Wanting It All: Michael and Sarah (11 page)

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After we danced, I had to use the bathroom. “I have to tinkle, then we can leave, okay?”

“Perfect sweetheart,” he growled near my ear.  “I’ll get our coats and meet you at the entrance.” He gave me a kiss which lasted longer than we had planned.

“Sounds like a plan,” I said and turned away before he kissed me again.

We were trying to make a break for it before we were stopped by more of his friends and business associates.

I entered the bathroom and thankfully there was no wait. I really had to pee and my dress was tight as hell. Once I finished, I made my way toward the sink, but I stopped in my tracks because I saw my nemesis.

“Barbie, what do you want now?” I asked while mean mugging the bitch. Frankly, I was tired of her attitude, and I wasn’t going to stand by while she kept going for Michael.

“You are so stupid. I don’t know what he sees in you. I don’t know what either of them see in you. You will never be like me, so you should just stop.”

“Thank goodness, I wouldn’t want to be anything like you. You are a pathetic whore who won’t take no for an answer. If my man wanted you, he would have you, but obviously he doesn’t.”

“He can’t have me because he is impotent. Since you are lousy in bed and some freak who doesn’t like sex, I am sure it is no big deal to do without it.” Brandi accidently gave me information she didn’t mean to because the only one of my lovers that had ever said something so ridiculous was Jason.

“You slept with Jason, didn’t you?” I accused her.

The dumb whore gave me a smug look from her skanky face. “Of course I did.”

I walked up to the sink and washed my hands, looking at her through the mirror. I was relishing the look on her face because what I had to say next was going to piss her off.

“Wow, so you chased after Michael, and he still wanted me. You slept with my ex-boyfriend and yet, he still came to me to try and get me back. Perhaps you’re the lousy lay, or is it that you have the figure of a fifteen-year-old boy who forgot to eat for a week?”

I turned to walk out of the bathroom and looked my enemy directly in her shocked eyes, and said, “By the way, Michael is not impotent at all. He gives me it every day and night.” The look on Brandi’s face was priceless, all signs of superiority were gone… good. I was glad I could put her in her fucking place. I smiled as I strutted out of the bathroom. My cheerful attitude disappeared when I couldn’t find Michael. I wandered around the ballroom looking for him. I saw Michael’s back as he stood out on the balcony. He was in a heated argument with Roderick.

“It is amazing that you would pass on Brandi. She gives head really well, and she lets you take her up the ass.” I couldn’t believe what I was overhearing, but instead of announcing myself, I just continued to listen in.


“You have no filter on that mouth of yours, do you? I don’t need a dirty slut like her. She was just a means to an end.”

Roderick laughed like I was fucking a comedian. The only reason I was out here was because I didn’t want Sarah to talk to this perverted fuck. “Yes, I see. I can see why you hid your pretty assistant. I hear she was well sought after, but had decided to take time off and then you snatched her up. She had the potential to work for me, and after seeing her in person, I would have definitely hired her gorgeous self. Even without the work experience.”

“Watch your mouth, Holmes.” I was starting to lose my patience with Holmes. I was glad when Maddie told me that Sarah was taking some personal time and had the funds to do so. If she didn’t, I would have found a way to cater to her with her aunt’s help. I could have pulled it off. I had to keep her from finding another job, and I would have to do it soon. We were adversaries in business sometimes, especially when it came to getting new clients. I seemed to always beat him out. Now this guy wanted to steal my assistant and by the looks of it, more than just that, my woman.

“Does she know about your past? I know Brandi doesn’t know, because if she did, she still wouldn’t be chasing after you. Does she know that Vitale is not your real last name and that those two people you call parents aren’t your real parents? I wonder if she knew if she would stick around. She comes from a hard working, well to do family. Maybe if she was told, then maybe I can get her, not just as my assistant. I would like her sexy ass as my lover. Just be careful because I will take her, too.” Was this old man serious? Didn’t he realize I’d do anything I could to keep her safe and with me.

“You fucking touch her and I will kill you. Nobody would ever find your body if you go anywhere near her. Do I make myself clear?” I was practically in his face, daring him to touch me. I’d love to drop his ass.

“Hmmm, I see that the street rat is still in you.” He stepped back, pretending to be above me.

The fucker was baiting me. He wanted my clients, and I had a feeling that his ass is involved in the fire setup.


“Don’t test me, you prick.” Michael huffed away and from the look in his eyes, he was on the hunt. Fuck, he might be looking for me. In order to not be caught eavesdropping, I left the area in a hurry. My heart was beating fast when I got to the bar. I asked for a glass of water just as Michael walked up behind me. He encircled his strong arms around my waist. “Hi, beautiful, thirsty? Have I told you lately that I love you?”

“It has been a little while.” I turned around in his arms. “I love you, too.”

