Wanting You (12 page)

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Authors: Ryan Michele

Tags: #love_contemporary, #love_erotica

BOOK: Wanting You
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Coming down from euphoria, I had to grip the desk to make sure I was really grounded. I felt Deke kiss the inside of my thigh as he moved above me. “That was hot.”
“It felt hot.”
Deke’s mouth slammed down on mine, crushing my lips into his. The desire that I thought was wrung out from that last orgasm was in full force again. My pussy clenched with each pounding movement of his lips. Tasting myself on his tongue only made me want him more.
I wanted to see him. Reaching down to the hem of his shirt, he stopped me. “No,” he said boldly.
“Why not?”
“Because I said no.” What the hell? I could be fully naked and laid out on his desk, but he wouldn’t take his damn shirt off.
A feeling in the pit of my stomach told me something wasn’t right, but in the moment, I just didn’t give a shit. Instead of his shirt, I reached down for his pants, unbuttoning them and sliding them down.
“Don’t worry, it’ll fit.” Deke’s voice came out as if he was reading my thoughts. His cock was nothing like I remembered. He was big—huge—and right now, it was as if I wrote about him in my books, hoping for my fantasies to come true.
“You sure about that?” I eyed him wearily.
“Yeah. It’ll feel good. I promise.” Smiling up at him, I watched as he fitted the condom over himself. It barely fit, and I couldn’t help but panic a bit.
Deke brushed his lips against mine. “It’s okay.” His kisses continued to be rough, and I loved every minute of it.
Feeling Deke’s cock at my entrance, I closed my eyes, enjoying every second. This was what I wanted for so long, and it was finally here. I needed this. I needed him. Pulling away from his mouth, my eyes captured his. I swear I saw something in his for a brief moment before he diverted his gaze.
Deke pushed fully inside of me and I couldn’t help but gasp. I had never felt so full before. It was as if he was pushing against my insides, hitting spots I didn’t know existed, but so happy he found them.
My hips began falling into sync with Deke’s thrusts, and he was right, I could take all of him. “Deke!”
“You like that?”
“God, yes.” Deke began pumping relentlessly inside me causing my body to coil, ready to spring at any second.
Closing my eyes, I relished in the feeling.
“Come Vann.” Looking up at him, he read my mind. “You can come. Come. Now.”
And I did, screaming his name throughout the small office. My body flew off into another world. The electricity coming out of it was burying me alive. I felt my body jump and move. I had no control over it. It was flying on pure instinct, my brain totally shutting off.
I felt Deke’s dick grow even thicker inside of me, which I didn’t think was possible. With a few more solid thrusts, he threw his head back, groaning, but I couldn’t make out what he was saying.
Coming back down to Earth, I looked up at Deke’s beautifully chiseled face. His blue eyes met mine, and for a moment, I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my face. “Thanks, I needed that.” Deke pulled out of me, disposing of the condom while pulling up his pants.
“Yeah, thanks,” I said, scrambling off the desk in search of my clothes, the air in the room changing and not for the better. What was once lust and passion was now something else that I couldn’t put my finger on. I just knew I needed to get dressed. Now.
With my back to Deke, I threw all my clothes on, just wanting to get it covered up, somehow feeling unbelievably exposed.
“That was great, Vann. Only a few more times and you’ll be worked out of my system.” Deke’s words cut right through me.
Ice flushed through my body, making it impossible for me to move. He wanted to work me out of his system? I stood there, mute, not able to find my voice, the shock seeming to have eaten it up.
“That was so much better than our first time, don’t ya think? You were so responsive, following all my directions. That was seriously hot. I can’t wait for round two.”
“Wait.” I turned, looking him square in the eye. “You want to work me out of your system?”
Deke’s stare was intense, but I didn’t shy away. I gave it back tenfold. “Yeah. That way we can both move on. We had so much that was unfinished; we need to finish and be done with it.”
Shaking my head, I said in disbelief, “You can’t be serious.”
“I’m dead serious. You came all the way back here, and you can’t tell me that it’s not been on your mind.”
Hurt and anger surged through me, but I found I liked the anger better. Who in the hell did he think he was?
