Watching Sin (A Fetish and Fantasy Short Story) (4 page)

BOOK: Watching Sin (A Fetish and Fantasy Short Story)
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Chapter Four



It took him a moment to register what she was asking. Alana wanted to keep going. She wanted to fuck Killian. Holy shit! It was like heaven and hell were both tempting him with what he wanted the most.

He lifted his eyes to meet Killian’s. They were business partners, but Doug considered him to be his best friend, too. How would tonight change that? Did it matter?

The heat of two sets of eyes bore into him as he tried to formulate a response that didn’t sound too eager, but didn’t stop them either.

“Do you want this?” he asked Killian.

Killian’s response started with a slow sexy smile that lit up his face, and darkened his green eyes. Without a word, he slid the tuxedo jacket from his shoulders, and tossed it onto a chair across the room. Then his long fingers began working at the knot of his bow tie. He was so close to them that Doug could feel his movements against his knees, and it kept his blood just slightly below the boiling point.

It was time to face the elephant in the room. “This is for Alana, and we can’t promise you more than tonight.”

Killian paused with the black satin bow tie dangling from his fingers. They all three stared at it motionless and silent.
It was wrinkled from wear, and yet parts of it were perfectly pristine. What a perfect metaphor for their current predicament.

“I don’t want your promises.” Killian spoke barely above a whisper, but his voice echoed through the room. “I want your submission.”

Doug’s eyes shot to Alana, and he was surprised to find her heavy-lidded and flushed. Oh yeah, she was certainly into that plan. With a smile, he turned back to Killian. “It looks like she’s okay with that.”

“I know she is, but are you?”

~ ~ ~


“Me?” Doug squeaked, and then cleared his throat. “What do you mean?”

Alana almost felt sorry for her husband. He was clearly clueless about his own best friend. She’d had her suspicions that Killian was a Dom, but he confirmed it when he took control of the scene in the other room. It turned her on like crazy; she desperately wanted to submit to him, but she had a gut feeling he wouldn’t go for it unless Doug was on his knees too.

“I mean, I’m in charge. What I say goes when we’re in here. If you don’t like it you can say stop and we all part as friends, no harm no foul. But if you stay, you give up control to me.”

He said it so calmly that they might have been discussing the Sunday newspaper, but Alana could see the flames he held tightly under control deep in his emerald eyes, Killian wanted both of them. He wanted to Master them, and possibly even fuck them both. A shiver of desire skittered up her spine, and her pussy dripped onto Doug’s slacks. She wanted that. Desperately.

“Please say yes, Doug. Try it.” She murmured, kissing his jaw, and wriggling her ass on his groin.

He let out a low groan, and his brow wrinkled as if he was in pain. “I’m not sure.”

“Of course you’re not. Most submissives aren’t sure until they’ve experienced submission for the first time. Trust me to guide you in this. I’ve been doing it most of my life.” Killian’s demeanor was alluring, almost mesmerizing. His hand came up, and he stroked Alana’s cheek softly, “We can please her together, but the only way I’ll get enjoyment out of it, is if I have complete control.”

“I’m not a submissive.”

Alana couldn’t hold in her laughter, and she only laughed harder when Doug glared at her like Grumpy Cat. “I’m sorry, honey. You know I love you madly, but you are most definitely submissive in the bedroom.”

Doug looked so put out that she felt guilty for teasing him. “I’m not sure this is a good idea,” he grumbled, moving her off his lap and onto the bed beside them.

He stood, but Killian didn’t back away. Instead the two were chest-to-chest, face-to-face, groin-to-groin facing off. “What are you scared of?”

Killian’s question seemed to take Doug by surprise and he fumbled for an answer. Alana rose up on her knees behind him, pressing her breasts against his broad back. Doug relaxed slightly between the two of them, and she took it as an invitation, reaching around to slide her hand into the opening of his slacks to grip his semi-hard cock.

“I don’t know what you want from me,” Doug said, almost whimpering, as she pushed her hand deeper to cup his balls, and Killian’s hand replaced hers on his cock. Doug jumped at the first touch of the other man’s hand, but then groaned loudly.

“What do I want from you?” Killian repeated, meeting Alana’s eyes over Doug’s shoulder in triumph as Doug’s head fell backward in acquiescence. “Everything.”

Chapter Five



His chest felt heavy where it met Doug’s, and the firm length of Doug’s cock in his hand made Killian’s heart skip a beat. He had exactly what he wanted in the palm of his hand. Doug was relaxing under his touch, and Alana was wild with desire as her fingers tangled with his around her husband’s erection.

“Say yes, Doug.” Killian prompted. There was no way he was going to move forward without a direct answer. He wouldn’t risk Doug trying to say he was coerced into this.


