Wanting It All: Michael and Sarah (18 page)

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“Fuck, Sarah! Are you trying to kill me?” She looked up from her position on her knees, only adding to the joy that I was receiving.

This morning Sarah had woken up with the urge to fuck all day. She was so horny that she woke me up just so I could eat her out. After she came twice, she laid on her side as I spooned behind her, driving into her warm and wet pussy. Her belly had grown too large for us to face each other anymore, but it worked for us. Her breasts were full and sensitive as fuck as I gripped and pinched them, bringing her off again before shooting my seed into her. We had showered and gotten ready for a relaxing weekend at home.

It was after lunch that Sarah had decided that she wanted me for dessert, fuck me, hell yeah. She was on her knees in front of the couch taking me deep. I loved every moment of this. I knew that any day now she would be off limits and so like a greedy fuck, I took every opportunity to satisfy her craving, which was easy for my ass because I was horny all the time for my Sarah.

“Sarah, amore, I am going to come,” I moaned as I gripped her hair and road her face, my come jetting down her throat. I pulled her off her knees and into my arms when I noticed that she was dripping from her panties and not just a little but a whole lot.


“Michael, I think the baby is coming.” I was just wiping my mouth when a pain hit me. I had been feeling fine until I swallowed all of his essence, then all of a sudden I heard a pop and felt a sharp pain in my belly. I had heard rumors and old wives’ tales about how to make the baby come and having sex was supposed to work. Something about his cum being a trigger. I woke up ready to go. My body was on fire with the lust I hadn’t felt in over a month. Not that I hadn’t wanted my Michael. It was just an overpowering urge to be mounted today. Now here I am standing in a puddle with sharp stabbing pains hitting my belly.

Michael rushed me off to the hospital, making calls as he drove. He tried to keep his cool, which wasn’t working for shit.

“Ouch, that shit hurt,” I whispered while he was on the phone, praying he didn’t hear me. He was about to freak out. The baby was coming and I was trying to hide the pain. One thing Michael couldn’t stand was that I was in pain and would likely be for however long it took to have the baby because I wanted to do it naturally, which at this moment I was rethinking. Those bitches are some tough women.

“Hey baby, are you doing okay?” I could hear the fear in his voice. I love this man.

“I’m…fine.” I had to speak just as another pain hit. Fuck me. I think he just turned a new color ‘baby-white-sheet pale’.


It was ten hectic hours later that little Michael Pietro Vitale was born, weighing a ton for a little one. He was a very healthy ten pounds six ounces and has a set of lungs on him. He wailed the second he popped out of my Sarah. I held Sarah tight after they brought the baby to us, thanking God that my family was okay.

“Grazie, amore mia. I love you so much. Are you well?” I love her so damn much it hurts. I thought her cries of pain would never end. I was worried that she was being torn in two. When a contraction hit, her belly did this strange shit and tightened. I could actually see my son’s form a few times like that. That damn doctor was taking too long. All she could say was the baby comes when it wants to. Fucking idiot broad, I needed my wife to stop feeling terrible. Now I am looking at them and she looks like nothing had just happened. Like she didn’t want to rip my balls off or that I wanted to commit murder. But damn was she beautiful, even with the messed up hair, sweat, and fatigue. Looking at her and my handsome boy, I don’t think I could be more in love. Fuck, hold back the tears.

“I am perfect. Isn’t he perfect?” She had tears of joy in her eyes as she looked up to see the same tearful expression in mine. “Yes, cara, very much so. Thank you.”

Our Vitale family moment was interrupted by a steady stream of well-wishers. Her aunt and uncle came with her cousins to coo over little Mikey as they would call him. Then came Ryan with a very pregnant Stacy trailing behind him. David arrived with his bride as well, who was also sporting a small bump.

“Tell me, Sarah, honestly, how bad was it?” Stacy was actually worried that it would be too much and she would pussy out and get the drugs. I needed to make sure she wasn’t steering Stacy and Ryan wrong.

“It wasn’t so bad. There were moments when I thought I would die, but it was all worth it in the end.”

“Hell no, don’t listen to her. Ryan, make her take the drugs. Trust me, there is nothing like seeing the woman you love, the mother of your child suffering. I wanted to knock the doctors and nurses out. I am telling you now, I understand why men weren’t allowed in before. But I will tell you one thing, don’t miss it. No matter what agony you have to witness, Sarah is right, seeing our baby come was worth it.”

Sarah laughed and shook her head to Stacy, gesturing to ignore me, but she knew with the next one I would make her take the drugs if she could. Sarah was able to nap while everyone gathered around me and my little Mikey. My parents got the call and were on their way. My father had to relinquish the reins for a few days but had managed with his best friend Giancarlo looking over the vineyard for him.

It was late at night when we were finally left alone. I had waited all day to do this. I could finally hold my family in my arms. Sarah carried the baby to her breast to feed while I wrapped my arms around both of them and cradled them into my chest. I watched as my boy went to town on my wife’s swollen breasts and I had to remember not to be jealous, but I couldn’t help myself. “Hey buddy, save some for Daddy.”




