Watched (8 page)

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Authors: Olivia Batto

BOOK: Watched
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He pulsed inside her as she clenched around him, the slow lovemaking of his lips a counterpoint to their ecstasy. The gentleness, the intimacy of it brought tears to her eyes.

Hunter finally broke from his slow exploration of her mouth, and turned to discard the condom in the wastebasket before stretching out next to her. He stroked her face and brushed away her tears, gazing down at her like she’d just appeared in the bed with him. She blushed, embarrassed to be caught blubbering after sex like some lovesick teenager.

“Are you okay? Did I hurt you?” Hunter’s brows knit with concern. He wiped away a few tears, then cupped the back of her head. His thumb rubbed in slow, soothing circles behind her ear.

“I’m fine.” Alexandra turned away from the searching gaze of those electric blue eyes. He would regret this later, and she wouldn’t be able to watch the cold distance grow between them.

He palmed her cheek, drawing her face back to him. He rested his forehead against hers. “I hate to do this, but…”

“I understand,” she interrupted, her voice almost breaking as she sat up and turned away from him. He was going to leave. A sick feeling of mingled shame and regret twisted her stomach.

She swallowed heavily. “You probably have things to do at home anyway, and I should get some rest.” Why was this so difficult? She had proposed casual sex, to get each other out of their systems, but now Hunter had followed suit and she was devastated. She turned away from him. Remembering the tender look on his face would only make it harder. She had seen it before, and watched it fade.

“Dammit, that’s not what I meant. Please come back.” Hunter told her, pulling her back to curl against his chest. “I just need sleep. You’re amazing, but it’s been a long day. I want to sleep next to you tonight.”

The tearing feeling in her chest turned into warmth. It threatened to bubble over into a giddy laugh, but she silenced it. He felt bad about her emotional reaction and was trying to make up for it, that was all. “You can’t sleep here! People will think…”

“What? They’ll think we’re sleeping together? Let them. Besides, who will know? I live right next to you, and I can get into my apartment from the balcony if I need. No one will see.”

Alexandra stiffened as his words reminded her of John’s earlier claim. She turned in Hunter’s arms, placing a palm against his chest as she looked into his eyes.

“A few days ago, when John showed up, he told me Simon mentioned the kiss.”

Hunter’s smile quirked up on one side. “What’s wrong with that? The boy should be able to talk to his father. I’m not ashamed of anything we’ve done, and I don’t think Simon will be upset either.”

She stroked his arm before snatching her hand away. “You don’t understand. I never told Simon. I didn’t tell anyone. I’m not ashamed either, but only Elise knows, and she found out only after John confronted me.”

He grew serious, raising his eyebrows. “I didn’t tell anyone either. Maybe he was fishing for information?”

Alexandra’s lips thinned. “Maybe, but usually he’s less direct. I’m worried he might have been watching us, and if he’s gone that far, what else might he do?”

Hunter pulled her tighter against him, his arms enfolding her protectively. “Like slashing tires.” He kissed the top of her head gently. “What do you want to do?”

“I don’t know. I think I’ll call the cops in the morning.” Alexandra sighed, snuggling closer. “For tonight, let’s just get some sleep.”

Hunter laid awake, looking at the ceiling as he listened to Alex’s gentle breathing. The uncomfortable feeling hadn’t left him since her phone call that afternoon, and it seemed she was just as worried.

He glanced over at the bedroom window, thankful the blinds were closed. The thought of Alex’s ex husband peering in laid heavy on his mind, even though they were on the second floor. She didn’t need to deal with that kind of problem right now. Not when she was finally letting him in.

Over the past three years, he had seen her go from a nervous, insecure single mom to a self-possessed and confident woman who had stolen his heart. He had known he was in love with her for a long time, long before tonight. He smiled at the thought of their earlier lovemaking. She was just as passionate in bed as he had hoped, and he planned to explore the limits of her passion for as long as she’d have him.









