Warp World (83 page)

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Authors: Kristene Perron,Joshua Simpson

BOOK: Warp World
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Gelsh turned slowly, his grip on the rock tight enough that it cut into his skin. “You can shut up now or I’ll take your other leg.”

“Turning on your own kind?” Payt spat in the dirt near Gelsh’s feet.

“If I was, we would’ve left you to starve weeks ago like the useless, crippled mouth-off that you are.”

“You gear-licking ass—” Payt launched forward but a gasp from the crowd stopped him just before his hand reached Gelsh. He turned his head and saw everyone looking up. “What in the name …”

Gelsh looked up to see Ama hanging precariously from the cliff, one foot kicking in mid-air. “No,” he said, stepping forward.

She found a place for her foot, steadied herself, and resumed her climb down, but his heartbeat refused to settle.

“Come on,” he said softly. His stomach lurched as he watched her slow, perilous progress.

Fact was, Payt was right. He did have a feeling for the girl. He wasn’t sure where or when it had started, but there it was.

“No way she makes it,” Payt said. The gathered Undersiders muttered in agreement. “Tanskin ain’t right in the brain bucket.”

Every eye was fixed on Ama now. Even Mother’s, which gave Gelsh one more reason to worry. The wind ahead of the Storm was getting stronger and, exposed on the open face, Ama had to pause for minutes at a time to keep from being pulled off the rock. As she took a cautious step down, a small slide of rocks let go, bouncing over her, eliciting another gasp from the watching Others.

A shadow fell over Gelsh. He turned to see Majed hovering just behind him, unnaturally still, her eyes turned away from her doomed mate for the first time since Yulin had been taken away by the As Dead.

“Your pet is insane,” Majed said.

“Doing what she has to do to survive,” Gelsh said, not bothering to look back. “Same as all of us here.”

“No,” Majed said. “Not all of us,”



Here we are again, at the end of another odyssey. Wasteland Renegades was largely re-conceived after we’d finished the rough-roughs for the succeeding volumes in the series, so it was very much a journey of discovery for the writers, something that I hope it will also be for the readers.

So, a few words for the folks who help make this all happen. My parents Kenneth and Linda, once again, for their support in both my crazy business ventures, for being sources of endless conversation and thought as well as excellent home cooking when I come by to visit. My aunt and uncle, Barbara and Don, for being wonderful neighbors and good relations (and a source of great burritos and pizzas to fuel my day-in-day-out writing sessions with Kris.)

Tom and James, best friends, brothers.

Friends, I’ve got great people around me. I think I left Chelsea off the last list—sorry! Love my Blond Critter. Hi Max!

Then there’s somebody who sort of wandered into the picture over the past year, a fellow author as well as a scholar and a gentleman. Take a bow, Robert Hollmann, I look forward to many more years of quality conversation and I’ll definitely be there when you hit the stage for
Too Tough to Die.

Sherrie, what can I say? You’re awesome? Doesn’t seem quite appreciative enough, but it’s the best the English language will come up with.

Henry Hernandez is possibly the greatest human being to ever live. Seriously, he’s that good.

The board crew (y’all know who you are), quality folks, brilliant minds, good conversations. Especially the sawed-off … fellow. You
know who you are.

Special mention from above for Tyson and Vegard, I want to see you writing pages like this in the very near future.

Blood f
or water, Scottie. I won’t send my chemistry homework this time. HUF #1 in my heart forever.

Dave, you’re the bartender of my soul and always will be. Thanks for being the guy that I can ramble at for god knows how many hours over the years. Also thanks for going easy on my tab.

I’d like to thank my clients for keeping me and kitty in food and roof. Y’all are great folks who make my days pleasant and my chosen profession a great and pleasant thing.

Then there’s the production staff—Miguel Kilantang, the endlessly patient graphics and formatting guy who never seems to sleep—timely work and excellent customer service. We’ve got his contact info in the credits and if you’re looking to put a book out Miguel is the man to go to. Steve the editor helps us avoid site/sight errors and provides entertaining feedback, a blissful mercy. Kris’ writing group, whom I’ve never met, have given a lot of great contributions over the years.

Now. What’s it like working with Kris Perron? Well …

Remember the Energizer Bunny? It’s not at all like that. The Energizer Bunny is slow. It’s more like working with the offspring of the Energizer Bunny and a very well-organized Tasmanian Devil. We’re coming up on four years in the business together and it’s as fun as the day we started. Over the years our personal language has developed into a Writer’s Cant that eventually will be only vaguely related to our native tongue. After teh bing, breka so I can eatate, eh?

Finally, the readers. What’s been so gratifying is the feedback and enthusiasm we’ve received with the release of
, and the many, many times we’ve been asked about the sequel. Well here we are at that moment where the rubber meets the road, it’s in your hands and I sincerely hope that it exceeds all your expectations. Feel free to drop us a line and let us know what you think about it- I love hearing from y’all and talking story with you. Once a creation is released into the wild, it becomes part-owned by anybody who takes up with it, and it’s fascinating to see what different takes there are on the setting, characters, and cultures involved. Thanks for coming, enjoy the ride.

Josh Simpson, July 2013.




As I said in the first round of acknowledgments, in
, there are not enough pages to thank all the people who helped make this book come to life. I’ll do my best to note those most directly involved. To everyone else, thank you!

Enormous thanks are owed to Deborah O’Keefe, who should have a black belt in both editing and enthusiasm. You would think an editor/friend combo might be a recipe for disaster but Deb fills both roles with grace, style, and unflinching honesty.

The members of my writing group continue to amaze me with their patience, generosity, and ability to find excuses to drink champagne. Rita Moir, Anne DeGrace, Jennifer Craig, Vangie Bergum, Verna Relkoff, and Sarah Butler are, collectively, my literary compass. Thank you all.

New to Team Warpworld is copy and line editor, Steve Thornton. Despite threats to spank both Josh and I with a ping pong paddle, he was an excellent addition and we’re lucky to have him.

Darcey Lutz once more offered his medical expertise for our frequently-injured cast of characters, for which I am immensely grateful.

Pilots and friends Dave and Bobbi Powers came to our rescue when we needed some extra realism for our flight scenes. They also connected us with aerobatics pilot, Larry Mayer, who offered even more helpful input. Gracias

Miguel S. Kilantang Jr. created another stunning cover, as well as typesetting and formatting for
Wasteland Renegades
. It’s a pleasure to work with someone who is talented, professional, and apparently never sleeps.

My husband, Fred, deserves some kind of an award for putting up with me over the last four years. He may be
’s single biggest fan and promoter, not to mention a thousand other distinctly non-glamorous roles he takes on every day to support this project. I could not do this without him. He is my crazy drexla.

Also cheering from the sidelines has been my family. I love you all.

Josh and I may be morphing into a single human entity, which should make everyone on this planet nervous. I had my doubts about writing in a partnership, but they have all been put soundly to rest. Somehow, our inner ten-year-olds found a way to make the Best Game Ever into a serious creative endeavor, even with three thousand miles and two time zones between us. Josh is more than my writing and business partner, he is one of my best friends. If he was here right now, I’d pinch his cheeks!

Last of all, but most importantly, I want to thank you, our readers. There are thousands upon thousands of books out there for you to choose from … and you chose ours. Thanks for reading, thanks for your reviews and ratings, thanks for liking us on Facebook and following on Twitter, thanks for journeying through the gate we created to help you travel to other worlds. I hope you enjoyed the adventure; there are many more to come.

Blood for water. ~ Kristene




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Cover designed by Miguel S. Kilantang Jr


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