Read Weekend Fling Online

Authors: Reana Malori

Weekend Fling (4 page)

BOOK: Weekend Fling
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“I think we’ll call it a night as well. I’m just here for the weekend, so Jack and I need to catch up a bit more.” He leaned closer to her and placed his hands on the hood of her car, effectively trapping her in the circle of his arms.


“Well, I hope you have fun with your friend this weekend.” Kara didn’t want to do something stupid like lean forward and kiss him. Trying to force her body to remain where it was, she really needed him to back away from her before she lost what little sense she had left.


“Can I see you again? I’d really like to take you to dinner tomorrow night.”


“I don’t know. Is that such a good idea?” Kara felt the sexual tension between them, and it was stifling. The attraction between them was so thick she could cut it with a knife.


“Oh yeah, I definitely think it’s a good idea.” He lowered his head and captured her lips in a kiss that curled her toes. His lips were so soft, but they were firm at the same time. His tongue slipped into her mouth, and she couldn’t help but suck it in deeper and kiss him with all she had. His kisses were intoxicating, and she didn’t want to stop.


Kara wrapped her hands around his neck and stood on her toes to get closer to him. Needing more of him, she continued to deepen the kiss and press her body closer to his. She wanted to take more control of the kiss, but somehow knew he wouldn’t release that control over to her. As if he read her mind, his hands grabbed her ass and pulled her up even closer to his growing erection.


She could feel his arousal and knew that she would enjoy every minute of having him in her bed. Now the trick was to get him there. His clothes hid his true size and length, but she could tell he had plenty to offer and she would not be disappointed in the slightest.


Kara continued kissing
as if she could swallow him whole when he suddenly lifted her leg and wrapped it around his hip. It seemed as if he was trying to drive her out of her mind when he then dipped his hips and pressed up against her sex.


Oh shit! Hell yeah! This motherfucker had it going on. Damn, her pussy was dripping wet, and they weren’t even in a bed yet.


Wait. They weren’t in bed, but they were in a fucking parking lot. Oh, hell no! She’d gone and lost her damn mind. “
, no more. We need to stop now. Put me down.” She could tell he didn’t want to since he did so reluctantly. Just to add insult to injury, he slid her down his body slow enough that she felt his desire for her through his clothing. They were both breathing heavily and needed time to calm down or else they would give the patrons in the parking lot a little extra something to write home about.
pressed his forehead to hers while their heartbeats slowed down to a normal pace.


“Dinner tomorrow?” He pulled back to look at her, and she saw the determination in his eyes. She knew saying yes was her only option.


“Okay. Let me give you my number. Call me tomorrow, and we’ll finalize our plans.”


“Damn right we will. As a matter of fact, tell me why you aren’t riding with your friends?”


“We live too far apart. It’s just easier when I take my own car.” She pulled out a blank piece of paper, wrote down her cell phone number, and handed it to him.


“I’d like to make sure you get home safe. Jack and I rode together tonight, and I’d like us to follow you home. I promise we’re trustworthy. I’ll give you my name, number, and commanding officer’s name, and you can give it to your friends. They’ll have all my pertinent information, just in case.”


Kara wasn’t sure whether or not to trust him, but she thought,
Oh, what the hell? Why not?
She handed him another piece of paper, waited while he wrote his information down, and then ran to Lisa’s car and leaned in the window. Jack was now making his way back over to
, so she could speak freely.


wants to follow me home to make sure I get there safe. Here’s his contact information. He wanted you to have this so that I would feel safe about him and Jack escorting me.”


“Are you sure about this, Kara? We saw you getting hot and heavy with him by your car. You never do anything like that. He must have really affected you.” Heather was all seriousness now that the night was over and reality was back in place.


“Yeah, I think I am. Plus, you have all of his information, including his commanding officer’s name. As a matter of fact, you should take down his car license plate while you’re at it.” She gave in to the urge to tell her friends everything. “Plus, he’s asked me out to dinner tomorrow, and I really want to go.”


Lisa grinned at her, showing off a dimple in her left cheek. “Okay, chickadee, you can go out to play this one time. When we meet for lunch tomorrow, we’ll set up our game plan for tomorrow night. Rules are rules, so don’t try to change the game now.” Lisa gave Heather a sideways glance, and Kara knew the Spanish Inquisition was headed her way tomorrow. “Anyway, go on back to that fine hunk of a man, and let him make sure you’re all safe and shit. Same place and time tomorrow, so we’ll see you there. Bye!”


