Watched (9 page)

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Authors: Olivia Batto

BOOK: Watched
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Email notifications dinged on her phone almost immediately, and she flipped through image after image proving John couldn’t have slashed her tires or thrown the brick through her window. She felt like an idiot. How could she accuse him without any proof? Now she was nowhere, and had probably missed something which could given a clue about her attacker’s real identity.

Hunter crossed the room to hold her. Alexandra accepted his touch, her body stiff with tension and confusion. “What did he say to you?” He looked at the phone with worry.

As she told him, he rubbed her arms absently. “You’re shaking all over. Why don’t you go take a shower in the guest bathroom, I’ll be right in the bedroom finishing the window. I’ve got some burgers at my place, we can cook those for lunch. Sound good?”

She nodded mutely. A hot shower was exactly what she needed now. He offered to come and keep her company, but she waved him away. He kissed her on the forehead before she headed down the hallway to the bathroom outside Simon’s room. She thought briefly about calling her son, but it was the middle of the night where he was. Besides, there was no point in telling him, especially when she wasn’t sure who was doing this. He would just worry.









She scrubbed her skin pink under the pounding shower jets. She had always loved the water heater in this apartment. An endless stream of hot water seemed to come from it, no matter the season. It was releasing tension although her nerves were still jangling.

She turned to reach for the shower gel, only to see another face inches from her own. A scream wrenched itself from her throat, and her right hand shot forward in the punch her self-defense trainer had trained her in a thousand times. Her fist connected squarely, but her target didn’t give way like the punching bags did. The sharp pain in her knuckles shot through her arm, and she stumbled backward, slipping and falling hard on the slick shower floor.

What was that?
She scrabbled away, ignoring the pain in her hand as she tried to right herself. Her head whipped from side to side, searching for her attacker.

Nothing. Blank tile walls stared back at her, impassive. She looked up, horrified, and slowly realized she had seen her reflection in the shaving mirror Simon had insisted on having in his shower. She rarely took a shower in the guest bathroom, so it had startled her. Thankfully, it was a shiny metal plate instead of a glass mirror, so it hadn’t shattered. She flexed her hand, checking her reddened knuckles. Punching mirrors now. She was lucky she hadn’t broken anything.

“Alex?” Hunter’s deep voice called. His running footsteps pounded down the hallway and she scrambled to her feet, feeling foolish. “Are you all right?”

The sight of his handsome face, features strained with concern, made tears prick the corners of her eyes. Great, first she was screaming at her reflection, now she was going to cry like a little girl when a big strong man came running to save her. She turned her face into the shower water, hoping it would hide her tears.

Hunter stepped forward, taking her by the elbow and tugging her gently into his embrace. “Alex, what happened? You can tell me.”

She sobbed in frustration, curling into him as her recent panic worked itself out of her frazzled nerves. He held her, making soothing noises and waiting for her to recover. Finally she pulled away, but kept her head down. “It’s nothing,” she said, shaking her head. “I saw my reflection, and it scared me. That’s all.” The ridiculousness forced Alexandra to laugh. “I punched a mirror. And now I’m all weepy for no reason.”

“I don’t think it’s for no reason.” Hunter took her hands and kissed her palms before putting them on his shoulders. She looked up at him. He settled his hands on her hips, his eyes still cloudy with worry. Her dripping skin had soaked his shirt, plastering it to his chest. “I’m glad you’re alright. It’s perfectly reasonable. You were scared, and I’m glad you screamed and attacked. Even if it was just a mirror.” He kissed her on the nose, then pressed his forehead to hers. “Are you all right in here alone?”

She tried to nod, but found she couldn’t. She didn’t need him here, but she didn’t want him to leave. After a few moments of silence, she shrugged self-consciously. “Could you keep me company, just in case the mirror decides to attack again?”

He grinned. “Don’t have to tell me twice.”