Michael and Sarah

C.M. Steele

Copyright © 2014 Crystal McKeown

All Rights Reserved

Second Edition Copyrighted © 2016


Chapter 1


I crawled out of bed as quickly and as quietly as I could, making sure not to disturb Michael. Barely making it to the bathroom in the guest bedroom down the hall, I puked my guts out. Once I was done losing the contents of my belly, I rinsed my face and mouth and smiled at the woman looking back at me.

“Michael is in for a surprise!” I squealed to myself. I had an appointment with the doctor today to double check, but I was sure that I was having his baby. I snuck back into our bedroom as stealthily as possible. The sun was starting to rise when I noticed that my handsome, muscular man was lying on his back now with a morning gift for me. I ran my hands together feeling mischievously dirty.  Sneakily, I reached for the covers; pulling them down, I grabbed hold of my prize and savored the delicious feel of my man’s hard thickness.

“No alarm clock needed today,” I whispered before sucking his cock down my throat.

He let out a moan and his hand went straight to my hair. “Damn. Good morning to you, Sarah.”  


We had been married a full year, and life was sweet. My wife was the most beautiful, sexy, and perfect woman I had ever seen, and I’d seen many. I wasn’t a playboy by any sense of the word, but I was already thirty-three by the time I met my sassy little woman Sarah Owen. She had been subbing for her Aunt as my personal assistant when we became a couple, but I was already in love with her for six months by then. In fact, it was my maneuvering that got her in my sights after our initial encounter.

I wanted her as my woman and went for it; I had no regrets for the scheming and plans I had put into action to make her mine. I had grown up on the streets in Sicily and had learned to be tough, and she was the only person who had the ability to bring me to my knees. There was possessive beast inside me that was awakened by my woman. I loved her and she was mine. No if, ands, or buts about it. I would crush anyone who fucked what was mine. Sarah was all that I could want in a wife.

Today I was supposed to meet her for lunch, but she called while I was in a meeting and my assistant said she was not feeling well and wanted to rest so she canceled. “She said she wasn’t feeling well? Are you sure? What did she say was wrong?”

I didn’t even give my assistant time to answer before I bombarded him with my questions. I was going to lose my shit. My girl was sick and that wasn’t good. I couldn’t take anything happening to my woman. “Jeff, cancel all of meetings for the rest of the day. I am going to go home.”

I left the office like a bat out of hell. It would take about forty-five minutes to get home, and I was stressing. I called her cell, but she didn’t pick up; then I remembered Jeff said she was going to rest.

Maybe she was sleeping. She had a long day and night yesterday. Last night we had a fundraiser to go to, and we didn’t even make it in the door before I was on my knees worshipping her sweet little pussy. We fucked for hours. I didn’t even need my alarm this morning; she had gone and woke me up with her beautiful lips wrapped around my cock.

I made it home in record time. “Hey baby, I’m home.” No noise was made until Frankie came barreling to the front door of our house, wagging his tail. We had moved to a large house almost the size of a mansion in Orland Park, a suburb outside of Chicago. We sold our condo downtown four months ago because I wanted to raise a family and it wouldn’t do to have a child grow up without a yard.

“Hey boy, where is your pretty mama?” The blue-eyed husky panted and continued to stare excitedly at me. She named him after the man Frank Sinatra because of those eyes. She said she would have named it after me since she loved my blue eyes, but she would leave that name for when she gave me a son.

Could it be that she was giving me a son? She had been different lately; she seemed temperamental all the time and horny as fuck. Could it be that his wife was giving him a family? It could make sense. It would explain why my baby girl was sick and tired. When we first got together, I started looking up about the whole pregnancy process and how to raise a baby. I wanted to learn everything I could so I could be the dad I didn’t have as a baby. Pietro had been a great father after they found me rummaging through their crops, but I didn’t have one before that.

We were trying to have a baby for almost a whole year now. Well, I was at least. After we were married, I asked her to get off the birth control pills but she argued against it. Since I was busy at work I relented, but, whether she was pregnant or not, she was getting off them damn things. We practiced every day and night, and I couldn’t get enough of her. I was hoping the pills would fail. They couldn’t protect her from all my little guys. Well, I knew they could, but I couldn’t help but hope. They said that shit was only 99% effective; my boys had a one percent chance, and I gave it to her as often as possible. 

She wanted to wait and continue her career. I was totally against that shit. She was my wife, and I was wealthier than I could ever have dreamed I would be and could give her anything she wanted. There was no need for her to work. In my humble opinion, it was her job to stay home and wait to be satisfied by me.  I wished. The woman drove me insane. Sarah argued that it was a waste because she had earned her MBA. I finally convinced her to give it up when she was attacked by a nutty broad. I’m selfish when it comes to her; I didn’t want to lose her.

