Authors: Ray Gordon
‘You’ll find out any minute now,’ she replied. ‘Now that your cock is well creamed, take it out of my pussy and force it deep into my tight little bum-hole.’
‘Whatever the game is, I like it,’ Gary said, withdrawing his pussy-wet penis and pressing his purple plum hard against the brown ring of her anus. ‘I’ve never done this before,’ he gasped as his swollen knob slipped past her defeated anal-sphincter muscles. ‘God, you’re so hot and tight.’
‘And you’re big,’ she breathed, clinging to the arms of the chair as his solid prick drove deep into her hot rectal duct. ‘Talk dirty to me. Tell my I’m a slut and you love arse-fucking me.’
Grimacing as Gary rocked his hips, Mandy gasped and trembled. She’d never experienced anal sex, and she thought that she was going to split open as his knob repeatedly drove deep into the dank heat of her bowels. The delicate brown tissue of her anal ring rolled back and forth along his veined shaft as he fucked her, and she felt her copious juices of lust flood from her gaping vaginal entrance and stream down her inner thighs. This was perfect, she thought, hoping that John would arrive on time.
Gary growled his crude words, calling her a filthy tart, a dirty little arse-slut, a cum-loving whore. Mandy’s arousal soared as she listened to his running commentary on the crude arse-fucking, and her clitoris swelled and pulsated in the beginnings of her orgasm. Glancing at her watch, she grinned. Seven o’clock.
Don’t forget the French mustard
‘Here it comes,’ Gary cried, increasing the speed of his shafting rhythm as his spunk jetted from his throbbing knob.
‘Don’t stop,’ Mandy gasped, slipping her hand between the chair back and her hairless vulva and massaging her solid clitoris. ‘I’m … I’m coming.’
‘Filthy little arse-whore,’ Gary breathed, the sound of his lower stomach slapping Mandy’s naked buttocks resounding around the room. ‘A filthy little slut like you needs a damned good-arse fucking.’
‘Give it to me. Fuck my arse and spunk deep in my bowels.’
Writhing in the grip of her orgasm, Mandy felt Gary’s sperm lubricating her anal cylinder as he pistoned her tight rectum. Her clitoris pulsating wildly beneath her vibrating fingertips, the squelching sounds of illicit sex filling her ears, she shook uncontrollably as her orgasm peaked and rocked her young body. Two cocks, she thought, imagining a second rock-hard penis shafting the neglected sheath of her contracting vagina. Two cocks, three, four …
‘Fuck me,’ she gasped, her head resting on the armchair cushion, her long black hair veiling her flushed face. ‘Fuck my arse and fill me with spunk.’
‘Dirty little whore,’ Gary breathed, his swinging balls battering her swollen vaginal lips. ‘Filthy arse-fucking slut.’
Wondering whether her tight holes could accommodate two solid penises as her climax finally began
wane, Mandy realised that she was plunging deeper into a pit of depravity. Never had she dreamed that she’d be committing such a crude sexual act, never had she thought that she’d be screwing three different men in one day. But she knew that she couldn’t help herself as sperm streamed from her inflamed rectal duct and flowed in rivers down her inner thighs.
Finally hauling her trembling body upright as Gary slipped his deflating cock out of her sperm-brimming anal canal, Mandy clung to her lover for support as she swayed on her trembling legs. Her heart racing, her hands shaking, she felt dizzy in the aftermath of her incredible orgasm. Anal sex would have to be explored further, she mused, wondering why John hadn’t arrived. Although she believed that her plan had failed, she’d loved the sensations of a huge cock filling her rectal sheath to capacity.
‘I’ve seen enough,’ John said, standing in the doorway.
‘John,’ Mandy gasped. ‘I … I thought we said eight o’clock.’
‘What the hell …’ Gary began, grabbing his clothes and dressing hurriedly.
‘That sums you up,’ John said, pointing to Mandy’s lower stomach. ‘Slut, that’s just what you are. I’ve been here all the time, Mandy. I agree with that guy: you’re a filthy, dirty, spunk-loving, fucking slut.’
‘Now you know what it feels like to be cheated on,’ Mandy retorted. ‘Now you know how I felt when I discovered that you’d been screwing a slut behind my back.’
‘I thought we were putting all that behind us and starting again?’
starting again. I’m starting again with David when he calls later. I fucked you this morning, I’ve
fucked Gary, and I’ll fuck David later. Three beautiful cocks in one day. Well, two beautiful cocks, since I don’t count yours as anything special.’