She pointed to where a towel sat on the toilet seat. “You can sit there if you…” He let go, stripping off his clothing and dropping them on the floor. “Or you can do that.”

“What, you thought I would pass up a chance to join you in the shower?” He waved her into the spray to make room for him. Her eyes widened as he stepped into the shower behind her.

He lifted the washcloth from where she had dropped it, then poured shower gel into it and stroked her back. When she sighed in pleasure and leaned into his touch he scrubbed a little harder, using his other hand to rinse away the soap suds.

The warm shower water and his careful attention eased her nervous shivers. A little curl of happiness formed in Alexandra’s throat. She felt strong and safe with him here. Despite her earlier anxiety, this moment was perfect.

Alexandra leaned back, and the solid weight of his arousal pressed into the small of her back. Hunter cleared his throat and shifted away from her. “Sorry. Now probably isn’t the best time.”

Her hands searched behind her for his hips. She pulled him close, looking back at him over her shoulder as she pressed the curve of her butt against him. “Are you sure?”

His eyelids fluttered closed. “I thought I was, but I don’t mind being wrong once in a while.”

“Once in a while?” A little flare of triumph filled her. The flush of his face, sparkling with droplets of shower water, formed butterflies in her chest. When he leaned his hips into her, she tilted hers and rubbed against him until he moaned. His hands caught her by the shoulders and pulled her back against the hardness of his chest.

He took her earlobe between his teeth, nibbling until she tipped her head back toward him. He trailed a line of kisses along her jaw, rubbing her down with soap and massaging the knots from her muscles.

Even as she relaxed into his touch, desire built within her, her pulse raced and her breath came in harsh pants. A low moan escaped from her lips as his hands brushed against a sensitive part of her upper thighs.

“Feeling better, baby?” The husky amusement in his voice sent shivers down her spine. He slid his hands around her, one hand teasing her left nipple while he ran the other hand down to stroke her.

She gasped, leaning back against him as the twin sensations arced through her. She ached for him as his fingers sent pleasure sizzling along her nerves. “What would you do if I said I needed more cheering up?”

His laugh echoed through the shower. “Sounds serious. Maybe I should step up my game.”

“Maybe you should. A girl needs variety, after all.” Alexandra turned toward him, tracing the lines of his chest with her fingers. Standing on her tiptoes to rub her cheek against his, she let the rasp of his stubble scrape her cheek as she traced a lazy circle around one of his nipples.

His pupils widened. “I’m open to suggestions.” Alexandra smiled and planted an open-mouthed kiss on his chest, then pressed her hips against his solid thigh.

“Suggestions?” Alexandra flashed him a teasing smile. “I thought we were improvising.”

Hunter wedged his thigh between her legs and shifted his attention to her breasts as she ground her hips against him. She pulled his head down to meet hers in a hungry kiss. Their tongues tangled and Alexandra moaned into his mouth, need making her desperate for more.

The hot water rained down on them, beating against her skin. She rubbed herself insistently against his hard thigh, trying to find the friction to ease the pooling heat between her thighs.

Alexandra reached down to close her hand around his thick shaft, smiling against his lips when it jumped in her hand. She stroked its hard length, a flutter of pride going through her when he hissed a harsh breath through his teeth.

She played with him, exploring his mouth while she rubbed him. She took control, and the way he shivered with desire under her hands made her feel sexy. She had never done anything like this. She had always responded to what her partner wanted to do. Hunter’s careful attention to her every move gave her a rush of excitement.

Finally he pulled her hands away, shaking his head. “Damn woman, any more and you’ll make me come.”

She grinned wolfishly, wrapping her arms around his neck. “That would be too bad,” she told him, wriggling her wet body against his. “I want you to take me.”

Desire flared in his eyes, and he turned to the pants he had discarded outside the shower. His wallet came free of the pocket in record time, and he pulled out a condom and rolled it on, then slid his arm under her butt. He lifted her to straddle his lean hips. “I might not last long.”