“Your water, Miss.” The bartender gave me the glass of water. I shared it with Michael before we called for the car to come around. Once we retrieved our coats that he never picked up, we walked out into the night air. We were feeling warmer than when we arrived, despite the brisk air of March. Maybe it was the adrenaline that was pumping in our veins. I guessed I was going to have to find out what he was hiding and why he was hiding it from me, but right now all I wanted to do is to go home and make love to my Michael.


I was happy to get the fuck away from all the bothersome people trying to come between Sarah and myself. I felt worried about Sarah finding out about my life before the Vitales rescued me. What if she didn’t want her kids to have my fucked up DNA? I didn’t want to contemplate such a fucking thing. Damn, why did I let that fuck get to me again? It was like I am a fucking glutton for punishment. I kissed my girl several times before we got in the car because I really needed it. Those kisses that she gave me, so freely were filled with the magic that was Sarah. Each and every time our lips met, the electricity that flowed through me had my heart racing overtime.

Paul pulled up and opens the back door for Sarah and me to enter. “Paul, how is Frankie?”

“Frankie? Is that the little puppy’s name?” I asked her, smiling. Whatever happened in my past didn’t seem to matter anymore, at least not for me. I had Sarah.

“Yes, that is what I named him.” She was so proud of the name she picked. “He looks like a Frankie to me.”

“He was playing and running all day. Happy little guy, but he did chew on your new shoes, the silver ones. I am sorry, but when I came back from dropping you off, he was gnawing on the heel.”

“Oh no, my silver pumps? No! Those cost a fortune.”

“Don’t worry, my dear, I will get you new ones,” I promised.

She pouted about losing an expensive pair of shoes.

“It’s my fault. I was deciding which pair to wear with the dress. I must have left them out on the floor.” I tugged on her hand and pulled her close to ease the pain of her lost pumps. Hell, it looked like it worked.

“Well, thanks for breaking the news to me. It was painful, but I think I shall make it.”

Paul looked through the rearview and said, “Yes, you cannot mess with a woman and her shoes. My sister and mom go crazy when it comes to shoe-shopping.” Paul and I laughed at women’s shoe obsessions which made Sarah give us her signature eye roll. 

“Are you two done laughing at me? Maybe we could get on the road.” She seemed to have had enough of the jokes. It was fine. I needed to get her home so I could bury my cock deep in her.

“Yes, let’s go, Paul.” We were still smirking, so Sarah punched me in the shoulder.

“Aww, sweetheart, are you mad at me?” I gave her sad puppy dog eyes and pouty mouth, trying to ease her anger with me. Couldn’t have her pissed when I wanted in her.

“I guess not, even though it will be funny when you see how expensive they are. With your jokes, I am actually going to let you buy them for me this time.”

“What do you mean this time?” My jaw clenched in anger. She didn’t use the credit card like I told her to. The woman was stubborn as fuck.

“Well, I didn’t want to spend all your money and that happened to be the pair I bought with my paycheck.”

“That’s okay, baby, just as long as you are happy, but if you keep that shit up, I will have to pretend to forget to approve your time.” I squeezed her tight against me.

“Ass.” I kissed her frustration away.

Chapter 15


Stacy and Sarah were heading out to the gym in the morning. I had one in the condo, but Stacy wanted to go to her own gym. Paul was taking Sarah there because I was immovable about it. I needed her safe. Losing her wasn’t an option I could deal with, but she needed to get out on her own, so going to the gym was a safe step.

It wasn’t only her safety that was bothering me; I was going to miss her. I wasn’t looking forward to spending the morning without my girl. It was amazing how you could spend your whole life not needing anyone, then you couldn’t cope with a small absence. I didn’t know if it was from my fear of losing her, or had I just grown so used to her? Whatever it was, I am going to try and figure out how to deal with it. As it was, I was planning on working through the morning, hopefully that would help. It sucked that I didn’t get to see her before she left. I hadn’t realized how tired I was, so tired I hadn’t heard her leave. Then I saw the note.

Hey babe, Stacy is meeting me, but Paul will be following behind us. I promise to be safe.

Love you with all my heart, Sarah


I left to join Stacy when she texted to tell me she was outside. Michael was still asleep; after our bouts of lovemaking, it was no wonder the man was down for the count. I left him a note to remind him that I would be gone.

I came out the front door and into Stacy’s waiting arms. “Girl, I am so glad you are all right. I couldn’t believe he would try some shit like that.”

“Let’s not talk about it right now, please.” We pulled apart and jumped in the car.

“Absolutely, so you and your sexy ass boss. He was always really nice and super-hot. You are a lucky girl. I thought your man was delicious, but he never paid me any mind. Though he seems to have the hots for you.”

“Yeah, well, keep your paws off my Michael.” We giggled.

“David told me he is definitely your Michael. From what I heard from my brother, Michael has been thinking about you since you first met. That you had fucked with his head. He told me about the drunk dialing he did that night at the club. Come on, you got to tell me what your hottie had to say. David said it was dirty.”             