‘Filthy slut,’ John breathed, walking to the front door.
‘ “Don’t forget the French mustard”,’ Mandy called.
‘What the hell was all that about?’ Gary asked as he finished dressing.
‘The game I told you about,’ Mandy replied, with a giggle. ‘Fuck the Slut.’
‘You knew that he’d turn up, didn’t you?’
‘Yes, that’s why—’
‘You could have told me, Mandy. Bloody hell, if I’d known that some guy was going to turn up …’
‘You wouldn’t have participated in my plan, would you? I’m sorry, Gary. I used you, and I’m sorry.’
‘Who was he?’
‘Just someone I knew a long time ago.’
‘And you’ve got some other guy turning up later?’
‘Yes, I have. I use men, Gary. I use them for pleasure and …’
‘Actually, I quite like being used,’ Gary said, grinning at her. ‘Especially if it means fucking your tight little bottom-hole. When did you first get into anal sex?’
‘Just now,’ she replied.
‘You mean I’m the first?’
‘Yes, and it was amazing. We must do it again, Gary.’
‘Definitely. What was that about French mustard?’
‘Nothing for you to worry about. Take your belt off.’
‘Your leather belt – take it off. You haven’t got to get back to your sweet little Jennifer yet, have you?’
‘Not just yet.’
‘Good. Take your belt off.’
Watching as Gary unbuckled his belt, Mandy felt a quiver run through her young womb. She might as well make an effort to catch up with Paula, she thought, recalling the girl’s words.
I love the feel of a leather belt across my bum
. Was she just trying to catch up with Paula? she wondered. Or did she harbour a latent genuine desire for the feel of a leather strap across the naked cheeks of her firm buttocks? What had started out as a game of one-upmanship was unearthing deep-seated desires. Retaking her position over the back of the armchair, she ordered Gary to whip her naked buttocks gently. She had to experience a gentle thrashing, she thought, imagining John returning and witnessing the degrading act. But she doubted that she’d ever see him again.
‘Are you sure about this?’ Gary asked Mandy, standing behind her with the leather belt swinging from his hand.
‘Just do it gently,’ she whispered.
‘OK, but you must tell me when you want me to stop.’
‘Just do it, Gary.’
The leather met her naked buttocks, jolting her young body, and she let out a rush of breath. The second lash was slightly harder, smearing the red lipstick and leaving a red stripe across the pale flesh of her bum cheeks. Lashing her tensed buttocks progressively harder, Gary was sure that she’d ask him to stop as she squirmed and yelped like a dog. But, as her pussy milk streamed down her inner thighs and her gasps became whimpers of pleasure, he knew that she was enjoying the experience. The belt swished through the air and landed across her tensed
with a loud crack, and he grinned as Mandy asked him to thrash her harder. Begging for more, she clung to the arms of the chair as he repeatedly lashed the reddening cheeks of her firm bottom.
Realising that David would see her glowing bum cheeks, Mandy wished that she hadn’t agreed to him coming round later that evening. She could hardly tell him that she’d been thrashed with a leather belt, she thought as a loud crack resounded around the room. David was special, and she didn’t want him to think of her as a common slut. Begging for more as Gary thrashed her harder, she knew that she was a slut. This had nothing to do with one-upmanship, this had nothing to do with Paula … Mandy had become a slut.
As a gush of hot urine streamed down her inner thighs and splashed on the floor, Mandy knew that she’d become hooked on thrashing. She recalled her father threatening to thrash her when she’d been young, but he’d only been joking. Had he spanked her, had she tasted the delights of a naked-buttock thrashing, she’d have been hooked years ago. Had she experienced anal sex in the past, she’d have become a slut long before. At least she was now discovering her darker side, she reflected as her clitoris swelled and demanded attention.
‘No more,’ she cried as her flow of urine stemmed.
‘You really are incredible,’ Gary said, lowering the belt to his side. ‘I wish you were my wife.’
‘No, you don’t,’ she gasped, hauling her trembling body upright. ‘I’d be screwing other men behind your back, and you wouldn’t like that.’
‘I’d watch you,’ he said, slipping his belt on. ‘I’d watch other men fuck you and—’
‘Would you like that?’ she cut in, cocking her head to one side.
‘Yes, I would. And I’d like to join in. I’ve heard about girls getting fucked by two cocks. It would be great, Mandy.’
‘I might be able to arrange that,’ she said huskily as Gary checked his watch.