I wanted her all of the time. It wasn’t just the mind-blowing sex, I loved seeing her laugh and smile. She was the light in my dark world.  I wasn’t going to lie; it was her body, too, and those amazing eyes. I craved her succulent body at all hours of the day. Sarah could be wearing a pair of sweatpants and a tee shirt and I would still find her hot. She would hardly ever go shopping, but when she did it was for the sexiest things on the shelves. Sometimes the territorial primitive man came out when she wore those outfits. Ha, who was I kidding? Every outfit she wore caused the caveman in me to come out. I loved and lusted after my wife. Today she wasn’t feeling well, and I needed to fix that.

I moved through the house looking for my beloved bride. I had searched through the whole house and she was nowhere to be found. I was frantic with worry. “Jeff, what did my wife say exactly?”

“Sir, she said that she was not feeling well and didn’t want to travel. She was going to take a nap and asked if I could give you the message.” 

“How many times have I said if she calls you interrupt whatever I am doing?”

Jeff seemed worried. He knew he should have just interrupted my conference call. “Mrs. Vitale asked me not to bother you.”

“Fine, but remember I am your boss, not her. Damn woman.” I hung up and wondered if she had gotten sick and had to go the hospital. Hoping it wasn’t that bad, I dialed her number; she picked up right before it went to voicemail and spoke before I could ask her where she was at.

“Hey babe, I am sorry I couldn’t come to lunch today. I am so sleepy. I am just trying to stay awake. I think I have a bug.” Something was wrong with her tone. Her lying was getting better because I almost bought her being home sick. Her voice was different and well I was in our house. She was lying to me.

Was that why she didn’t want to talk to me this morning? Hell no. Was she trying to claim she was home right now? I was starting to see red and the pain in my chest was building.  I needed to calm my shit down and find out what was up.

I would play it off; I wanted to know what the love of my life was doing and why she would intentionally lie to me. I trusted her with everything I had. No matter how many men looked at my woman I knew that she wouldn’t give them the time of day. Well, I thought I did. “Sarah, are you laying down right now? You should be. I will be home straight after work today to make sure you are taking care of yourself. If not, you are going to be in trouble. Cara, don’t make me spank you.”

“Promises, promises. Yes, I am lying in our comfortable bed, resting, and missing you.” With a loud yawn, “I am sorry I am so sleepy. I will talk to you later. I love you.” With that the line clicked and I felt a sharp pain in my chest.

I wanted to smash my phone against the wall. I felt my heart crumbling. I was sitting on the supposed bed she was lying on. What the fuck was going on? I had been on cloud nine up until her call to my office an hour ago. She thought she was slick. She knew I had meetings all day and would be busy, but she hadn’t realized that I was so crazy about her that I would run home if I thought something was wrong. Now my world was upside down.

I was going to find out what she was keeping from me. Heaven help her if it was another man. I would murder the bastard. Just wait until she got home. I returned to the office and attempted to work and not jump to any conclusions; after all, perhaps it was a surprise for my birthday which was in a few days. I would be turning thirty, and maybe she was planning something. Yes, that had to be it. I had to believe that or I would fall apart right here in my office.

I called Jeff into my office, and we went over the rescheduling of my meetings and calls. Then, I sent him home for the day. I wanted to be alone with my thoughts, which were always of her. Her aunt had quit working for me after Sarah and I got married, and I hired a new male assistant Jeff, a pretty boy who was way too good looking to be around Sarah. But I would give my wife no reason to doubt my fidelity. She wasn’t the jealous type, but after all the times we fucked on my desk, she would picture me with a female assistant on my desk. I was getting hard just thinking about our fucking around my office. Sarah always enjoyed our passionate lunch rendezvous. I couldn’t understand why she would need another man. She had never given me a reason to think otherwise. Hell, she was blowing me this morning.

By the time I left work I was so conflicted my heart hurt. The woman I loved with everything that I was or ever could be was keeping something from me. She lied directly to me; I wanted answers, but I was too afraid to ask. Asking could destroy my world. Tomorrow I would have her followed. I called one of my friends who owed me a favor. After the call, everything was good. Now time to deal with the lying wife.

“I got to go. Michael is home,” Sarah said in a hushed tone. I had walked into the house. I thought I’d been quiet, but not quiet enough apparently. She was in the kitchen facing the opened fridge wearing some cute little shorts and a blue tank top. Did she wear that out today? I sure as hell hoped not. It may be 75 degrees out, but I didn’t want every bastard out there staring at my sexy wife’s body. She was lying about where the fuck she was today and her outfit said fuck me. I was as territorial about her as I could get. She was the center of my universe and I was afraid that I would be destroyed should she leave me. Not going to happen. Nope, no way in hell was she going to walk out of my life. I was going to fight for her and get rid of the competition.

“Who were you talking to?” My tone told her that I was angry and suspicious.

The look on her face told me that the conversation she was having was not for my ears. I was angry. Was she talking to her lover? It hurt to think she was.

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