“It was a little dirty, but nothing too bad. Well, it was all good and it was the first time he said he loved me. Granted his ass was drunk and horny and completely forgot what he had said the next day. But I am glad it was true. When they had their fight at the office he told me that he loved me.” I was practically beaming just thinking of his love for me.

“Yeah, that is what David said!”

“Damn, David is becoming a gossip!” She smacked my arm playfully.

“Be nice, that is my brother.” She looked at me sternly, and wagged her finger for about a second before the smirking began.

“Fine, I will be nice.” We had been chatting so much, I didn’t notice we had arrived at my apartment. Stacy took my keys and went in the apartment to get a set of my workout clothes and some other things Michael didn’t pick up or purchase. We decided in advance that I would wait in the car because the memory was too fresh, too new, and too painful.

Stacy climbed back in the car and we headed to the gym. During the ride Stacy described her gym guy to me. “His name is Ryan Elliot. He works as a security expert. He is about Michael’s height with sandy brown hair and brown eyes. When he smiles, I know he is thinking dirty and I just want to give in. I have trust issues, you know, but he wants us to get together outside the gym. I am so tempted, but I wanted to get your opinion.” I told her I would meet her man and judge, but from the looks of it, Stacy was already taken with him. I hoped he didn’t try and do her dirty, she had a rough life already. I wish we had met before college.

“I am here for you. You are gushing over him. I hope he is everything you want him to be.” I hugged her after we got out of the car. We grabbed our gym bags and entered the gym. It was nice clean looking place.

I didn’t need Stacy to point out which guy he was because the man was a hunk and had been watching the door. “Wow, Stacy, he is really hot. Not my Michael hot, but hot anyway, and he is still staring this way. Oh, here he comes,” I said, finishing with a squeal.

“Hello Stacy, I am so glad you came. I didn’t think you were going to make it. It’s after your usual time.” Damn he looked lost when Stacy smiled.

A brief look of disappointment crossed his face, but only brief because all that was there now was a huge grin. Damn, no wonder she was worried, that smile was a killer.

“Yeah, well, I had to pick up my friend Sarah here.” It was clear he knew why I was here. He was on to Stacy’s game, but I still had a job to do as her friend.

“It’s nice to meet you, Sarah. You ladies planning to work out for long? Maybe we can go get some lunch after.” Ah, he was going to play the game, too. He must really want in her panties.

“That would be great, come on, Sarah, let’s get changed.” 

We walked into the women’s locker room and before I got to set my bag down Stacy bombarded me. “I know you are anxious to get back to Michael, but you have to come to lunch with us, Sarah. Please, please, please. He makes me nervous.”

I was looking at her like ‘in what kind of way nervous’. “Don’t worry, Sarah, in a good way. I don’t want him to think I am a spaz. You need to help me. When I get crazy, you have to bring me back.”

“Sure, I will text Michael to let him know the change of plans.” I changed my clothes and sent Michael a text. He texted back really quickly saying he will be out for a while and maybe we will be back at the same time. I tried not to wonder where he was going, but my insecurities kicked in and I asked.

I hadn’t even had a chance to put my things into the locker when he called. “Baby, what is the matter? Are you still doubting me? Baby, I am meeting David to play ball early today. He happens to have a date tonight, and since you are ditching me for Stacy, I thought it was a good idea. Trying to work is hard to do when I am missing you. I love you, babe. Just have fun and be safe.”

“I love you, too.” I hung up and headed out to meet Stacy on the treadmills. The two lovebirds were walking and talking on them. The chemistry was practically visible as it just radiated off Stacy and Ryan. I wasn’t sure Stacy even needed my help. She had Ryan salivating like a dog in the summer heat.

I joined them silently on the treadmill next to Ryan so I could learn a little more about him. He seemed like a real sweetheart. The way he spoke and looked at Stacy, it was obvious the guy was looking for something more than just a hook up. I told that to Stacy after we hit the showers and changed in the locker room.

Lunch was going to be at Stacy’s favorite place. We arrived at the Chipotle down the street to eat the calories just burned off. We sat around and bullshitted some more. It was a little over an hour later that I told Stacy I had to go. I called Paul and he would be there in five minutes. He hadn’t been far away, just in case I needed him. I whispered to Stacy I liked Ryan. He proved to be charming, sweet, but also an ass. He was one of those people that you got what you saw. There was no fakeness about the guy. I told her to go for it. She was willing to take the chance and they were going to the movies tonight.

We arrived back at the condo and Michael was not there, but he left the keys to the condo with the doorman. I held the keys in my hand. I know he said he wanted the most he could get from me, but it was still hard to believe, considering all I had been through.

To kill time, I had started going over some paperwork for the office in the living room when in walked Michael.


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