The word had a ripple effect on all three of them. Alana moaned, and bit Doug’s shoulder. Doug gasped, and braced his hands on Killian’s chest to stay standing, and Killian had to grind his teeth together to keep from forcing Doug to his knees immediately; that wouldn’t win him any points at the moment.

“As of now you’re both mine until morning, your safe word is
, because that’s the soonest I’ll let you go without it. Are we clear?” Killian slipped into his Dom voice easily, and Alana and Doug responded to it. She piped up with a “Yes Sir,” while Doug nodded his head vigorously. “Sir, Doug. You’ll call me Sir when we’re in the bedroom.”

“Yes…Sir.” He whispered it, but it was enough. Killian’s blood pressure skyrocketed and he gave Doug’s dick a hard squeeze before reaching for Alana. It was important to ease Doug into this, but he knew Alana was ready for it.

She moved easily for him, coming to rest on her knees in front of him, thighs spread, head bowed, hands behind her back. It was a beautiful sight. She had glorious curves and pale skin that glowed softly with a pink flush of desire. Moving away from her, Killian flipped on a floor lamp across the room so that he could see them both better. Now he could see the pink stain on Doug’s cheeks, and the glistening tip of his big cock jutting up in welcome.

“Have you been trained as a submissive, Alana?”

“No Sir, but I’ve read enough erotic novels to know what to expect,” she responded, keeping her head down.

Killian frowned at her, “I doubt you could learn anything about real BDSM in a novel, but perhaps I’ll have to borrow a few books from your library.”

She lifted her head, and he could see her teasing smile. “Of course. I have plenty for you to choose from, Sir.”

“And you, Doug? What do you know about being a submissive?”

The way Doug stood with his head resting lazily on his shoulders, and his hips jutting forward, he almost looked drugged. It was possible he was already on the verge of subspace. That certainly wouldn’t do. They had at least four hours until dawn, and Killian was determined to make use of every minute.

“I only know what I’ve seen in porn, and what Alana has told me.”

That surprised him. “You two have discussed this?”

“Not exactly,” Alana said, throwing an irritated look at Doug, “He likes it when I read him parts of my books while we’re in bed.” When Killian frowned at her, she hurried to add a “Sir” onto the end of her explanation.

“You do have a sexy voice, love. I can see why he would want to listen to you say the nastiest words possible.”

Killian and Doug shared a smile when Alana blushed again and mumbled, “Thank you, Sir.”

“You’re welcome. I think we’ll skip the scene and get to the fucking. My cock is hard enough to pound nails. Alana, help Doug get his clothes off, and remove your stockings and garter belt before they get torn apart.” Killian watched as the couple worked in tandem to remove every wisp of fabric from between them. When the pair was completely naked, they turned back to him, Alana with a sweet sensual smile, Doug with a challenging tilt to his chin. “Beautiful. You’re an attractive couple, but you already know that. Doug, help Alana onto the bed, and use this to blindfold her.” He passed Doug a scarf retrieved from the bureau nearby.

Alana’s pleasure at his directive was obvious as she nearly leapt onto the king size bed and lifted her head so that Doug could loop the silk fabric around her head.

“Perfect.” Killian tugged at his own dress shirt, popping a few buttons as he hastily removed the garment, and then tossed it carelessly onto the chair holding his jacket. “Have you ever fucked her tits, Doug?”

“Many times. She’s got fantastic tits.”

“Mm-hmm, she certainly does.” Killian toed off his shoes, and dropped his trousers, leaving them piled on the floor as he moved closer to his bed. He kept his gaze steady on Doug even as the other man surveyed his body. “Don’t forget your manners, pet, or I’ll have to discipline you. Remember, you agreed to be mine for the night.”

Doug flinched, but nodded, “Yes, Sir.”

~ ~ ~


Killian’s words were a reminder of his place in this event, and Doug felt it to his core. This wasn’t going to be some sort of fling they would all walk away from in the morning completely unscathed. Something in Killian’s tone told him that he would be completely changed by dawn. The question was, would they ever be able to go back after this?

Retrieving something from the night table, Killian joined them on the bed. His cock was standing proudly, and Doug felt a rush of heat to his loins as his mouth watered. What would he taste like?

“Get her nipples good and hard, pet. She’s looking lonely.”

Killian’s instruction seemed to ground Doug back into reality, and he focused on teasing his wife’s breasts and nipples until she was rocking her hips and whimpering underneath him.

“Good, that’s enough.”

Resting back on his heels, Doug watched as Killian slipped small black nipple clamps onto each of Alana’s fat nipples. She yelped when the first one snapped in place, but she only gasped when the second one was fitted. They looked sexy as hell. Her areolas were a dusky rose color, while her nipples, trapped by the clamps, quickly became a darker maroon. Reaching out to stroke one of them, Doug caught himself just in time, and lifted his eyes to Killian for permission. He wasn’t ready to consider what the look of triumph on his best friend’s face might mean. Instead, he took advantage of the opportunity and caressed the tips of his wife’s aching breasts.

