We Are the Children of the Stars (31 page)

BOOK: We Are the Children of the Stars
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If such cases are authentic, they seem to bolster the validity of paranormal phenomena, ESP, parapsychology, and all those elusive fields of mental mysteries that science is helpless to deal with. And that scientists usually sweep under the carpet for not fitting into current theory of “things as they are.”

Or things as the hard-nosed scientist
they are.

No, we are not mounting a defense of psychic phenomena. Rather, we are going to take certain inexplicable experiences called “paranormal” and lop off the “para,” switching them from the realm of the unexplainable and “unscientific” into the area of rational acceptability. In short, we will give a nonoccult explanation for reincarnation in its various exotic forms, and certain types of “retrocognition” (seeing in the past) if they occur
the percipient was born.

In short, we are postulating that memories of past lives, vivid visions of past disasters many years before the “clairvoyant” person lived, and even the “inspiration” for great new ideas or scientific discoveries may come from racial memory.

Memory that we inherited from the
, mind you, when they injected their memory-genes into the gene pool of the entire human-race-to-be of early times.

A best-selling archeologist in both Germany and America embellishes this basic idea in his own way but to the same end.
He believes that brilliant scientific discoveries are culled from an all-embracing pool of “age-old knowledge.” He also calls it “cosmic memory,” which was brought to us by what the ancients
called the “gods” who descended from heaven and taught primitive mankind many great wonders of civilization.

But this knowledge became lost through time and mischance and the march of many “dark ages” until “At certain fortunate moments the barriers separating us from the primitive memory fall. Then the driving forces brought to light again [in certain human minds by the stored-up knowledge from the starmen] became active in us.”

The result is a Galileo inventing the telescope and advancing astronomy in one great leap, a Newton discovering or rediscovering the laws of gravity, an Einstein formulating the brain-bending concept of Relativity.

The above author has one very strong point to back up his contentions.

He hammers it home by saying, “Is it only a coincidence that printing and clockmaking, that the car and the airplane, that the laws of gravity, and the functioning of the genetic code, were invented and discovered
almost simultaneously
. . . in different parts of the world?”

Further examples are countless and often startling. Two astronomers, J. C. Adams of England and U. J. Leverrier of France, both worked out the position of the undiscovered planet Neptune almost on the same day and hour, advising where telescopes should be pointed.

The cotton gin was invented by two men separately and led to bitter court battles as to who was first and deserved the patent rights.

And need we point out one of the most conspicuous of all such “double” discoveries –
the Theory of Evolution itself!

Darwin and Wallace may both have tapped the racial memory-bank within their brains – or the “cosmic consciousness,” or whatever one may name it – at precisely the same moment. The starmen, products of other-world Evolution themselves, well knew the subject inside out and that knowledge could have lodged in the memory-cells of their progeny, including the whole human race and all its thinkers to come.

Scientists often state or admit that their great discovery came in a flash of “intuition” or as a “hunch” out of nowhere. They are awed and puzzled themselves at the sudden “inspiration” that swept through their minds, often while they were not even thinking of the subject. Or, as in the case of Friedrich August Kekule, the famed nineteenth-century chemist, the brilliant idea of the “benzene ring” for organic compounds came to him in a “dream” at night.

We suggest that all such strange mental phenomena involving great ideas are nothing more than race memory, in which a rare pathway in one Man's brain is suddenly opened into the memory cells that hold the ancient inherited knowledge of our starmen sires long ago.

Many vivid dreams are also reported by people, wherein they seem to be savage, hairy cavemen, battling fierce extinct beasts like dinosaurs. Rather than pure subconscious imagination, we think those also are an example of race memory, only in this case, the recollections (by dreams) revert back to the other side of our hybrid makeup – to the racial memory of the Hominids with whom the starmen mated.

Another dream is reported so universally, as we know from psychiatric records and experimental “dream labs,” that it goes beyond the bounds of mere coincidence. In fact,
have probably had this dream yourself – a dream of flying or floating effortlessly in the air, or of soaring like an eagle high over people and cities.

Now if it is so widespread among humans, where would we get such a
dream? After all, we have nothing in our personal or racial history that could furnish the kernel for a flying dream – we have never passed through an evolutionary stage of being birds or flying mammals of any sort. The act of flying (without aircraft of course, which never take part in those dreams) with our own physical bodies – and always without wings or props of any sort – is utterly
to our physical or mental natures.

A sudden clue to this ubiquitous phenomenon has come recently with the space age. Many people who first saw the motion
pictures of astronauts in orbit,
floating in zero-g
, were startled, for it was exactly like their dreams of floating and slow-motion flying. With that clue, we can link it up to a very significant and ancient race-memory –
that of flying through space, in a spacecraft, where weightlessness goes on for days, months, or even years.
And from where else could this race memory come than our starmen ancestors, who spent much time in space travel?

A peculiar, “out-of-place” dream of flying common to most humans . . . and a postulated origin for our race from our spacedying star-sires. The two fit together so perfectly they almost clap together resoundingly. Millions of years of spaceflight and adaptation of the starmen to zero-g weightlessness not only worked its way into their gene pool but was then transmitted into our earthly gene pool in the guise of a strange racial memory that manifests itself only in our dreams. Everyone knows how “weird” and “fantastic” his flying dream seems, even while he's dreaming it.

And so, the theory of Hybrid Man can not only solve scientific secrets about Man's origin, but also explain quite nonmystically a sizable body of psychic phenomena coming out of racial memory but misinterpreted by paranormal researchers as “reincarnation,” “retrocognition,” and “out-of-the-body experiences” (astral projection through time and space which are often reported quite like the above “flying” dreams).