As her friends drove off, Kara turned to look at
and grinned. She was going to have fun with this. He may be too sexy for her peace of mind, but he obviously was attracted to her. Walking back to her car, she wondered just how far she was willing to go to add a little spice in her life.


Chapter Four


Kara put on the finishing touches of her makeup and glanced at the picture she made. Yeah, she knew she looked good. Although she never doubted her attractiveness, she admitted that she always was the serious one of the bunch who didn’t usually do anything fun and spontaneous. As a result, her romantic options were usually pretty limited.


Even her parents had mentioned that she was such a good girl and always did what she was told. If only they knew.


Kara had cut up something fierce in school, and she hoped that half the things she’d done would never be discovered by her parents. While she had stayed a virgin until her junior year in college, there was enough heavy petting in high school to know that she’d come as close as she could without getting to the finish line. Her momma was as tough as they come, and she wasn’t trying to deal with Mrs. Sharon Thomas, PhD, thank you very much. So those stories about her high school years were going to stay buried. Punishment was not fun, especially at thirty-two years old.


Now that she was out on her own and her parents were still in
, her girls were her extended family. Thinking back to her lunch with Lisa and Heather, Kara had to laugh at the grilling they gave her.


“Okay, girl, so what happened when you got home?”


“Nothing.” Kara answered with a sly smile.


“Nope, I don’t believe it.” Heather, for all her craziness, was a damn shrewd attorney. “Something happened. You’re just not telling. Now spill it.”


“Okay, nothing ‘really’ happened. He just walked me to my door and kissed me goodnight.” Kara sighed when thinking about the kiss. The kiss had curled her toes, and she hadn’t wanted to let him leave.


It was now Lisa’s turn. “That’s it? No wrap-your-legs-around-his-hips-and-slam-you-up-against-the-wall action?”


“No, it was all quite appropriate and very sweet. But, if truth be told, damn, that man can kiss! I can’t wait until tonight.”


“Speaking of tonight . . .” Lisa pulled out a small notepad from her purse and began looking at some notes. “We need to know the details. Where are you going, what time will you be leaving, and what time are you planning to be back at home? Oh, and the most important question—”


At this, Heather broke in. “Yeah, how many condoms you got?” Their raucous laughter was contagious, and Kara couldn’t help but join in. Of course, she gave them the information they were looking for, and they moved on to other topics.


Coming back to the present, Kara shook her head as the doorbell rang. Suddenly she was nervous to see him, and she didn’t know why. She was a strong, confident woman, and going out on a date with a man was nothing new to her. Which meant her sweaty palms would simply not do at all. Not tonight anyway. Bracing herself to answer the door, she grabbed her shawl and made her way down the stairs.


* * * *


was eager as hell for this night to begin. The taste of her lips lingered, and he swore he could still taste her. He couldn’t get her out of his mind all day, and he’d been daydreaming about the possibilities of tonight’s date since he woke up this morning in his lonely hotel room.


At first he was somewhat concerned that he had moved too fast for her last night. When he’d called her to confirm their date tonight, she hadn’t answered, and he’d been forced to leave a message. When she returned his call to let him know she would be ready at seven o’clock, a smile came to his face, and it didn’t leave for the rest of the day.


Arriving to her house fifteen minutes early, he waited outside in his car, not wanting to appear too eager. He wasn’t ringing her doorbell until the agreed upon time. He had a momma, and he knew what she was like when people arrived and she wasn’t ready. When Kara opened the door, he thanked his heavenly maker for allowing him to spend time with this vision of loveliness. She was absolutely beautiful, and she was going to be with him tonight. He was damn proud to be the man on her arm.


He noticed that she had on a pair of black high-heeled sandals that showed her red-painted toes. Black slacks that flared at the bottom encased her legs, while an emerald green wraparound blouse that reached just to the top of her waist contrasted beautifully with her skin. Her hair was in an intricate topknot that displayed her lovely neck to his gaze, and she finished off her look with emerald teardrop earrings and a necklace of the same design.


The irony was not lost on
that her blouse matched the color of his eyes. He wasn’t sure if she did this unconsciously or not, but it confirmed for him what he had been thinking all along. This woman was made just for him.


“You look beautiful. Are you ready to go?”


“Thank you. You look pretty handsome yourself, but I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that.” She turned to close the door, and
took that second to take a deep breath. It was going to be a long night.

BOOK: Weekend Fling
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