“You think I will?” Alexandra shifted her hips, tilting to allow him access.

He plunged into her, and she gasped against his lips as she stretched around him. The delicious friction of his shaft inside her made her tighten around him. Hot shower water gushed down on her back as he lifted her, then thrust back in.

He was careful, even when he pressed her against the shower wall, thrusting into her with desperate passion. She wrapped her legs around his lean hips, urging him faster, harder. The solid heat of him made her clench, and she raked her nails across his shoulders.

Alexandra looked up at Hunter as he bit down on his bottom lip in ecstasy. The storm within her built until she was ready to burst, carrying with it the realization; this was far from over. She never wanted to leave him, a thought which should have left her terrified. Right now, she couldn’t remember why.

She tightened around him as she teetered on the edge of orgasm. “Hunter,” she whispered harshly, right before she went over.

His shaft flared inside her just before his own release. Her entire body shuddered as he surged deep into her, pulsing in time with her own orgasm.

He kissed her neck, holding her steady as she relaxed against him. “I love the way you tighten around me. We fit together so perfectly.” He withdrew, letting her stand on her own while he discarded the condom. He brushed against her lips briefly. “Let’s finish this shower and have lunch, then if you still need cheering up we can improvise some more.”

She watched him soap up and rinse under the spray of hot water. Hunter caught her stare. “Enjoying the view?” His smile quirked in reaction to her blush. “I know I am.”

A loud beep interrupted her answer, and Alexandra yelped. Curses and splashes turned into a mad dash from the shower, and she rummaged through her pile of discarded clothing for her pager.

“It’s the hospital.” Alexandra cursed again, then reached for a towel as Hunter turned off the water. “I’ve got to go, one of my patients is critical.”









Alexandra sucked in a deep breath before she entered Kailea’s hospital room. Several hours of treatment, followed by more hours of helpless nail biting, and she still needed to break bad news.

The slow swing of the wooden door revealed Mrs. Louangrath hunched over the hospital bed, her skin unnaturally pale. Her husband paced the floor, lacing and unlacing his fingers until he looked up at Alexandra. He looked relieved to see her.

His wife scowled. “What are you doing here,” she snapped. “Haven’t you done enough?”

“Chanmali, please.” Mr. Lounagrath flinched.

“It’s all right. I’m just here to check Kailea’s vitals and go over her treatment with you.” Alexandra looked from the husband to the wife, then back again. “I can come back later if you need?”

“Just get it over with.” Chanmali gestured to her daughter, who was still asleep. A shaft of light from the setting sun refracted through her IV bag and shone on her face.

Alexandra checked the machine, shifting it to change the angle of the light and get it out of the girl’s face. Kailea was so small for fourteen. It was hard not to compare Kailea to Simon, who was the same age. He was at least two feet taller and didn’t look so skeletal.

Alexandra pushed her son from her mind. “She looks like she’s recovering well. We had to use a catheter to remove the blood clot, because it was too close to her heart to disperse with blood thinners.” She cleared her throat, looking to the mother. “It was fortunate we had you close, because your daughter needed all the blood we took from you. Her blood type is rare. I’d like to schedule you to give blood again after you’ve recovered, so we can have blood on hand for her.”

Mrs. Louangrath waved her hand. “Fine,” she snapped. “Any other procedures you’d like to do?”

Chanmali’s acid tone was born of stress and blood loss, but Alexandra still flinched inwardly. “I’d like to start her on a prescription of blood thinners, to prevent this from happening again, and I’d like to keep her overnight so we can keep an eye on her.”

Mr. Louangrath shifted from one foot to another. “But why did she get a clot in the first place?”

“These kinds of clots can happen in cancer patients.” Alexandra folded her clipboard close to her chest. “The cancer cells themselves release a clotting agent. Normally we don’t see this in children, but there are other factors we think might have played a role.”

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