Alexandra woke slowly, her eyelids scraping like sandpaper across her eyes. The rumpled sheets around her felt emptier than she had ever remembered. Disappointment rose like bile in the back of her throat, and she sighed. Of course he’d left, what else did she expect? After all, despite the age difference they were both adults.

Adults who had amazing sex last night.

She couldn’t help smiling at the memory, even though it was bittersweet. Her body felt well-used in a way she hadn’t felt in years, maybe ever. A night of great sex, no strings attached. If she didn’t mess it up, it could be a good thing. Maybe it was worth it.

She smoothed her hair absently with one hand, then reached for her robe and wrapped it around herself. As she shuffled around the bed, she saw his pants still on the floor. Had he sneaked naked across the balcony into his own apartment? She thought of many tenants who would pay well to watch. After getting a good look last night, she couldn’t blame them.

The smell of fresh coffee cleared her senses and pushed the images of nude escapes from her mind. He was still here.

She pulled the robe tight around her, rushing to the bathroom. She was sure she looked as frazzled as she felt, and she didn’t want to say hello with morning breath.

After brushing her teeth and splashing some water on her face, she felt human enough to brave a look in the mirror. Sleep-dazed eyes smeared with mascara stared back at her, her silver-streaked auburn hair in tangled disarray around her head.

“Oh no,” she whispered, horrified. “I look…”

“Cute as hell.” Hunter’s voice interrupted. She spun to see him leaning against the doorframe, wearing nothing but a towel around his slim hips. He held a steaming mug of coffee in his hands, which she accepted gratefully.

“You startled me,” she told him, hoping he would think she was breathless for that reason, not because the dark stubble on his face made his bright eyes and strong jaw look even sexier. If it was possible.

“I’m sorry, I couldn’t help telling you. You look amazing.”

Alexandra snorted into her coffee cup. “Flatterer.” She glanced in the mirror again. The smudged mascara did make her eyes stand out, and messy hair was hot nowadays, wasn’t it? Maybe she did look a little sexy.

“Alex. Believe me on this one,” he told her, stepping closer. Hunter ran the pad of his thumb across her jawline, finally bringing it to settle on her lower lip. “My wildest dreams came true last night, and seeing you like this proves it was real.” His cheeks were flushed as he smiled. The gentle pressure against her lip mesmerized and excited her. Alexandra opened her mouth and pulled the tip of his thumb inside. His breath caught and held when she swept her tongue over the pad of his thumb.

A crash erupted through the room. Jangling sounds of broken glass. Alexandra jumped, dropping her coffee. The ceramic mug shattered on the floor, and she danced away from the shards and hot coffee.

Hunter cursed, lifting her onto the counter. He stood close to her, his body hunched protectively. Their hearts pounded together, beating a rhythm Alexandra could feel through her robe.

The echoes took their time fading. The silence afterward stretched long an ominous before they both peered out into the bedroom.

The blinds over the bedside window hung ruined, twisted and snapped and swaying forlorn in the morning breeze. A spray of glass shards was spread across the comforter, glinting like a glass sea around a brick which rested on Alexandra’s pillow. Just above it was a huge dent in the headboard.

“Good thing we didn’t sleep in just a little later,” Alexandra said. Her face was white.

Hunter jerked his head in a nod. “Okay, we definitely need to report this to the cops.”

Ten minutes later Detective Caldwell, a young man with a premature bald spot and a hawkish nose, stood in her bedroom. He listened as they told him about the key scratches on her car, the slashed tires, and the brick.

Alexandra leaned into Hunter’s supportive strength as they told the detective their story. The brick was bagged in plastic, awaiting tests and examination in the lab. Detective Caldwell had cautioned them it probably wouldn’t tell them anything, but she was glad to see the disruption to her life sealed into its plastic prison.

“Have you gotten any threats, written or verbal?”

She shook her head at the balding young detective, who nodded. “We will do everything we can to keep you safe. We’ll pick your ex up for questioning, and work from there.”