And again we submit that the concept of Hybrid humanity is the
explanation for the anomalies in both fields. According to the principle of Occam's razor – always to choose the least complicated explanation out of many alternatives – the theory of Hybrid mankind should be taken more seriously than skeptics might want to.

To get back to race memory – once implanted in the human brain, any memory, however trivial, is
never forgotten
(the consensus of psychiatrists and psychologists today). Thus, the ancients passed their memory of how Evolution worked, as told by the starmen, along to future generations through patterns of memory genes.

It is hardly a stretch of imagination to say that if the “memory” of how to form a human baby is implanted in the ovum or indelibly impressed on the chromosome pattern within the egg cell, then why could not a
from ancient times also be transmitted in the same way? This requires no magic or occultism or wild imagination to make it possible as well as highly logical.

It so happens it is
imagination at all, as recently proved by scientific work right in the laboratory. Briefly, researchers in a unique experiment first trained worms (planariums) how to seek light when placed in darkness in a simple maze. Then they chopped up or even ground up the worms into a mash, which they fed to other living worms. Presto – the new worms did not blunder around helplessly in the maze but uncannily found the light with little trouble.

Yet they had
been trained. How could they “know” which way to go?

The researchers calmly announced that there was only one answer – the new worms had “eaten memories” from the choppedup worms! To be more explicit, the cells of the mashed worms must have held some indestructible gene/chromosome (DNA) pattern of memory of how to lick the maze, and the new worms gained that knowledge by simple “digestion” of the memory-cell pattern of the dead worms. If that isn't weird enough (in scientific eyes), the researchers also bred the worms who possessed the maze know-how, and their progeny, too, were maze experts! We are moved to proclaim (that is the only immodest word) that the above experiments are direct and undeniable
that there
such a thing as racial memory, theorized for a long time but heretofore stubbornly denied by orthodox science.

We spelled out the above in rather pedantic and plodding terms in order to leave no doubt in the reader's mind that science itself has backed up the existence of racial memory. The authors of this book did not “invent” it.

The enormous implications of a universal race memory can well be left to your imagination – that within us all lurk deeply
buried memories of tremendous knowledge implanted into the human gene-pool by the superscientific starmen, as part of our mental “heritage.” At rare and glorious times, one among us somehow blunders through the phylogenic “amnesia curtain” and remembers something terrific that he joyously announces as his own genius, not knowing the truth.

It may be that all, or most, major scientific discoveries and great new ideas in any area of human life are in reality memorygifts from the all-wise starmen. We need an “and/or” here – and/or the ideas come out of genius brains that are again an inherited “gift” from the same source.

Remember how we previously pointed out that the “rate” of genius in the human race has gone down steadily since ancient times, when people were more directly exposed to our star-sires' great knowledge? It may be that today we are only gleaning the leavings, through racial memory, of the great secrets of the universe. Our science technology is just a veneer of materialistic child's play.

What we do
yet seem able to tap out of racial memory are the golden roads to peace and plenty and the brotherhood of Man. Let us not be deceived by the gloss and glitter surrounding us when inside, our souls are hollow and afraid and abysmally ignorant.

The concept of racial memory immediately leads us into perhaps the greatest of all mysteries of the human mind. A mystery of several parts though all are related. Where, in short, does Man get his
that makes him want to find out what makes things tick? His restless drive for
more knowledge
, even if of a materialistic nature? His
ambitions to build a “better world”
even if his progress is slow and erratic toward that goal? His need, hunger if you will, for

And, most vital of all, his
instinct that is even now leading him off his home-planet into the space darkness, plus his
sense of destiny
that makes him dream of a shining goal awaiting him, somewhere?

If we take the exploratory attribute alone, we see how really great the gulf is between the primates and Man.

All the apes live together in small bands, never being solitary animals like leopards or tigers. These bands or “tribes” have rigid territorial rules about anybody wandering away alone, where they would be helpless prey to predators.

The ape-child is never allowed to roam freely and explore the world, so to speak. Not even the close-by world beyond his tribe's narrow jurisdiction. Nor does the apeling's limited brain have the capacity to see anything to explore for, beyond the necessities of eating, surviving, and procreating.

Remember, that is all Evolution asks for, or has bred into the species.

The Man-child, however, is an ape of a different sort entirely.

We all know how even a baby will crawl to explore any odd or exciting thing it sees. True, young chimps in captivity will also display a certain amount of curiosity and pick up a brightly-colored toy or reach for a dangling balloon. But their attention span is very short, so that after a few pawings they lose all interest. And things such as color pictures in a book or the strange little human models inside a doll's house, leave the ape-child completely uninterested. He has no mental reach for the
, like the human child's high-powered brain.

All through childhood, the urge is there to seek out the new and the unknown, as apes never
do. When chimps are given a set of building blocks, they will clumsily build crude structures for a short time, then tire of it and go to something else. The human child
keeps going
, finding ever new and more fascinating towers to build and knock down (so he can build again).

This is a simplified example but it clearly and unequivocally emphasizes this key point:
where apes leave off, humans begin.

And all of that keep-at-it drive to take the world apart does not and
come out of Evolution. Natural selection simply cannot overendow a species with not only a “top-heavy” brain but also an incredible inner desire to learn things never known
in nature – radio, cars, atomic power come immediately to mind. They are the result of Man's exploratory instinct.

How could nature build
into him?

Now, where do we get this unique and truly unearthly feature in our makeup?

We cannot say that our big brain alone egged us on, for the dolphin, whale, and elephant all have bigger brain-sizes and nobody has yet seen a dolphin in orbit, an elephant using a computer, or a whale teaching Einstein's theory.

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