“You asshole! What the fuck is your deal? First, you never tell a woman you want to ‘work her out of your system’ by fucking her, at least not this woman. Second, what makes you think for a minute that I will go along with this idiotic, second-grade scheme? Huh?” I began edging closer to him, but what I once felt was attraction had evaporated, and all I wanted to do was kick his fucking ass. “You’re out of your fucking mind!”
Deke laughed. “You’re so hot when you’re mad.”
“Fuck you. You can shove this ‘plan’ of yours up your ass because it’s not happening. You want to work me out of your system? I’ll help you with that. I’m out of here.”
Reaching for the door handle, Deke’s voice boomed, “Wait!” My body immediately halted as if Deke’s command demanded my obedience. “You’re not going anywhere.”
I swung around to face him. “The hell I’m not. You don’t own me, and you will never have me.”
“I just did.” Deke smirked.
“It’ll be the last time. Didn’t you say you needed closure? There it was. One last fuck before we part ways … how Romeo and Juliet of us. Too bad you’re not dying at the end of this story.”
“I don’t know why you’re so bent out of shape. I don’t usually fuck women more than once, and I’m offering you that. You should be grateful.”
“Grateful? Are you fucking kidding me?”
He so did not get it. What in the hell happened to him? “Deke, I wouldn’t fuck you again if you were the last man on the planet. Go find someone else to be your ‘toy,’ ‘cause it’s not me.” Deke grabbed my arm as I flinched away.
“You don’t touch me…ever again.”
“Oh. I’ll touch you and you’ll beg for it.”
“Now you’re in dreamland.”
Deke leaned in close to my ear, “I’m not dreaming. It will happen.” His words sending shivers down my spine, but I refused to let them show. “Come on, we can both get off, have some fun, and move on. You know it’s the best scenario.” Deke actually sounded like he meant what he said.
What the hell was he thinking? How dare he think I would go along with a plan like this. No woman would agree to this … would they?
Deke knew how to kiss, but he’d probably kissed many women throughout the years. The thought made my heart ache. If he would have just called and talked to me, then we wouldn’t be in this position right now.
But, I wouldn’t do this to myself. I deserved better.
Grabbing the door handle, I wretched my arm away and pulled the door open with as much force as I could muster and headed straight back to the bar. The crowd was still in full force, but I ignored every single one of them. I didn’t want to see any of them, not to mention I probably looked like I’d just been fucked. I needed a drink.
Pushing my way up to the bar, I called Ace over and ordered tequila. Lots and lots of tequila. I began shooting, not giving two shits what any of these people thought.
“Hey babe. Need a partner?”
Turning, Z was standing behind me. “Go away,” I barked at him.
“Come on, cuz. What’s the deal? Why you drinking all by yourself?”
“Get. Lost,” I bit off, turning around to do another shot. I motioned to Ace, handing him a fifty. “Keep ‘em coming.”
Z pushed his way in next to me, and shit if that didn’t piss me off. “Come on, Vann. You’ve had enough.”
“I’m a big girl. I can handle it.” Bringing the glass to my lips, the cool liquid burned on its way down my throat. Every shot made Deke disappear just a little bit more.
“What happened with you and Deke?”
“Nothing,” I growled, taking another shot.
“Doesn’t look like nothing.”
Turning, I glared at him. “What the hell does that mean?”
“Whoa … pull it in, tiger.” Z’s hands went up as if in surrender, and I wanted to punch him, too, just for being a man. Turning back to the bar, I waved at Ace, who poured me another shot, which I quickly downed. The ‘forget about Deke juice’ was losing its flair. I needed more.
“What the hell happened to you?” Kinsley yelled at my side, making me cringe.
“To hell with nothing. What. Did. You. Do?” Kinsley bit out as if she was mad. She had no right.
“I didn’t do anything I didn’t want to do.”
“Did you screw him in the office?” I ignored Kinsley, motioning to Ace again. Kinsley would know. Nothing got past her, but fuck it, I didn’t have to justify anything to anyone. If I wanted to fuck Deke on top of his desk, I’d do it. And fuck if Z had a problem with it.
“It’s about time,” Z’s voice boomed.
My head whipped around, catching him a bit off guard. “About time for what?”