“That’s intense!” Alana gasped, shivering as goose bumps popped up all over her body. Killian just chuckled next to her.

“Oh, love, we haven’t even begun. What was it you asked me earlier? To
you? Do you still want me to just watch, Alana?” Killian teased. While Doug occupied himself with her nipples, Killian was running his hand over her soft belly and thick thighs, spreading her legs wider so that he could skim a finger along her juicy pussy lips.

She was breathing hard when she answered, “No, Sir. Please don’t just watch.”

Doug couldn’t remember ever seeing his wife so wantonly sexual before. Sure, she was a passionate woman and they had a good sex life, but this was something altogether different. It was like she had been encapsulated in a cocoon for the last fifteen years and was suddenly breaking out to spread her wings.

Killian was moving between her legs, spreading her open with his big hands. It was distracting to watch, and Doug had to fight to maintain his concentration and play with her nipples.

“Alana, you’re going to lie still while Doug fucks those glorious breasts of yours, and I feast on your cunt. Don’t move, love.” That was all the instruction he gave before he lowered his mouth to her waiting pussy. Doug watched, fascinated as she tensed but remained in place. He’d never seen her hold still during sex. There were times when he was licking her cunt that he had to hold onto both of her hips like handlebars because she bucked so hard, but with just one demand from Killian, she had completely changed her ways.

Killian’s eyes met his, and Doug instinctively knew he was disappointed in the delay. He was supposed to be fucking Alana’s tits. Not much of a hardship, but if he straddled her body to do it right his bare ass and balls would be almost right in Killian’s face. Surely that’s not what he intended?

Pulling his face away from his task, Killian slapped Alana’s thigh lightly when she let out a whimper of protest. “What’s the problem?”

“I’m just…I’ve never…well…if I get on top of her, you’ll be staring at my ass.” Doug finally said in a rush. He heard Alana fighting to hold back a titter of laughter, but he refused to look up to see how Killian was reacting.

“That’s exactly what’s supposed to happen, pet. You have no need to feel self-conscious. You have a nice ass for a man your age,” Killian said. The look on his face was steady when Doug’s eyes shot up to meet his.

“A man my age?”

“Good, now I have your attention. When I said I wanted your submission, Doug, I meant in everything. Not just when you feel comfortable, so either safeword out and Alana will rejoin you at home in the morning, or get your ass up there and fuck your wife’s tits.”

Doug moved quickly. He never even considered safewording so that he could leave. He climbed up on top of Alana, and pressed her soft breasts tight around his hard length. Something cold brushed against his shoulder, and he turned to find Killian passing him a bottle of lube.
Within moments he was lubed up and fucking away, without a thought for the man behind him who was lapping up his wife’s cream while he was getting an eyeful of Doug’s ass.

~ ~ ~


She was fighting her own body to stay still. Killian’s hands were warm on her inner thighs, and his tongue was searing hot on her clit. He circled the sensitive button gently and then moved his tongue in a rapid-fire movement over it, before switching it up again to lick her in long deep strokes from top to bottom. It was a masterful dance he did, and she was dying to come all over him.

Meanwhile, her husband rode her breasts, his fat cock slurping in the deep valley of her cleavage as though his life depended on it. She knew this was one of his favorite alternatives when she wasn’t feeling up to actual fucking, but with her nipples clamped and Killian’s mouth on her pussy, she was turned on as hell by his steady thrusting.

Her fingers dug into the bedspread until she felt her fingernails bend. Thrashing her head, she whimpered, “Please!” She began to tremble underneath them.

A hand covered hers where it was clamped down on the bedspread, and she relaxed her grip, allowing Killian to draw her palm up to Doug’s ass. She knew it was Killian because Doug would never ask her to grab his ass, and by the pressure on her fingertips, she knew he wanted her to spread her husband’s cheeks open.

Shit, the man was multi-talented. He was still teasing her pussy with his mouth, while he instructed her with his hands. She followed his lead, skimming her fingers down the split of Doug’s ass, even when he slowed his thrusting. Expecting him to resist, she eased back to massage his cheeks until he was back to full throttle on her tits. Once he had resumed his motions, she resumed hers. She pressed her fingertips between his spread ass cheeks, exploring a valley she had never been allowed to before, by touch alone.

He tensed when she pushed against his forbidden hole, but when he didn’t stop her she continued to rub gentle circles over that sensitive opening until it relaxed enough for her to insert just the tip of her finger. That was when she lost her concentration.

There was no way she could keep her hips still any longer with the glorious action happening on her clit, her finger in Doug’s ass, and his cock mashed between her breasts. With a scream, she launched upwards, her movement lifting them all a couple of inches as she shattered underneath them.

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