down and scooped up Bonnie.

Keisha’s heart swelled in her chest.

“Come here, you.” He reached out a hand to her.

She set her coffee aside and let him draw her close to him. He fingered the shirt she wore as if he might want to remove it. With both dogs being so attentive, he contented himself with touching her hair, tucking it back. “Good morning.”

“Good morning.”

His hand settled on her hip. “Did I disappoint you last night? Did I underwhelm you? Is that why you look so glum now?”


The corners of his mouth kicked up, letting her know he only teased. “I expected to find you all smiles. Maybe even giggling, especially after that last time when you—”

Keisha smashed her hand over his mouth and glanced at the dogs who stared.

Stone kissed her palm, lowered her hand and laughed. “He doesn’t understand, honey.”

“You don’t know for sure.”

He turned to the dog. “She is incredibly hot, Clyde. So hot I still feel singed. She wore me out with her excesses. Sorry, bud, it’s true.”

Clyde barked in what seemed agreement.

“Oh, stop.” She smiled.  “I made coffee.”

“Did you? Damn, woman, could you be more perfect?” A glance at the clock and he groaned. “You should have woken me up. Steve will be here soon.” He quirked a brow. “Unless he stayed the night next door?”

“I didn’t see his truck when I took the dogs out.”

“Then he struck out.” Stone grinned. “Poor guy.”

Keisha took Bonnie and moved aside. “You should have time to shower.”

“But not for you again.” With no reserve at all, he threw back the sheet, stretched again and left the bed—gloriously naked and awesomely aroused.

It left her speechless.

“Morning wood,” he said by way of an explanation. He lifted her chin to bring attention to his face. “You wanna shower with me?” Before she could answer, he shook his head. “No. I’ve been excessive and I have to cool it before you think I’m a sex starved ape.”

“I don’t think that.”

He cupped her face, gave her smooch, and headed for her bathroom. “Give me ten minutes, then I’d love a cup of coffee.”

At his retreating back she said, “Towels are in the small closet just behind the door. Help yourself to whatever you need.

He lifted a hand in acceptance and continued on his way.


In something of a fog, she pulled on jeans, then turned and headed out of the room. The animals all padded after her.

To keep herself busy and avoid dwelling on Stone in the shower, Keisha started breakfast. She had bacon cooking, eggs on the counter and bread in the toaster when Stone strolled in shirtless, hair damp, face freshly shaved and jeans unsnapped.

“Smells great.” He walked up to her and kissed her more thoroughly than before. “Sorry, love, but I made use of your razor and a toothbrush I noticed still in the package. I hope you don’t mind.”

Still mute, she shook her head, making him grin.

“Look at you, being all domestic.” He clutched his heart. “It’s almost too much, I swear. Coffee?”

“Oh.” She set aside her spatula and fetched a mug from the cabinet. “Creamer in the fridge and sugar on the counter.”

“I take it black.” He poured himself a cup, sipped, and hummed his appreciation. “Damn, love, but the whole package is a little much.”

“Whole package?”

He saluted her with the coffee cup. “Looking like you look, being as sweet as you are, smokin’ hot in the sack, then proficient in the kitchen, too. Not to mention, you love animals. What else is there?”

“I don’t know.” He left her so confused she had no idea what to say. “I think you’re the whole package too.”

“Perfect.” The dogs walked to the backdoor and Stone automatically opened it to let him out. “I think I’ll use that to segue into tomorrow.”


“I want to come back. Or stay over.” He shrugged. “Your choice. I prefer the later, but if I stay, I’ll at least need to head home for supplies.”

“Supplies?” She stared to feel like an idiot with her one word questions.

“My personal hygiene items, boxers.” His gaze darkened as he looked her over. “More rubbers.”

“Oh.” The bacon popped, and she jumped. She quickly removed it from the pan and put it on a plate. Before cracking the eggs, she willed her jumping nervousness to quiet, kept her back to him and asked as casually as she could manage, “You mentioned staying over again?”

BOOK: Waiting For Him
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