‘I’ve never had two cocks, but it is something that I’ve been thinking about.’
‘Let me know when, and I’ll be here. Right, I’d better get going.’
‘I’ll ring you.’
‘You’re beautiful, Mandy.’
‘I’m a slut,’ she replied. ‘Go on, get out of here.’
‘OK, I’ll see you soon.’
As Gary left the room, Mandy grinned. The evening had been quite eventful, she reflected happily as the front door closed. She’d given John the shock of his life, experienced anal sex and a damned good thrashing … Grabbing the ringing phone, she was pleased, and a little worried, to hear David’s soft voice. Glancing at the wall clock, she knew that she was going to have to put him off as he asked her how she was.
‘I’m very tired,’ she replied. ‘I was wondering whether we could—’
‘I’m sorry to let you down,’ he cut in. ‘But I can’t make it this evening.’
‘Oh, right.’
‘I’m so sorry, Mandy. Something has cropped up and I have to deal with it. How about tomorrow?’
‘Yes, yes, that’s fine. As I said, I’m feeling very tired. An early night will do me good.’
‘You sleep well and I’ll ring you tomorrow.’
‘I will. Thanks, David.’
Replacing the receiver, Mandy breathed a sigh of relief. She needed a shower, the carpet had to be
, and she was feeling tired. Locking up, she climbed the stairs and slipped beneath her quilt. Her buttocks stinging, her thighs sticky with a blend of pussy milk, spunk and urine, she closed her eyes. She’d shower in the morning, she thought as sleep engulfed her. She’d shower, clean the carpet, straighten the lounge … and get fucked again.
note on the front doormat the following morning. It was from John.
Bitch, fucking slag, filthy slut, dirty whore
… Tossing it into the bin and filling the kettle, she giggled. Now he knew what it was like, she reflected, recalling the day he’d announced that he was leaving her for another woman. Now the bastard knew how she’d felt when he’d dumped her for a slut.
Taking her coffee into the lounge, she gazed at the wet carpet and grinned. The evening had been most enjoyable, she mused, dragging the armchair back into place. Thinking about having two men, two cocks, she felt her clitoris swell and her juices of desire seep into the tight crotch of her knickers. She needed to masturbate, but she had work to do. Her web-design business was looking good now and the last thing she wanted was to neglect her work. She was about to fill a bowl with soapy water and clean the carpet when the doorbell rang. Sighing as she walked through the hall, she reckoned that John had come round to have another go at her.
‘Paula,’ she gasped in surprise as she opened the front door. ‘No work today?’
‘I have work every day,’ the other girl replied, walking into the hall. ‘I’m the boss, so I’m going in late.’
‘Coffee?’ Mandy asked her, leading her into the kitchen.
‘No, I had one before I left home. Have you fixed anything up yet? With Gary and a friend, I mean.’
‘Oh, er … no, no, I haven’t.’
‘Have you mentioned it to Gary?’
‘Yes, and he … he doesn’t think that any of his friends would be up for it. Blind dates are a thing of the past, Paula. Can’t you bring one of your men friends along one evening?’
‘I suppose so, but … I like the excitement of meeting someone new.’
‘I’ll ask Gary again, but I don’t hold out much hope. Why don’t we go out on the pull one night? Just the two of us, Paula.’
‘I’d like that, but you’re always so busy,’ she sighed. ‘What are you doing this evening?’
‘Oh, er … I’m seeing David this evening. You know what it’s like with several men on the go. I never seem to have a free evening.’
Paula cocked her head to one side and frowned. ‘How many men
you got, Mandy?’
‘I don’t know,’ she replied, laughing softly. ‘I’ve lost count.’
‘Could I come round one evening? When you’re free, I mean.’
‘Yes, yes, of course. We’ll have a girlie evening and …’
‘Talking of girlie evenings, have you ever had lesbian sex?’
‘Well, I …’ Mandy stammered.
‘There’s nothing like a change. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a lesbian. But I do enjoy a wet pussy now and then.’
‘Yes, I have had lesbian relationships,’ Mandy lied, hoping that Paula wasn’t going to suggest that the two of them should have sex.
‘I know a young lesbian. She’s eighteen and really attractive. If you’re into girls, you’ll have to meet her.’
‘Well, I … as I said, I’m pretty busy most evenings.’
‘You must meet this girl,’ Paula persisted. ‘She’s tall and slim with long blonde hair and she is
horny. She shaves and her pussy is so smooth and tight and …’