As soon as the door closed behind Detective Caldwell, Alexandra turned in Hunter’s arms. “There’s no reason for you to stay. I don’t want you caught up in this.”

Hunter cupped her face. The warm comfort of his hand relaxed her slightly, and he pulled her forward gently but insistently to rest on his chest. “There isn’t anywhere I’d rather be. Besides, I can help pick up the glass.” When she didn’t answer, he rubbed her lower back in slow, soothing circles.

She let herself relax. It seemed so natural, relying on his strength. For a moment, she wondered if this might be permanent, even though she knew better.

Pretending would only make it harder when he lost interest

She pushed the thought away. She could deal with those worries later. Right now she needed him. She tried to ignore the small voice which insisted she would always need him.

“Why would John do this?” She said, her voice small. “It doesn’t seem like his style.”

His muscles bunched under her as he shrugged. “Is there anyone else who might do something like this?” He massaged her shoulders gently, easing tension she hadn’t realized was there. “It doesn’t seem like simple coincidence.” He paused, resting his chin on her hair. “So do I get to stay?” His hands moved in slow sweeps over her neck and shoulders.

She nodded, a little relieved he insisted on staying. “We should clean up this glass.”

Hunter chuckled, running his fingers through her hair. “And I’ve got a window to repair.”

Alexandra winced. “I’m sorry. I can pay for that.”

He laid a finger on her lips, following it with a light kiss which lingered and molded her lips to his. “I wouldn’t dream of it. Got a great deal on shatterproof glass, and I’ve been waiting for a chance to use it.”

Nearly three hours later, Alexandra flipped off the shop vacuum and surveyed her work. No flecks of glass glinted at her from the floor or bed. Hunter had removed the jagged edges from the windowsill, and was almost done installing the new window glass. The blanket and sheets needed washing anyway, so she could make sure any minuscule shards of glass were gone before she slept in it again. As she reached to gather the quilt and sheets, her cell phone buzzed.

She sighed, getting up to snatch it from the counter. Without looking at the caller id, she flipped the accept button. “Hello?”

“Hello, Alexandra.” John’s voice sickened her, and she grabbed the edge of the counter. “I just got a call from the cops. It seems you’re making accusations.”

Hunter raised an eyebrow, moving toward her with concern written across his handsome features. She smiled in a way she hoped was encouraging, holding up a finger before turning away.

“John, why are you doing this?” She asked, shocked at the anger in her voice. She felt like her insides had turned to water, but a deep anger seemed to rise at the sound of his voice.

“Alexandra, wake up,” John snapped. “Why would I waste my time throwing bricks and - what was it? Slashing tires? I’m not even in the state anymore, I went back to Denver when your idiot boyfriend kicked me out. I’m sorry you’re having problems, but blaming me is a little old.”

Alexandra was silent. She was torn between believing John would never do something like this and calling him a liar. If it wasn’t him, who could it be?

“Look,” John interrupted her thoughts with a sigh. “I can prove I’m not there. I’m sending some pictures of me at the house with today’s newspaper, faxing my phone bill and a plane ticket to show I flew home the next day, and everything else I can to the police. I’ll send you the same information. Would that be enough?”

Would it? Alexandra rubbed her eyes, suddenly tired. “Yes. Thank you, I’d appreciate it. I’m sorry for accusing you.”

“That’s alright.” John sounded bored with the conversation, the same tone creeping into his voice as usual. “Look, maybe you should get away from this for a while. Whoever it is, they know where you work, where you live and where you go for recreation. Maybe you should come home with me, to throw them off your trail. You can leave whenever you want, but I promise I’ll make sure nothing happens to you while you’re here.”

His words were sensible, even as she recoiled from the thought of staying in the home they’d once shared. She looked to Hunter. His eyes bored into hers, seeming even more brilliant blue than usual. Hunter was willing to protect her if he could, but did she have any right to put him in danger for her comfort? “I’ll think about it. Thank you for the offer.” She hung up, her head spinning.

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