“For you two to hook up.”
“Yeah … I’m so happy that it happened.” The sarcasm spewed from me while I rolled my eyes.
“Was he that shitty?” Damn Kinsley always cutting to the chase.
Staring at her, I said, “No. It was actually great until he opened his mouth at the end. Now. I’m done with him.”
“You are not done with me,” Deke said from behind me.
Blowing out a deep breath, I faced him head on. “I’m so done with you. I don’t want to see you again. You’re a pompous ass.”
“You want it.”
“I don’t want anything from you.” We stood there toe-to-toe, and I was not backing down.
“Not what you said a few minutes ago.” I wanted to slap that smug look right off his face.
“Maybe we should get out of here.” Kinsley’s arm rested on my shoulder. I didn’t move despite knowing that she was right, but my feet not allowing my body to move.
“So you are thinking about the deal.” Deke smirked.
“Hell no I’m not.”
“Okay, I think the show’s over.” Kinsley squeezed my shoulder. “Let’s get you home.”
“I’m not going anywhere. I came here for fun and I’m damn well gonna have it. Ace! I need another.” Turning my back to Deke, I sat back at the bar staring as Ace poured yet another.
“How many have you had?”
“Kins, don’t worry about it.”
“Vann, your slurring your words.”
“I am not.” I did notice a slight slur but it wasn’t enough for me to forget.
“Yeah. I think you should call it a night.”
“Kins. I’m not leaving yet.” Slamming back another drink, I completely ignored Deke. I scanned the crowd looking for the hottest guy I could find. Over in the corner stood a very handsome man, broad shoulders, muscles protruding underneath the tight navy Henley shirt he had on. The hint of a tattoo coming out of his sleeve made him even hotter.
His face was nice with a slight scruff across his chin. His baseball hat turned backwards hid his hair, but I thought I could see a hint of brown poking out. As he made eye contact with me showing interest, I smiled at him.
“I’ve got somewhere to be.” I said getting up out of the chair.
“Where are you going?” Deke’s voice boomed.
“None of your damn business.” Fuck him, like I had to explain myself to him.
“My dick in you less than ten minutes ago says it’s my business.” I felt his anger coming off of him in waves, but dismissed it.
“I’m sure your dick will find a new home very soon.” I smiled sweetly.
“Wait” Kinsley’s concern made me stop and turn to her.
“What Kins?”
“Where are you going?” Her question coming off a bit guarded.
“See that hunk of a man over there?” Pointing the direction of the man across the bar.
“I’m going to him.” I smiled.
“You really think that’s a good idea?”
Where the hell did the real Kinsley go? Normally she would be all for this. “Yep, better than the one I had a while ago.”
Grabbing my arm, Kinsley’s words were almost a plea. “Please don’t. You’ve had a lot to drink. It won’t end well.”
“It’ll be fine. I’m a big girl. Just ask Deke.” I pointed to Deke and strode away from them all. I needed some air.
What the hell was she playing? Watching her walk over to Marc, I wanted to punch him already, and she hadn’t even made it to him yet. Vann was mine; she’d been mine from the beginning. I’d be damned if she even tried to get with anyone else.
She got away from me once, and I let her go. I had to. It was too much dealing with my parents, Jaxson, and Vann at the same time. I figured if Vann wanted to leave with her mom, then fine. I’d forget she even existed. But deep in my soul, it had always been her and would forever be her.
I wished she didn’t have this hold on me. I wished I could have let it go by now, but seeing her, being with her again, made every single feeling I’d ever had for her rush back. Even if I could never give her everything she needed, I needed her.
“Wait!” Kinsley’s voice stopped me.
“What?” I clipped off.
“You sure you want to go after her? Or should you just let her go?” Her hand on her hip and the curtness in her tone suggested she was not very happy with me.
I smiled. “She’s mine, Kinsley. She’s been mine since we were kids.”
“Then why were you a dick to her?” Kinsley huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. Normally, I wouldn’t mind taking a look, but she didn’t appeal to me.
I stared at her not really knowing what to say. I didn’t know why I suggested fucking her out of my system. I just wanted to be with her, and it was all I knew. “I shouldn’t have done that. I’ll talk to her.”

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